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一、 重点单词1. population n. _2. India _ Indian_ 3. in the dark _4. in the daytime _5. fox _6.wake_ 7. natural (n) _8. 环境 _9.体温_ 10. whenever_11. 春 _ 夏_秋 _冬 _ 季节_12. type _二、语法聚焦:现在完成时基本结构:have been to :have gone to:延续性动词与非延续性动词:step3重难点解析task1词汇解析1. India _ Indian_ 2. in the dark _ dark (adj): 黑暗的,深颜色的3. in the daytime _4. fox (pl) _5.wake (过去式)_(过去分词)_(形容词)_6Wake up (vi) 睡醒,醒了 (vt) 叫醒 7. natural (n) _8. 保护环境 _9. 测体温_ 10. whenever = _11. 春 _ 夏_秋 _冬 _ 季节_12. type (n) 类型,种类 (v) 打字13. 四分之一 _ 四分之三 _task2知识剖析1.so its also a good place to practice your English!(1)practice:及物动词“实践,练习”常用搭配: practice doing/n./pron.I practice English every morning.He practices playing the piano.(2) practice:不可名词“练习,实践”They need a lot of practice.区别:practice/exercise2.you wont have any problem finding rice, noodles, or dumplings. have problems (in) doing sth. “做某事很费劲”We had some problems finishing it within an hour.3.Whether you like Indian food, western food, or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore.whether 连词 “不管,不论”常与“or”连用,引导让步状语从句Whether she wins or loses,this is her last chance.Whether you like it or not,you will have to do it.4.It might seem strange to go to a zoo when its dark. seem的用法 “好像、似乎” , 其后加形容词。He seems unhappy today.他今天好像不高兴。She seems sad.她似乎很伤心。(1) seem +(to be) +n. They seem (to be) doctors.他们好像是医生。(2) seem +(to be) +介词 It seems like years since I last saw Mr. Green.从上次遇到格林先生, 好像过了许多年。(3) seem to do something. He seems to be happy. 他好像很高兴。 My mother seemed to know that.我妈妈好像知道那件事。 (4) It seems that + 从句It seems that he is happy.= He seems (to be) happy.他好像很快乐。5.A lot of animals only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them.(1)wake up:“醒来,叫醒”例如:I usually wake up at 6:00 in the morning. The ring woke up me.(2) the best time to do sth.Its the best time to study.6.This because the island is so close to the equator.close的用法(1) 形容词 “近的,接近的”be close to “离.很近”My home is close to our school.(2) 动词 “关闭,盖上”She closed the door softly.(3) 名词 “结束”at the close of the meeting(4) 副词 “接近,靠近地,紧密地,紧紧地”They live close to the museum.step4巩固练习一、 翻译下列短语1. 在东南亚_ 2. 度假胜地_3. 练习英语的好地方_4. 尝试新食物的一个绝好的地方 _5. 在一方面 _ 6. 在另一方面 _7. 中国以外(的地方)_ 8. 在白天 _9. 观看它们的最好时间_ 10. 在更天然的环境_ 11. 靠近赤道_ 12. 远离中国_二、单项选择( ) 1. Has Mary _ what she would do? A. decide B. decided C. decision D. decides( ) 2. Its good to see foxes because they are _during the night, and we can see them walking. A. awake B. alone C. asleep D. wake( ) 3. How long has he been _ for you? A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. wrote( ) 4. They have _ school for one year. A. be away from B. been away from C. left D. been leaving( ) 5. Mr. He died last year. He _for several months already. A. has been dying B. has died C. has been dead D. died( ) 6. He bought a bike last year. He has had the bike _. A. since a year B. for one year ago C. since a year ago D. for one year( )7. Haveyouevertraveledto_provinceofChina?A.theother B.another C.other D.others( )8. Idiscoveredthatthemostimportantrequirementwas_EnglishwellA.speak B.tospeak C.say D.tosay( ) 9. Wouldyoulike_tothetheaternow?A.going B.went C.togo D.goesstep5家庭作业一、 整理本节课讲义的笔记二、 背诵本单元单词并听写三、 完成下列题目任务性阅读Dear Zhang Hua,Have you ever been to Thailand? It is a country in Southeast Asia. Ive been in Thailand for a few days with my parents. We are here for a holiday.Now we are staying in Bangkok (曼谷). It is the capital of Thailand and it is a very interesting place to visit. Yesterday we visited some places of interest in the city. They are great! This morning we went shopping. Bangkok is a wonderful place to shop for jewelry (珠宝) and clothes. My mother bought a nice necklace, my father and I bought some fashionable T-shirts.Thailand is called “Land of Smiles” because people here are very friendly. And its true! When we eat in the restaurants in Bangkok, the waiters are really nice and they are always smiling. Thai food is delicious, but it is sometimes a little spicy (辛辣的) for me. You can also get Chinese food here because a lot of Chinese people came to live in Bangkok many years ago. Chinese food is very good, and it isnt as spicy as Thai food. Our American food can also be found in Bangkok, however, I dont eat it. You know, Id like to try new things when I travel.The weather has been very hot. Yesterday it rained and got a little cooler. But today its hot again.Mary根据短文内容,补全下列句子。1. Thailand is in _ and it is called _.2. Most tourists go to buy _ and _ in Bangkok.3. Mary thinks _ is spicier than _.4. Mary doesnt eat American food in Bangkok because she wants to _ when she travels.5. Because of the _, it was _in Bangkok yesterday than today.


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