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九年级上英语第一单元词汇句型练习汇总.词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.Ive _ (已经) read the book twice.2.I have many _(亲戚) in my hometown.3.There are many new_ (机器)in the factory.4.You should study hard to _ (使满意) your parents.5.China has _ (发展) rapidly in recent years.(B) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。6.Dont worry. I have made much p_ in learning English.7.Has she made r_ progress in her study?Yes, she has.8.In recent years, c_ways have changed a lot.9. Do you like jumping r_? Yes, I do.10.My aunt has e_ been to Africa.词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.I think the cost of living will i_by 10 percent.2.China has the largest p_ in the world. Its 1.3 billion.3.I think I can r_ my dream one day.4.Beijing is the c _ of China.5.This is a good shop. It brings us e_ service.(B) 根据句意,用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。little, work well in, difficult, be known as, so far6. _ , I have been to Beijing twice.7.The Green Great Wall has _ controlling sandstorms (沙尘暴).8.I have some _ in learning English.9.He _ a great scientist.10.Some parents in _ developed areas prefer boys to girls.词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Though the work is very difficult. Ill try to m_it.2.We should do our best to s_the homeless people.3.Thanks to the Project Hope. Li Yan can c_ her studies.4.Mrs. Zhao is a s_of the big company(公司) .5.Tom likes playing basketball, so he wants to join a basketball c_.(B) 根据句意,用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。visitor, homeless, at home and abroad, get used to, in need6.Its reported that there is a wonderful program to help _ people return to work.7.Many _ come to Beijing to visit the places of interest every year.8.Project Hope has raised much money from people _.9.Sooner or later I think you will _ working here.10.A friend _ is a friend indeed.词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There are many beautiful _ (beach)in Dalian.2.I have been to Hong Kong _ (one).3.There are some less _ (develop) countries in Africa.4.Chinas economy is _ (increase) rapidly.5.Have you spent the whole day _ (consider) it?(B) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。6.Kates mother has gone a_. She is in New York now.7.China has the largest p_in the world.8.Do w_ you like, and you will feel very happy.9.Tom s_many things from a big shop last year, now he is in a prison.10. My little brother is studying in a p_school, not in a middle school. .根据汉语提示,完成句子。(5分)11.我一直与大学时代的朋友保持联系。I _ _ _ _ my friends from college all the time.12.铃响了,到上课的时间了。There _ _ _. Its time for class.13.在过去的十年我们国家取得了巨大进步。Our country has _ great _ in the past ten years.14.我虽然没时间去旅游,但是仍然觉得这个假期很愉快。_ I had no time _ travel, I still felt very happy this holiday.15.我女儿喜欢和我玩捉迷藏。My daughter likes_ _ with me.句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)11.Tom studies Chinese well. Jim studies Chinese well, too. (合并为一句,使其意思不变)Tom studies Chinese well, and _ _ _.12.中国的人口是多少? (完成译句) 13、Peter has read the story already.(改为否定句)Peter read the story .14. If you need help, give me a call. (改为同义句)If you need help, .15.Qingdao is a famous tour city. (改为同义句)Qingdao is a tour city.III 根据汉语提示,完成句子16. 迄今为止,没人打破他的记录。 , no one has broken his record.17. 我们班有三分之二的学生来自农村。 of the students in our class come from the countryside. 18.我们这项新政策对改善环境起到了很好的作用。This new policy has improving our environment.19.多亏了这位好心人,我找到了丢失的自行车。 this kind man, I found my lost bike.20.一名警官昨天给我们提供了帮助。A policeman help us yesterday.英汉互译。(5分)11.As a matter of fact, it is a program that helps homeless people._12. Youd better see it for yourself._13.我借这本书已经有一个月了。_14.希望工程为教育作出了重要的贡献。_15.自从五年前我来到这以来,这座城市已经改善了许多。_


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