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高一英语语法复习第一模块:被动态必修2 Unit2(一般将来时被动态)必修2 Unit3(现在完成时被动态)必修2 Unit4(现在进行时被动态)+ 必修1 Unit3(现在进行时表将来)所有时态的被动态都需注意: 1. 介词短语不能省略(eg. take care ofbe taken care of: of不能省) 2. 一些特殊动词无被动态(eg. wash, sell, write, open, cut等及感官动词: sound, taste, smell, feel, look等)(一) 必修2-Unit2 一般将来时被动态 用法:发生在将来的事标志词:tomorrow, next day/month/year等表将来的词方法:dobe done (be不能换成am/is/are)结构: will/shall dowill/shall be done (过去时:would/should be done)am/is/are going to doam/is/are going to be done (过去时:was/were going to be done)am/is/are about to doam/is/are about to be done (过去时:was/were about to be done)am/is/are to doam/is/are to be done (过去时:was/were to be done)例子:A new hospital will be built next year.(二) 必修2-Unit 3 现在完成时被动态用法:动作从过去持续到现在,或已经结束但对现在有影响标志词:since, already, yet, for+一段时间, so far, by now.(注意: 句子里出现具体的过去时间,就不能用完成时!)方法:donebeen done结构:has/have donehas/have been done (过去时:had been done)例子:This problem has been discussed(讨论) for two weeks.(三)Unit 4 现在进行时被动态用法:现在正在进行的事标志词:now方法:doingbeing done结构:am/is/are doingam/is/are+being done (过去时:was/were being done)例子:A new hospital is being built now. (四) 必修1 -Unit3 现在进行时表将来结构:am/is/are+V-ing (was/were V-ing)标志词:移动性V(come/go/leave/arrive,等)+短暂性V (get/start/begin,等)只有这两种动词可以用V-ing的形式表将来。例子:Im leaving tomorrow. / He is coming back this Sunday. How are getting there?(你怎么去那里?)第二模块:定语从句必修1 Unit4 /Unit5 + 必修2 Unit1/Unit5定语从句结构:先行词+关系词+定语从句。 例:The girl who is singing there is my girlfriend. 那边唱歌的那个女孩是我女朋友。 先行词:the girl; 关系词:who; 定语从句:is singing there(一) 关系代词who/whom/which/that/whose (必修1-Unit4)先行词是人时用:who/whom/that 主语who/that (一般用who) 宾语whom/that/who (一般用whom)例子:The girl who is singing there is my girlfriend. 先行词是物时用:which/that例子:This is the factory which/that we visited last year.注意1只能用that不用which的情况:先行词前有下列词出现时只能用that序数词(the first等) 特指(the only/the very) 先行词同时有人和物 “第一个最好的特指人物吗?不一定,有疑问。” 在who/which问句中形容词最高级(the best等) 不定代词(something/nothing/anything/all等表不确定数量) 注意2只能用which不用that:1) 有介词时,介词+which (介词只能与which/whom连用)2) 在非限定定语从句(有逗号的定语从句)3) 先行词为that/those时:Whats that which is floating on the river? 先行词为“某人的”“某物的”用:whose 例子:The girl whose coat is red called Mary. We are using the book whose title is Top English as our exercise book.(二) 关系副词 where/when/why (必修1-Unit5)先行词为地点:where (=at/in/on等介词+which)例:I will never forget the village where I spent my childhood.先行词为时间:when (=at/in/on/during等介词+which) 例:I still remembered the time when I became a senior school student.先行词为原因(reason):why (=for which) 例:The reason why he was late is that he missed the first bus.注意:有时先行词虽然表示地点或时间,但不用where/when而是which/that例:Ill never forget the village that we visited last year. 此处先行词the village(村庄)表示地点,因为后面的从句we visited(我们访问)缺少宾语(访问的对象),所以用that.例:The reason which/that he made up was hard to accept.从句he made up(他编造)缺宾语。此类题目解题诀窍:看从句有没缺少主语或宾语,有缺用which/that,不缺where/why.(三)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句 (必修2-Unit1)区别:1)有逗号非限制性定从(一定不能用that) 无逗号限制性定从 2)限制性定从先行词只能为一个词 非限制性定从先行词可为一个词或一个句子(先行词为一个句子时,用which/as, 句首时用as) 特别考点:1)非限制性定从(有逗号的)不用that; 2)只能用that; 3)只能用which; 4)where/when和which/that; 4)选关系代词时,一般要排除有it的选项。第三模块:直接引语与间接引语必修1-Unit1 + 必修1-Unit2区别:直接引语指直接引用别人说的话,有引号“” 间接引语指用自己的话转述别人的话,没有引号。考点:将直接引语改成间接引语规则:(一) 人称要变:一随主,二随宾,三不变。例:He said, “Im sorry.” He said that he was sorry. (Ihe) He asked me, “Dou you like me?” He asked me if I like him. (youI, mehim)(二) 时态要变:变成“过去时”例:He said, “Im sorry.” He said that he was sorry. (I amhe was)注意:时态不需变化的4种情况:(1)主句谓V为现在时或将来时;(2)所说的内容为客观真理;(3)所说内容有情态V(must,need,should,had better,could等); (4) 有具体的时间点(例:at 7:30 pm.)(三) 句子结构变化1) 陈述句:+that(或省略)例:He said, “Im sorry.” He said that he was sorry. 2) 一般疑问句:+if/whether(句子改成陈述语气)结构:ask sb if/whether+例:He asked me, “Dou you like me?” He asked me if/whether I liked him. 3) 特殊疑问句(wh-或how开头的问句)结构:ask+wh-/how+陈述语气的句子例:The boy asked me, “What are you doing?” The boy asked what I was doing.4) 祈使句:do to do (suggest例外: suggest doing sth/suggest thatshould do)结构:ask sb (not) to do sth. (ask也可按照句子意识换成:tell/advise/warn/beg等)例:“Please speak English.” The teacher said to us The teacher asked us to speak English.“Be careful with strangers.” Mr. Black said to her. Mr. Black warned her to be carful with strangers.5) 感叹句(照抄或改成that引导)例, “What a beautiful girl she is!” he said.He said what a beautiful girl she was. He said that she was a beautiful girl.(四) 其他变化1) 指示代词:thisthat, thesethose2) 时间状语:nowthen, agobefore, yesterdaythe day before, todaythat day, tomorrowthe next day, last weekthe week before, this weekthat week, next weekthe next week,3) 地点:herethere4) comego, bringtake, borrowlend, musthave to练习:1. “I dont want to read this book.,” said Anne.Anne said that _ _ want to read _ book.2. “Does Tom have any friend here?” Mary asks me.Mary asks me _ Tom _ any friend here.3. “Why did you go to bed so late last night?” Father asked Jim.Father asked Jim _ he _ _ to bed so late the _ _.练习:1. A new cinema is being built here and it next month. A. is complete B. will complete C. was completed D. will be completed.2. I got caught in the rain and my suit _. A. has ruined B. had ruinedC. has been ruinedD. had been ruined3. We want to sit at the table near the door. Im sorry, but it _ already.A. has been takenB. has takenC. will be takenD. was taken4. Everybody by the sad news yesterday.A. shocked B. was shocked C. has been shocked D. are shocked5. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten you seat belts. The plane .A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off6. When will they leave? -They very soon. A. do leave B. are leaving C. have left D. leave7. Have you moved into your new house? Not yet. The rooms A. are painting B. are painted C. are being painted D. are having painted8. Because the shop , all the T-shirts are sold at half price.A. is closing down B. has closed down C. is being closed down D. had closed down9. Hi, can I use your MP3 this afternoon? Sorry. A. Its repaired B. It has been repaired C. Its being repaired D. It had been repaired.10. Can you lend me your MP3 last week?A. that you bought B. you bought it C. that you bought it D. which you bought it11. Can you see a man and his horse are crossing the bridge?A. which B. who C. that D. they12. The police are running after the man coat is black.A. whos B. whose C. that D. of which13. The girl is reading under tree my sister.A. which; is B. whom; was C. who; is D. who; was14. This is the best hotel in the city I know.A. where B. which C. that D. it15. The reason he was late was that he missed the first bus.A. why B. which C. of which D. where16. The first school we visited last summer was completely damaged in the earthquake.A. where B. where C. that D. which17. I will never forget the day I first met Nelson Mandela.A. where B. which C. who D. when18. I don know the reason they quarreled.A. why B. which C. what D. when19. He the summer Palace.A. suggested us to visit B. suggested visiting C. advised to visit D. warned us to visit.20. Mr. Li told us make so much noise.A. dont B. never C. not to D. to not21. Mr King didnt know _ yesterday evening. A. when does his son come homeB. when his son comes home C. when his son came homeD. when did his son come home


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