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Unit1 NewspapersReading A new school newspaper一核心词汇(四会)名词动词代词形容词副词二短语三课文讲解1. Tony suggested Joyce.托尼建议(选)乔伊斯。suggest vt. 意思是“建议;提出(建议)”。后跟名词、代词或动名词,也可跟从句(从句中谓语动词多用原形,也可以由should或might加动词原形构成。)e.g. It was hot, I suggested a swim in the river.天气炎热,我建议在河里游泳。Who suggested doing in this way? 谁提出这样做的?He suggested that we (should) come another day. 他建议我们改天来。2. Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.接着乔伊斯主持会议。take charge of 意思是“主管;掌管”。相当于(be) in charge of。e.g. The chief engineer took charge of the building of the understand.总工程师负责地铁的建造。I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。3. I started taking notes. take notes意思是“记录;做笔记”。相当于make notestake / make notes of 意为“把 记录下来”。e.g. He took notes of every word of the teachers. 他把老师说的每句话都记录下来。4. You will be responsible for different section of the paper.你们将负责报纸的不同部分。 be responsible for 意思是“对负责;有责任”。相当于 be in charge of ; take charge ofe.g. The bus driver is responsible for the passengers safety. 公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负责。5. Talk it over among yourselves. 你们之间讨论一下。 talkover意思是“详谈;商量;讨论”。关于talk的短语:talk about谈论关于 的情况,talk of说到;谈及,talk to / withsome和某人交谈。6. Should it be free for readers, or should they pay for it?它应该免费供读者看呢,还是读者要花钱买呢? be free for someone 对某人免费。 free 有“免费的;自由的;空闲的”等意思。 e.g. The drink is free for all passengers. 饮料免费供给乘客。 The bird wished to be free again. 那只小鸟希望重新获得自由。 I do some reading in my free time. 我空闲时看看书。 pay for意思是“付费”。 关于“花钱买”的几种表达方式: pay (money) for something (某人)付钱买某物 spend money on something / someone spend money (in) buying something某人花钱买某物cost (someone) money(某物)花了(某人)多少钱It takes / took (someone)money to buy something买某物花了(某人)多少钱e.g. 他花了5万美元买了这所房子。 He paid 50,000dollars for the house. He spent 50,000 dollars on the house / (in) buying the house. The house cost him 50,000 dollars. It took him 50,000 dollars to buy the house.7. We will make a decision about the name at the next meeting. 我们会在下次会议上决定报纸的名字。 make a decision about意思是“对 做出决定”。 类似短语还有:make a choice 做出选择, make a plan 做计划, make a promise 做出承诺8. We arranged to have the next meeting in one weeks time.我们安排一个星期后举行下一次会议。 in one weeks time意思是“一周后”。也可以用 in one week 表示。 in +一段时间,表示“在 之后”。 e.g. Ill come and see you again in five days. 五天后我再来看你。【巩固练习】(一) 单词拼写。1. In China the new t_ starts in September.2. Our English teacher has a lot of e_ in teaching.3. Make a l_ of the things to buy.4. The s_ brought a cup of coffee for the boss.5. You dont have to pay for the dish. Its f_.6. He c_ my advice and said it was useful.7. I s_ going out for a walk and she agreed.8. The school wanted to p_ a newspaper this term.(二)翻译下列短语。1. 开会_ 2. 投票赞成_3. 主编_ 4. 主管;掌管_5. 应该_ 6. 征求意见_7. 做记录_ 8. 对负责_9. 详谈;商量_ 10. 在下次会议上_11. 把列出清单_ 12. 对(某人)免费_13. 付费(买)_ 14. 对做出决定_15. 一周后_(三)根据课文内容和首字母提示,写出所缺的单词。The new t_ started and some students at Mayfield School wanted to P_ a newspaper. They h_ a meeting after school. They v_ for Joyce to be the c_ e_. Then Joyce took c_ of the meeting. Who o_ to be the s_? Jessica s_ Ben. The others agreed. So Ben started taking n_. Lucy, Tony and Jessica would be r_ for different s_ of the paper. Then they made a l_ of some other things to d_. They would make a d_ about the papers name at the next meeting. After arranging the time of the next meeting, they c_ the meeting.Opinions about the school newspaper一核心词汇(四会)名词动词代词形容词副词二短语三课文讲解1. I usually try to get one for free from outside the library.我通常会去图书馆外面拿一份免费的(报纸)。for free意思是“免费”。2. Well, if possible, Id like it to have one more section about school life in foreign countries. 嗯,如果可能的话,我希望报纸能增加一个介绍国外学校生活的栏目。If possible 意思是“如果可能的话”。3. In Liu Meis opinion, the games in the school newspaper are _ (fun / boring). 刘梅认为校报上的游戏_ (很好玩 / 很乏味)。in ones opinion意思是“在某人看来;某人认为”。相当于according to someone; someone thinks thate.g. In my opinion, you are wrong.我认为你错了。【巩固练习】(一) 单项选择。1. _ is important to know the readers opinion.A. This B. That C. It D. What2. Whats new _ todays Guangzhou Daily? A. on B. in C. to D. of3. - _ do you think of this new fillm? - Its fun. A. Why B. How C. When D. What4. Is there _ that you dont like about the book? A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything5. I usually get o school early, _ I was late yesterday. A. but B. so C. or D. and(二)选词填空。1. A _ (twenty years old / twenty year old) young man from Beijing wins the competition.2. Can I ask you _ ( a few / a little ) questions?3. Its important _ ( know / to know ) the readers opinion.4. I read everything ( in / on ) the newspaper.5. Ive never read a newspaper as _ ( enjoy / enjoyable ) as this before.(三)完成句子。1. 我在哪儿可以买到一份这种报纸? Where can I get _ _ _ the newspaper?2.你可以免费得到一份礼物。 You can get a present _ _.3. 如果可能的话,我下周会来看你。 _ _, Ill come to see you next week.4. 李芳认为做报纸编辑不容易。(用两种方式表达)_ Li Fangs _, its not easy to be a newspaper editor._ _ Li Fang, its not easy to be a newspaper editor.ListeningCorrecting mistakes in an article课文讲解1. There were many students from different schools about 400 in all. in all 意思是“总共”。与all 相关的短语:above all 最重要的是;首先 after all 毕竟;终究first of all 首先 not at all 一点也不;根本不 Thats all. 没有别的了;完了。2. A helicopter flew over us and took a photo from the air. 一架直升机在我们上空飞过,从空中拍了一张照片。from the air意思是“从空中”。与air 有关的短语:by air 乘飞机,in the air在空中,on the air正在广播;开始播送。3. After that, we took part in some activities. 之后,我们参加了一些活动。 Take part in意思是“参加;参与”。同义短语:join in 参加(活动)。e.g. A lot of girls took part in the singing competition. 很多女孩参加了歌唱比赛。A very interesting week4. The concert included a play and several songs. The school band played many of my favourite songs, including Hey Jude by the Beatles. 音乐会包括一场戏剧和几首歌曲。校乐队演奏了好多我很喜爱的歌曲,包括甲壳虫乐队的嗨!裘德!。 include v. 意思是“包括;包含”。 including prep. 意思是“包括;包含在内”。e.g. The plan includes most of your suggestions. 这项计划里包含了你大部分的提议。 Twelve people died in the accident, including three children. 有12人死于这场事故,包括3名儿童。【巩固练习】(一)单词拼写。1. Mary can play several musical i_, such as the pianl, the guitar and the violin.2. - Our class won the last game! - C_!3. When the concert began, we could hear music fill the a_ right away.4. These days students can take part in lots of a_ after school.5. My favourite b_ will hold a concert in our city next week. (二)翻译下列短语。1. 犯错_ 2. 最令我激动的一天_3. 在新年聚会上_ 4. 总共_5. 从空中_ 6. 参加_7. 在结束时_ 8. 成双成对_9. 校乐队_ 10. 上周四晚上_11. 属于_ 12. 女子排球队_13. 最终_ 14. 激动的球迷_(三)选词填空1. The story was very _ ( excited / exciting ).2. _ ( At / In ) the end of the day, we were all very tired.3. Last week was a very _ ( interesting / interested ) week.4. The concert _ ( including / included ) a play and several songs.5. its very interesting _ ( to see / see ) how the places have changed.Language语法讲解should 与 ought to用法1. should 作为情态动词,用来表示“劝告”,“建议”或“义务”时,含有“应该;应当”的意思。e.g. You should complete your homework in time. 你应该按时完成作业。2. ought to 后跟动词原形,表示“有义务”或“必要”做某事,也含有“应当;应该”的意思。e.g. You ought to tell your mother about it right away. 你应该立即把此事告诉你妈妈。3. ought to 和 should 两者的意思大体上相同,很多情况下可以互相转换,但也有一些差别。ought to更多的表示因责任和义务或按道理应该做的事情。should则侧重表示某件事情适宜于这样做,属于一种良好的建议。e.g. We should drink about eight cups of water a day. 我们应该一天喝八杯水。We ought to keep our home clean and tidy. 我们应保持家里干净整洁。在下面的句子中这两个词就不宜换用。e.g. You are his father. You ought to take care of him. 你是他的父亲,应该管他。I put in new batteries, so the radio ought to work. 我放了新电池进去,所以收音机应该能用了。We should not use too many big words in our everyday speech. 在日常会话中我们不宜夸夸其谈。但在很多情况下两者都可以用,只是语气不同。e.g. You should do as he says. 你应当按他说的做。(出于良好愿望的建议。) You ought to do as he says.你应该照他说的做。(责成或敦促。)总的来说,should 比ought to 用得更多一些。5. should 与 ought to 有四种结构(肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、简略回答)。 I / You / He / She / We / Theyshouldought toshould notought not todo that.Should we Ought we to do that?Yes, we should / ought to. No, we shouldnt / ought not to. 【巩固练习】(一)选词填空。1. We _ help each other in our studies. ( should / ought to )2. You _ lie to your parents. ( ought to not / ought not to )3. She _ have come to see me yesterday, but she forgot. ( must / should )4. You _ leave your little sister alone, because she cant take care of herself. ( should / shouldnt )5. Parents _ take good care of their children. ( should / ought to )(二)按要求改写句子。1. Students should finish their homework in time. (变为一般疑问句)_.2. You ought to come here early. (变为否定句)_.3. Ought they to let their dog run on the road?(作否定回答)_.4. We should call the police. (变为否定句)_.5. Should we start now? (作肯定回答) _.(三) 完成句子1.餐后你都该刷牙。 You _ _ _ _ after meals.2.你应当听医生的话。 You _ _ _ the doctors words.3.我们不应该嘲笑他。 We _ _ _ _ _ him.4.你不应该那样说话。 You _ speak like that.5.我们应该给他一个尝试的机会吗? _ we _ give him a chance to try?Speaking口语训练一、朗读用正确的语音、语调朗读下面的短文。The Germans published the first modern-style newspaper in 1609. News-sheets existed before then, but these were not really newspapers. Hundreds of years later, people are still buying newspapers. Millions of newspapers are sold in shops and stalls all over the world every day.Today people get their news not only from newspapers. They can listen to it, as they did long ago, and they can watch it.Two inventions, radio ad television, made this possible. They broadcast many news programmes daily. People now get news from their radio and TV sets, as well as from newspapers. However, newspapers remain popular because they give the news in more detail than either radio or TV. For this reason, people continue to buy them.二、情景对话请根据所提供的情景作出回应。三、简短说话请根据所给话题的内容或提示用6句以上的英语句子进行叙述。假设你是学校蓝球队的一员,你们学校的篮球队和第一中学的篮球队进行了一场比赛,赛后你接受了校报记者的采访。请根据以下提示进行叙述。时间5月4日事件和第一中学篮球队进行了一场比赛经过1. 对手很强大,你们赛前有点儿紧张,赛时很努力!2. 最终你们赢得了比赛。感受自信帮助你们获胜More practice课文讲解1. The nurse told him to phone his mother because he had a high fever. 护士叫他给妈妈打电话,因为他在发高烧。have a fever意思是“发烧”。have a high fever意思是“发高烧”。2. She was on her way to the library to return the books.她当时是在去图书馆还书的路上。on ones way to 意思是“在去的路上”。return v. 表示“归还(某物)”时,是及物动词,后面直接跟名词作宾语。表示“返回(某地)”时,是不及物动词,要用 return to + 地点名词。 e.g. Return the book to the library. He returned to London.3. At break, Jia Ming ran to the sports field to play football with his classmates. 课间休息时,贾明跑到运动场和同学一起踢足球。 at break意思是“课间休息时”。 at + 名词,可以表示某状态、情形或持续的活动。e.g. at breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner 早(中、晚)餐时; at work 在工作;at school 在上学4. I havent felt lonely at all since I arrived. 自从我到这儿以来我一点了不觉得孤独。 Not at all 意思是“完全不;一点也不” 。e.g. - Are you angry? 你生气了吗? - Not at all. 一点也不。5. We get on very well. 我们相处得很好。 get on well = get along well 相处得好。 get on / along well with someone和某人相处得好。e.g. All the students in this class get on (with each other) very well. 这个班的所有学生都有相处得很好。【巩固练习】(一) 根据解释写出相应的英语单词。1. small hospital _.2. give back; come back _.3. a short rest from work or study _.4. sad because one has no friends _.5. at any time _.(二) 翻译下列短语。1. 和某人讨论_ 2. 看起来有点紧张 _3. 打算做某事 _ 4. 觉得不舒服 _5. 去诊所 _ 6. 发高烧 _7. 在去的路上 _ 8. 课间休息时 _9. 一点也不 _ 10. 感到孤独 _ 11. 相处得好 _ 12. 继续学习 _ 13. 因为这个原因 _ 14. 一个好榜样 _(三) 完成句子。1. 因为发高烧,他去诊所了。 Because he _ _ _ _, he _ _ _ _.2. 你在课间休息时把字典还给他好吗? Would you please _ the dictionary to him _ _.3. 我一点也不感到孤独。 I _ _ _ _ _.4. 你和你父母相处得好吗? Do you _ _ _ with your parents?5. 因为这个原因,他来到这个部门工作。 _ _ _, he came to work in this _.单元目标达成评价练习单项选择1. He suggested _ swimming in the Chimelong Waterpark this weekend.A. to go B. going C. having gone D. goes2. The school will _ the ideas about the school rules tomorrow. A. talk to B. talk with C. talk of D. talk over3. I _ fifteen dollars _ the new bag yesterday. A. spent; in B. paid; for C. spent; for D. paid; on4. She didnt tell the truth last time. _ , I dont believe her now. A. From then on; B. For example C. For this reason; D. If possible5. You can get another _ if you buy more than five books at a time A. for free B. on free C. in free D. at free6. He tried _ the tree, but he could not. A, climbed B. to climb C. climbing D. to be climbing7. My sister is very interesting in P.E., but I am _ interested in it _. A. no; at all B. no; in all C. not; at all D. not; in all8. The chief editor asked me to write an article _ pollution. A. about B. in C. at D. of9. He needs your help. You _ and give hima hand. A. should to stay B. shouldnt stay C. ought not stay D. ought to stay10. -_ you ever _ London? -Yes, only once. A. Do; go to B. Did; go to C.Have; been to D.Have; gone to 语法选择Dear PeterI have just got a letter from your mother. She _11_ me all about the flood ( 水灾 ) in our flkat. I am sorry you had such a lot of trouble.I want to thank _12_ you and your friend Raymond _13_ your help. It was lucky _14_ you found the water so _15_. Your mother told me that some pieces of our furniture were damaged. You did very well _16_ stopped a lot more damage. Thank you for calling Mr Mak, and thank you too for _17_ to clean up our flat.We will return in two _18_ time. We will take some presents from America for you and Raymond as _19_ reward ( 报答 ) for your good work. Both Mr Poon and I are really _20_ with you.Best withesMary Poon( ) 11. A. tells B. will tell C. told D. was telling( ) 12. A. neither B. either C. all D. both( ) 13. A. for B. to C. on D. with( ) 14. A. what B. that C. when D. where( ) 15. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest( ) 16. A. or B. but C. and D. before( ) 17. A. helping B. helped C. help D. helps( ) 18. A. weeks B. weeks C. weeks D. week( ) 19. A. / B. the C. an D. a( ) 20. A. pleasing B. please C. pleased D. to please完形填空One afternoon, Peter was at home in his flat with his friend, Raymond. Peter was doing his homework. Raymond was _ some news about the _ rain in some parts of China from the newspaper. They thought they were so lucky, because there wasnt too much rain in their city. Just then one drop of _ fell on Peters nose. It was so strange! Finally, they _ that the water was from Mr and Mrs Poons house on the upstairs. But Mr and Mrs Poon were away in America. They ran downstairs to _ Mr Mak, the guard of their building, and told him about the water. Mr Mak rushed into his office and found the _. Then they all ran to the third floor. Mr Mak opened the door _, and they all went into the flat. They found water _ in the sitting room. Mr Mak said some pipes must be broken and the water ran out. Raymond _ all the taps on in the bathroom ad kitchen. Then there was _ water coming out of the broken pipe. Peter found a towel and some string. Then they found a way to make the water go down into the bathroom.( ) 21. A. reading B. seeing C. looking D. watching( ) 22. A. great B. large C. heavy D. huge ( ) 23. A. rain B. water C. wine D. milk( ) 24. A. found B. thought C. suggested D. said( ) 25. A. wait for B. send for C. pay for D. look for( ) 26. A. water B. towel C. string D. key( ) 27. A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly D carefully( ) 28. A. fillig B. running C. dropping D. rising( ) 29. A. put B. made C. turned D. took( ) 30. A. less B. least C. more D. most阅读理解(A)Its Free!Welcome to STARkids! You can use STARkids for free.Registration( 注册 )You can use all the things STARkids gives without registration. This means that you dont have to tell us anything about yourself to play the games, read the stories, listen to the music and see the pictures!Publishing Your Work If you would like to publish your writing or other work, please see our publishing guidelines (指导). Or send your work to: editor STAR. If your work is published, you will receive a $25.00gift coupon(礼券)for Titles Bookstore!( ) 31. Which of the following are most probably on STARkids? A. Teenage fashion. B. Foof and drinks. C. Homework and answers. D. Songs and children.( ) 32. If you want to play the games on STARkids, what do you need to do?A. Just enter STARkids and play.B. Provide your name and address.C. Send your work to editorSTAR.D. Pay $25.00.( ) 33. If you want STARkids to publish your work, who should you send your work to?A. The editor of your school newspaper.B. The editor fo STARkids.C. The teachers fo STARkids.D. The teachers in your school.( ) 34. When can you get the $25.00 gift coupon?A. After you send your work to STARkids.B. After your work appears on STARkids.C. After you read the stories on STARkids.D. After you write about yourself on STARkids.( ) 35. What can you do with the gift coupons?A. Eat for free. B. Get your hair cut. C. Buy some books D. Buy some clothes(B) These days, girls of all ages wear miniskirts. Miniskirts make girls feel free, young and beautiful. But only about fifty years ago, people thought miniskirts were ugly and bad. In the 1960s, Mary Quant made miniskirts popular. Soon they became an important part in most girls wardrobes. But it wasnt an easy process for miniskirts. In the 1970s, most women didnt think freedom was so important to them. Many schools had rules about skirts, and girls were afraid to wear short skirts. People thought skirts should be long enough, and miniskirts were for bad girls. When peoples mind changed in the 1980s, g


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