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P11.Its impossible for us to live on the moon today,but maybe in the future we can live there.如今我们还不可能居住在月球上,但也许将来可以。2.Its selfish of you not to let her go there.你不让她去那儿,真是太自私了。3.I forgot to take my umbrella when I got off the bus. 我下公共汽车前忘了拿雨伞了。4.Be sure to bring your homework to school tomorrow. 明天务必把你的家庭作业带来学校。5.The newspaper didnt say where he was born. (n.)bear 报纸上没有说他是哪里出生的。6.Waste paper shouldnt be thrown here. 废纸不应该扔在这儿。P41. My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.我的教学风格和其他多数教师相似。2Sentences can be divided into three kinds in English. 在英语中,句子可分成三种类型。3.We dont have enough books for everyone,so some of you will have to share.我们的书不够每人一本,所以你们当中一些人得共用。4.Sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes. 你有时候不宽恕别人的过失,是愚蠢的。5.She always paid attention to her pronunciation when she read. 以前朗读时,她总是注意她的发音(pronunciation)。6.Teachers should treat each student equally. 老师应该公平地对待每个学生。P51.Our history teacher has a good sense of humour,and often makes us laugh. 我们的历史老师很有幽默感,经常使我们发笑。2.It is very important and you must keep secrets for me. 这件事很重要,你必须替我保守秘密。3.I think we should care more about the disabled. 我认为我们应该更多的关心残疾人。4.What are you arguing with them about? 你们与他们在争论什么?5.They worked hard to save money to buy a big house. 他们努力工作,以攒钱买幢大房子。P81.I have spent so much time explaining that thing to them that Im too tired. 我花了那么多时间向他们解释那件事,我太累了。2. Every child in this school is taken good care of now.现在,这个学校里的每一个孩子都受到很好的照顾。3. Dogs have a good sense of smell.狗有敏锐的嗅觉。4. Young people should often learn from others instead of showing off.年轻人应该常向别人学习,而不是炫耀。5. It is wise of him not to give up learning English.他不放弃学英语很明智。P101.Steven asked the trainer what he should pay attention to when having the driving test. Steven问教练参加驾照考试时应注意什么。2.My grandfather has made up his mind to give up drinking because of his health problem. 由于健康问题,我爷爷已下定决心戒酒了。3.It was careless of me to keep/leave the door open last night. 我昨晚太不小心了,门一直都开着。4.Is it necessary for them to learn a foreign language well. 他们有必要学好一门外语吗?5.Her brother is creative enough to be a writer.她弟弟有足够的创造力,可以成为一名作家。6.I was doing a experiment in the laboratory when you phoned me. 你打电话给我时,我正在实验室里做实验。


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