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2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题There is a closer relationship between morals and architecture and interior decoration _31_ we suspect. Huxley has pointed out that Western ladies did not take frequent baths _32_ they were afraid to see their own naked bodies, and this moral concept delayed the _33_ of the modern white-enameled bathtub for centuries. One can understand, _34_ in the design of old Chinese furniture there was so little consideration for human _35_ only when we realize the Confucian atmosphere in which people moved about. Chinese redwood Furniture was designed for people to sit _36_ in, because that was the only posture approved by society.Even Chinese emperors had to sit on a (n) _37_ on which I would not think of _38_ for more than five minutes, and for that matter the English kings were just as badly off. Cleopatra went about _39_ on a couch carried by servants, because _40_ she had never heard of Confucius. If Confucius should have seen her doing that, he would certainly have struck her chins with a stick, as he did _41_ one of his old disciples, Yuan Jiang, when the latter was found sitting in an _42_ posture. In the Confucian society in which we lived, gentlemen and ladies had to _43_ themselves perfectly erect, at least on formal _44_, and any sign of putting ones leg up would be at once considered a sign of vulgarity and lack of _45_.问题1选项A.forB.thanC.asD.that问题2选项A.ifB.whenC.becauseD.though问题3选项A.riseB.existenceC.occurrenceD.increase问题4选项A.whatB.whereC.howD.why问题5选项A.careB.choiceC.concernD.comfort问题6选项A.uprightB.tightC.fastD.stiff问题7选项A.armchairB.throneC.altarD.couch问题8选项A.movingB.keepingC.remainingD.lasting问题9选项A.travelingB.stayingC.wanderingD.reclining问题10选项A.fortunatelyB.franklyC.accordinglyD.apparently问题11选项A.inB.onC.toD.at问题12选项A.responsibleB.incorrectC.immoralD.imperfect问题13选项A.holdB.sitC.behaveD.conduct问题14选项A.conditionsB.situationsC.occasionsD.instances问题15选项A.cultureB.confidenceC.moralityD.modesty【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D第6题:A第7题:B第8题:C第9题:D第10题:D第11题:C第12题:B第13题:A第14题:C第15题:A【解析】31. 【选项释义】A. for 为了;因为 B. than 比C. as 正如;因为 D. that (sothat)以至【考查点】从句连接词用法【解题思路】根据前文有closer“更密切,形容词比较级”可知,该句是在将“道德与建筑和室内装饰之间的实际关系”与“我们以为的道德与建筑和室内装饰之间的关系”进行比较,因此填入的关系词为B选项than“比”,本句为than引导的比较状语从句。【干扰项排除】A选项for引导原因状语从句;C选项as应道引导比较状语从句时,表示“和一样”,与closer不搭;也可引导原因状语从句;D选项that常用来引导名词性从句和定语从句;“sothat”中that引导的是结果状语从句。【句意】道德与建筑和室内装饰之间的关系比我们猜想的要更密切。32. 【选项释义】A. if 如果 B. when 当时C. because 因为 D. though 尽管【考查点】从句连接词用法【解题思路】空格前提到“西方女性并不经常洗澡”,空格后提到“她们害怕看到自己赤裸的身体”,根据句意可知,前后两句之间为因果关系,后者为前者的原因,因此,该处的连接词应为C选项because“因为”,引导原因状语从句,表示因果关系。【干扰项排除】A选项if“如果”,常用来引导条件状语从句,表示事情发生的条件;B选项when“当时”,常用来引导时间状语从句,表示事情发生的条件;D选项though“尽管”,常用来引导让步状语从句,表示让步关系。【句意】西方女性并不经常洗澡,因为她们害怕看到自己赤裸的身体。33. 【选项释义】A. rise 兴起 B. existence 存在C. occurrence 存在;出现 D. increase 增长【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】本句中主语this moral concept“这种道德观念”指的是前文中“西方女性并不经常洗澡,因为她们害怕看到自己赤裸的身体”,谓语为delayed“推迟了”,空格处所填词的后置定语为“现代的白色搪瓷浴缸”。由此可知,西方女性不经常洗澡,推迟了浴缸的兴起,A选项rise满足语境,rise可以指商业上的兴起。【干扰项排除】B选项existence“存在”,指存在的状态或事实;C选项occurrence指某事物的存在;或某事物在某个地方或某个特定的条件被发现;D选项increase侧重于指数量或价值的增长。【句意】这种道德观念延缓了现代的白色搪瓷浴缸兴起。34. 【选项释义】A. what 什么 B. where 哪里C. how 怎样 D. why 为什么【考查点】从句的关系词与语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所填词引导的从句“在中国古代家具的设计中,很少考虑到人的_35_”做understand的宾语,从句的主干部分完整,本题空格处所填词在宾语中充当状语;另外,该复合句后又接了一个由when引导的条件状语从句(“只有当我们意识到中国人生活在儒家氛围中时”)。根据句意推断,此处填入D选项why“为什么”最符合语义逻辑,表达的意思为“只有当我们意识到中国人生活在儒家氛围中时,才能理解为什么在中国古代家具的设计中,很少考虑到人的_35_”。【干扰项排除】A选项what“什么”,引导宾语从句时,在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语;B选项where“哪里”,地点状语;C选项how“怎样”,方式状语。【句意】只有当我们意识到中国人生活在儒家氛围中时,才能理解为什么在中国古代家具的设计中,很少考虑到人的_35_。35. 【选项释义】A. care 谨慎;护理 B. choice 选择C. concern 关心;忧虑 D. comfort 舒适【考查点】语义衔接与名词辨析【解题思路】根据上题可知,本题所填的内容为中国古代家具设计时没有考虑的因素,并且上题提到“只有当我们意识到中国人生活在儒家氛围中时”才能理解为什么这么做。后文提到“中国红木家具是为人们_坐设计的,因为这是唯一被社会认可的姿势。”由此可知,在设计家具时考虑的因素是社会是否认可,对于应该考虑的因素来说,D选项comfort“舒适”最合适。【干扰项排除】A选项care“谨慎;护理”,不符合语义衔接;B选项choice“选择”,侧重于指人们挑选不同的家具,而不是制作家具阶段的考虑的事情;C选项concern“关心”,侧重于指关爱和保护之类的关心;或者指许多人共同的担心或忧虑,不符合语义衔接。【句意】只有当我们意识到中国人生活在儒家氛围中时,才能理解为什么在中国古代家具的设计中,很少考虑到人的舒适度。36. 【选项释义】A. upright 直立的 B. tight 牢固的C. fast 迅速的 D. stiff 不易弯曲的;僵硬的【考查点】形容词辨析与语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所填词表示的是坐着的姿势,根据上题解析可以推断,这么坐着不舒服,但是符合儒家的社会规范,因此,A选项upright“直立的”符合题意,sit upright in“坐直”。【干扰项排除】B选项tight“牢固的”,不符合语义;C选项fast“迅速的”,不符合语义;D选项stiff 侧重于指某物的性质不易弯曲或者很僵硬,这不符合儒家的规范。【句意】中国红木家具是为人们直直的坐着设计的,因为这是唯一被社会认可的姿势。37. 【选项释义】A. armchair 扶手椅 B. throne 国王的宝座C. altar 祭坛 D. couch 长沙发【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】根据前文Chinese emperors“中国的皇帝”可知,这是皇帝的座椅,B选项throne“国王的宝座”表述最准确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】即使是中国的皇帝也不得不坐在一个我不会想_38_超过5分钟的宝座上。38. 【选项释义】A. moving 移动 B. keeping 保持C. remaining 继续待在某处 D. lasting 持续【考查点】语义衔接与动词辨析【解题思路】上文内容可得,中国古代家具的设计极少考虑使用者的舒适度,因此即使是皇帝的宝座也很不舒服。空格处所在部分说到“我不会想_超过5分钟”,根据上下文逻辑推测,C选项remaining“继续待在某处”符合语境。【干扰项排除】A选项moving“移动”,不符合语义衔接;B选项keeping侧重于指保持某种状态,不能表示继续待在某处;D选项lasting侧重于指某事件或某种状态持续多长时间,表达此义时,其主语不会是人。【句意】即使是中国的皇帝也不得不坐在一个我不会想停留超过5分钟的宝座上。39. 【选项释义】A. traveling 旅行 B. staying 停留C. wandering 游荡 D. reclining 斜靠【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所填的内容为动词的现在分词形式作方式状语,其后搭配了介宾短语on a couch“睡椅上”,方式状语修饰的动作为go about“四处走动”,与该语境衔接最恰当的是D选项reclining“倚靠”。另外,后文也提到“因为她没有听说过孔子”,由第36题可知,儒家文化要求人们坐直,那么与此相对的应该是D选项reclining“倚靠”。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】Cleopatra(埃及艳后)斜靠在仆人们抬着的睡椅上到处走。40. 【选项释义】A. fortunately 幸运地 B. frankly 坦率地C. accordingly 相应地;因此 D. apparently 明显地【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前文提到“Cleopatra(埃及艳后)斜靠在仆人们抬着的睡椅上到处走”,后文提到“因为_她没有听说过孔子”,由上一题可知,儒家文化要求坐直,而Cleopatra则是斜靠着的,显然她没有受儒家文化的影响,D选项apparently“明显地”符合语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】Cleopatra(埃及艳后)斜靠在仆人们抬着的睡椅上到处走,因为她显然没有听说过孔子。41. 【选项释义】A. in 在里 B. on 在上C. to 朝;对着 D. at 在地方【考查点】介词搭配【解题思路】前文提到“如果孔子看到她这样坐,一定会用棍子打她的下巴”,空格处的内容为“就像他对他的一个老学生做的那样”,原文此处缺少一个介词,对某人做某事,应该使用介词C选项“to”,构成短语do sth to sb。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项搭配不当。【句意】如果孔子看到她这样坐,一定会用棍子打她的下巴,就像他对他的一个老学生做的那样。42. 【选项释义】A. responsible 有责任的 B. incorrect 不对的C. immoral 不道德的 D. imperfect 不完美的【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前面讲到“孔子会打这个学生”,空格处所在部分是前者的一个时间状语,译为“当他被发现坐姿_的时候”。根据常理可知,B选项incorrect“不对的”,即“坐姿不对的时候”,符合语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】正如当原壤被发现坐姿不对时,孔子对他做的那样。43. 【选项释义】A. hold 保持 B. sit 坐C. behave 规矩地行事 D. conduct 行为;表现【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】原文动词后带了宾语themselves和宾语补足语perfectly erect“非常直”,本句表达的意思为“达官贵妇都使自己的姿态非常直”,此处A选项hold“保持”最符合语境,它可以表示使身体的某个部位保持某种姿态。【干扰项排除】B选项sit“坐”,在表达“坐”的意思时,是不及物动词,其后不能加themselves;C选项behave“规矩地行事”,侧重于指做事符合规矩,与后文erect搭配不是很恰当;D选项conduct“行为;表现”,conduct oneself指的是“做人”,不符合语境。【句意】在我们生活的儒家文化社会里,达官贵妇都不得不保持体态挺直。44. 【选项释义】A. conditions 条件;环境 B. situations 情况;形势C. occasions 场合 D. instances 事例【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】空格处所填词受formal“正式的”修饰,因此C选项occasions“场合”最符合语境,occasions可以指“特别的场合”,如仪式或庆典。【干扰项排除】A选项conditions侧重于指某事发生的条件;或生活、工作的环境;B选项situations侧重于指特定的时间、地点发生的事情;D选项instances“事例”。【句意】在我们生活的儒家文化社会里,至少在正式的场合,达官贵妇都不得不保持体态挺直。45. 【选项释义】A. culture 教养 B. confidence 自信C. morality 道德 D. modesty 谦虚【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】首先,前文提到“任何把腿抬起来的迹象”;其次,根据and可知,空格处所在部分与前文“粗俗(vulgarity)”语义一致。由此可知,A选项culture“教养”符合语义衔接,culture可以指某个组织或团体的人的行为习惯或方式,lack of culture“缺乏教养”。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】任何把腿抬起来的行为都会被认为是粗俗和缺乏教养的表现。2. 单选题The bottom line is that patients who want to make sure their doctor is competent have a lot of work to do. And the work should be done on the front end: experts emphasize that people should find a doctor and establish a relationship while they are in good health, so they dont have to scramble when they come down with bronchitis or find a suspicious lump.Studies have found that it is hard to get an appointment at short notice when cold-calling, and that patients with a regular source of care get better care, even when they are uninsured. While some internists have additional training in cardiology or rheumatology, she went on, primary care physicians also have a network of trusted specialists for referrals.Many women choose a gynecologist as their regular doctor, Dr. Gallin said, but should probably have a relationship with an internist as well. Next, review the list of doctors in your health plan. Consider their location as well as their hospital affiliations. You may want to cross-check your health plans list with a top doctors list for your area; these lists (often published in regional magazines like New York and New Jersey Monthly) are usually generated by surveying physicians.Check with your health plan to see whether it has good information on individual physicians (most dont, but many are working on it). Good quality measures include National Committee on Quality Assurance accreditation about whether doctors meet criteria for care for specific conditions like back pain or diabetes, and the Healthcare Effectiveness Data Information Set, which focuses on adherence to clinical guidelines, like prescribing a beta blocker after a heart attack. Some health plans also offer networks of high-performing or “honor roll” physicians; ask about criteria.If youre uninsured, you may be able to negotiate with a doctor and agree on a reduced fee, but remember that you will also be responsible for the cost of lab tests, blood work, X-rays, procedures and medications. These costs are more likely to be covered or charged on a sliding scale at a community health center or hospital clinic. (To find a location, see www.hrsa.gov under “Find Help”, or the Families USA Web site, www.familesusa.org, under “Resources for Consumers”.)Other factors to consider are whether the doctor has evening and weekend hours, whether the office leaves time open to schedule same-day appointments for urgent care, whether waiting times are reasonable and whether the doctor is in solo practice or a group practice. (Some experts say that group practices tend to be more efficient and that doctors in groups are more likely to stay up to date on current medical practice.) If the doctor uses electronic records, thats a plus, some experts say.On the crucial questions of whether you are comfortable with the doctor youve chosen, you wont know that until you meet with the doctor. Pediatricians will usually agree to an interview; busy internists often wont.21. Which of the following statements best describes the main idea of the passage?22. In addition to a gynecologist, women are supposed to establish a relationship with an internist because _.23. For the uninsured, experts suggest _.24. Experts indicate that if a doctor uses electronic records, _.25. Strategies for getting an appointment with a doctor more easily include all except _.问题1选项A.Primary physicians usually have a network of trusted specialists for referrals.B.Patients often find it a lot easier to get an appointment while they are in good health.C.Strategies are needed for getting an appointment with a competent doctor.D.The people do not need to establish a relationship while they are in good health.问题2选项A.every internist has a network of trusted specialists for referralsB.some internists are only trained in cardiology or rheumatologyC.they have a regular source of careD.they do not often need to get an appointment with a doctor问题3选项A.they be responsible for the cost of lab tests, blood work, procedures and medicationB.they reach some agreement with a doctor for adjusted coverage of costsC.they go to a community health center or hospital clinic for free medical careD.they visit the Families USA Web site to locate free health care问题4选项A.the doctor should be a priority choice for patientsB.the doctor must be extremely popular among patientsC.patients should give the doctor extra creditsD.the uninsured may be charged more than the insured问题5选项A.establishing a relationship with a doctor who has evening and weekend hoursB.discovering a comfort relationship with a doctor through interviewsC.finding a doctor in a group practice that stays up to date on current medical practiceD.staying uninsured for reduced charges in community health centers【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】21. 主旨大意题。文章第1段第1、2句The bottom line is that patients who want to make sure their doctor is competent have a lot of work to do. And the work should be done on the front end: experts emphasize that people should find a doctor and establish a relationship while they are in good health.(最基本的是,想确保看病的是有能力的医生的病人有很多工作要做。第一步是:专家强调,人们应该在健康的时候去找医生并建立关系)文章开篇指出,对于想找有能力的医生看病的病人来说,在健康的时候就找好医生并建立关系很重要,随后的段落都是围绕如何找到称职的医生展开的,C选项“预约到有能力的医生需要一些策略”的表述符合文章的主旨。另外,第25题也可以提供一些提示。A选项“初级医生通常有一个可推荐的值得信赖的专家网络”、B选项“病人们经常发现,当他们在身体健康时,预约成功要容易得多”是文章细节的内容,不是主旨。D选项“人们健康的时候不需要与医生建立关系”,表述与原文不符,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为C。22. 推理判断题。题干“除了妇科医生,女性也应该与内科医生建立关系,因为_”,可定位到原文第3段第1句Many women choose a gynecologist as their regular doctor, Dr. Gallin said, but should probably have a relationship with an internist as well.(加林博士说,许多女性选择妇科医生作为她们的常规医生,但或许也应该与内科医生保持联系。)但是,该句后文以Next(然后)开头,主要介绍怎么找合适的医生,所以,本题的答案应该往前找。原文第2段提到“有常规治疗来源的病人(patients with a regular source of care)得到更好的护理”,紧接着说“尽管一些内科医生在心脏病学或风湿病学方面有额外的培训,但初级保健医生也有一个可推荐的值得信赖的专家网络。”由此推断,专家建议女性应该和内科医生联系一下,是因为他们有可推荐的值得信赖的专家网络,即常规治疗来源,C选项“他们有常规的治疗来源”表述正确。B选项“一些内科医生只接受过心脏病学或风湿病学的培训”,表述不符合原文,“心脏病学或风湿病学的培训”是内科医生的额外训练,说明他们还接受了其他训练,排除;A选项“每个内科医生都有一个可推荐的值得信赖的专家网络”,原文并没有提到“每个”,该选项属于过度推理;D选项“他们不需要总是跟医生预约”,原文只是说有常规护理来源的能得到更好的治疗(get better care),并没有说就不需要预约了,该选项属于过度推理。因此,本题最佳选项为C。23. 事实细节题。题干“对于没有保险的人,专家建议_”,可定位到原文第5段第1句If youre uninsured, you may be able to negotiate with a doctor and agree on a reduced fee, but remember that you will also be responsible for the cost of lab tests, blood work, X-rays, procedures and medications.(如果你没有保险,可以和医生协商,让医生同意降低费用,但是记住你还是要承担实验室检测、血液检测、X光、程序和药物的费用。)由此可知,B选项“他们与医生就调整承担的费用达成了协议”正是专家的建议;A选项“他们承担实验室检测、血液检测、程序和药物的费用”并不是专家的建议,排除;C选项“他们去社区健康中心或医院诊所享受免费医疗”,可定位到第5段第2句These costs are more likely to be covered or charged on a sliding scale at a community health center or hospital clinic.(这些费用更有可能由社区卫生中心或医院诊所按浮动比例支付或收取。)由此可知,社区健康中心或医院诊所并不提供免费医疗,并且这不是专家的建议,选项表述与原文不符,排除。D选项“他们访问美国家庭网站,寻找免费医疗服务”,可定位到第5段最后一句To find a location, , or the Families USA Web site, www.familesusa.org, under “Resources for Consumers”.(您可以在美国家庭网站www.familesusa.org的“消费者资源”中找到。)根据上下文,这个网址是找社区健康中心或者医院诊所的,并且这些医疗也并不是免费的,选项表述不符合原文,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为B。24. 判断推理题。题干“专家提示,如果一个医生使用电子病历,那么_”,可定位到原文倒数第2段最后一句If the doctor uses electronic records, thats a plus, some experts say.(一些专家说,如果医生使用电子病历,这是一个优点。)由此可知,使用电子病历的医生是相对来说可靠的好的医生;另外,全文主要是介绍如何挑选好的医生并与之建立联系,A选项“这个医生应该是病人优先选择的对象”,符合原文。B选项“这位医生一定很受病人欢迎”,原文只是说这是该医生的优点,并没有提到一定特别受欢迎,该选项属于过度推测;C选项“病人应该给医生额外的赞扬”,专家说这是一个优点,并不是为了要赞扬医生,而是告诉读者可以选择这样的医生,所以排除C选项;D选项“未投保的人可能会比已投保的人被收取更多的费用”,原文并未提及,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为A。25. 事实细节题。题干“更容易预约医生的策略包括除_以外的所有内容。”A选项“与一位晚上和周末都有空的医生建立关系”,可定位到原文倒数第2段第一句Other factors to consider are whether the doctor has evening and weekend hours(其他需要考虑的因素包括医生是否有晚上和周末的时间),由此可知,晚上和周末都有空的医生更方便 关系和预约看病,选项表述符合原文;B选项“通过会面与医生建立舒适的关系”,可定位到原文最后一段第1句On the crucial questions of whether you are comfortable with the doctor youve chosen, you wont know that until you meet with the doctor.(关于你是否能跟你选择的医生相处愉快这个关键问题,直到你们见了面,你才会知道。)由此可知,通过双方面对面交往,才能知道是否能跟对方相处愉快,才能建立舒适的关系,选项表述符合原文;C选项“找一个属于某个医疗团队的医生且这个团队进行当前最新的医疗实践”,可定位到原文倒数第2段倒数第2句Some experts say that group practices tend to be more efficient and that doctors in groups are more likely to stay up to date on current medical practice.(一些专家说,集体实践往往更有效率,团体医生更有可能保持最新的医疗实践。)由此可知,作者更推荐处于某个医学团队的医生,选项表述符合原文;D选项“为了在社区卫生中心享受降低一点的费用而不买保险”,可定位到原文第5段第1句If youre uninsured, you may be able to negotiate with a doctor and agree on a reduced fee(如果你没有保险,你可以和医生协商降低费用)原文只是说没有买保险的人可以跟医生商量少收一些费用,并没有建议不买保险,选项表述与原文不符。因此,本题最佳选项为D。3. 单选题Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting and photography.问题1选项A.all at onceB.by and byC.to some extentD.on the whole【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. all at once 突然 B. by and by 不久以后C. to some extent 在一定程度上 D. on the whole 总的来说【考查点】短语辨析【解题思路】原文by and large的意思是“总的来说”,四个选项中与该短语意思最接近的是D选项on the whole“总的来说”。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项与原文不符。【句意】许多影评人一致认为,总的来说,这部电影在表演和摄影方面都是成功的。4. 单选题Peoples attitude towards drugs varies from person to person. Some _51_ them as miraculous; others think of them as dangerous. Then what is the sensible attitude toward drugs?I think the first thing to think about is the difference between drugs and wonder drugs. The antibiotics can really _52_ certain bacterial diseases. On the other hand, the major diseases threatening Americans today are cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, coronary disease and etc. _53_ them, the doctors bag of tricks is limited. He has no wonder drugs.So the first important lesson is not to _54_ too much from drugs. If you can accept the fact that the war against many of our most devastating diseases is, at _55_ a holding operation rather than an inevitable triumph, it will _56_ a great deal to ease your life as well as that of your doctor. Too many _57_ exert great pressures on doctors to prescribe for every small symptom, even when such treatment is unwarranted or dangerous.Unfortunately, the medical profession is guilty of taking part, to a certain _58_, in the wrongful action. The patient who demands a shot of penicillin for every sniffle and sneeze may be _59_ the injection by a reluctant _60_ because he is certain that if he does not, the patient will search until he finds a doctor who will.问题1选项A.regardB.regardsC.regardedD.regarding问题2选项A.careB.treatC.cureD.deal问题3选项A.TowardB.ProC.AgainstD.Dealing问题4选项A.expectB.exceptC.expertD.express问题5选项A.lastB.leastC.bestD.worst问题6选项A.makeB.doC.takeD.have问题7选项A.patienceB.patientC.patienthoodD.patients问题8选项A.extentB.extensionC.extensiveD.extend问题9选项A.takenB.fetchedC.givenD.done问题10选项A.physicalB.physicC.physicsD.physician【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C第6题:B第7题:D第8题:A第9题:C第10题:D【解析】51. 考查时态。A选项regard“认为”,一般现在时;B选项regards,第三人称单数的一般现在时;C选项regarded,一般过去时;D选项regarding,现在分词形式,不能单独做谓语。本题所在分句没有动词,则空格处应填入一个谓语动词,主语为Some“一些(人)”,排除B、D选项;根据后一个分句谓语think of“认为”判断,该处为一般现在时,且全文基本为一般现在时,排除B选项。因此,本题最佳选项为A。52. 考查动词辨析。A选项care“照顾;关心;顾虑”;B选项treat“治疗”,强调过程;C选项cure“治好”,强调结果;D选项deal“贩毒;发牌”,搭配介词with,构成短语deal with才有“处理,对付”的意思。句意:抗生素确实可以_某些细菌性疾病。抗生素可以用于某些细菌性疾病,强调结果,把病治好。因此,本题最佳选项为C。53. 考查介词辨析与上下文语义。A选项toward“向;对(某事的态度);(时间上)接近”;B选项pro“支持,赞成”;C选项against“反对;防备(令人不快的或有害的事物)”;D选项dealing“商业往来,交易”。句意:_它们,医生的手段是有限的。根据句意,此处应该是指治疗这些疾病(不是指对它们的态度),医生们的手段有限。C选项最符合语境,D选项搭配介词with,构成短语deal with才有“处理,对付”的意思。因此,本题最佳选项为C。54. 考查形近词辨析。A选项expect“期望,动词”;B选项except“除以外,介词”;C选项expert“专家,名词”;D选项express“表达,动词”。句意:第一个重要的教训是不要对药品_太多。根据句意,“期望”最符合语义,本题解题的关键在于区别形近词。因此,本题最佳选项为A。55. 考查固定搭配与上下文语义。A选项at last“最终”;B选项at least“至少”;C选项at best“最多,充其量”,用于在情况很糟糕的时候,可能发生的最好的事情;D选项at worst“在最坏的情况下”。句意:对抗许多最具毁灭性疾病的战争_是一场维持现状的行动,而不是必然的胜利。原句想表达的是,在面对很多毁灭性的疾病的时候,能发生的最好的情况也只是维持现状,“充其量”与句意最搭配。因此,本题最佳选项为C。56. 考查固定搭配与上下文语义。A选项make“制作;使得”;B选项do“做”;C选项take“占据;拿”;D选项have“有”。句意:如果你能接受这样一个事实,即的话,这将对减轻你和你的医生的生活负担_很多。根据句意,接受某个事实可以帮助减轻你和你的医生的生活负担。B选项do a great deal to做了很多,最符合句意,可引申为“有助于”。干扰选项A make a great deal意为“做了一笔大买卖”,或者make a great deal out of sth“小题大做”,总之没有“做了很多,有帮助”的意思。因此,本题最佳选项为B。57. 考查形近词辨析。A选项patience“耐心,名词”;B选项patient“病人,单数名词;有耐心的,形容词”;C选项patienthood“病态心理,名词”;D选项patients“病人,名词复数”。句意:太多的_对医生施加了巨大的压力。根据句意,空格处应填入名词病人;原文空格前有many,所以填入的应为复数名词。因此,本题最佳选项为D。58. 考查固定搭配与上下文语义。A选项extent“程度,名词”;


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