备战2020年高考英语 每日一篇 DAY 04 996工作制遭遇程序员抵制(含解析)

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自主预习课前预习区DAY 04 China tech worker protest against long working hours goes viral自主学习文本 自我思考问题 自行查阅资料 I. 写出下列词汇的汉语释义 (1)第一组形容词1个(adj.):1. viral病毒的,病毒性的(2)第二组动词6个(v.):1. oppose反对(计划、政策等)2. require 需要,依靠3. speculate 推测,猜测4. force 强迫,迫使5. invest 投入(时间、精力等) 6. complain 抱怨,埋怨,发牢骚(3)第三组名词10个(n.):1. protest抗议,反对 2. campaign运动,战役3. professional专门人员4. commenter 批评家 5. blacklist 黑名单 6. resignation 辞职7. overtime 加班,加班费 8. editorial 社论9. dissatisfaction 不快,不悦10. issue 重要议题,争论的问题II. 词汇拓展积累1. oppose v. 反对(计划、政策等) opposition n.(强烈的)反对,反抗 2. professional n. 专门人员 profession n. 行业,职业3. commenter n. 批评家 comment n. 议论,评论4. resignation n. 辞职 resign v. 辞职;辞去(某职务)5. dissatisfaction n. 不快,不悦 dissatisfactory adj. 不满意的 6. speculate v. 推测,猜测 speculation n. 推测,猜测 III. 重点短语英译汉1. labour organising劳动力组织形式 2. working shifts 工作班制 3. tech giants 科技巨头 4. in the space of a week 在一周之内5. code-sharing代码共享协议 6. hit the top trends on Weibo 上了微博热搜7. a contributing factor 促成因素 8. force sb. to work 迫使某人做某事9. in response to 作为对的回应 10. the Communist Youth League 共青团11. a turning point 一个转折点 12. face up to (使)直面,正视(真相、现实等)IV. 翻译下列句子 1. A campaign against long working hours by professionals in Chinas technology sector has been trending on the internet worldwide in a rare display of labour organising across countries.翻译:中国科技行业从业者们发起了一场抗议运动,旨在反对工作时间过长,这在世界各地的网络上得到了大量传播,而这也是一场罕见地各国跨国劳动力组织形式的反映。2. The “anti-996” campaign opposes employees working shifts of 9am-9pm, six days a week, which are commonly required by the countrys tech giants.翻译:“反996”运动抗议的是早9晚9、每周工作6天的制度,这在中国各大科技巨头公司当中屡见不鲜。 3. The campaign has grown in the space of a week to become the second-highest bookmarked project on Microsofts GitHub, used for code-sharing. It has also hit the top trends on Weibo, Chinas microblogging platform.翻译:该运动在一周之内就成为了GitHub(微软代码分享社区)上收藏量第二的项目,同时也登上了微博的热搜排行榜。 4. In recent years, stories have gone viral of young engineers dying suddenly, with commenters speculating that stress was a contributing factor.翻译:近年来,年轻工程师猝死的新闻大肆传播,许多评论家猜测压力是主要影响因素之一。5. Tech giants Alibaba,JD.com and ByteDance are among those named in the projects “blacklist”.翻译:阿里巴巴、京东和字节跳动等科技巨头公司都被列入了(加班的)“黑名单”。6. “We will not force employees to work overtime, but we encourage everyone to fully invest themselves,” JD.com said in response to media reports of employees complaining that their 996 schedule was a way of forcing resignations.翻译:据媒体报道,许多员工抱怨京东的996工作制是强迫员工辞职。但京东方面回应称:“我们不会强制要求员工加班,但我们鼓励大家全情投入。”你的感悟:04996工作制遭遇程序员抵制课程导读近日,有程序员在知名代码托管平台 GitHub 上发起了一个名为“996.ICU”的项目,以此抵制互联网公司的996工作制。此举立即得到大批程序员响应。所谓的996是996工作制是指早上9点上班、晚上9点下班,中午和傍晚休息1小时(或不到),总计工作10小时以上,并且一周工作6天的工作制度,代表着中国互联网企业盛行的加班文化,是一种违反中华人民共和国劳动法的工作制度。而“996.ICU”意为“工作996,生病ICU”。这是程序员们较为讽刺说法,意味着按照“996”工作时间表,你面临着进入ICU(重症监护病房)的风险。在互联网公司,996工作制并不是什么新鲜事。在最近裁员风声此起彼伏的背景下,996工作制成为一些企业逼退员工或是变相增加 KPI 的手段,再次引发大众关注。本文节选自 Financial Times 文本难度:话题难度:China tech worker protest against long working hours goes viralA campaign against long working hours by professionals in Chinas technology sector has been trending on the internet worldwide in a rare display of labour organising across countries.The “anti-996” campaign opposes employees working shifts of 9am-9pm, six days a week, which are commonly required by the countrys tech giants.The campaign has grown in the space of a week to become the second-highest bookmarked project(收藏项目) on Microsofts GitHub, used for code-sharing. It has also hit the top trends on Weibo, Chinas microblogging platform.In recent years, stories have gone viral of young engineers dying suddenly, with commenters speculating that stress was a contributing factor.Tech giants Alibaba,JD.com and ByteDance are among those named in the projects “blacklist”.“We will not force employees to work overtime, but we encourage everyone to fully invest themselves,” JD.com said in response to media reports of employees complaining that their 996 schedule was a way of forcing resignations.The campaign led the Communist Youth Leagues newspaper(共青团报纸) to write an editorial saying that “dissatisfaction has reached a turning point”, and society was facing up to the issue of how to reduce pressure on young people.7


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