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2022年考博英语-浙江大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题五年前,如果一个中国大学生打算入伍当兵的话,那可是需要很多勇气的。可今天,越来越多的大学生选择入伍当兵,这可要归功于部队对高级人才的要求,以及鼓励大学生入伍当兵的新政策。24岁的小周是金融专业的毕业生,也是一个将目光转向部队以求发展的年轻人。这个月初,他刚刚通过了征召入伍的体检。“我希望通过部队的严格训练强身健体,锻炼心志。我不担心入伍后我的事业发展,相反,我倒认为入伍参军本身就对事业发展很有好处。”随着现代战争和军事计划越来越需要复杂的技术和操纵能力,现代化部队急需受过良好教育的人才来完全掌握复杂的装备。据北京征兵办公室消息,和2001年北京首次征召大学生入伍相比,大学生入伍比率从0.1 %提升到60%。学士以上的学位有助申请入伍的成功率,如果你具有某些特别领域的知识,就更有优势。譬如,各国之间军事交流中需要语言能力,语言专业的人就很有优势,电子通讯或电子学是未来军事竞争的关键领域,对这类人才的需求也很高。为了吸引更多的高素质人才入伍,有关大学毕业生征召的宣传和奖励计划一直在进行。事实上,这种入伍的经历很有意义,可以开阔视野,也可以让你有更多时间思考自己未来的事业,以及是否愿意投身部队。【答案】If a Chinese college student intended to enlist as a soldier in the army, it took a lot of courage five years ago. But today, more and more college students choose to become an army soldier due to the needs of the armies for senior talents, as well as the new policies encouraging students to join the army.24 -year-old Zhou, as finance major, is also turning his attention to the force in order to seek his own development. Earlier this month, he just passed the physical examination of the call to army. “I hope a stocky body and a strong mind can be gained by the thorough training of the force. Im not bothered about my career development after joining the army; on the contrary, I think it benefits to my career development. ”Modern armies badly need the well-educated people to complete the complicated equipment, as the modern warfare and the military plans increasingly need complex technique and operational capability. It is the conscription office stated that comparing with firstly enlisting recruits from college students in 2001, the enrollees from university graduates increase from 0.1% to 60% in Beijing. Bachelor or above will be useful for the successful application of the recruitment. You will have more advantages if you maintain the knowledge in some specific field. For example, the person of language major has a big advantage due to the need of the language competence for the military exchanges. The qualified person from electronic communications or electronics which represent a key field of the future military competition has a high demand.In order to attract more high-quality talents to join the army, publicity and rewards program have been engaging in the college graduates being called up. In fact, this is meaningful, which broadens your horizons, leaves more time for mapping out your whole future career as well as whether or not to be willing to engage in the forces.2. 单选题Very few scientists( )with a completely new answer to the worlds problem.问题1选项A.come onB.come upC.come inD.come round【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。come up with 提出,想出。故答案为B。come on快点,开始;come around苏醒,恢复知觉;come in流行。只有选项B可以和with搭配。句意:很少有科学家能对这个世界的问题给出一个全新的答案。3. 单选题As a result of the strike, the Government is urging people to be( )with electricity.问题1选项A.economicB.economicalC.economyD.economics【答案】B【解析】形近词辨析。economic经济学的;经济的;economical节俭的;经济的;economy经济的;廉价的;economics经济学。句意:政府敦促人们节约用电。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题You are likely to get a promotion because of the profitable ( ) you made for the company last month.问题1选项A.transitionB.transfusionC.transferD.transaction【答案】D【解析】transition过渡,转变;transfusion输血,输液;transfer转移,转让;transaction交易。句意:你有可能得到提升,因为你上个月为公司做了一笔赚钱的交易。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题Both civilization and culture are fairly modern words, having come into prominent use during the 19th century by anthropologists, historians, and literary figures. There has been a strong tendency to use them interchangeably as though they mean the same thing, but they are not the same.Although modern in their usage, the two words derived from ancient Latin. The word civilization is based on the Latin civis, of a city. Thus civilization, in its most essential meaning, is the ability of people to live together harmoniously in cities, in social groupings. From this definition it would seem that certain insects, such as ants or bees, are also civilized. They live and work together in social groups. So do some microorganisms. But there is more to civilization, and that is what culture brings to it. So, civilization is inseparable from culture.The word culture is derived from the Latin verb colere, “to till the soil”. But colere also has a wider range of meanings. It may, like civis, mean inhabiting a town or village. But most of its definitions suggest a process of starting and promoting growth and development. One may cultivate a garden; one may also cultivate ones interests, mind, and abilities. In its modern use the word culture refers to all the positive aspects and achievements of humanity that make mankind different from the rest of the animal world. Culture has grown out of creativity, a characteristic that seems to be unique to human beings.One of the basic and best-known features of civilization and culture is the presence of tools. But more important than their simple existence is that the tools are always being improved and enlarged upon, a result of creativity. It took thousands of years to get from the first wheel to the latest, most advanced model of automobile.It is the concept of humans as toolmakers and improvers that differentiates them from other animals. A monkey may use a stick to knock a banana from a tree, but that stick will never, through a monkeys cleverness, be modified into a hook or a ladder. Monkeys have never devised a spoken language, written a book, composed a melody, built a house, or painted a portrait. To say that birds build nests and beavers their dens is to miss the point. People once lived in caves, but their cleverness, imagination and creativity led them to progress beyond caves to buildings.1.What does the author think of the words “civilization” and “culture”?2.According to the author the word “civilization” originally refers to().3.The Latin verb colere originally means “( ) ”.4.The author believes that creativity( ) .5.The author mentions monkeys in the last paragraph to show that( ) .问题1选项A.They are identical.B.They are different concepts.C.They can often be used interchangeably.D.They are denied differently by different people.问题2选项A.peoples way of life in cities.B.peoples ability to live together in cities.C.a type of social organizations.D.an advanced level of social life.问题3选项A.live in a city.B.develop oneself.C.promote growthD.cultivate the land问题4选项A.is a unique feature of civilized beings.B.brings forth the improvement of tools.C.is the result of human development.D.helps the advance of culture.问题5选项A.monkeys are the same as birds.B.people once lived in caves like monkeys.C.monkeys can never develop into human beings.D.man is different from other animals such as monkeys.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.根据第一段的最后一句“There has been a strong tendency to use them interchangeably as though they mean the same thing, but they are not the same.”人们经常把它们互换使用,就好像它们的意思是一样的,但其实它们是不一样的。选项B正确。2.根据第二段的第三句“Thus civilization, in its most essential meaning, is the ability of people to live together harmoniously in cities, in social groupings. ”文明从最基本的意义上说,是人们在城市或社会团体中和谐地生活在一起的能力。选项B符合原文。3.根据第三段的第一句可知colere最初的意思是“to till the soil”,也就是耕耘土地。选项D正确。4.根据第四段的第二句“But more important than their simple existence is that the tools are always being improved and enlarged upon, a result of creativity. ”工具总是在不断改进和扩大,这是创造性的结果。选项B符合原文。5.根据最后一段的第一句“It is the concept of humans as toolmakers and improvers that differentiates them from other animals.”。选项D正确。6. 单选题Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they(1 ). Yet, all living things still show the(2) of aging, which will eventually(3) death. Aging is not a disease, (but) as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the (4) they form do not function as well as they (5) in childhood and teenage years.The body provides less (6) against disease and is more(7) to have accident. A number of related causes may (8) aging. Some cells of the body have a (fairly) long life, but they are not (9)when they die. As a person ages, (10) of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. (11) body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the (12) cells may not be as workable or as capable(13) growth as those of a young person. Another (14)in aging may be changes within the cells(15). Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known (16) with age and become less elastic. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and (17). This is also the reason why old people (18)in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and (19) information that the cells need. Aging may affect this (20) and change the information carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.问题1选项A.wouldB.be used toC.used toD.used问题2选项A.functionB.effectC.affectD.sign问题3选项A.lead inB.give inC.run intoD.result in问题4选项A.handsB.feetC.heartD.organs问题5选项A.doB.has doneC.didD.had done问题6选项A.energyB.protectionC.vigorD.power问题7选项A.likelyB.probableC.possibleD.alike问题8选项A.attend toB.contribute toC.add toD.devote to问题9选项A.replacedB.rebornC.recoveredD.surrendered问题10选项A.a numberB.the amountC.the numberD.most问题11选项A.The othersB.OthersC.AnotherD.Other问题12选项A.oldB.leftC.newD.other问题13选项A.toB.forC.ofD.in问题14选项A.factorB.effectC.reasonD.element问题15选项A.for themselvesB.of themselvesC.themselvesD.on their own问题16选项A.changeB.to have changedC.to changeD.to being changed问题17选项A.hang looseB.hangs looselyC.is hanging looselyD.is hanging loose问题18选项A.increaseB.shrinkC.lengthenD.decrease问题19选项A.pass awayB.pass byC.pass offD.pass on问题20选项A.improvementB.processionC.approachD.process【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:B第9题:A第10题:C第11题:D第12题:C第13题:C第14题:A第15题:C第16题:C第17题:A第18题:B第19题:D第20题:D【解析】(1)根据句意:现在人们比以前活得更久。选C表示过去,以前,符合句意。be used to习惯于,不符合句意;选项D中的不定式to不可省略。(2)名词词义辨析。function功能;effect影响,效果,作用;affect影响,为动词,填在此处不合适;sign迹象,描述静态的事物。根据上下文:所有的生物仍然表现出老化的影响。选项B符合原文语境。(3)动词词组辨析。lead in 引入,导入;give in屈服,让步;run into陷入;result in导致,结果是,根据句意:最终导致死亡,选项D符合原文。(4)上下文语义。根据上文提到的cell可知填空处入应为organ (器官),选项D符合原文。其他选项都是具体的器官。(5)语法知识。根据原文可知,为了避免重复,这里用助动词代替function,根据“in childhood and teenage years.”可知时态应该为一般过去式,所以选项C正确。(6)上下文语义。根据原文,身体为抵抗疾病提供的保护也更少,选项B符合句意。(7)固定搭配。be likely to意为:倾向于,很有可能。alike相似的,不符合句意。(8)动词词组辨析。attend to注意,照料,致力于;contribute to有助于,促成,导致;add to添加,增加;devote to贡献。根据句意:许多相关的原因可能会导致衰老。选项B符合句意。(9)上下文语义。根据下文“body cells die and are replaced by new cells”可知,此处也应该填入replaced。句意:人体中有一些细胞寿命相当长,但它们死后不会被替换。(10)语法知识。the amount of+不可数名词,the number of+可数名词,cells为可数名词,所以选项B错误;a number of指许多,the number of表示数目,所以选项C符合原文。(11)代词用法。others和the others后不能接名词,首先排除;another后接单数名词,所以本题选D,表泛指。(12)上下文语义。根据上下文内容可知,这里指上句提到的新细胞,选项C符合原文。(13)固定搭配。be capable of为固定搭配,意为能够。(14)名词词义辨析。上文提及老年人体内的新细胞可能不像年轻人的细胞那样有效的生长。这是导致人衰老的一个因素;由此推断,这里指衰老的另一个因素可能是细胞本身的变化。选项A符合原文。(15)代词用法。根据句意可知这里指细胞本身,the cells的反身代词为themselves,所以选项C正确。(16)语法知识。be known to表示“为所知”,首先排除选项A;根据句意可知该句陈述的是客观事实,所以用一般现在时,所以选项C正确。(17)语法知识。hang在这里是用作系动词,后面须接一个形容词作表语。描述客观事实依然用一般现在时,所以本题选A。(18)动词词义辨析。根据句意:这就是为什么老人的身高会收缩的原因,选项B符合句意。(19)动词词组辨析。pass away去世;pass by经过;pass off停止;pass on传递。根据原文文义可知,这里指传递信息。选项D符合语境。(20)名词词义辨析。原文句意:衰老可能会影响这一过程,改变携带信息的分子。选项D符合语境。7. 单选题Many societies today interpret the natural world and form beliefs based on science and logic. Societies which many people do not practice any religion , such as the United States, may be known as ( ) societies.问题1选项A.vulgarB.secularC.particularD.unique【答案】B【解析】句意:当今许多社会都在诠释自然世界,并在科学和逻辑的基础上形成信仰。许多人不信仰任何宗教的社会,比如美国,可称为世俗社会。vulgar粗俗的,通俗的;secular世俗的。选项B符合句意。8. 单选题In calculating the daily calorie requirements for an individual, variations in body size, physical activity and age should be ( ) .问题1选项A.brought into practiceB.taken into accountC.thrown light onD.looked down upon【答案】B【解析】bring into practice实行;take into account考虑;throw light on照亮,阐明,使显得清楚;look down upon看不起。句意:在计算个人每日所需热量时,应考虑到体型、体力活动和年龄的变化。选项B符合句意。9. 单选题The objective of this popular consultation is to determine( ), the final political status of the region, whether to remain of the country as a special district, or to part from it.问题1选项A.once upon a timeB.once and againC.all at onceD.once and for all【答案】D【解析】once upon a time从前;once and again一而再,再三;all at once突然;once and for all彻底的,最后一次。句意:这次群众协商的目的是一劳永逸地确定该区域的最终政治地位,是继续作为一个特别地区保留该国,还是脱离它。选项D符合句意。10. 单选题A growing number of companies are now trying to serve “segments of one.” They attempt to ( ) their offer and communication to each individual customer. This is understandable with large industrial companies that have only a few major customers.问题1选项A.adoptB.adaptC.incorporateD.exclude【答案】B【解析】adopt采取,接受;adapt使适应;incorporate包含,吸收,合并;exclude排除。句意:越来越多的公司正试图服务于“一个部分”。他们试图让客户适应他们所提供的服务并和每一个个体客户进行沟通。对于只有少数主要客户的大型公司来说,这是可以理解的。选项B符合句意。11. 单选题Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subject and studied the brain say that they are. Research for my book Late-Talking Children drove home the point to me. Three quarters of the bright but speech-delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who was an engineer, mathematician or scientist and four fifths had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to math and other analytical subjects and to music.Black, white and Asian children in this group show the same patterns. However, looking at the large world around us, it is clear that blacks have been greatly over-represented in the development of American popular music and greatly underrepresented in such fields as mathematics, science and engineering.If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related, how can there be this great disparity? One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities requires years of formal schooling, while certain musical talents can be developed with little or no formal training, as has happened with a number of well-known black musicians.It is precisely in those kinds of music where one can acquire great skill without formal training that blacks have excelled-popular music rather than classical music, piano rather than violin, blues rather than opera. This is readily understandable, given that most blacks, for most of American history, have not had either the money or the leisure for long years of formal study in music.Blacks have not merely held their own in American popular music. They have played a disproportionately large role in the development of jazz, both traditional and modern. Along string of names comes to mind Duke Ellington, Scou Joplin, W. C. Handy, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker.and on and on.None of this presupposes any special innate ability of blacks in music. On the contrary, it is perfectly consistent with blacks, having no more such inborn ability than anyone else, but being limited to being able to express such ability in narrower channels than others who have had the money, the tieand the formal education to spread out over a wider range of music, as well as into mathematics, science and engineering.There is no way of knowing whether Duke Ellington would have become a mathematician or scientist under other circumstances. What is clearer is that most blacks have not had such alternatives available until very recently, as history is measured. Moreover, now that cultural traditions have been established, even those blacks who have such alternatives available today, and who have the inborn abilities to pursue them, may nevertheless continue for some time to follow well-worn paths.1.The authors research for his book Late-Talking Children showed him that().2.It can be concluded from the passage that().3.It is known from the passage that Duke Ellington().4.The author holds that().5.In this passage, the author tries to say that().问题1选项A.mathematical ability and musical ability are closely relatedB.bright but speech-delayed children favor analytical subjectsC.on the surface, mathematical ability and musical ability are not connectedD.children of different races differ slightly in their mathematical and musical abilities问题2选项A.the development of all music talents needs little or no formal trainingB.abilities, such as mathematical ability, sometimes can not be developed with formal educationC.blacks are underrepresented in mathematics because they have no chances to receive formal educationD.blacks usually prefer music to mathematics, science and engineering问题3选项A.only loves popular musicB.has made a great contribution to the development of jazzC.is an obscure musicianD.never excels in jazz music问题4选项A.blacks demonstrate better inborn musical abilities than othersB.blacks are distinguished in all kinds of musicC.blacks now continue to do music because of their cultural traditionsD.blacks still have no chances to become mathematicians or scientists today问题5选项A.musical ability has no connection with mathematical abilityB.ones ability has no connection with mathematical abilityC.blacks are so prejudiced that they seldom accept new thingsD.blacks are more successful in music than in science because of various reasons【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节推理题。根据关键词“Late-Talking Children”定位到第一段的第二句,但答案在上一句“Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subjectand studied the brainsay that they are.”表面上看数学能力和音乐能力好像没什么联系,但经过研究发现,两者其实是有关联的。选项A符合原文。2.细节推断题。根据第三段中“certain musical talents can be developed with little or no formal training”可知选项A错误;根据第三段中“the development of mathematical and other such abilities requires years of formal schooling”可知选项B错误;选项C与第三段内容相符,所以正确;选项D在文中没有提及。3.细节事实题。根据关键词“Duke Ellington”定位到第五段,根据第五段第二句“They have played a disproportionately large role in the development of jazz, both traditional and modern.”他们在爵士乐的发展中,无论是传统的还是现代的,都或多或少的扮演了重要角色。选项B符合原文。4.细节推理题。根据第六段的第二句“On the contrary, it is perfectly consistent with blacks, having no more such inborn ability than anyone else.”可知选项A错误;根据本文最后一句“now that cultural traditions. to follow well-worn paths.”可知选项C符合原文;选项 D表述太绝对。5.细节推理题。文章第一句就说了数学能力和音乐能力有一点关系,所以选项A和B均表述错误;选项C表述太绝对且在文中没有提及,排除;选项D由于多种原因,黑人在音乐方面要比在科学方面更成功,符合原文。12. 单选题He was unable to endure the torture of the enemy and surrendered. He( ) his comrades.问题1选项A.revealedB.suspendedC.exposedD.betrayed【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。revealed揭示;suspended悬浮,暂停;exposed使暴露,揭露;betrayed出卖,背叛。句意:他无法忍受敌人的折磨而投降了。他背叛了他的同志。选项D符合句意。13. 单选题Woodrow Wilson ( )to preserve world peace by supporting the establishment of an organization to settle international disputes.问题1选项A.endeavouredB.incitedC.grantedD.offered【答案】A【解析】endeavour竭力,尽力,企图;i


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