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2020学年度第一学期期末质量检测八年级英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分说明:把选择题答案写在第5页上面对应处。一、单项选择:(20分)1.It was late. Jim went to work breakfast. A. with B. on C. for D. without2. I think he needs again . A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads3. Could you buy drinks? -Sorry, but I dont have money. A.some, some B.some, any C.any, any D.any, some4. Thank you for the dog . A.to take, walking B.taking, for a walk C.to take, for a walk D.take, walking5. She invited me the party. A.for B.come to C.to D.to come6.Some girls are going to exercise more . A.keep fit B.keeping fit C. to keep fit D.kept fit7. Please tell her about it when she back. A.came B.comes C.come D.coming8.I the national table tennis team when I was a child. A.join B.joined C.took part in D.take part in9.The stone is heavy for me carry. A.too, to B.to, too C.so, that D.very, to10.Maria first prize in the singing competition. A.met B.beat C.had D.won11.Did you buy ? - No, thats all. A.anything B.something C.anything else D.something else12.Can you some salt the noodles? A.add, to B.put, on C.pour, to D.make, to13.It is not difficult fruit salad.A.do B.to do C.make D.to make14. he was tired, he still did his homework.A.Although B. Because C. As D.For15.My sister is ill. I have to stay at home and take care of her. - .A.Im sorry to hear that B.I think so C.Thats OK D.Really? Thats right.16.- is he staying in Beijing? -For a week.A.When B.How long C.How often D.How soon17.The Smiths are going to Hawaii vacation.A.for B.in C. with D. from 18.It me ten minutes to walk from my house to our school.A.spends B.pays C.costs D.takes19. We have bought a new car. So we go home than before.A.more easily B.more easy C.easily D.easy20.Please the dog for me while Im away.A.look at B.look after C.look up D.look out二、完形填空(20分)My friend John is a university student. Last year he 21 to Japan and stayed there for two months. I was 22 that John could stay there for so long, because he was quite poor(穷的).“How did you get so much 23, John?” I asked, “ I thought you could only stay in Japan for two weeks.” “It was easy,” John answered. “I got a job in Japan.” “ A job? 24 ?” “I gave English lessons25 a shopkeeper. We became good friends.” “But you 26 a teacher!” “ Mr. Tanaka, the shopkeeper, 27 I was not a teacher. But he said there were usually many 28 customers(顾客) coming to his shop, so he hoped to learn 29 English. I spent three hours a day 30 him. In return, he gave me three meals a day and some money.” “Did he learn much English?” I asked. “I dont know ,” John said, “butI learned a lot of Japanese!”21. A. is going B. goes C. go D. went22. A. happy B. angry C. surprised D. sorry23. A. money B. time C. work D. friends24. A. Why did you work B. What did you do C. How did you get it D. When did you do it?25. A. to B. at C. with D. of26. A. are B. arent C. wasnt D. isnt27. A. knows B. knew C. to know D. know28. A. American B. French C. Russian D. Japanese29. A. little B. few C. a few D. a little30. A. teach B. taught C. teaching D. to teach三、阅读理解。(30分)AJohn was from Canada and he came to New York for a holiday. One day he was not feeling well, so he asked a man of his hotel to find a doctor. The man said, “Thomas Brown is a good doctor.” John said, “Thank you very much. Is he expensive?” “Well,” the man answered, “he always asks his patients(病人)for two dollars if they first visit. One dollar if they later visit.” John decided to save one dollar, so when he went to see the doctor, he said, “Ive come again, doctor.” For a few minutes the doctor looked at his face carefully without saying anything. Then he said, “Everythings going as it should do. Oh, I gave you medicine last time, didnt I? Just take the same medicine as last time.”31. John came to New York _ .A. to see a good doctor B.to feel illC. for a holiday D. to find a doctor 32. Doctor Thomas Brown asked for _ for the first time.A. one dollar B. two dollars C. nothing D. three dollars33. The doctor looked at Johns face carefully because _ .Ahe knew John B. he had seen John before Cthere was something wrong with his face Dhe wanted to know if John had been here before34. John said, “Ive come again, doctor.” Because he _ .Awanted to be friendly to the doctor Bwanted to make the doctor happyCwanted to make the doctor angryDtried to make the doctor believe that he had seen him before35. The doctor knew that _ . AJohn didnt want any medicine Bhe hadnt seen John beforeChe had given John some medicine before DJohn wasnt feeling illBMozart was born on January 27, 1756 and died on December 5, 1791. When he was three, he often had music lessons with his elder sister. His father took him around the world, and he played music for lots of people.But some people didnt believe that a little boy could write such beautiful music. They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a week and somebody watched the room all the time. In a week, he finished a new piece of music. After that, people believed that he could write beautiful music. Mozart died when he was still a young man. During his short life he studied music and taught music and played music and wrote music. Even by working so hard, he couldnt make much money. He often borrowed money from his friends. But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy, too.36. When he was _, Mozart took music lessons with his sister.A. three B. five C. young D. born37. Some people _that the little boy could write beautiful music until he finished a new piece a week later.A. believed B. didnt believe C. knew D. got to know38. Mozart lived_.A. a long time B. a long life C. a short life D. long time39. Mozart was famous, but he was _.A .rich B. kind C. happy D. poor40 .His music made _happy.A. both him and other people B. only him C. other people D. nobodyC I go to the barber(理发师) every three weeks. I dont like very short hair, so my barber doesnt cut off much. I have known him for almost four years, so when I go there, we always talk a lot. He tells me all his news, and I tell him all mine. He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop and he talks to most of them, so he always has a lot of news for me. Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks on holiday. When he comes back to England, he has a lot of interesting news. While he is cutting my hair, he tells me about beautiful old cities and quite little villages, as well as strange food and drinks and interesting people he meets. I sit there and listen to the old man with open ears. One minute, my barbers chair is a seat in a French train, and the next minute it becomes a chair in a restaurant in Paris. Although my barber is old, he always tries new things. He never says, I have never eaten this food before, so I am not going to eat it now. He says instead, Try everything.41. The writer goes to the barber_. A. Once a week. B. Every three weeks. C. Twice a year. D. Every two weeks.42. The barber goes to France for two weeks every year because _. A. he wants to visit his friends there B. he likes to try new things C. he thinks it is a good place for a holiday D. he likes traveling very much43.When the barber comes back from France, he tells the writer a lot about things except(除了)_.A. beautiful old cities B. quite little villages C. strange food and drinks D. busy streets and shopping centers44. Which of the following is not right in the passage?A. The writer doesnt like very short hair.B. The barber meets a lot of interesting people and he loves to talk to most of them.C. The writer does not like to talk to the barber.D. The barber is an old man, but he always tries new things.45. The barber never says, I have never eaten this food before, so I am not going to eat it now because _. A. he always tries new things. B. he likes to eat itC. he hates eating ordinary(普通的) food D. he is never too old to eat it.把选择题答案写在下面对应处:一、1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 二、21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 三、31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 四、任务型阅读。46,47回答问题;48翻译文中划线句子;49判断正误,如果正确在句后写T,错误写F;50完成句子。(10分)I always thought money was better than health. If there was no money, I couldnt buy delicious food or beautiful clothes. I could be unhappy. But now I think the most important thing is health.Why? Let me tell you. On the twenty-first of May, 2020, my brother got ill badly.We went to see a doctor. The doctor gave my brother some medicine. He took it three times a day. But after three days, my brother got worse. He had a fever and his body was sore. My parents quickly took him to the hospital. Many doctors came to see my brother. They said my brother had a measles. My brother must stay in hospital. The doctors quickly gave my brother injections(注射) and medicine. My brother stayed in hospital for three days. During the three days, everyone in my family was so worried about my brother. We all hoped my brother could feel better soon. Now I think health is the most important thing in our lives. We should keep in good health.46. Why did the writer think money was better than health? 47. How was his brother after he took the medicine for three days? 48. 49. The writers brother stayed in hospital for six days.50. The writer thinks is the most important thing in our lives.五、根据汉语提示完成英文句子,每空一词。(10分)1、这位老人打算住在某个安静的地方。 The old woman is going to live .2、当你长大后打算做什么? What are you going to be when you ?3、在我们班John最富有。 John is in our class.4、这个女孩还没到上学的年龄。 The girl is not to go to school.5、请整理床铺好吗。 Could you please your ?6、邓亚萍什么时候出生的? When Deng Yaping ?7、你的休息日过的怎么样? was your day ?8、请切碎这些土豆。 these potatoes, please.9、他擅长弹吉他。 He is playing the guitar.10、刘翔和姚明一样出名。 Liu Xiang is as Yao Ming.六、A.根据句意及汉语提示写单词或短语。(5分)1.She likes wearing both and beautiful shoes.(舒适的)2.The bike under the tree is .(我的)3. Mother is milk to her baby.(喂)4. There is a small in the park.(湖)5.Dont the TV set. There is something wrong with it.(打开)B. 选择词语适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。(5分) both stop end national become6. Is there a bus in the neighborhood?7.His aunt was a famous tennis player and she played for her team.8.She a movie star when she was three years old.9.My brother is standing at the of the line.10. My parents are going shopping on Saturday evening.七、连词成句,标点已给出。(5分)1. started to last school the year boy going .2. harder going this is he work to term .3. could use your I computer ?4. her from kilometers about home is 10 school .5. its to well Chinese not learn easy .八、书面表达。(15分)假如下周日是你14岁生日,根据中文提示以”My birthday Party”为题,写一篇短文,词数80左右。1、你打算举行生日聚会,母亲将做一顿美味晚餐,你将做香蕉奶昔。2、你邀请了朋友参加。除韩梅梅外都能来,韩梅梅母亲病了,她父亲不在家,她必须照顾她母亲。3、我们都希望他母亲尽早恢复健康,希望下一年韩梅梅来参加我的生日聚会。 参考答案一、(每小题1分,共20分)110 DABBC CBBAD 1120 CADAA BADAB二、(每小题2分,共20分) DCABA BBADC三、(每小题2分,共30分)CBDDB ABCDA BCDCA四、(每小题2分,共10分) 46.If there was no money, he couldnt buy delicious food or beautiful clothes. 47. He got worse. (He had a fever and his body was sore).48.他每天服药三次。49. F 50. health五、(每小题1分,共10分)1. somewhere quiet 2. grow up 3. the richest 4. old enough 5. make bed 6. was born 7. How off 8. Cut up 9. good at 10 as famous 六、(每小题1分,共10分)1. comfortable 2. mine 3. feeding 4. lake 5.turn on6. stop 7. national 8. became 9.end 10. both七、A (每小题1分,共5分)1. The boy started going to school last year. 2. He is going to work harder this term. 3. Could I use your computer? 4.Her home is about 10 kilometers from school. 5.Its not easy to learn Chinese well. B(15分)评分标准可参考中考书面表达说明,参考范文Im fourteen years old. Next Sunday is my birthday. Im going to have a birthday party. For my party, my mother is going to make a wonderful dinner and I will make a banana milk shake. I invited my friends to my birthday party. All of them would love to come, but Han Meimei cant. Her mother is ill, and her father is out. She has to look after her mother. We all hope that her mother will be better soon and she can come to my birthday party next year.


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