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牛津英语8B Unit 4 复习讲义主备人: 审核人: 备课时间: 上课时间: 总课时:教学目标:复习本单元单词,词组和重要句子。能灵活运用所学知识。课前预习:1背诵本单元的单词 2整理本单元的知识要点一、重点词汇1. on time/in time基本含义用法辨析on time “准时”正好在约定的时间发生in time “及时”在约定的时间之前发生【小试牛刀】1. The train came _.2. They were just_for the bus.2. seem+adj./seem+that基本含义例句展示seem + adj. “似乎,看起来”These girls seem very happy. 这些女孩子们似乎很高兴。seem + that “似乎,看起来”It seemed that they didnt catch the train. 看来他们没赶上火车。【小试牛刀】 他今天看上去很高兴。He_very happy today. It_he _ very happy today.3. rise/raise基本含义用法辨析rise “升起,上升”不及物动词,一般只某物自然的上升raise “举起”及物动词,一般指人为的使某物上升【小试牛刀】1. The boy _ to his feet.2. The boy _ his hand to answer this question.二、语法点拨被动语态(2)(1) 由情态动词构成的被动语态这种被动语态的结构是:情态动词+be+过去分词All these exercises must be finished before school is over. 所有这些习题必须在放学以前做完。(2) 含有双宾语的句子的被动语态有一些动词如give, buy等,后面常跟两个宾语-直接宾语和间接宾语;通常直接宾语指 物,间接宾语指人;指物或指人的宾语都可以作为被动句子的主语。例如:Father bought him a computer. 爸爸给他买了一台电脑。A computer was bought for him(by father).(以物作 主语)He was bought a computer (by father). (以人作主语,虽语法正确,但实际不这样使用。)【必背】将这些带双宾语的动词背下来: 动词后加to的:give 给pass 递给show 给看send 寄lend借给bring 带leave 留给hand 交给tell 告诉return 归还write 写给throw 扔promise 答应refuse 拒绝 动词后加for的:make 制,做buy 买sing 给唱歌pay 付钱给get 得到do 做(3) 含有宾语补足语的句子的被动语态有一些动词如make,call等,常伴有定语补足语(或称为复合宾语);在变为被动语态时,宾 补的位置不变。He named the baby(宾) Lily(宾补). 他给这个婴儿起名叫莉莉。The baby was named(谓语)Lily(宾补)(by him).(莉莉的位置不变)【注意】所有要求不定式作宾语补足语而不带to的动词,包括感官动词see, hear, watch, feel, look at, listen to及使役动词make, let, have和动词help,在变为被动语态时,还要把to加上。I saw him(宾) enter the Room 102(宾补).He was seen(谓语)to enter the Room 102(宾补). 我看见他进入102室。(他被看见进入了102室。)【真题演练】1. Today, the forests have almost gone. People must_down too many trees. (2001安徽)A. stop to cut B. stop from cuttingC. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting2. - What do you think of the football match yesterday? (2003安徽)- Well. Its surprising. The strongest team of our school _. (2003安徽)A. was beaten B. won C. scored D. was failed3. -Dad, please open the door. It _. -OK. I am coming. (2005安徽) A. will lockB. lockedC. is lockedD. was locked4. Ba Jin, one of the greatest writers in China, _ as “Peoples Writer”. (2007安徽) A. is regardedB. has regarded C. is regardingD. regards5. The dress _ smooth and soft.(2008安徽) A. felt B. feels C. is felt D. is feeling6. When you leave the room,make sure the door _. (2008安徽) A. was locked B. is locked C. will be locked D. should be locked7. -Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.-I think a bridge _ over the river. (2009安徽)A. was built B. is been built C. has been built D. should be built 8. - Are you going to the party? - No, because I _.(2010安徽) A. have asked B. I havent asked C. have been asked D. havent been asked三、交际用语 组织义演I hope our charity show will be a success.I hope that our show will be held at the school hall.I hope a lot of pop stars can be invited to the show.Im sure he would like to help us.Im nervous because I dont know how to organize a show. 基础训练一、重点词组1. 在.方面帮助某人_ 2. 为.筹钱_3. 挑选某人做某事_ 4. 因为_5. 希望做某事_ 6. 记住做某事_7. 在合适的时间_ 8. 开始_9. 能, 会_ 10. 同时_11. 一点点_ 12. 持续做某事_13. 的迷_ 14. 发出噪音_15. 为捐款_16. 当地企业_二、句型结构1. It was my job to introduce each other.It is / was + n. / adj. to do sth. 1)学好每一门学科是我们的职责。It is _to learn every subject. 2)对于我来说独立做飞机模型并不简单。It is _for me _by myself.2. I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time. 区分 remember to do sth. / remember doing sth.1) 离开教室的时候请记住关门。Please remember _the door when you leave the classroom.2)我记得给你看过那些照片。I remember _you the photos.3. Everything seemed to happen so fast.注意 seem to do sth. / It seems that的正确使用1) 天似乎要下雨了。It seems that _.2)Harry今天似乎很高兴。Harry seems _today.三、难点语法1. because , because of because 后面跟_. because of 后面跟_.1)因为要考试所以今晚我不能去看演出。I cant go to the show _ the exam.2)因为妈妈不在家,所以Neil不得不照顾自己。 Neil has to look after himself _his mother isnt at home.2. so 所以,因此1)因为有大量的工作要做,所以他们需要更多的人。There are a lot of work to do, _they need more people.2)汤姆六岁了,可以去上学了。Tom is six years old, _he can go to school.3. hope, wish1) hope: 希望发生的事情可能发生; wish: 希望发生的事情几乎不可能发生 我希望明天能见到你。I _I can see you tomorrow. 我希望能飞。I _ I could fly.2) 区分 hope to do sth. / hope + that + 从句我希望明天能拜访你。I _visit you tomorrow.?/ I _I will visit you tomorrow.牛津英语8B Unit 4 短语汇总序号ChineseEnglish1做慈善演出的主持人be the host of a charity show2白天少睡点sleep less during the day3多练习practice a lot4在英特网上登广告advertise on the Internet5散发(传单)give out (leaflets)6组织一次慈善演出organize a charity show7绿色希望工程Project Green Hope8希望工程Project Hope9拯救中国虎Save Chinas Tigers10春蕾计划Spring Bud Project11为某人(某组织)筹款/募捐raise money for sb.捐某物(钱)给某人donate sth.(money) to sb.12回到学校return to school = come back to school13帮忙(某人)做某事help(sb.) with sth. = help (sb.) do sth.14艰苦的工作hard work努力工作(学习)work hard15开始演出排练start working on the show16在适当的时候at the right time17在同时at the same time18在开始;起初in the beginning = at first在末尾;最后in the end = at last = finally19变得容易一点became a little bit easier20一直问我自己(一直做某事)keep asking myself (keep doing sth.)21大声地说话speak loudly22发出很多噪音make a lot of noise23得到当地企业的大力技持have/get a lot of support from local businesses24帮助需要的人help people in need25开一个会have/hold a meeting举办一次慈善演出have/hold a charity show26通过卖物品和提供服务来挣钱make money by selling goods and services27选择某人来做某事choose sb. to do sth.28使你的声音听起来更大些make your voice sound louder29对感兴趣(延)be interested in 对产生了兴趣(短)become interested in30挂在舞台前面hang in front of the stage31想要这次演出取得成功want the show to be a success32邀请我吃午餐invite me to lunch33搭建舞台set up (the stage)34做出决定make a decision / make some decisions决定做某事decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth.35志愿做某事volunteer to do sth.36注意某物pay attention to sth.37希望你(度过)一个快乐的假期wish you a happy holiday希望你(有)好运wish you good luck38迫不急待做某事cant wait for sth. = cant wait to do sth.39因为(做)某事而感谢某人thank sb. for (doing)sth.40学会读书和写字learn to read and write41去上班来代替上学go to work instead of going to school42使这次演出成为可能make this show possible43明年再举行一次演出do another show next year44激动地鼓掌和大叫0clap and shout excitedly巩固练习命题人审核人课题学生姓名班级评价批阅日期8BUnit4一选择题:1.The room is so big that it can _1 000 people. A.be B.hold C.take D.carry2.Do you know who will the charity show? A.be the host B.be host of C.host D.host of3.Congratulations _ you_ your good result! A.to;on B.on;to C.to;at D.in;at4.The bike needs_. A.to repair B.to be repaired C.to reparing D.being repaired5.We _ go there only if it tomorrow. A.will;rains B.are;will C.will;doesnt D.will;not6.You should have a _ after _ for a long time. A.break;work B.break;working C.rest;work D.rest;have worked7.Has your school _ for new English teachers? A.advertise B.advertised C.advertisement D.advertiser8. .Do you know when UNICF ? A.set up B.was set up C.will be built D.was building9.The book must to the library on time. A.returned B.be given back C.take D.give away10.We should finish all the leaflets before eleven. A.give to B.give in C.give out D.giving out11. Everybody at the party seemed . A.generous B.generously C.happily D.kindly12. -Im sorry I left my homework at home. - _.Please bring it here next time. A.Not at all B.Thats all right. C.It doesnt matter D.You are welcome13. These wine bottles are glass. A.made in B.made by C.made of D.made from14. Everyone knows that paper is wood. A.made of B.made from C.made in D.made by15.He wont give up until he the problem. A.works on B.at work C.will work out D.works out16.Its a good habit breakfast every day. A.had B.have C.has D.to have17.The students are to get good results. A.hard work B.hard working C.work hard D.working hard18. each term,teachers give out new books. A.In the end B.In the beginning of C.At the beginning D.at the beginning of 19 An exhibition of paintings at the art museum when he comes back from abroad.A.is going to hold B.is going to be held C.are going to hold D.are going to be held20. There are many places of in Hangzhou.We are all in them. A.interest; interesting B.interests; interested C.interest; interested D.interest; interested21 These pencils pictures. A.are used to drawing B.are used for drawing C.used to draw D.get used to drawing22. When can you finish your homework? -It will _ me about half an hour.A.spend B.take C.pay D.bring23. I promise that this matter next week.A.will be taken care B.will take care of C.will take good care D.will be taken care of24. My bag _there behind the door. A. hung B. hangs C. is hanging D. has hung二用括号里词的适当形式填空(20) 1.Look, How hard it (rain) 2.You can go to watch the show when your homework (finish). 3.Young trees must (look) after well.5.Lets take turns (help) Jim with his physics. 6.We couldnt wait (get) off the bus. 7.Im very happy (meet) you here. 8.The people had fun (plant) the trees. 9.He (donate) much money recently. 10.Many people (invite)to our show tomorrow. 11.Lots of money (raise) already. 12.They shouted with (happy) on the playground. 13.school is like watchng TV,but there are fewer_(advertise) 14.I hope (pass) the English exam next time.15. at last,a kid broke the_(silent)16. I hear he has gone to Hainan on_(busy)17. The tourists are all satisfied with their _(perform)18.The curtain (rise) slowly and the show began.19.The money they raised will be used to pay for the poor childrens_(educational).20.We thanked them for their (donate). 三、从方框中选用恰当的短语填空must be done, is a success, introduce my friend take part in, go to sleep, to help him, their names of be chosen, In the beginning has been raised 1I am sure. I can _ to be a host of the class meeting.2. _, I felt a little bit nervous because of the TV cameras.3I couldnt _ at all last night.4It is my duty _ get a good education.5I am very busy because a lot of things _ at the same time.6Dont be worried. A lot of money _ from local factories7. If our charity show _, Ill call you at once.8. They often advertise on TV , so many people know_ their businesses.9 Let me _ Peter to you. 10. It seems that he wont be able to _ the meeting on time.四翻译1只有你多练习才能被挑选参加竞赛。You will_take part in the competition_.2已经散发了许多传单请人们捐款。Many leaflets_money.3你的职责是照看好每个孩子。_your duty_.4演出前一刻中我非常紧张以致于我几乎喘不过气。_the show I was _breathe.5应该邀请更多的明星参加这次活动,这样可以筹集更多的钱。More stars _take part in the event_.6帷幕应该横穿舞台悬挂。Curtains should _the stage.7这个老板的资助使我们的晚会成为可能。_donation_.8由于穷,他没上学而去深圳打工养活家庭了。Because he is poor,he went to Shenzhen to work_school五任务型阅读A) 根据下面报纸专栏ASK DR. SMITH中信件内容,按要求答题。Dear Dr. Smith,I have a big problem that has just gotten worse and worse recently.Ive been reallytired because Ive had trouble getting to sleep lately.When I go to bed, I toss and turn. I wake up several times during the night, and in the morning .Im always feeling uncom-fortable with a sense of illness. Usually its worse when I have a big test at school ora difficult piece of work given as part of my studies. I work full-time in the daytimes and go to school at night. So far, I havent missed any days at work, but Ive alreadyfallen asleep at my desk several times. At night, I have trouble focusing in class. I feelso stressed out. I hope you can help!BURNT OUTDear Burnt Out,No wonder you feel stressed out. You just arent getting enough sleep! Everyone worriesabout tests and assignments(功课). The key is not to worry too much! When you takeyour worries to bed with you at night, its hard to get to sleep.You need to find a wayto lower your stress level, so you dont always feel so stressed out. Think ofwhat helpsyou relax, and make that part of your daily timetable.You could try an exercise programlike walking or biking. Before you go to sleep, do something relaxing. You might findthat it makes a big difference.DR. SMITH1. What is the matter with Mr. Burnt Out?_2. Is a big test or assignment at school the cause of his stress?_3. What does Dr. Smith think is the key to Burnt Outs problem?_4. What does Dr. Smith think he should do?_5. Dr. Smith suggests exercise as a way to relax. What else might help Burn Out relax?_B) 阅读短文,完成句子Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists say that they may be taught todo a number of simple jobs. They say that in a film or on TV. We may see elephants,or monkeys,dogs,bears,or other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully,you ,may find that those animals are always given something to eat in return for doing thing-s. The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get something to eat in return.Of course ,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house, and elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs. And we can also teach animals to work in factories. Apes, for example, have been used in America to help make cars and scientists believe that perhaps these large apes can reap and drive engines some day.1. It _by some scientists that people can_to do a lot of simple jobs.2. If people want to_to do things for them,they must give _to those animals in return.3. People often_at home_their houses.4. Animals can also _to work_.5. People in America have made_them to make cars and scientists believe that these large apes_to reap and drive engines in the future.


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