小学新译林 5B Unit6考点精练

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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流小学新译林 5B Unit6考点精练.精品文档.5年级下册 Unit 6 (A卷: 课堂点拨题 )一.复习“现在进行时”结构:be+Ving1.肯定句(1) Its 5 oclock . We (have) a dancing lesson .(2)【易错】Lets (make) a cake now.(3) Listen! Who (sing) in the next room?2.否定句【易错】Dont (play) football on the street now.3.一般疑问句【本课重点】( )(1)_ Ben and his mother cooking meat ? A. Is B. Do C. Are( ) (2)Are they (study)in the library? No, they (clean) the library.(3)My parents are cooking meat with potatoes .(改为一般疑问句)(4)-他们在做土豆汤吗? -不,他们在做西红柿烧肉。 - cooking potato soup? -No, theyre cooking the .4.特殊疑问句( ) (1)【易错】What _ I doing?Guess! A.am B.is C.are(2)My father is cooking dinner. (对划线部分提问)(3)My dad is cooking the tomato soup now. (对划线部分提问) 二. 复习There be句型1.肯定句( ) (1)【易错】There _a lot of new clothes in the wardrobe . A.am B.is C.be D.are( ) (2)【易错】There are a lot of pests in Bobbys garden .(对划线部分提问)2.一般疑问句 (be)there any apple juice in the fridge.三. 复习一般现在时(1)The soup smells nice. (改为否定句)(2)Does this sandwich (smell) nice? (3)This ladybird has seven spots.(对划线部分提问) 四. 复习“可数”和“不可数”(1)There (be) any bread on the table.(2)Do you have any (bread)?五. 复习“不定式”的用法(1)Do you want (eat) some rice?(2)Su Hai and Lucy often come (help) me.六. I eat with a knife and fork. 我用刀叉吃饭。( )【易错】Lucy can eat with . A. a knife and a fork B. chopsticks C. chopstick七. 本课中的一些句型和短语( ) (1) What do you have _lunch? A.in B. for C.with D.at( ) (2)Here _ some storybooks. A. am B. are C. is( ) (3)My mother is cooking meat _ pineapple. A.with B.or C.to(4)【易错】Who (catch) the pests in the garden? Sam.B卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.Is your mother _Suzhou? Yes, she is. A.live B. goes to C. visiting D.live in( )2.【易错】-_ on the fridge? -There are some oranges. A. What are B. Whats C. Are there( )3.-There _ some meat for you. -Thank you. A.is B. are C. have( )4.My mother wants _ some vegetables. A.washes B. to wash C. to washing( )5.How do people eat in China? They eat with_. A. a knife and a fork B. hands C. chopsticks( )6.Is your bag big _small? A. and B. with C. an D. or( )7.I cant _ my puppy. Im _ it. A.look for;finding B. finding;looking for C. find;looking for( )8.-_ the meat? -Its yummy. A.Hows B.Whats C.Wheres( )9.Can you _ the dog _ for me? A.leave;behind B.go;away C.drive;away二填入适当的词1.drive(现在分词) 2.catch (第三人称单数) 3.go(反义词) 4.knife (复数) 5.win(现在分词) 6.love(近义词) 7.tomato(复数) 8.Jims brother (watch) TV at eight every evening.9.【易错】My father should (brush) his teeth every day. 10.Its eight oclock . We (have)supper.11.What _Tim_(do)? Look, he _(do)his homework.12.There are a lot of (potato) in the basket.13.My little sister wants (listen) to music.14.He cant (cook)some tomato soup.15.【易错】Can you help (we) (clean)the table.16.Shall we (learn) the English song now?17.They (not water) the flowers now. 18.Can Kate (skate)? Yes. Look, she (skate)over there.19.What is our granddaughter doing? She (listen) to music.20.【易错】Look!The bus (stop)21.根据首字母填空(1) Sam c a bird in the tree. (2) I like eating v and fruit.三翻译1.洗一些蔬菜 2.煮些土豆汤 3.迫不及待 4.赶走那条狗 5.上午六点 6.用刀吃 7.所有的女孩子正在操场上跑步。 the girls in .8.海伦在书房看书吗? Is Helen a book in the study?9.你的奶奶正在找扫地吗?是的。 your grandma the ?10.你正在做家庭作业吗? you ?11.The man is the .(沿街走)12.碗里有一些肉。There in the bowl.13.萨姆从书上抓了一只瓢虫。 Sam a ladybird the tree.14.【易错】谁来帮助波比? Who Bobby?15.山姆的瓢虫把害虫赶走了。Sams ladybirds the pest .四写出下列动词的现在分词1.fit 2.cut 3.begin 4. make 5.smoke 6.leave 7.get 8.stop 五句型转换1.We are making beds in our bedroom. (改为一般疑问句)2.Tom does his homework on Sundays.(把on Sundays 换成now) 3.Im playing football in the playground.(对划线部分提问) 4.There are some glasses on the table. (对划线部分提问) 5.【易错】The soup smells nice.(对划线部分提问) 6.Its time for dinner.(同义句) 7.There isnt any meat in the fridge.(改为肯定句) 5年级下册 Unit 6 (C卷: 复习提高题)一. 选择( )1.My friend likes _. A.running and swimming B. cook and sing C.run and dance ( )2._ is the soup, Bobby? Its great. A.Where B. What C. How( )3.【易错】Can you _ any flowers in the garden? Yes, I can. A.look B. look for C. see( )4.Please show _ your photos of the trip. A.we B. us C. our( )5.-Look! Mr Yang is cleaning the car. -Ill go and help _.A. he B. his C. Him( )6.I am talking _ you. A. for B. to C. on( )7._ Mrs Brown _ the window every day? A.Is;playing B.Does;play C. Are;playing( )8.【易错】-_ in the fridge? -There are some apples. A.What are B.Whats C.Are there( )9.Mike and I like juice very much,but my parents _. A.dont B.arent C.cant( )10.-Here some meat for you. A.is B.are C.have二填词1.The computer room is on (two) floor.2.What (do) Liu Tao (have)? He (have)a toy train.3.My parents (cook)dinner in the kitchen.4.Who (wash)the dishes in your family?5. (vegetable) are good for (we).6.What is our granddaughter doing? She (listen) to music.7.【易错】Do you have any (grape) juice?8.Does this sandwich (smell) nice?9.【易错】Liu Tao wants some (potato) soup.10.【易错】The students are (learn) how (draw).11.Please show (they) how to do it.12.The boys are learning how (read) English.13.- Helen (wash) clothes? -Yes, she is.14.There is some (bread) here.三改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.Do you like meat and vegetables? 2.We usually eat in chopsticks. 3.Is he like drinking water? 4.【易错】Show us how swim. 5.I want eat some grapes. 四阅读理解 【一】Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name .My parents gave me both of my other names. People dont use their middle names very much. So “John Henry Brown” is usually called “John Brown”. People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown; but you should never say Mr John. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name. Sometimes people ask me about my name. “When you were born, why did your parents call you Jim?” they ask.” Why did they choose that name?” The answer is they didnt call Jim. They called me James. James was the name of my grandfather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. Thats because it is shorter and easier than James. 1.Most English people have_ names. A .one B. two C.three D .four 2. _ is Jims family name. A. Jim B .Green C .Allan D .James 3. English people use Mr, Mrs or Miss with _ . A. the family name B .the first name C. The middle name D. the first name and the middle name 4. The teachers name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her _. A. miss Mary B. Miss Joan C .Miss Mary Joan D .Miss Shute 5. People usually call the writer Jim instead of James because _. A .Its the name of his grandfather B .Its easier for people call him C .Its the name that his parents chose for him D .Its more difficult than James. 【二】正确的写T,错误的写FMy name is Susan. Im a student of Jin Ling Primary School. Im in Grade Five. I go to school on foot from Mondays to Fridays. Sometimes I go to learn playing the violin on Saturday mornings. I like Chinese and English. I dont like Maths, but every week we have 5 maths lessons. I think its very bored. Perhaps Im not a bright(聪明的) girl. But my two brothers like it very much. This term we have a new subject, Computer studies. Its an interesting subject. I feel I like it. I often like drawing houses, birds, and flowers on it. Miss Feng teaches(教)us it. She is a good teacher. Time for bed now. Good night everyone!( )1. Susan likes Maths very much.( )2. Susan is a student of Grade Five.( )3.Her brothers like Chinese and English .( )4.She goes to school by bike.( )5.She likes drawing on the computer.( )6.Miss Feng teaches them Computer studies this term.


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