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通州区金郊初中“导学式”高效课堂七年级英语导学案 2013/3/11七年级 (下) Unit3 Reading (1) 主备人:秦志云 审核人: 导学目标:1.掌握本课中的四会词汇、重点短语和句型。 2.了解文章大意。导学过程:【复习导入】 Free talk 1.If your friends come to visit you,what are you going to do with them? 2. Where will you take them?【自主学习】 1.中英文互译,并大声朗读。 1)安静的_2) 空气_ 3)新鲜的_ 4)本地的_ 5)jogging_ 6)地铁_ 7)出名的_8)西方的_ 9)opera_ 10) 戏院_ 11) 错过_12) look farward to _13) 很快_ 2.试着从课本中找出下列短语和句子,并弄清其含义。 1) There are lots of things to do._2) stay in a quiet town _ 3) be far from_4)It takes only 40 minutes by underground._ 5) why not visit our local theatre?_ 7) learn more about Chinese art _ 8) Dont miss the opera shows._9) look forward to meeting you_ 10) Whats the food like there? _ 3完成课文第33页,B1【合作探究】1. 阅读课本第20页,回答问题 1)What can we do in the Sunshine Town? _2) What is Sunhine Town like? _2. 阅读课本完成第34页B3 3. 阅读课本,小组讨论完成课本第33页B2。4阅读课本,小组讨论完成课本第33页B4。【精讲点拨】 It takes only 40 minutes by underground. It takes sb. some time to do sth. - 某人花费一些时间做某事 sb. spend(s) some time (in) doing sth. - 某人花费一些时间做某事 = sb. spend(s) some time on sth.1.你每天早晨乘地铁去上班吗?_ you _ to work _ _ every morning?2.他每天花20分钟骑自行车去上学。It _ _20 minutes _ _ _ _ _bike every day.(同义句) He _ 20 minutes in _ _ _ _bike every day.3. 他打算花2个小时做作业。 He _ _ _ _ 2 hours _/_ his homework.【自主评价】一 翻译短语待在一个安静的镇上_ 为你的家人买精美的礼物_新鲜空气_ 绿山_在镇中心_ 喜欢在公园里慢跑_ 离-远_ 著名_ 乘地铁_ 欣赏京剧_ 错过京剧表演_ 了解更多关于中国艺术_欢迎来到我们镇_ 期待见到你_二词汇填空1、Most of _(they)like listening to music.2、Are there any _(west)restaurants in your town .3、Jay Zhou is f_ for his songs .Young people all like him .4、You should get up early ,or you may m_ the bus.5、Would you like _(try) this new coffee?6、I have no time _(visit)the Great Wall.7. Keep q_. My father is sleeping .8. We should eat more _(新鲜的) vegetables.9. We look forward to _ (enjoy) Beijing opera.10. Why not _ (try) Beijing Duck .三选择题( )1.-Whats in the box ? -_. A.Not B. No C. Nothing D.No one( ) 2.It takes us about_ hour to go to Xuzhou by _underground.A. an; / B. a; / C. an; a D.a; an( ) 3.The girl _ the toys_this. A. like;like B. likes;likes C. likes;like D. like;likes( ) 4.It _ me ten minutes to walk to school. A.pays B. spends C.costs D.takes( ) 5. China is _Japan and Russia. A.near to B.close to C. far from D.next ( ) 6. _Beijing Duck do you want? A. How much B.How many C.What D.How( ) 7. There sweater isnt_ . Its_. A.yours; his B. yours; hers C. mine; her D.his; my( )8、_ go out for a walk ? A How about B Let C Why not D What about ( )9、-Here are all kinds of apples ._do you want ? -About ten kilos . A How B What C How much D How many ( )10、Who _ you to school every day ? A take B to take C will take D takes 三、用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Where they (know) each other last year?2.When you (be born)?I (be born)in 1988.3.Its 12 oclock. The Smiths (have) lunch.4.Wheres Jack? He (be) in the reading room. He (talk) with his friends.5.Who (sing) best in your class? I think Lucy (do).6.Can you dance? No, I cant. But Mary (dance) well.7.There (be) an exhbition at Beijing Zoo Tomorrow.What time we (start) tomorrow morning?8.We (be) there at 9 a.m. tomorrow.9. What about _(drink) some milk?10.There are lots of things _(do) in my school.11Why not _(learn) more about the history?12. We are looking forward to _(have) a party.13. It takes 20 minutes _(walk ) to the school.四根据要求改写下列句子。1.It takes me half an hour to go to school.(对话线部分提问) _ _ _it take you to get to school?2. Hed like to go shopping after school today.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _like to go shopping after school today?3.Its only 40 minutes from the city centre by underground.(同义句)It only_40 minutes _ _ to the city centre by underground.4.Mum goes to work by bike every day. (同义句) Mum _ _ bike to _every day.5.Why dont you have a rest? (同义句)_ _ having a rest?五 完形填空Bill likes football very much,and he often 1 to watch matches in our town on 2 .He doesnt go to the best seats, 33 they are very 4 .There was a big 5 match in our town last Sunday.6 it was very cold and cloudy,but then the sun was 7,and it was very hot.There were a lot of people on benches (长凳) 8 Bill at the match. Bill was on one bench,and there was a fat man on a bench 9 him. At first the fat man was cold,10 then he was very hot. He took his coat 11 and put it in front of him,but it 12 on Bills head. Bill was not angry. He took the coat 13 his head,looked at it and then laughed and 14 ,“Thank you.but 15 are the trousers?”1. A. goesB. likesC. seesD. watches2. A. FridaysB. MondaysC. SundaysD. Tuesdays3. A. becauseB. butC. ifD. so4. A. cheapB. dearC. nearD. nice5 A. basketballB. footballC. reading D. riding6. A. At the timeB. At firstC. FirstD. Then7. A. cold B. roundC. shiningD. yellow8. A. behindB. in front ofC. nearD. round9. A. beforeB. behindC. byD. over10. A. andB. butC. forD. so11. A. awayB. ofC. offD. on12. A. fellB. heldC. keptD. put13. A. awayB. fromC. offD. on14. A. answeredB. askedC. saidD. spoke15. A. how B. when C . where D. Whose六、根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词完成对话A:Youre going on a trip to Beijing,right?B:Yes. We will fly to Beijing for a four-day trip.A:It must be fun. When will you l 1 ?B:We will fly to Beijing t 2 morning.A:Whats your plan for the trip?B:Oh,we have a lot of p 68 to go and we will go to the P 3 Museum first.A:Are you going to the Great Wall?B:Yes. We will go there on the second day of our trip. We will enjoy a f 4 day there.A:Thats great. What about the t 5 day?B:We will go to Laoshe Tea House on the third day. We want to enjoy Beijing o 6 there.A:That s 7 wonderful. W 8 else are you going?B:We plan to go s 9 in Wangfujing Street,too. I shall buy some works of art as souvenirs.A:Thats a good plan.5


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