跨文化交际黑龙江大学崔常亮老师chapterCommunication and International CommunicationPPT课件

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跨文化交际黑龙江大学崔常亮老师chapterCommunication and International CommunicationPPT课件_第1页
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跨文化交际黑龙江大学崔常亮老师chapterCommunication and International CommunicationPPT课件_第2页
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跨文化交际黑龙江大学崔常亮老师chapterCommunication and International CommunicationPPT课件_第3页
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An idiomHuman beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart. Confucius第1页/共46页Learning objectives:Chapter 3 Communication1. To know different definitions and components of communication2. To identify the characteristics of communication3. To know the relationship between culture and communication4. To know the definition and the four forms of intercultural communication.第2页/共46页Chapter OutlineCommunication and Intercultural CommunicationCommunicationCulture and CommunicationIntercultural CommunicationCommunication DefinedComponents of CommunicationIntercultural Communication DefinedForms of Intercultural CommunicationCharacteristics of CommunicationDynamicSystemicSymbolicIrreversibleTransactionalSelf-reflectiveContextual第3页/共46页Part IBackground & Lead-in(10 mins)第4页/共46页Lead-in Case: She Has Three HandsI. Read the case and retell the story. 1. a Chinese doctor, a patient and a physiotherapist2. “Who took my peanut butter?”3. The Chinese woman felt accused.4. The patient felt pain and cried “ouch!”第5页/共46页 “Oh, I didnt do that,” said the physiotherapist. “It was that doctor over there,” and he pointed to the Chinese woman. “How could she have done it since shes on the other side of the room?” the patient pointed out. “Ah, she has three hands.” the physiotherapist replied. angry第6页/共46页Part IIBody (40min-50min)第7页/共46页1.The definition of communication 2.Components of communication Chapter 3 CommunicationText A Communication第8页/共46页COMMUNICATION. Communication is derived from the Latin word communicare, meaning to share with or to make common, so when we communicate we share our thoughts, hopes, and knowledge with others. 第9页/共46页Western Perspective of communication Eastern perspective of communication 1.The definition of communication Chapter 3 Communication第10页/共46页Western Perspective of communication(西方人的观点) In western cultures, communication is studied as the means of transmitting ideas. Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation of others to achieve ones personal goal. Chapter 3 Communication第11页/共46页Eastern perspective of communication (东方人的观点) Definitions of communication from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. Eastern cultures understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship.Chapter 3 Communication第12页/共46页2. Components of communication A sender/source is the person who transmits a message. A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver. Encoding refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. Chapter 3 CommunicationEncoding (编码)Channel /Medium (渠道)Channel/Medium is the method used to deliver a message. Message (信息)Sender/Source (信息源)第13页/共46页Decoding (解码)Decoding is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.Receiver (信息接收者)A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message.Feedback (反馈)The response of a receiver to a senders message is called feedback. Noise (干扰)Noise is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise ,physiological noise, psychological noise and semantic noise. Noise is inevitable.第14页/共46页(1)External Noise Sounds that distract communicators: voices in the next room; annoying ring of someones cell phone in a meeting; etc.Other types of external noise that dont involve sound:an overcrowded room or a smelly cigar (2) Physiological Noise illnesses and disabilities(3) Psychological Noiseforces with the sender or receiver that interfere with understanding: egotism; hostility; preoccupation; fear; etc.(4) Semantic Noisecaused by using different languages; the use of jargon;different understanding of the message delivered; etc.第15页/共46页THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS第16页/共46页Class activity Chapter 3 Communication Picture AnalysisWhat are the components of communication reflected in the following picture?第17页/共46页Text B Characteristics of Communication 第18页/共46页Pre-reading Task:Teacher: Who can guess what it is a small animal with four legs that people often keep as a pet and can catch mice easily?第19页/共46页Communication is dynamic(动态的)Communication is an ongoing activity. It is not fixed. A word or action does not stay frozen when you communicate; it is immediately replaced with yet another word or action. 第20页/共46页b. Communication is systematic (系统性的)Communication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a larger system. We send and receive messages not in isolation, but in a specific setting. Setting and environment help determine the words and actions we generate. Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all adapted to context. 第21页/共46页c. Communication is symbolic (符号性的) Symbols are central to the communication process because they represent the shared meanings that are communicated. A symbol is a word, action, or object that stands for or represents a unit of meaning. Peoples behaviors are frequently interpreted symbolically, as an external representation of feelings, emotions, and internal states. 第22页/共46页d. Communication is irreversible (不可逆转(不可逆转的)的) Communication is an irreversible process. We can never undo what has already been done. Although we may try to qualify, negate, or somehow reduce the effects of our message, once it has been sent and received, the message itself cannot be reversed.第23页/共46页e. Communication is transactional (交互交互式的式的)A transactional view holds that communicators are simultaneously sending and receiving messages at every instant that they are involved in conversations. 第24页/共46页f. Communication is self-reflective(自省的) Human beings have a unique ability to think about themselves, to watch how they define the world, and to reflect on their past, present, and future. 第25页/共46页g. Communication is contextual (情境的情境的)All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. By context, we mean the place where people meet, the social purpose for being together, and the nature of the relationship. Thus the context includes the physical, social, and interpersonal settings.第26页/共46页第27页/共46页ACTIVITY:GESTURES / FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE DETERMINED BY CULTURE第28页/共46页CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION The relationship between communication and culture:Communication and culture are two synonymous terms and they are inseparable. Culture is learned, acted out, transmitted, and preserved through communication. Culture inherently contain communication systems.第29页/共46页The relationship between culture and communication is compared to the relationship between a map and a journey. How do you understand and interpret this simile?Answer: Cultures are both the maps of a place (the rules and conventions) and the journeys that take place there (actual practices).第30页/共46页 The way culture affects communication style: Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols, but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. C o m m u n i c a t i o n s t y l e s i n c l u d e mannerisms, phrases, rituals and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. Areas like loudness, pitch , rate,and certain stances and gestures characterize communication behaviors. A specific culture expects an “ideal” communication style.第31页/共46页Intercultural communication definedText DIntercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 第32页/共46页Forms of Intercultural communicationa. International Communication(国际交流)b. Interethnic Communication (跨种族交际)c. Interracial Communication (跨民族交际)d. intracultural Communication (文化内交际)第33页/共46页International communication (国际交流)International communication takes place between Nations and governments rather than individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized(仪式化) .United Nations Conference第34页/共46页Interracial communication 跨种族交际Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. 第35页/共46页Interethnic communication (跨民族交际)Interethnic communication refers to communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds.第36页/共46页第37页/共46页Intracultural communication 文化内交际It is defined as communication between or among members of the same culture. 第38页/共46页Part IIITask (at least 10 min)第39页/共46页Please match Column A with Column B.Column A Column B 1. external noiseA. speaking grammar that the decoder can not understand2. physiological noiseB. nervousness about a public speech 3. psychological noise C. a serious cold 4. semantic noise D. a person speaking over the phone loudly 第40页/共46页Components of CommunicationsenderencodingcontextreceiverdecodingfeedbackchanelmessagenoiseWhat are the components of communication?第41页/共46页Case-analysis: Why Dont You Eat The Pizza? Read the Case and analyze it. 1. Kenneth, an American student. 2. Vernon, a Malaysian student. 3. They have dinner together and ordered pizza. 4. Kenneth tore the pizza into pieces and handed to Vernon with his left hand. 5. Vernon didnt eat it and refuse to explain why. 6. They kept silent and eat without conversation.第42页/共46页Analysis: This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. In Malaysia, where most people are Muslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and can not be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American student puts himself in an embarrassing situation.第43页/共46页3. Preview Chapter 31. Read Case 12 on P. 57 , Case 14 on p. 61 and the summary on p. 61. 2. Finish the Checklist on p. 58.第44页/共46页第45页/共46页感谢您的观看!第46页/共46页


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