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2022年考博英语-西北师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transportation and is therefore, not( )to work locally.问题1选项A.compelledB.obligedC.restrictedD.repelled【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项compelled“强迫”;B选项obliged“约束”;C选项restricted“限制”;D选项repelled“击退”。句意:有车的人不再被迫依赖公共交通,因此也就不再局限于在当地工作。本句表示工作地点不受到限制,因此C选项正确。2. 单选题We realized that he was under great( ), so we took no notice of his bad temper.问题1选项A.excitementB.stressC.crisisD.nervousness【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项excitement“兴奋”;B选项stress“压力”;C选项crisis“危机”;D选项nervousness“紧张”。句意:我们知道他压力很大,所以我们没在意他的坏脾气。A,C,D都不能与under搭配,只有under great stress为固定搭配,表示“在巨大的压力下”。因此B选项正确。3. 翻译题Indubitably the vast majority of books overlap one another. Few indeed are those which give the impression of originality, either in style or in content. Rare are the unique booksless than 50, perhaps, out of the whole storehouse of literature. In one of his recent auto-biographical novels, Blaise Cendrars points out that Remy de Gourmont, because of his knowledge and awareness of this repetitive quality in books, was able to select and read all that is worthwhile in the entire realm of literature. Cendrars himselfwho would suspect it?is a prodigious reader. He reads most authors in their original tongue. Not only that, but when he likes an author he reads every last book the man has written, as well as his letters and all the books that have been written about him. In our day his case is almost unparalleled, I imagine. For, not only has he read widely and deeply, but he has himself written a great many books. All on the side, as it were. For, if he is anything, Cendrars, he is a man of action, an adventurer and explorer, a man who has known how to “waste” his time royally. He is, in a sense, the Julius Caesar of literature.【答案】不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少。在整个文学库藏中,只有极少数作品或许不到50本是独具一格的。在最近出版的一部自传体小说中,布莱斯桑德拉尔指出,古尔蒙之所以能够选择并通读文学领域中一切值得读的书籍,就是因为他知识渊博,并且了解书的这种重复性。桑德拉尔本人就是一个博览群书的人,没有人会怀疑这一点。他阅读了大部分作家的原作。不仅如此,一旦他喜欢上一个作家,他就会阅读这个作家写的每一本书,包括他的书信以及所有有关他的书籍。我猜想,在当今世界上,几乎没有人能像他一样,不仅读得广、读得精,而且还著述颇丰。可以说这一切都是在业余时间完成的。因为桑德拉尔是一个十足的行动家,一个四处跋涉的冒险家和探险家,一个懂得如何“肆意浪费”时间的人。从某种意义上说,他是文学界的凯撒大帝。4. 单选题An important factor in determining how well you perform in an examination is the( )of your mind.问题1选项A.stateB.caseC.situationD.circumstance【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项state“状态”;B选项case“案例”;C选项situation“情况”;D选项circumstance“状况”。句意:决定你在考试中表现如何的一个重要因素是你的心态。本句表示思想的状态,只能和state搭配,因此A选项正确。5. 翻译题A. It is simple enough to say that since books have classesfiction, biography, poetrywe should separate them and take from each what is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve, and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist, and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite.B. Most of our thinking does not take place at the logical stage but at the perceptual stage which precedes this. Lateral thinking is to do with changing perceptions and finding new ways of looking at things. Lateral thinking is the practical process of creativity. There are various deliberate techniques such as the use of stepping stones (produced, for instance, by reversing the usual situation). Lateral thinking turns creativity into a tool. In a patterning system such as the mind provocation is as important as analysisand more important for changing ideas.【答案】A. 书既然有小说、传记、诗歌之分,我们就应该把它们区分开来,并从每一种书中汲取它应该给予我们的正确的道理,这句话说起来很简单。然而,很少有人向书本索取它所能给我们的东西。最常见的是,我们带着模糊和分裂的心态来看书,要求小说应是真实的,诗歌应是虚假的,传记满是吹捧,历史会加重我们自己的偏见。如果我们读书时能摒弃所有这些先入之见,那将是一个令人钦佩的开端。不要对作者发号施令,试着成为他。做他的同事和帮手。如果你畏缩不前,有所保留,甚至一开始就吹毛求疵,你就在妨碍自己从阅读中获得最大的价值。但是,如果你尽可能地敞开你的心胸,那么,从开头几句迂回曲折的句子中,那些几乎难以察觉的微妙迹象和暗示,就会把你带到一个与众不同的人的面前。让自己沉浸其中去熟悉它,你很快就会发现,作者所给予你的,或者想要给予你的,是一些更确切的东西。B. 我们大多数的思考不是发生在逻辑阶段,而是发生在先于逻辑阶段的知觉阶段。横向思维是指改变观念,寻找看待事物的新方法。横向思维是创造力的实践过程。有各种刻意的技巧,如使用垫脚石(例如,通过扭转通常情况产生的)。横向思维将创造力变成一种工具。在大脑这样的模式化系统中,激发和分析一样重要而且对于改变想法更为重要。6. 单选题( )dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.问题1选项A.AlthoughB.WhateverC.AsD.However【答案】D【解析】考查让步状语的连接词。修饰形容词dull的词必须为副词,although和as是连词,后面接句子,因此排除A和C;whatever后面接名词,因此排除B。however dull he may be表示不管他有多迟钝,因此D选项正确。7. 单选题Men differ from animals( )they can think and speak.问题1选项A.for whichB.for thatC.in thatD.in which【答案】C【解析】考查原因状语从句。A选项for which和D选项in which引导的是定语从句,排除A,D;B选项for that不能引导从句,排除B。C选项in that意思是“因为”,引导原因状语从句。句意:人不同于动物,因为人会思考和说话。因此C选项正确。8. 翻译题我国先秦思想家就提出了“亲仁善邻,国之宝也”的思想,反映了自古以来中国人民就希望天下太平、同各国人民友好相处。今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要有一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。我国的对外政策,是以和平为宗旨的。我们坚持在和平共处五项原则,特别是在相互尊重、平等互利、互不干涉内政的原则基础上,同世界各国建立和发展友好合作关系。我们绝不会把自己曾经遭受欺凌的苦难加之于人。中国的发展与进步,不会对任何人构成威胁。将来中国富强起来了,也永远不称霸。中国始终是维护世界和平与地区稳定的坚定力量。【答案】As early as in the pre-Qin Dynasty, Chinese thinkers put forward the idea of “benevolence and good neighborliness are the treasures of a country”, which reflects the Chinese peoples desire for world peace and friendly relations with people of all countries since ancient times. Today, the Chinese people, dedicated to modernization, need more than ever a long-term peaceful international environment and a good surrounding environment. Chinas foreign policy is based on peace. We are committed to establishing and developing friendly relations and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, especially the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and mutual non-involvement in each others internal affairs. We will never inflict on others the hardships we have suffered from bullying. Chinas development and progress will pose no threat to anyone. In the future, when China becomes rich and strong, it will never claim hegemony either. China will always be a staunch force for world peace and regional stability.9. 翻译题诸位毕业同学,你们现在要离开母校了,我没有什么礼物送你们,只好送你们一句话罢。这一句话是“不要抛弃学问。”以前的功课也许有一大部分是为了这张毕业文凭,不得已而做的,从今以后,你们可以依自己的心愿去自由研究了。趁现在年富力强的时候,努力做一种专门学问。少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰竭时,要做学问也来不及了。即为吃饭计,学问决不会辜负人的。吃饭而不求学问,三年五年之后,你们都要被后来少年淘汰掉的。到那时再想做点学问来补救,恐怕已太晚了。有人说:“出去做事之后,生活急需解决,哪有工夫去读书?即使要做学问,既没有图书馆,又没有实验室,哪能做学问?”我要对你们说:凡是要等到有了图书馆才读书的,有了图书馆也不肯读书。凡是要等到有实验室方才做研究的,有了实验室也不肯做研究。你有了决心要研究一个问题,自然会撙衣节食去买书,自然会想出法子来设置仪器。【答案】Dear Students of the Graduating Class: As you are leaving your Alma Mater, I have nothing to offer you as a gift except a word of advice. My advice is, “Never give up the pursuit of learning.” You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma, or, in other words, out of sheer necessity. However, from now on you are free to follow your own bent in the choice of studies. While you are in the prime of life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study? Youth will soon be gone never to return; and it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years. Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence. If you give up studies while holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourselves replaced by younger people. It will then be too late to remedy the situation by picking up studies again.Somepeoplesay,“Onceyouhaveajob,you willcomeupagainsttheurgent problemofmakingaliving.Howcanyoumanagetofindtimetostudy?Evenifyouwantto,willitbepossiblewithnolibraryornolaboratoryavailable?”Now let me tell you this. Those who refuse to study for lack of a library will most probably continue to do so even though there is a library. And those who refuse to do research for lack of a laboratory will most probably continue to do so even though a laboratory is available. As long as you set your mind on studies, you will naturally cut down on food and clothing to buy books or do everything possible to acquire necessary instruments.10. 单选题This is an illness that can result in total blindness( )left untreated.问题1选项A.afterB.ifC.sinceD.unless【答案】B【解析】考查条件状语从句。if引导的条件状语从句,如果从句和主句的主语一致,则从句中的主语和be动词可以一同省略,此句省略了the illness is。句意:这种疾病如果不加以治疗,就会导致完全失明。因此B选项正确。11. 单选题Londons Heathrow Airport is notorious for queues and delays. Why is this happening and what can you do to avoid the frustration?In the film Catch Me If You Can, Leonardo DiCaprio plays a dashing young con artist who fools an airline into believing he is one of their captains. He strolls through a sleek and futuristic air terminal flanked by a gaggle of stewardesses, his progress serene. The message is clear: Air travel is glamorous, sexy and a total breeze.Cut to Heathrow, 2007, and what is still the worlds largest airport (by passenger numbers) is stretched to breaking point, beset by delays and hampered by a creaking infrastructure. Ken Livingstone, Londons garrulous Mayor, says the airport is “shaming London”. How did it come to this?In a sense, Heathrows key role in the development of Britains (and the worlds) aviation industry has been its undoing. First opened to commercial fights in 1946, Heathrow has always been there first; consequently, it has inherited a legacy of aging terminal buildings. Then September 11 happened, and security protocols went through the roof. The 2005 London bombings didnt help matters.The queues to clear Heathrows security can take hours to clear, especially when not all the X-ray machines are open. At the other end of the process, passengers have faced seemingly never-ending waits for luggage. A recent Association of European Airlines report showed that between April and June this year the luggage system at Heathrow broke down 11 times.The British government, spurred on by angry airlines, passenger groups and an increasingly vocal media, has announced an enquiry into how the airport is run. Heathrow, like seven other major airports in the UK, is run by the British Airports Authority (BAA), who has been accused of putting the profits from the vast shopping malls in each terminal before investment in security and staff. Ryanair, British Airways and the head of the International Air Transport Association have all criticized the running of the airport, blaming under-investment.A spokesman for Heathrow notes that all may not be lost quite yet. Ninety-seven per cent of passengers get through security after less than 10 minutes of queuing. The baggage rules for using UK airports have been the same for a while now, so travelers should be getting used to the plastic bags and one item of hand-luggage rule. And BAA is recommending that people dont turn up earlier than they shouldthree hours for long-haul, two for short haul and 90 minutes for domestic should be fine. Heathrow has also employed 500 new security staff and opened nine new security lanes this year.And then theres Terminal Five, the gleaming, light-filled Richard Rodgers creation, complete with a landscaped civic space, due to open in March 2008. It will be British Airways new home and should take the pressure off the rest of the airport. Far more suitable for a Leonardo-style sashay.1.Leonardos performance conveys the idea that air travel is( ).2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?3.It can take hours to pass the airport security, especially when( ).4.Whos to blame for the under-investment in British airports?5.According to BAA, when should domestic passengers arrive at the airport?问题1选项A.enchantingB.dangerousC.frustratingD.time-consuming问题2选项A.Heathrow Airport has the largest surface area in the world.B.The significant position of the airport in history has become the main cause for its present situation.C.Heathrow Airport is about to collapse as a result of huge passenger numbers.D.The airport is determined to renovate its old terminal buildings.问题3选项A.only some of the X-ray machines are openB.all the X-ray machines are shut downC.luggage checked over and over againD.the luggage system breaks down问题4选项A.British Airports Authority.B.Association of European Airlines.C.Heathrow Airport.D.International Air Transport Association.问题5选项A.1 hours before boarding.B.2 hours before boarding.C.3 hours before boarding.D.1.5 hours before boarding.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.客观细节题。由题干关键词“Leonardo”可以定位到文章第二段,第二段最后一句说到The message is clear: Air travel is glamorous, sexy and a total breeze.(传达出的信息很明确:航空旅行是充满魅力、性感和轻松的。),说明莱昂纳多的表演传达了航空旅行是迷人的。因此A选项“令人神往的”正确。B选项“危险的”,C选项“令人沮丧的”,D选项“耗时的”均不符合文章表达的内容,所以B,C,D错误。2.客观细节题。由A选项关键词“largest”可以定位到文章第三段第一句what is still the worlds largest airport (by passenger numbers)(按乘客数量计算是世界上最大的机场),说明希思罗机场的世界最大是按照乘客数量计算的,而不是面积,所以A选项“希思罗机场是世界上面积最大的机场”错误。由C选项关键词“collapse”可以定位到文章第三段第一句is stretched to breaking point, beset by delays and hampered by a creaking infrastructure(被延误和老化的基础设施所困扰,已经到了崩溃的边缘),说明希思罗机场濒临崩溃的原因是延误和老化的设施,而不是旅客数量,所以C选项“希思罗机场因旅客数量巨大而即将崩溃”错误。D选项“机场决心对老旧航站楼进行改造”在文中没有提及,所以D错误。由B选项关键词“significant position”可以定位到文章第四段第一句Heathrows key role in the development of Britains (and the worlds) aviation industry has been its undoing.(希思罗机场在英国,乃至世界航空工业发展中的关键作用导致了它的毁灭。),说明导致希思罗机场现状的原因是它的在历史上的关键作用。因此B选项“机场在历史上的重要地位成为造成其现状的主要原因”正确。3.客观细节题。根据题干关键词“airport security”可以定位到文章第五段第一句The queues to clear Heathrows security can take hours to clear, especially when not all the X-ray machines are open.(希思罗机场安检的长队可能需要数小时才能通过,尤其是当X光机没有全部开放的时候。),说明只开放了部分X光机时,安检排队时间尤为漫长。因此A选项“只有部分X光机是开放的”正确。B选项“所有的X光机都被关闭”,C选项“反复检查行李”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C错误。D选项“行李系统出现故障”是希思罗机场的问题之一,但原文没有说它是造成安检时间特别漫长的原因,所以D错误。4.客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第六段第二句Heathrow, like seven other major airports in the UK, is run by the British Airports Authority (BAA), who has been accused of putting the profits from the vast shopping malls in each terminal before investment in security and staff.(希思罗机场和英国其他七家主要机场一样,都是由英国机场管理局运营的,该管理局被指责把每个航站楼的大型购物中心的利润放在安全和员工投资之前。),说明英国机场投资不足是英国机场管理局之过。因此A选项“英国机场管理局”正确。B选项“欧洲航空公司协会”,C选项“希思罗机场”,D选项“国际航空运输协会”均不符合题意,所以B,C,D错误。5.客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第七段第四句And BAA is recommending that people dont turn up earlier than they shouldthree hours for long-haul, two for short haul and 90 minutes for domestic should be fine.(BAA建议乘客不要早到长途登机前3小时,短途登机前2小时,国内航班登机前90分钟就可以了。),说明国内航班的旅客应在登机前90分钟到达机场。因此D选项“登机前1.5小时”正确。A选项“登机前1小时”,B选项“登机前2小时”,C选项“登机前3小时”均不符合题意,所以A,B,C错误。12. 单选题A UCSF study has revealed new information about how the brain directs the body to make movements. The key factor is “noise” in the brains signaling, and it helps explain why all movement is not carried out with the same level of precision.Understanding where noise arises in the brain has implications for advancing research in neuromotor control and in developing therapies for disorders where control is impaired, such as Parkinsons disease.The new study was developed “to understand brain machinery behind such common movements as typing, walking through a doorway or just pointing at an object,” says Stephen Lisberger, PhD, senior study investigator who is director of the W. M. Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience at the University of California, San Francisco. Study co-investigators are Leslie C. Osborne, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF, and William Bialek, PhD, professor of physics at Princeton University.The study findings, reported in the September 15 issue of the journal Nature, are part of ongoing research by Lisberger and colleagues on the neural mechanisms that allow the brain to learn and maintain skills and behavior. These basic functions are carried out through the coordination of different nerve cells within the brains neural circuits. “To make a movement, the brain takes the electrical activity of many neurons and combines them to make muscle contractions,” Lisberger explains. “But the movements arent always perfect. So we asked, what gets in the way?” The answer, he says, is “noise”, which is defined as the difference between what is actually occurring and what the brain perceives. He offers making a foul shot in basketball as an example. If there were no noise in the neuromotor system, a player would be able to perform the same motion over and over and never miss a shot.“Understanding how noise is reduced to very precise commands helps us understand how those commands are created,” says Lisberger, who also is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and a UCSF professor of physiology.In the study, the research team focused on a movement that all primates are very skilled at: an eye movement known as “smooth pursuit” that allows the eyes to track a moving target. In a series of exercises with monkeys in which the animals would track visual targets, the researchers measured neural activity and smooth pursuit eye movements. From this data, the team analyzed the difference between how accurately the animals actually tracked a moving object and how accurately the brain perceived the trajectory. Findings showed that both the smooth pursuit system and the brains perceptual system were nearly equal.“This teaches us that these very different neural processes are limited to the same degree by the same noise sources,” says Lisberger. “And it shows that both processes are very good at reducing noise.” He concludes, “Because the brain is noisy, our motor systems dont always do what it tells us to. Making precise movements in the face of this noise is a challenge.”1.Of the following movements instructed by the brain, which one is NOT mentioned in the article?2.How does the brain direct a body movement?3.How does “noise” affect a basketball players performance?4.Which of the following titles doesnt belong to Stephen Lisberger?5.The findings of the study with monkeys show that( ).问题1选项A.Pointing at an object.B.Walking through a doorway.C.Jogging.D.Typing.问题2选项A.By sending signals to the muscles directly.B.By combining the electrical activity of neurons.C.By sending nerve cells to the muscles.D.By creating different nerve circuits.问题3选项A.It helps him hit the target every time.B.It makes him a perfect player.C.It makes him miss the shot sometimes.D.It allows him to follow the brain instruction.问题4选项A.Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.B.Director of the W. M. Keck Center.C.UCSF professor of physiology.D.Professor of physics at Princeton University.问题5选项A.the eye movement is not influenced by the noiseB.the animals can track a moving target accuratelyC.different neural processes are limited differently by different noise sourcesD.the same noise sources can equally affect different neural processes【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段第一句The new study was developed “to understand brain machinery behind such common movements as typing, walking through a doorway or just pointing at an object,”(新的研究是为了“了解打字、走过门口或只是指着一个物体等常见动作背后的大脑机制。”),所以A选项“指着一个物体”,B选项“走过门口”,D选项“打字”,均在文中有所提及,排除A,B,D。C选项“慢跑”在文中没有提及,所以选C。2.客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第四段第三句To make a movement, the brain takes the electrical activi


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