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新目标英语七年级(上)单元检测题()Unit4 . 词汇(10分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词(5分) 1. My computer is on the t_ in my room. 2. This is a p_ of my family. 3. Do you k_ this plant? 4. His brother is b_ you and me. 5. Whats on the s_? Its a backpack. B) 根据句意和汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词(5分) 1. Please_ (带) these new books to your classroom. 2. I_ (需要) some English books. 3. Look! Your key is_ (在下面) the table. 4. My photos are in the_ (抽屉). 5. There are some_ (激光唱片) on the bookcase. . 单项选择(10分) 1. _ the keys? _ on the bed. A. Where is, Its B. Where are, Theyre C. Wheres, Theyre D. Where are, Its 2. Who is Jimmy? _ boy next to the door. A. The B. A C. That D. This 3. Where are_books and notebooks? _ are in the drawer. A. you; They B. your; They C. your; Your D. ; They 4. Tina is_Mary and Kate. A. in B. at C. between D. on 5. Please_some books to your sister. A. have B. take C. has D. bring 6. There is_“s” and_“f” in the word “sofa”. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a 7. I can see_plants._plants are on the table. A. the, The B. some, The C. some, Some D. some, 8. Whos the girl_the hat? A. in B. of C. on 9. Here_two computers. A. am B. is C. are D. have 10. Where is Hangzhou? Its_Zhejiang. A. at B. in C. on D. next to . 补全对话(10分)在空白处填入适当的单词,完成对话每空限填一词 A: 1 me. Where 2 my keys? B: 3 they on the sofa? A: No, they 4 . B: Are they 5 your backpack? A: I 6 know. Wheres my backpack? B: Is 7 under the table? A: No, it isnt. B: Look! On that bookcase. A: Yes, 8 my keys. 9 . B: Youre 10 . . 汉译英(10分)根据汉语句子,完成下列英语句子每空限填一词 1. 棒球在椅子旁边 The baseball is_ the chair. 2. 书包里有书吗? _ books in the backpack? 3. 这些是我的朋友,我很爱他们 _ are my friends. I love_very much. 4. 你能给我带些东西来吗? Can you_me_here? 5. 桌子在床和沙发之间 The table is_ the bed_ the sofa. . . 句型转换(10分)根据括号内的要求改写下列句子每空填一词 1. My baseball is on the floor. (改为一般疑问句) _baseball on the floor? 2. I know his telephone number. (改为否定句) I_ his telephone number. 3. The backpack is on the desk. (对划线部分提问) _the backpack? 4. Can you bring your CDs here? (作肯定回答) _,_. 5. I can see some books on the desk. (对划线部分提问) _ can you_on the desk? . 完形填空(10分) Look, this is 1 bedroom. It is 2 old house, but it is very nice. There 3 a clock and some pictures 4 the wall. There is 5 on the desk. His backpack is 6 the chair. His jacket is on the bed. Where is 7 baseball? It is 8 the table. Whats that? Oh, 9 a cat! It 10 a hat. 1. A. Tommy B. Tommys C. Tommys 2. A. a B. an C. the 3. A. is B. am C. are 4. A. at B. on C. in 5. A. keys B. a set of key C. a set of keys 6. A. on B. in C. between 7. A. a B. the C. an 8. A. behind B. in C. under 9. A. Thats B. Its C. Its 10. A. look like B. look C. looks like . 阅读理解(10分) Dear Tommy, Please take these things to your sister,her pencil case, math book,notebook,ID card, and her hat. The pencil case and the math book are on the desk. The notebook is in the drawer. The ID card is in the notebook. Her hat is on the chair. Thanks Mom 根据信的内容,从ABC中选择正确答案 1. Who writes (写) the note? _. A. Tommy B. Sally C. Mother D. Father 2. Tommy will(将要) take these things to_ . A. his sister B. his brother C. his mother D. his friend 3. Wherere the pencil case and the math book? _. A. They are on the bed B. They are on the desk C. Theyre under the desk D. The pencil case is on the bed and the math book is on the desk 4. Is the notebook in the case? _. A. Yes, it is B. No, its on the desk C. I dont know D. No, it isnt 5. What are in the drawer? _. A. The notebook B. The ID card C. A and B D. The math book . 书面表达(10分) 以My Room为题,简单介绍一下自己的房间要求不少于50个单词 Unit 5 . 词汇(15分) A. 选词填空(5分)从方框中选出合适的单词填空,完成下列句子 boring, relaxing, difficult, fun, interesting 1. John sits on the chair. Its very_ . 2. Sun can play volleyball. She thinks its very_ . 3. I dont like maths. Its_ . 4. That book is very_ . I like it very much. 5. I cant play computer games. Its very_ . B. 从括号内选择正确的单词填空(10分) 6. _(Do, Does) you have a television? Yes. 7. Does he have a soccer ball? No, he_ (doesnt, dont). 8. Lets_ (play, to play)tennis. 9. Do they_ (like, likes) computer games? Yes, they do. 10. He doesnt have_ (a, ) volleyball. 11. Does Mary have_ (one, two) pencil cases? 12. Can you_ (bring, take) your basketball to school? Yes, I can. 13. Where are these soccer balls? They are_ (under, in) the bed. 14._ (Let her, Lets her) sit down. 15. Lets play volleyball. _(That, Thats) sounds good. . 单项选择(10分) 16. Does he have a pencil? _. A. Yes, he do B. No, he does C. Yes, he does D. No, he dont 17. I_ have an eraser. She has one. A. dont B. doesnt C. has D. does 18. There are many_ in the bookcase. A. book B. books C. a book D. two books 19. _ she like China? Yes, she_ . A. Does;do B. Do;does C. Is;is D. Does;does 20. Lets go home. _. A. All right B. Here you are C. Youre welcome D. Right 21. I think they_a brother. A. is there B. have C. does D. has 22._Liu Mei_a volleyball? A. Do;have B. Does;have C. Have; D. ;has 23._ some flowers on the window. A. Has B. Have C. There is D. There are 24. More girls_apples in their hands. A. have B. are C. there is D. there are 25. Do Liu Li and Liu Jun have_grandfather? A. a B. an C. D. many . 情景交际(25分) A. 重新排列下列句子,使其意思连贯完整(5分) 26. There are many ball games in America. 27. Children play baseball in sports fields or in parks. 28. The matches are often showed on television. 29. After the match is over, the people still talk about the game and the players. 30. Baseball is one of the favourite sports in the U. S. A. 31. The baseball match is from April to September. 32. The members of the important teams become heroes(英雄). B. 根据会话情景完成对话每空填一词(10分) A: Excuse me. 33 you 34 a basketball? B: 35 , I 36 . Ask C. I think she 37 one. A: 38 . Excuse me, C, do you have a 39 ? C: 40 , I do. A: Let 41 play it. B: That 42 good. C. 从下面栏中找出与栏匹配的答语(10分) 43. Whats your name? 44. Whats your telephone number? 45. Is this your pencil? 46. How do you spell it? 47. Is she your sister? 48. Where is my book? 49. Do you have a baseball? 50. Is Guo Peng your brother? 51. Does your aunt have an alarm clock? 52. Whats this? A. Its 281-8769. H. No, he isnt.B. David. I. Its a ring.C. No, its her pencil. J. Yes, she does. D. Yes, she is. E. W-A-T-C-H. F. Its in the backpack. G. Sorry, I dont. . 完成句子(20分) A. 按照句子后面括号的要求完成下列句子(10分) 53. She has a lot of work to do this week. (改为一般疑问句) 54. We have a big TV set in our house. (改为否定句) 55. Does she have any English-Chinese dictionary?(作否定回答) 56. We have some nice pictures. (主语改为 he) 57. Ann has a basketball. (改为主语为第三人称复数意义的句子) B. 根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子, 每空填一词(10分) 58. 你有录像带吗? _ you_ a video cassette? 59. 他的叔叔没有电脑 His_have a computer. 60. 打篮球有趣吗? _ playing basketball_ ? 61. 他仅在电视上观看它们 He_ them on television. 62. Tony 有八个朋友 Tony_eight_ . . 阅读理解(5分) Do you have a brother or a sister? Do you have two tennis rackets and a tennis ball? You can play tennis. Two people or four people can play tennis. Do you have a basketball? Do you have two brothers or sisters? Can your mother and father play? Five people can play basketball. Volleyball needs six people for each team and a volleyball. But baseball needs a big family. A baseball team has nine people. You need a baseball bat and a ball. 63._people can play baseball and they need a_and a_. 64._ or_ people can play tennis. 65. Five people can play_ . 66._needs six people for_team and a_ . . 书面表达(5分) 根据表格, 介绍第二中学和第三中学的运动队 No.3: No.2: volleyball team tennis teamsoccer team baseball team baseball team soccer team tennis team basketball teamUnit 6 . 词汇(25分) A. 看图填词(5分) B. 用括号内适当的单词填空(10分) 1. Her name_ (is, are) Mary. 2. Whats_ (this, those) in English? 3. I_ (dont, doesnt) like hamburgers. 4. Are my books_ (in, on) the chair? 5. Is_ (she, they) your friend? 6. These are my_ (key, keys). 7. I like to eat healthy_ (food, foods). 8. Tom likes eggs_ (for, to) breakfast. 9._ (Tomato, Tomatoes) are good for our health. 10. He likes to eat strawberries for_ (dessert, desserts). C. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空填一词(10 分) 11. Could you give me_(一些鸡肉)? 12. You must eat_(许多蔬菜). 13._ (那个赛跑明星) is my fathers friend. 14. I eat eggs and_ (汉堡包) for_ (午餐). . 单项选择(10分) 15. _ you have any children? Yes, I do. A. Do B. Have C. Am D. Know 16. There are_days in a week. A. a B. six C. seven D. 17. There_many colors here. A. have B. has C. are D. is 18. _ do you want? Id like some fruit. A. What B. Where C. How D. How much 19. Lets_ and play soccer. All right. A. go B. to go C. goes D. to goes 20. Do you want to go and_ ? A. play a football B. play the football C. play football D. to play football 21._Lily like Beijing duck? A. Does B. Are C. Do D. Is 22. Does she have_lunch at home? A. a B. the C. you D. 23. Li Ming_homework every day. A. have B. does C. has D. do 24. Please take it_. A. home B. to home C. to there D. here . 情景交际(20分) A. 从方框里选出恰当的词填入空白处完成对话(6分) like, likes, dont, doesnt Sandy: What do you like to eat, Mei? Mei: Well, I 25 salad, but I 26 like broccoli. Sandy: And your friend? What does he 27 to eat? Mei: He 28 oranges and bananas. He 29 like hamburgers. Bobby: And I really 30 ice cream. B. 根据所给情景完成下面的对话每空填一词(10分) Ted: Good morning, Mr Robert. Robert: Good 31 , Ted. Ted: Im fat, so I want to lose weight. Robert: Good idea. And 32 you 33 a big breakfast every day? Ted: Yes, I have 34 , 35 and 36 . Robert: Is that all? Ted: Sometimes, I have 37 or 38 eggs. Robert: Thats too much. And Do you like 39 ? Ted: Yes. Robert: Then do more exercise and have less food(少吃多运动). Ted: Oh, I see. Thank you. Robert: Youre 40 . C. 重新排列下列句子, 使之成为一段完整的对话(4分) 41. Yes, I do. I like all fruits. 42. Really? Do you like apples? 43. Lets have some oranges. 44. No, I dont. Do you? 45. No, I dont like oranges. . 对话匹配(10分)从栏中找出能与栏匹配的答语 46. Do you like French fries? 47. Does she like bananas? 48. Does he like oranges? 49. Do they like tomatoes? 50. What do you like to eat? 51. How much are the black pants? 52. Whats your name? 53. Where are my books? 54. Whats your telephone number? 55. How do you spell your name? A. I like hamburgers. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, she does. D. Yes, I do. E. No, they dont. F. They are on the chair. G. They are 10 dollars. H. Its P-E-T-E-R. I. Its 7768734. J. Peter. . 完成句子(10分) A. 按照后面括号内的要求完成下列句子(5分) 56. Mr Scott likes carrots. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答) _Mr Scott_carrot? Yes, he_./No, he_. 57. Helen has some Chinese textbooks. (改为否定句) Helen_Chinese textbooks. 58. like, they, broccoli, and, salad(连词成句) 59. lets, watch, eat, and, TV, ice cream(连词成句) B. 根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空填一词(5分) 60. 他根本不喜欢吃甜食,但他有点喜欢吃冰淇淋 He_like dessert at all, but he_ice cream a little. 61. 李明不喜欢法国食品 Li Ming doesnt like_. 62. 他们喜欢吃香蕉 They_. 63. 这是花椰菜和冰淇淋 This_and ice cream. 64. 她吃大量的健康的食品 She eats lots_food. . 阅读理解(15分) (A) 阅读下面的短文,并根据其内容和首字母提示,写出文中所缺的单词 Fruit is g 65 for people. Many people e 66 some fruit every day. Mr and Mrs Black l 67 some fruit very much and every m 68 Mrs Black goes to buy some fruit in the shop n 69 her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps her a lot. She can buy all kinds of f 70 there, apples, pears, o 71 and bananas. In different time of the year the price of each kind of fruit is not the s 72 , sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs Black tries to buy cheap o 73 . And Mr Black likes bananas only. Mrs Black buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for h 74 . (B) A: What do you have for breakfast? B: Oh, bananas and apples. Sometimes an egg, but my sister likes hot-dog and milk. And you? A: Tea and eggs. I dont like milk. B: What about Ann? A: Ann likes eggs, oranges, bananas and milk. And for lunch, she likes hamburgers and salad. For dinner, she likes chicken, tomatoes and French fries. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)或误(F) 75. A has tea and eggs for breakfast. 76. B likes milk for lunch. 77. B doesnt have a sister. 78. Ann eats hamburgers and salad for lunch. 79. Ann likes eggs, chicken and French fries for dinner. . 书面表达(10分) 根据表格里的提示, 写出Paul和Sally的爱好 10


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