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国外企业安全管理1. BP职能化的安全管理机构总经理销售经理安全顾问人力资源顾问工厂厂长运作经理财务经理供应采购经理信息技术顾问 职能部门向总经理汇报,但同时向直属上级报告,业绩主要由职能上级考核 职能部门具有相对独立性 不同成员公司安全人员形成一个网络,会承担一定上级的任务2. 道达尔佛山工厂组织架构: 134 人3. 杜邦4. 广本5. ABB6. ACCO每个职位的职责看原文7. 阿美科AMEC8. 巴斯夫9. 贝克休斯Enterprise employee injury/illness performanceWe achieved a 14% reduction in 2013 Total Recordable Incident Rate , surpassing our 10%goal for the year. Although 66 fewer recordable incidents occurred than in the previous year, 580 employees still suffered a recordable injury. In addition to successfully lowering our TRIR, we achieved an 18% reduction in our DaysAway From Work Case Rate . Our key HSE performance metrics continue to outperform the International Association of Drilling Contractors benchmark, and are in the top quartile across the industry .Our loss control triangle shows that employees submitted 487,060 observations in 2013, a 20% increase year-on-year. This increase correlates directly with our improved safety and environmental performance.Injury/illness data analysisFigs. 4 and 5 illustrate the top five injured body parts and the six most mon types of injuries sustained in 2013. Hand and back injuries continue to be the most frequent body parts affected. bined, these injuries constitute 44% of the recordable injuries for the year . Although sprains and strains continueto be the most prevalent type of injury, we experienced a 14% reduction pared to 2012 and 31% pared to 2011 . Recordable injuries predominantly occurred at the wellsite or at a Baker Hughes facility. Together these locations accounted for 82% of the recordable injuries .Transportation safetyOur transportation safety performance improved last year. Our recordable Motor Vehicle Accident frequency improved 4%, and our overall accident frequency rate decreased by more than 9%. While these are very encouraging results, we still have many opportunities for improvement. As in the past, the majority of our recordable accidents were due to a bination of factors, but excessive speed for road and weather conditions, improper following distance, poor driver awareness of surroundings and inconsistent journey management practices continue to be our most frequent contributors, reflecting the need for continued training and strong oversight programs.To address these issues, we pleted a thorough driving training program strategy addressing not only the Baker Hughesspecific driver training ponents , but also driver trainers and assessors . Further support for these two programs will e with the introduction of the Transportation Safety Management Leadership Program in Q1 2014. All three programs will also be introduced globally. And, we have initiated plans to pilot a state-of-theart driving simulator.10. 福陆11. 哈利伯顿During 2013, we achieved a strong safety performance with a 26 percent decline in injury rates. This is one of the greatest yearover-year improvements we have ever seen, and it speaks to the dedication, all across our organization, to ensure that everyone returns home safe.Key Achievements As we continue to work toward our ultimate goal of ZERO, we reduced our total recordable incident rate to 0.59 in 2013. This represents our best performance, and a 70 percent decline, since the pany began keeping consolidated records in 1999. Our 2013 lost-time incident rate of 0.14 represents our best performance, and an 86 percent decline, pared to 1999. We reduced both the volume of spills and our carbon footprint in 2013. Additionally, we enhanced our prehensive chemical index and continue to advance our emissions reducing dual-fuel technology. We pleted a full update of our corporate health, safety and environmental standards. These standards define the minimum expectations for the control of an HSE activity or system, and serve as a bridge between regulatory requirements and Halliburtons operations.12. 霍尼韦尔HSE Structure and Responsibility1. APPLICABILITY1.1 This standard applies to all Honeywell organizations and majority owned subsidiaries worldwide. 2. OVERVIEW2.1 An organizations HSE Management System will only be as successful as the level of mitment demonstrated by its leadershipand employees. One important method used to gain and maintain high levels of mitment is the establishment of specific HSE roles and responsibilities throughout the organizations structure. Operational controls are designed to manage HSE aspects, risks and obligations but controls are only as good as the individual efforts to implement and maintain those controls. Establishing clear roles and responsibility for the management system and resulting controls will help the organization implementits management system, sustain control over its HSE aspects and drive mitment throughout the workforce. This standard will help organizations implement and maintainan effective HSE management system by establishing clear lines of responsibility and accountability.3. DEFINITIONS3.1 Definitions for underlined text are found at the end of this document. 4. REQUIREMENTS4.1 The organization shall identify and documentHSE roles and responsibilities necessary to establish and maintain an effective HSE management system. Roles and responsibilities must be established for all employees including the following organization levels: Those who manage activities that have or could have an impact on the organizations HSE performance, including Senior Leadership, managers, supervisors and functional HSE leaders 4.1.2 Personnel who perform tasks and activities that have HSE risks or are included in the organizations identified significant aspects, including employees and contractors 4.1.3 Personnel who verify HSE performance for the organization including those performing audits, self-assessments, inspections and monitoring activities 4.2 The organizations senior leader is ultimately responsible and accountable for HSE performance and the performance of the HSE Management System. The organizations senior leadership shall appoint a specific management representative who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for ensuring that the HSE management system requirements are established, implementedand maintained. This requirement shall be achieved by appointing one of the following individuals: The organizations senior leader 4.2.2 A direct report to the organizations senior leader 4.2.3 A management representative with direct and regular access to the senior leader for the purposes of municating and driving the HSE management system 4.3 Roles and responsibilities must be assigned for all activities of the HSE Management System . 4.4 Operational Controls must include assignment of responsibility for control requirements. Where possible, responsibilities shall be assigned to the individual that have authority and responsibility for the operation, activity or risk to be controlled. 4.5 Those assigned specific HSE responsibilities must be at a level in the organization wherethey have adequate authority, resources and operational knowledge to successfully carry out their responsibilities. 4.6 HSE performance expectations must be included and documented in the performance management process for all individuals assigned specific HSE responsibilities. 5. RELATED DOCUMENTS5.1 None defined now.13. 卡特彼勒From 2012 to 2013, we continued to build upon a trend toward world-class standards in safety with a 24 percent reduction in Recordable Injury Frequency and a 3 percent reduction in Lost-Time Case Frequency Rate .坐落在无锡市的卡特彼勒中国机械部件#时刻将安全放在第一位,并致力于创建一种集教育、提示和汇报于一体的安全文化.通过辨识关键的不安全行为每个工作站都有具体的安全观察记录卡,设置多种沟通渠道用于汇报安全隐患,举办年度安全竞赛、工作风险分析竞赛等安全活动,以与创建安全培训室等,该公司在 2013 年的可记录伤害率同比去年改善了 61% ,并在同年被无锡市政府授予安全文化示范企业.可持续性发展在卡特彼勒,可持续发展贯穿整个业务运营过程. 我们在工厂设立了极高的环境、健康与安全性能标准,甚至超出法律和法规的合规要求. 主动执行这样的高标准展示出我们要保持行业内可持续性领导地位的决心与承诺.卡特彼勒致力于保证卡特彼勒资产中每一个人的长期健康和安全,并保护我们的运营环境.我们的环境、健康和安全EHS专业人员已与卡特彼勒领导层联手协作,以推动这方面取得巨大改进,并提高企业内部人员对 EHS 重要性的认识. 卡特彼勒团队成员的职责是识别和管理风险,并积极参与持续改善工作环境、健康和运营安全. 这些成功使我们距离 2020 愿景目标更近一步,因为我们一直努力成为世界一流的供应商.运营我们的环境、健康和安全EHS专业人员已与卡特彼勒领导层联手推动这方面的巨大改进,并在企业内提高对 EHS 重要性的认识.由于我们在组织中嵌入了CPS卡特生产系统,因此我们正在整个企业内每一个工厂、每一条产品线、直至每一个服务区推进环境、健康和安全领域工作的规范性.我们不断鼓励所有卡特彼勒团队向废料与低效率的工作方式发出挑战,并加深员工对我们的生产生活对世界所产生的真实影响的认识和理解.工作场所安全2003 年,卡特彼勒将其愿景定义为安全 - 我们相信所有事故和伤害均可避免,因此,我们的终极目标是零事故零伤害. 自 2003 年以来,我们的可记录伤害率总量已减少 80% 以上.14.康菲 Asset and Operational Integrity Maintenance and Reliability for rotating equipment Plan and Scheduling for all maintenance programs, and Production Surveillance and Optimization that integrates well operations with production facility operationsWe see continuous improvement in our safety performance. In 2009, 23 of our employees and contractors were injured on the job including first aid injuries; in 2010, 22 were injured; in 2011, six were injured. This represents a 73.9 percent improvement over three years. The majority of these injuries were first aid injuries related to slips, trips and hand injuries. There were no major accidents in our operations in this reporting period.While the number of people hurt in our operations is decreasing, we will not be satisfied until we have zero injuries and incidents.The metrics we use to judge the severity of injuries are firstaid cases, medical treatment cases, restrictedworkday cases and fatalities.We maintained a low lost workday case rate during the past three years. LWC measures the number of incidents resulting in days away from work through occupational injury or illness, per 200,000 hours worked. In 2009 we recorded one LWC, in 2010 two cases, and in 2011 one case. As reported in our 2009 Sustainable Development Report, in the four years from 2005 to 2008 we reduced our bined workforce LWC rate by 87 percent.Our total recordable rate , which measures the number of persons injured per 200,000 hours worked, was stable at approximately 0.10 over the past three years. This marks an excellent level of performance within the oil industry. In 2009, our bined employees and contractors TRR was 0.09, in 2010 it was 0.14 and in 2011 it was 0.09. Over the next two years, our goal is to improve our performance further, achieving a total recordable rate of zero. We are confident that a total recordable rate of zero is achievable and our employees actually achieved zero in 2010 while working approximately 1.75 million man hours*.14. 壳牌泄漏事故的管理组织结构15.纳尔科15. 美孚5 / 5


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