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新概念英语青少版 1A教学重点单元话题重点语句1Meet the family My name is . This is Is this your / my pen? Yes, it is. / No, It isnt. Whose is this pen? It is / Its my / your pen.2What is it?Colour: green red grey silver white black brown blue purple pink orange yellowThings: wheel flower umbrella bird key chair table desk dress camera What is this / that ? This is / That is / It is a hat / an umbrella. It is a red umbrella. Whose is it? Its Roberts. What colour is it? Its green.3Whos that? Who is that boy? Which boy? The boy on/in/with the . Is Roberts / Lucys bicycle silver? His / Her bicycle is red.4Robert isnt well Robert is thirsty. He is not hungry. Is he / she thirsty? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt. How are you? How is he / she? Who is thirsty? Robert is. What is funny? This story is.5Meet the neighbors! Look at him / her / it. Is he a teacher? Is he a student? Is he a teacher or a student? Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Whats his / her job? Hes / Shes a teacher. What do you do? Im a student / an accountant.6Gossip! wheres she from? Shes from Washington. What nationality is she? Shes English. She isnt French. Shes a pretty girl. Her mothers a famous photographer. Look at that student. (Describe him / her.) That English student is tall. Hes a tall English student.7Wheres my pen? Where is / Wheres my new ruler? Its in/on/under . Which one? This one. / That one. / The small one. Give me that ., please.8A bump in the night! Theres a noise in the living-room. Is there a man at the door? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Theres a / an . at / on / in / near . Theres a man at the door. Who is it?Its the postman.9Red, white and pink! My / Your shirts are white. Are your shirts white? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. What color are your shirts? They are / Theyre white. Put my shirts / Put them in the washing machine. Regular noun plurals: pyjamas, dogs, bags, shirts, cats, socks10Jump in! Is your bag / Are your bags full? my, you, his, her, our, your, their My bag is / My bags full. My bags are full. More regular noun plurals: cameras, cars, books11Very smart! this, these, that, those Is this / that Roberts tie? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Are these / those Pauls ties? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Is this / that your tie? No, it isnt my tie. Its Roberts. Are these / those your books? No, they arent my books. Theyre Karens.12Just like you! Look at that man / those men. Look at him / her / them. Hes a postman. / Shes an actress. Theyre workmen. / Theyre actresses. That man is a student. / Those people are office workers. Irregular plurals: men, women, workmen, children, people13Late or early What time is it? / Whats the time?Its one oclock / twelve oclock. Are you and Robert hot? Yes, we are. / No, we arent. We are / Were (both) hot.14One, two, three, catch! Give me / us / him / her / them a glass / two glasses, please. Which one? / Which ones? The small one / The big ones on / beside / in / under / in front of / behind . Can you give me .? I cant catch it.15Thats not fair! Are there two men in front of the shop? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. There are four women near the school gates. How many men are there in the street? There are two men in the street. compared with They are policemen. Can you see those men / them? Yes, I can. Theyre policemen. Irregular plural: housewives


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