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Im feeling better now课题Unit 5 Topic 2 Im feeling better now. Section B学习目标1、能继续学习原因状语从句并能如何提建议,及学习如何安慰他人;2、能在老师的引导下自学课文,通过合作交流,解决学案上老师设计的问题;3、能积极主动地和同伴练习对话,帮助同伴解决疑难,并且很乐意和大家分享自主学习英语的乐趣.学习重点1a、1c学习难点原因状语从句教学时数1 period学 习 过 程学习内容(学生活动)学习方法教师知识讲解一、学前准备预习:自学指导:熟悉单词,课文。复习: 句型转换:按要求完成下列句子。1. We are sure that she can swim well. (同义句)We are sure that she _ _ _ swim well.672. Sue is 1.45 meters. Helen is 1.45 meters, too. (合并为一句)Sue is _ tall _ Helen.3. We decided to go to see a movie this Sunday. (改为否定句)We decided _ _ go to see a movie this Sunday.学生课前 完成二探究活动(一)独立思考、解决问题1同学们,读完课文你知道李虹今天的情况了吗?a)How is Li Hong feeling today? _ b)Why doesnt Li Hong talk to someone when she feels sad? _ 2、再听1a,并分角色朗读对话3、根据1a,完成1b。要求独立完成。4、理解并翻译下列词组或句子。英语考试不及格_与他人交谈_与某人交朋友_通过考试_密的朋友_与某人打架_当你难过时为什么不跟别人谈谈呢? _ 知道怎样和其他同学交谈这件事。_ 总是给我讲笑话让我笑。_我愿意成为你的朋友 _ 学生自主学习 课堂展示(三)师生探究、合作交流小组内读2a,然后组内讨论怎么安慰朋友,怎么给他人建议。然后完成2b。结合今天的课文,小组内编写一个对话,学会给别人建议和安慰。教会学生能从中学习如何克服不良情绪,教育学生怎样保持心理健康。小组合作完成组内交流课堂展示三、学习体会1、 这节课你有哪些收获?小组内交流四、自我检测单选 ( ) 1. Kangkang failed _ last math exam because he was careless. A. pass B. to pass C. finish D. to finish( ) 2. I did badly again in English exam. English is too hard! _ I can help you. A. Glad to hear that. B. Good luck. C. Dont worry. D. Sounds great.( ) 3. I feel sad because Mr. Li is angry with me. Go and tell him the truth. Hell understand you. _ A. Im glad to hear that. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Thats too bad. D. There, there! Itll be OK.( ) 4. Im afraid _ English in public. Dont be shy. Just do it. A. of talking B. of speaking C. talk D. speak( ) 5. Wang Xin _ to know that secret. Who told him about it? Maybe Dong Qi did. A. wants B. likes C. listens D. seems( ) 6. Is Shike sure _ the exam? I think so. She is good at math. Im sure _ she can pass it. A. of passing ; to B. of pass ; that C. to pass; that D. to pass; of( ) 7. She got married _ the age of 26. A. in B. of C. to D. at ( ) 8. Could you tell me _ to get there quickly? By plane. A. how B. where C. what D. which翻译 1. 他经常给我们讲笑话并总是让我们发笑。 He often _ _ _ and always _ _ _ . 2. 在你这个年龄的时候,我喜欢运动和读书。 I loved playing sports and reading books _ _ _ . 3. 茱莉非常内向,不知道怎样和别人交谈。 Julia is very shy and doesnt know _ _ _ _. 4. 当你感到紧张的时候,何不听一听音乐来放松一下呢? _ _ _ _to the music to relax yourself when you _ _.独立完成小组内检测教 学反 思


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