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有些问题,答案只有Yes或No,以下是一些例子。原来句子 I am a boy. He has a car. I gave him three books. He cannot work. He has not seen me. They like your novel. The sun sets in the west. They are good teachers. He will not go to a concert tonight. He is going to swim. They must eat vegetables. They have to go. I walked two kilometers yesterday. It is raining now.问句 Am I a boy? Does he have a car? Did I give him three books? Can he work? Has he seen me? Do They like your novel? Does the sunset in the west? Are they good teachers? Will he go to a concert tonight? Is he going to swim? Must they eat vegetables? Do they have to go? Did I walk two kilometers yesterday? Is it raining now?根据以上的例子,我们可以归纳乘以下的规则:(1)凡动词是verb to be的,变成问句时,动词移到主词前面去。例子:原来句子 You are a girl. He was a teacher. They were all old. This song is beautiful. Peter is a good student.问句 Are you a girl? Was he a teacher? Were they all old? Is this song beautiful? Is Peter a good student?(2)动词不是verb to be,也没有助动词,改成问句时,必须加助动词do或他的变形,这个助动词必须在主词的前面。例子:原来句子 I like music. He likes sports. Peter went to America. He ate three apples last night. Her mother calls her every week.问句 Do I like music? Does he like sports? Did Peter go to America? Did he eat three apples last night? Does her mother call her every week?(3)句子中间如已有助动词,改成问句时,只要将助动词移到主动词前面即可。例子:原来句子 He did not eat. He has gone to America. She can dance. I will see you tonight. They are going to Washington.问句 Did he eat? Has he gone to America? Can she dance? Will I see you tonight? Are they going to Washington?我们的问句中,当然也可已有否定的意义,比方说,我们可以问: 你不喜欢音乐吗? 他不是你的弟弟吗? 你从未见过他? 英文句子也可以如此,例如: Dont you like music? Doesnt he play piano? Arent you his brother? Isnt he a good student? Didnt he go to school? Hasnt he lived here? Wont he leave tomorrow?注意,这时not通常和动词连在一起了。 有一件事,是我们中国人必须注意的,假如有人问你: 你不喜欢音乐吗? 而你本人的确也不喜欢音乐,你会回答说: 是,我不喜欢音乐。 也就是说,我们中国人的回答是顺着问句的。问句说你不喜欢,我们同意他的说法,所以前面加一个是。假设我喜欢音乐,我会回答说: 不,我喜欢音乐。 可是,英文正好相反,英文的yes和no,与问句的问法无关,而对应了回答的事实。举例来说,我们的问句也许是: Dont you like music? 你如不喜欢音乐就回答说: No, I dont like music. 你如喜欢音乐,就回答说: Yes, I like music. 再举一例,有人问: Isnt he Chinese? 他是中国人就回答: Yes, he is. 他如不是,就回答: No, he isnt.反正,英文的yes和no,都和答案的事实对应,而与如何问无关。更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训


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