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2022年考博英语-南京师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题大多数中国人十分看重自己的工作,觉得工作会使自己成为团体的一部分。他们相 信,工作可以让他们产生归属感。换言之,要得到社会的承认,就必须工作。许多 中国经理和员工努力工作,力求保住在公司的职位,原因就是这个。【答案】Most Chinese value their jobs very much, and feel that it makes them part of a community and they believe that work gives them a sense of belonging. In other words, in order to be recognized by society, they have to work. That is why many Chinese managers and employees have to work hard and strive to keep their positions in the company.2. 单选题A senior United Nations Childrens (UNICEF) official on May 29 praised China for its remarkable achievements in childrens welfare.A. H. M. Farook, UNICEFs operations area officer for China and Mongolia said that China “can be very satisfied to tell the whole world what can be done with limited resources to help its children to grow healthily and happily.”Chinas child population makes up one-fifth of the worlds total. “The reason behind the tremendous achievement is Chinas long tradition of caring for children both at home and in society, he said.”“Whats more is that Chinese people have always given special attention to children who are in special need.” The UN official made the remarks when addressing a group of 50 children and staff from the Beijing Childrens Welfare Home at the Shangri-la Hotel. Beijing.The hotel invites the orphans to share snacks, sing, dance and play games at a park inside the hotel for a “Share the Sunshine” party, as a prelude to celebrations to mark the Childrens Day.The Beijing childrens Welfare Home, set up soon after New China was founded in 1949, has at present more than 400 children.A leading official of the welfare institution said that the children live a happy life and that the agency spends 400-500 yuan a month for an average orphan. An average Chinese workers earned 440 yuan a month during the first quarter this year. Go Xiaojin, deputy secretary-general of the China Youth Development Foundation(CYDF) said people from all walks of life have contributed to the welfare of the Chinese children. She said that CYDF set up the Project Hope in 1989, which calls on people across the country to donate money to help poor children to continue their schooling.By the end of last year, she said, CYDF had collected nearly 700 million yuan in donations, which has helped the establishment of 2,074 hope primary schools and enabled more than 1.25 million dropouts to return to school classrooms. Three “Hope Stars” also attended the party. They were mode1 teenagers chosen among students who are economically supported by the Project Hope to further their nine-year compulsory studies in the poverty-stricken regions. They will be torchbearers for the Chinese Team for the upcoming Atlanta Olympic Games this year.1. Children can grow healthily and happily as long as( ).2. Every year the Bejing Childrens Welfare Home spends( ) on the orphans.3. CYDF collected 700 million yuan with the purpose of( ).4. We can infer from the text that( ).5. It is possible that this passage was written in( ).问题1选项A.parents take good care of them both at home and in societyB.the whole society care for children as well as their parentsC.Schools and teachers pay much attention to the growth of childrenD.Chinese people always give special attention to children who are in special need问题2选项A.1, 920,000 yuan 2,160. 000 yuanB.2, 160.000 yuanC.over 2, 400. 000 yuanD.2.200. 000 yuan or so问题3选项A.reducing dropoutsB.helping homeless orphansC.supporting the Chinese Team for the coming Atlanta Olympic GamesD.establishing 2, 074 Hope primary schools all over the country问题4选项A.every Chinese child has its own special need, so we should pay special attention to eachB.all the children in the poverty-stricken regions of China are too poor to go to schoolC.ever since liberation, the Chinese Communist Party has been concerned about the growth of the younger generationD.with the help of UNICEF officials, there are no more dropouts in China问题5选项A.1992B.1996C.1998D.2000【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干定位到第一段“The reason behind the tremendous achievement is Chinas long tradition of caring for children both at home and in society, he said. 他说,这一巨大成就背后的原因是在中国,家庭和社会都照顾儿童的悠久传统。可知中国小孩可以健康快乐成长的原因是社会和家庭对儿童的共同关心。故B项正确。A项只强调了父母的作用;C项只强调了学校和老师的作用;D项“中国人总是关注那些有特殊需要的孩子”这句话只提到了有特殊需要的孩子(比如孤儿),而题干问的是在什么样的条件下,孩子们才能健康快乐成长,显然题干是指所有的中国孩子。故D项不选。答案B。2.推理计算题。由第六段The Beijing childrens Welfare Home, set up soon after New China was founded in 1949, has at present more than 400 children. 以及第七段A leading official of the welfare institution said that the children live a happy life and that the agency spends 400-500 yuan a month for an average orphan.可知用于400多名孤儿的福利院的开支为 400x12x400=1920,000 到 400x12x500=2400,000之间,因为文中并未给出孤儿的确切数量和每个孤儿每月的确切开支,故福利院每年用于孤儿身上的开支是不确定的,只能是一个大概范围内的数字,范围为1920000-2400000之间。故D项正确。3.细节事实题。由最后一段By the end of last year, she said, CYDF had collected nearly 700 million yuan in donations, which has helped the establishment of 2,074 hope primary schools and enabled more than 1.25 million dropouts to return to school classrooms. 她说,截至去年年底,中国青少年发展基金会已筹集7亿元捐款,帮助建立了2074所希望小学,使125多万失学儿童重返校园。可知D项正确。4.推理判断题。由第六段“The Beijing childrens Welfare Home, set up soon after New China was founded in 1949, has at present more than 400 children. 北京儿童福利院成立于新中国成立(1949)后不久,目前有400多名儿童。可知自新中国成立以来,北京福利院接收了400多名儿童,中国政府一直关心儿童的成长。故C项正确。A项“给每个孩子特特殊关注”是对原文“Whats more is that Chinese people have always given special attention to children who are in special need.”的曲解。BD两项表述有误。5.细节事实题。由最后一句They will be torchbearers for the Chinese Team for the upcoming Atlanta Olympic Games this year. 他们将成为今年亚特兰大奥运会中国队的火炬手。可知这篇文章写于亚特兰大奥运会举办的那年,也就是1996年。故B项正确。3. 单选题The United States is confronted by many economic problemsfor example, inflation, unemployment, pollution, poverty, declining productivity, and rapidly increasing energy cost. In recent years, Americans have become increasingly aware of the fundamental economic problem facing humanity; scarce resources with which to meet the needs of ever growing numbers of people. For all practical purposes, human wants may be regarded as limitless. Scarcity has always been of major concern to economists.A given quantity of resources used to meet one need cannot simultaneously be used to meet another. A choice must be made: Which need will prevail? What will be produced? Filling one urgent need often means sacrificing the opportunity to satisfy another. Hence, the very important economic concept of opportunity cost arises. Every time one is forced by scarcity to make a choice, one is incurring (承受)opportunity costs. These costs are measured in terms of forgone (放弃的)alternatives.How are these, difficult choices of priorities and forgone opportunities arrived at in a society? The answer to this question is the subject matter of microeconomic, or the study of resource allocation among individual sectors ad groups within the economic system. Microeconomics, analysis deals with the principles and guidelines that help determine what and how much is produced, the method of production used, and the division of the resulting output (as income) among the members of the society. The combined effect of all these individual decisions provides the answer to the macroeconomic questions of whether there is full employment, whether prices in general are rising, and whether the economy as a whole is growing.It is important to understand from the very story that economics is regarding government economic policy making, policy makers (usually elected officials) cause the government to intervene (or not to intervene) in the economy according to certain political, social, or economic goals with which economists may or may not agree. The economists role then is to point out the full economic effects of such actions so that policy decisions can be made more intelligently.1. The fundamental problem of economics is, in short,( ).2. Opportunity cost( ).3. Even government policy measures have “opportunity costs” which means( ).4. The causes of general unemployment and inflation are topics studied in( ).5. Economic analysis of a policy proposal usually does not allow( ).问题1选项A.too many poor peopleB.finding jobs for allC.the scarcity of resources relative to wantsD.constantly rising prices问题2选项A.is measured by how much of one commodity you have to forgo in order to get some stated amount of another commodityB.measures how many different opportunities you have to spend your moneyC.measures opportunities in terms of their relative pricesD.is always the same as money cost问题3选项A.higher taxes will be necessaryB.moving toward one policy goal may require moving away from another policy goalC.government action is usually inefficientD.government action provides new opportunities问题4选项A.resource allocationB.macroeconomicsC.opportunity castD.production possibilities问题5选项A.estimation of the costs of the proposalB.determination of whether a particular policy measure will contribute to its stated goalC.consideration of the side effects of the policyD.a “scientificchoice between alternative goal【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段“In recent years, Americans have become increasingly aware of the fundamental economic problem facing humanity; scarce resources with which to meet the needs of ever growing numbers of people. 近年来,美国人越来越意识到人类面临的根本经济问题用来满足日益增长的人口所需求的资源很稀缺。可知经济的根本问题是资源稀缺。故C项正确。2.推理判断题。由第二段“Hence, the very important economic concept of opportunity cost arises. Every time one is forced by scarcity to make a choice, one is incurring opportunity costs. These costs are measured in terms of forgone alternatives. 因此,机会成本这一非常重要的经济学概念应运而生。每一次,当一个人因为稀缺而被迫做出选择时,他就会付出机会成本。这些成本是用放弃的替代品来衡量的。”可知机会成本是指放弃一些替代品来衡量的。故A项正确。3.推理判断题。题干意为“甚至政府的政策措施也存在机会成本”意味着什么?这道题主要考查对机会成本的理解,上一题已经得知机会成本表示放弃一些替代品。纵观四个选项,只有B项“朝着一个政策目标前进可能需要远离另一个政策目标”符合机会成本的含义。故B项正确。4.细节事实题。由题干定位到第三段The combined effect of all these individual decisions provides the answer to the macroeconomic questions of whether there is full employment, whether prices in general are rising, and whether the economy as a whole is growing. 所有这些个人决策的综合效应为宏观经济问题提供了答案,这些问题包括:是否存在充分就业,总体物价是否在上涨,以及整体经济是否在增长。可知失业,通货膨胀是宏观经济的研究范畴。故B项正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一段The economists role then is to point out the full economic effects of such actions so that policy decisions can be made more intelligently. 因此,经济学家的作用是指出这些行动的全部经济影响,以便更明智地作出决策。可知经济学家只是指出政策可能带来的经济影响,最终做决策的人是政策制定者。故D项不是经济学家要做的事。ABC三项都是经济学家该做的事。4. 单选题Youre responsible to( ) is in charge of sales.问题1选项A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.that【答案】C【解析】考查引导词。该空在从句中作主语,并引导主语从句。who表示人,常引导宾语从 句,但不引导主语从句;而whoever表示“无论是谁”(anyone who ),可引导 主语从句。故C项正确。句意:你对任何负责销售的人负责。5. 单选题People who visit my office at Chrysler are often surprised that I dont have a computer terminal on my desk. Maybe they forget that everything that comes out of a(1), somebody has to put in. The biggest(2)facing American business today is that most managers have too(3)information. It dazzles them, and they dont know what to do(4)it all.The key(5)success is not information. Its(6). And the kind of people I(7)for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers. These are the guys who try to do(8)than they arc expected(9). Theyre always reaching. And reaching out to the people they work(10)trying to help them(11)their jobs better. Thats the(12)they are built.Then there are the other guys, the nine-to-five gang. They just want to get along and be told(13)to do. They say: “1 dont want to be(14)the rat race. It might(15)my heartbeat.”Just because you(16)involved and excited and really tear into things doesnt mean youll(17)of hypertension next week!So I try to look for people(18)that drive. You dont need(19). With twenty-five of these guys, I could (20)the government of the United States.问题1选项A.televisionB.telephoneC.computerD.cell phone问题2选项A.problemB.matterC.accidentD.incident问题3选项A.manyB.fewC.littleD.much问题4选项A.aboutB.withC.ofD.for问题5选项A.ofB.toC.forD.with问题6选项A.myselfB.peopleC.themselvesD.itself问题7选项A.lookB.likeC.hopeD.wait问题8选项A.manyB.muchC.moreD.less问题9选项A.forB.aboutC.ofD.to问题10选项A.withB.forC.toD.near问题11选项A.didB.haveC.doD.had问题12选项A.transactionB.relationshipC.businessD.way问题13选项A.whatB.howC.nextD.it问题14选项A.ofB.forC.inD.into问题15选项A.makeB.affectC.letD.cause问题16选项A.haveB.hadC.gotD.get问题17选项A.catchB.infectC.fallD.die问题18选项A.withB.withoutC.insideD.outside问题19选项A.themB.himC.manyD.much问题20选项A.driveB.runC.walkD.fight【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:D第10题:A第11题:C第12题:D第13题:A第14题:C第15题:B第16题:D第17题:D第18题:A第19题:C第20题:B【解析】1.考查名词辨析。television“电视”; telephone“电话”;computer“ 电脑”;cell phone“手机”。由上文提示“I hadnt have a computer terminal on my desk可知C项正确。2.考查名词辨析。problem“难题”;matter“事情:问题”;accident“事故”;incident“事件”。由 “It dazzles them 它(即信息)让 他们眼花缭乱”可知此空表明美国商业如今遇到的难题,故A项正确。3.考查形容词辨析。由下文的“It dazzles them”“信息使他们眼花缭乱”可知信息应该是非常多,information为不可数名词,故选择much修饰,故D项正确。4.考查固定搭配。do with 处理;句意:这些信息使他们眼花缭乱,他们不知道如何处理。5.考查固定搭配。key to“的关键”。6.考查逻辑关系。由下文的“And the kind of people I可知,成功的关键不在信息,而在于人,故B项正确。7.考查固定搭配。look for“寻找”;hope for“希望,期待”;wait for“等待”。由下文 “to fill top management spots are the eager beavers填补高层管理职位”知这里应该是寻找这类人才,故A项正确。8.考查形容词辨析。many修饰可数名词;much修饰不可数名词;more和less用于比较级。由上文“eager beavers工作勤奋认真的人”可知,他们应该做比预期更多的事情,故C项正确。9.考查介词辨析。expect to do sth,期待做某事。10. 考查介词辨析。根据空前的“the people they.”知,应该是和他们一起 工作的人,即work with,故A项正确。11.考查固定搭配。help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”。12.考查名词辨析。transaction“交易”;relationship“关系”;business“生意”;way“方式”。上文讲述的是这些人工作的方式,故D项正确。13.考查引导词。由上文的“the nine-to-five gang按时上下班的一些人和get along 混日子”可推知这些人应该是别人说什么就做什么。what表内容,故A项正确。14.考查介词辨析。 in the rat race在激烈的竞争里 15.考查动词辨析。make“制作;使得”;affect“影响”;let“让”; cause“造成”。 根据上文“我不想处于这场激烈竞争中”可推知激烈竞争会影响我的心跳。故B项正确。 16.考查时态。本文全篇都用的一般现在时,get involved投入工作中。故D项正确。17.考查固定搭配。die of“死于. ,句意:并不意味着你下周会死于高血压。18.考查介词辨析。根据上文的描述知,作者寻找的是拥有那种干劲的人,故A项正确。19.考查逻辑关系。由下文“With twenty-five of these guys可知这里指代“你不需要那么多(人)”,故C项正确。20.考查动词辨析。drive“开车”;run“管理;经营; 运行”;walk“走”; fight “斗争;反对”。此句句意应为25个人就能使美国政府运行。6. 单选题Yesterday afternoon a multitude of people attended the fund raising presentation in the mall问题1选项A.small numberB.special groupC.huge crowdD.youthful team【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。a multitude of 许多的,大批的。只有C项“huge crowd 大群人”正确。句意:昨天下午,许多人参加了在商场举行的募捐活动。7. 单选题Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible, for example, providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train, up to any age he still needs to do so. This principle, in fact, underlies all psychological treatment of children in difficulties with their development, and is the basis of work in child clinics.The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly one he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things, particularly for food, is a very important element in upbringing, and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them.Every parent watches eagerly the childs acquisition of each new skill- the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feeling of failure and states of anxiety in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early; a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.Learning together is a fruit source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together, parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this cooperation. Building-block toys, jigsaw puzzles and crossword are good examples.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters others are severe over times of coming home at night, punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the childs own happiness and well being.1. The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children( ).2. The child in the nursery( ).3. The encouragement of children to achieve - new skills( ).4. Jigsaw puzzles are( ).5. Parental controls and discipline( ).问题1选项A.is to send them to clinicsB.offers recapture of earlier experiencesC.is in the provision of clockwork toys and trainsD.is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced问题2选项A.quickly learns to wait for foodB.doesnt initially sleep and wake at regular intervalsC.always accepts the rhythm of the world around themD.always feels the world around him is warm and friendly问题3选项A.can never be taken too farB.should be left to school teachersC.will always assist their developmentD.should be balanced between two extremes问题4选项A.too difficult for childrenB.a kind of building-block toyC.not very entertaining for adultsD.suitable exercises for parent-child cooperation问题5选项A.serve a dual purposeB.should be avoided as much as possibleC.reflect the values of the communityD.are designed to promote the childs【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible, for example, providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train, up to any age he still needs to do so. This principle, in fact, underlies all psychological treatment of children in difficulties with their development, and is the basis of work in child clinics. 如果儿童发展的一个阶段被遗漏,或者没有足够的经验,儿童可能必须回去捕捉它的经验。一个好的家庭使这成为可能,例如,提供机会,让孩子玩发条车或玩具火车,直到任何年龄,他仍然需要这样做。事实上,这一原则是对发育有困难的儿童进行所有心理治疗的基础,也是儿童诊所工作的基础。可知B项“对早期经验的再现”正确。2.细节事实题。由第二段The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food, to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. 纪律是从托儿所开始的。甚至最小的婴儿被逐步教导等食物,有规律地睡眠和醒来等等。可知B项“托儿所的孩子一开始并不是有规律地睡觉和醒来”正确。3.判断推理题。由第三段It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feeling of failure and states of anxiety in the child. 催促孩子超过他的自然学习速度通常


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