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五年级新概念英语下学期语法填空难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图填空,完成句子。1.I like_best.2.Chen Jie likes winter best. Because she can_.3.The second season in a year is_.4.I like_. I can pick apples.5.I often_in summer in the lake.2. 按要求写词。birthday(复数)_ one(序数词)_eleven(序数词)_ eighth(基数词)_game(复数)_ noodle(复数)_dinner(同义词)_ also(同义词)_have a great time(同义词)_ game(复数)_3. 语法填空。1Kitty_(help)her mother clean the house.2Are you afraid of_(swim)?No, Im not.3Mike is good at_(play)football.4I want to_(fly)a plane in a sky.5Sunday is the_(one) day of a week.6I have two good_(friend). They are Mary and Sally.7Listen! My sister is_(sing) a song in her bedroom.8Peter usually_(visit) his grandparents every Sunday.9_do you come to school? By bike.4. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1have 2read3dance 4draw5talk5. 按要求写词。1Cinderella(所有格)_2happy(反义词)_3dont(完整形式)_4shoe(复数)_5before(反义词)_6. 根据中文提示补全句子。1I usually play outdoors with my friends_(在周日).2I_(等不及看) to see this film.3Mothers birthday is on_(3月2日).4They are going to go_(爬山) tomorrow.5My family will_(乘飞机回来) after the holiday.7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1When is your_(mother) birthday?2Fathers Day is on the_(three) Sunday of June.3There_(be) twelve months in a year.4I will make a birthday cake for_(she).5Chinese_(noodles) are delicious.8. 根据答句写问句。1?I usually go to bed at 9:00 pm.2?Yes, they go for a walk every day.3?I eat lunch at 12:20.4?I play sports after school.5?They often clean the room on Sundays.9. 根据图片提示,选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。play football fly a kite many books do Tai Chi on ones way to1Lily and Lucy are_school.2Some old men are_in the park.3I have_on my desk.4A girl is_.5They are_.10. 写出下列数字的序数词形式。1three 2five3two 4four5one 6twelve7twenty 8thirty9twenty-one 10thirty-three11. 按要求写词。smell (第三人称单数)_ tomato (复数)_child (复数)_ dont (完整形式)_potato (复数)_ cook (现在分词)_wash (第三人称单数)_ can (否定形式)_catch (第三人称单数)_ vegetable (复数)_12. 根据图片提示,选出合适的单词。 He is_(tall; fat). He is_(fat; funny). He is_(smart; kind). Shes_(beautiful; active). He looks_(friendly; serious).13. 根据实际情况回答问题。1Is there a short cut to your school?2How long do you need to go to school?3How does your mother go to work?4Can you hand in the homework on time every day?14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1They like_(climb) mountains at the Double Ninth Festival.2_(be) there any_(flower) in the vase?3What do you want_(do) at the Spring Festival?4Childrens Day_(come) after May Day.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Whats wrong with_(he)?2You_(should) eat too many sweets.3Are you taking_(some) medicine?4You should brush your_(tooth) before bedtime.5Why_(do) Mike go to see the dentist?6Lets_(play) and join them.7_(not) open your mouth.8He often_(do) housework at home.9Lisa_(not do) her homework by herself.10He_(go) to_(see) the dentist.16. 看图选择合适的单词或短语完成句子,将序号填入括号内。A. playing B. Whos C. play D. talk E. Whose1I will _ the pipa for my mum on Mothers Day.(_)2_ storybooks are these?(_)Theyre Sarahs.3When were in the library, we should _ quietly.(_)4_ your music teacher ?(_)Mr Wang.5Look! The dogs are _ with each other.(_)17. 看图补全句子。1Which season do you like best?I like_best.2Is it sunny?_, it_.3I can_in_.4_is pretty. There are many flowers.18. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1There are many_(hill) near the lake.2You can see a big_(build) in my school.3Are there any_(fish) in the river?4Lets go_(boat).5Are there any pandas in the nature park?No, there_(are).19. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I usually_(go) to school by bike, but he_(come) to school by taxi.2He_(try) on his best to_(open) the car, but he cant open it.3My grandmother_(carry) some grapes for me.4Nancy is so busy, she_(sweep) the floor and_(clean) the table.5Liu Tao_(live) with his parents.6He plays basketball_(good).7Sam likes_(ride).8I often help_(she).9Mike sometimes_(show) his new shoes to the twins.10They want_(fly) kites at weekends.6 / 6


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