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2022年考博英语-暨南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to( )heart diseases.问题1选项A.ward offB.push offC.put offD.throw off【答案】A【解析】本题考查词组辨析题。ward off“避开;防止(疾病等)”;push off “离开;走开”;put off“延期”;throw off “摆脱”,heart disease“心脏病”是一种疾病,戒烟是为了防止得心脏病,所以此处应该使用词组ward off,故正确答案为选项A。句意为:戒烟只是预防心脏疾病的办法之一。2. 单选题Russian women had to wear protective masks as they walked in Moscow, which was( )by a heavy smog yesterday.问题1选项A.shroudedB.unveiledC.decayedD.deprived【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。shrouded“遮蔽”;unveiled“除去面纱”;decayed“衰退;腐败”;deprived “剥夺;丧失”,根据句子结构可知which引导了一个定语从句,此处which指代的是“Moscow莫斯科”,根据主句的意思可知此处想表达的是莫斯科被大雾笼罩。句意:俄罗斯的女性昨天在的莫斯科街头行走的时候不得不戴着厚厚的保护面罩。故正确答案为选项A。3. 单选题Marriage in haste usually leads to( )at leisure.问题1选项A.resentmentB.reluctanceC.repentanceD.fantasy【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项resentment“愤恨,怨恨”;B选项reluctance“勉强”;C选项repentance“悔改,后悔”;D选项fantasy“幻想”。句意:草率结婚通常容易导致将来后悔。根据句意,此处选择C选项repentance“悔改,后悔”。因此C选项符合题意。4. 单选题A week later, ( )actions were taken to control the inflation, which caused riots all over the country.问题1选项A.desperateB.ambivalentC.ambiguousD.deliberate【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项desperate“拼命的,绝望的”;B选项ambivalent“矛盾的”;C选项ambiguous“模棱两可的”;D选项deliberate“故意的,深思熟虑的”。句意:一周后,政府采取了深思熟虑的措施来控制造成全国混乱的通货膨胀。此处填入空格的形容词修饰actions(措施,行动)。由句意可知一周之后才采取措施,那肯定是经过深思熟虑的,D选项“深思熟虑的措施”符合题意,其他选项都不准确。因此D选项正确。5. 单选题One can understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and( )to expressed thoughts.问题1选项A.dilemmasB.countenancesC.concessionsD.junctions【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。dilemmas “困境”;countenances “面容;表情”;concessions “让步;特权”;junctions“连接”,根据句子结构可知此处要填的名词与eyes是并列的,四个选项中只有countenances能够与eyes并列并表达出符合逻辑的句子意思。句意:人们可以通过观察别人眼睛和快速的反映或表情来更好的了解对方。因此选项B为正确答案。6. 单选题After an( )tour performance, the actress decided to fly to Hawaii to have a full relaxation.问题1选项A.generousB.exhaustingC.favoriteD.numerous【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项generous“慷慨的,大方的”;B选项exhausting“使人筋疲力尽的”;C选项favorite“最受喜爱的”;D选项numerous“许多的”。句意:在一场使人筋疲力尽的巡回演唱会之后,这位女演员决定飞往夏威夷度假放松。根据句意女演员决定飞往夏威夷度假放松可知前面的演唱会让人筋疲力尽所以才想要放松。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题Last week the financial manager asked for a( )to Beijing branch, which was just set up three months ago.问题1选项A.transferB.transmissionC.transformationD.transport【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项transfer“(地点的)转移,(工作的)调动”;B选项transmission“传递,传送;播送”;C选项transformation“转化,转换”;D选项transport“运输”。根据句意“上个星期财务部经理申请转去三个月前刚成立的北京分公司”,本句表示工作上的调动,句中which was just set up three months ago作非限制性定语从句,修饰Beijing branch, 因此A选项正确。8. 不定项选择题Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of societys understanding the knowledge, hopes and fears that are passed on to the next generation.Education in any society is mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weakness, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.“All men are created equal.” Weve heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this countrys founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children disabled or not to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In response, schools are modifying their program, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.1. What is the purpose for author to cite the example of stage in paragraph 2?2. Why does public pay much attention to exceptional education?3. Which one of the following actions has NOT been taken to facilitate exceptional education?4. The word “substantially” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to( ).5. What is the main idea of this passage?问题1选项A.To show those exceptional children are more easily influenced than normal children.B.To indicate those exceptional children have great potentials.C.To identify all men are born to be equal.D.To illustrate the importance of environment such as family and society.问题2选项A.Exceptional education is a part of compulsory education.B.The belief that exceptional children should develop their potentials as well.C.Exceptional education has been underestimated for a long time.D.Exceptional education is a reflection of society.问题3选项A.Courts have confirmed the right for exceptional children to receive education.B.Governments have made policies to protect exceptional education.C.Schools are forced by courts to take actions to offer education for exceptional children.D.Schools have appropriated programs and instruction to satisfy the need of exceptional children.问题4选项A.stunninglyB.generallyC.adequatelyD.fundamentally问题5选项A.The necessity of adapting education to exceptional children.B.The specialty of exceptional children.C.The introduction of education programs.D.The responsibilities of government for those exceptional children.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。通过列举了舞台的例子,作者强调了配角和剧中布景的重要性,结合下文Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development(特殊儿童所生活的家庭和社会往往是他们成长和发展的关键)可知,对特殊儿童而言,家庭和社会环境也是很重要的,因此D选项“说明环境的重要性,如家庭和社会”正确。第2题:推理判断题。由第三段第三句The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities(在过去的30年中,公共教育对特殊儿童的极大兴趣表明了我们社会中的一种强烈想法,那就是所有的公民,无论其情况有多特殊,都应享有充分发展其能力的机会)可推断出B选项“特殊儿童也应该开发他们的潜能的信念”符合题意。第3题:事实细节题。需注意题干中的NOT,因此要找出文中没有提及的措施。由第四段第五句Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children disabled or not to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education(最近的法院判决确认了所有儿童,无论残疾与否,都有接受适当教育的权利,并命令公立学校采取必要措施提供这种教育)可排除A选项和C选项;由本文最后一句In response, schools are modifying their program, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs(作为回应,学校正在调整课程,使教学能够适应特殊儿童,那些不能从常规课程中真正获益的儿童的需要)可排除D选项,因此B选项为正确答案。第4题:语义推测题。根据上下文可知,学校正在调整课程,以适应特殊儿童的需要,因此可以推断出,常规课程是不足以应对特殊儿童的,substantially应为“足够的”,C选项符合题意。第5题:主旨大意题。解题关键句通常在第一段或最后一段,由第一段第二句For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences(为了让这些孩子充分发展他们成年后的潜能,他们的教育必须适应这些差异)可知A选项“使教育适应残疾儿童的必要性”为正确答案。9. 单选题Youve done more of the work than I have recently so Ill give up my day off in( ).问题1选项A.offsetB.redressC.heraldD.compensate【答案】A【解析】本题考查了名词的辨析。offset“抵消;补偿”;redress“救济;赔偿;纠正”;herald“使者;先驱”;compensate“补偿;赔偿”(只有动词形式),此处应该选择一个名词与介词in搭配表示“补偿,弥补”的意思,所以可以排除选项C和D,redress 一般不这样搭配,in offset是惯用搭配,故正确答案为选项A。10. 单选题According to the latest report, consumer confidence( )a breathtaking 15 points last month, to its lowest level in 9 years.问题1选项A.soaredB.mutatedC.plummetedD.fluctuated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。soared“飘升”;mutated“变化;突变”;plummeted“骤降”;fluctuated“波动”,根据lowest level“最低水平”可知此处应该填plummeted。句意:根据最近的报告,消费者信任度上个月惊人的15个点,达到九年中最低值。故正确答案为选项C。11. 单选题The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that( )we had to stop for refreshments.问题1选项A.at largeB.at easeC.at randomD.at intervals【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。at large“详尽的;整个的”;at ease“安逸”;at random“任意的”;at intervals“不时”,根据句子意思可知此处应该选一个词组来形容我们停下来提神的频率,四个选项中只有at intervals符合,故正确答案为选项D。句意:这场讨论无比冗长又使人疲累,以至于我们必须的停下来提神。因此选项D符合题意。12. 单选题AIDS is causing great public concern because the( )fatal disease hits primarily young people.问题1选项A.invariablyB.imperativelyC.transientlyD.deceptively【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。invariably“总是;不变地”;imperatively“命令式地”;transiently“仅持续片刻地”;deceptively“欺骗性地”,根据句意可知,四个选项中只能选择 副词invariably,才能使句子符合语义逻辑。句意:艾滋病引起了极大的公共关注,因为这个致命的疾病主要是攻击年轻人。故正确答案为选项A。13. 不定项选择题Visiting a National Park can be relaxing, inspiring and rejuvenating, but it can also be disturbing. As you drive into Rocky Mountain National Park, and you will see starving el, damaged meadows and dying forests. Our parks are growing old because we have mistakenly protected them from national Parks, the National Park Service must change its management priorities to prevent over population of animals and to restore natural process in the forest in order to prevent their stagnation and “death” by old age. We must act soon: our parks are dying of old age because we have altered the forces in nature that keep them young and strong.By tracing the history of our National Parks, we can understand the problem and see why we need active management. In the early part of the 20th century, settlers exploited wildlife heavily, resulting in near-extinction of many species. Therefore, several National Parks were established by Congress primarily to save endangered animals. However, stricter wildlife protection laws and improved wildlife management technique resulted in greater populations of animals overcrowding in areas of high concentration, such as the Yellowstone elk herds. Complicating the problem, theNational Park Service in the early part of the 20th century adopted a policy of aggressive predator elimination, thus reducing natural wildlife population control. Subsequently, elk and population exploded in many National Parks, resulting in severe damage to native vegetation. Vigorous forest fire and insect suppression in the National Parks throughout the 20th century further altered the natural environment by allowing forests to over-mature, without natural thinning processes. Park managers thought that they were protecting the land, but actually they were removing important controls from the forest ecosystem.Clearly, we must immediately if we want to pass down to our children and grandchildren the green legacy of our National Parks; we must step in and restore the natural processes which we have altered through our well-intentioned, but misguided, policies in the past.1. According to the article, strict wildlife protection laws and improved wildlife management techniques( ).2. According to the author, there would not be starving elks, damaged meadows or dying forests in National Parks if( ).3. According to the article, the population explosion of elk and deer was caused also by( ).4. From the article, we can deduce that the author( ).5. Which one of the following statements is NOT true according to the article?问题1选项A.caused the near extinction of the endangered animals.B.intervened the natural process.C.made the visit of National Parks relaxing, and inspiring and rejuvenating.D.saved the elks in the Rocky Mountain Park from starvation.问题2选项A.the government introduced stricter wildlife laws.B.the National Park Service employed more wildlife management technique.C.the natural processes were restored.D.if we continued to improve our natural environment.问题3选项A.the adoption of a policy of aggressive predator elimination.B.the increased number of National Parks.C.the deceasing number of visitors to National Parks.D.the heavy exploitation of endangered animals in the 20 century.问题4选项A.is in support of the resent policies.B.appreciates the present management techniques.C.thinks that the forces in nature should be altered.D.is strongly in favor of the natural processes.问题5选项A.Park managers interrupted the forest ecosystems throughout the 20th century.B.Flesh-eating animals should not be eliminated.C.Insect suppression may cause the forests to over-mature.D.Severe damage to native vegetation in the forest is caused by fire.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】第1题:推理判断题。根据文章,严格的野生动物保护法和改善后的野生动物管理技术选项A“造成了濒危动物的濒临灭绝”;选项B“干预了自然过程”;选项C“使参观国家公园变得轻松愉快充满活力”;选项D“拯救了洛基山国家公园中快要饿死的麋鹿”,根据文章第二段中“However, stricter wildlife protection laws and improved wildlife management technique resulted in greater populations of animals overcrowding in areas of high concentration, such as the Yellowstone elk herds. 然而,严格化的野生动物保护法和改良的野生动物管理技术导致大量的动物拥挤在动物密度非常大的地区,比如黄石公园的麋鹿”,根据此句可知其所带来的影响是负面的,故可以排除选项C、D;选项A所表达的意思与此句相反,故错误;所以正确答案为选项B。第2题:细节事实题。根据作者的观点,国家公园将不会再有快要饿死的麋鹿、被破坏的草地和奄奄一息的森林选项A“政府采用更加严格的野生动物法”;选项B“国家公园管理局采用更多野生动物管理技术”;选项C“重新恢复自然进程”;选项D“我们继续改善我们的自然环境”。根据文章第一段中“the National Park Service must change its management priorities to prevent over population of animals and to restore natural process in the forest in order to prevent their stagnation and death by old age.”国家公园管理局必须改变他们的管理优先级来阻止动物数量的增加和恢复自然进程,不让公园停滞不前或者随着时间死去,可知“阻止动物数量的增加”和“恢复自然进程”是两个有效的解决办法,故正确答案为选项C。第3题:推理判断题。根据这篇文章,麋鹿和鹿的数量的激增也是由于什么造成的,选项A“采取了消除食肉动物的政策”;选项B“国家公园数量的增加”;选项C“国家公园 游客的减少”;选项D“20世纪对濒危动物的过度开发”,根据第二段中“the National Park Service in the early part of the 20th century adopted a policy of aggressive predator elimination, thus reducing natural wildlife population control.”国家公园管理局在20世纪早期采取了消除食肉动物的政策,因此失去了对野生动物数量的控制,由此可知采取了消除食肉动物的政策也是麋鹿和鹿的数量激增的一个原因,故正确答案为选项A。第4题:观点态度题。根据这篇文章,我们可以推断出作者选项A“支持现有的政策”;选项B“欣赏现有的管理技术”;选项C“认为应该改变自然的力量”;选项D“强烈支持自然进程”, 作者在这篇文章中表示了对国家公园管理局采取的对国家公园的管理措施的批判,认为其干预了自然的进程,于是破坏了生态的平衡,所以作者是支持自然进程的,故正确答案为选项D。第5题:细节事实题。根据这篇文章,以下哪个陈述是不正确的?选项A“20世纪,公园管理者干扰了森林的生态系统”;选项B“食肉动物不应该被消除”;选项C“防虫会造成 森林的过熟”;选项D“森林中当地蔬菜的严重的损害是由火灾造成的”,选项A、B 符合文章的中心思想,排除;根据文章第二段中“Vigorous forest fire and insect suppression in the National Parks throughout the 20th century further altered the natural environment by allowing forests to over-mature整个20世纪国家公园中严重的森林火灾和防虫造成了森林的过熟,改变了自然环境”,可知火灾和防虫造成了森林的过熟,所以选项C正确,排除;根据“elk and population exploded in many National Parks, resulting in severe damage to native vegetation. 许多国家公园中麋鹿数量的急剧增加造成了当地蔬菜的严重破坏”,可知造成蔬菜破坏的是麋鹿数量的增加,故选项D表达错误,故正确答案为选项D。14. 单选题The company will( )to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.问题1选项A.retainB.alterC.abandonD.adhere【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。retain“保持;记住”;alter“改变;修改”;abandon“放弃”;adhere“坚持;依附”,根据no matter how“无论如何”可知此处要表达的是这个公司非常坚定的态度,四个选项中只有adhere表明了这个公司的立场,且adhere与介词to是固定搭配,表示“坚持”。句意:这个公司会他的协议,不管这一过程的代价会有多大。由此可知选项D正确。15. 不定项选择题At the fall 2001 Social Science History Association convention in Chicago, the Crime and Justice Network sponsored a forum on the history of gun ownership, gun use, and gun violence in the United States. Our purpose was to consider how social science history might contribute to the public debate over gun control and gun rights. To date, we have had little impact on that debate. It has been dominated by mainstream social scientists and historians, especially scholars such as Gary Kleck, John Lott, and Michael Bellesiles, whose work, despite profound flaws, is politically congenial to either opponents or proponents of gun control. Kleck and Mark Gertz, for instance, argue on the basis of their widely cited survey that gun owners prevent numerous crimes each year in the United States by using firearms to defend themselves and their property. If their survey respondents are to be believed, American gun owners shot 100,000 criminals in 1994 in selfdefensea preposterous number. Lott claims on the basis of his statistical analysis of recent crime rates that laws allowing private individuals to carry concealed firearms to deter murders, rapes, and robberies, because criminals are afraid to attack potentially armed victims. However, he biases his results by confining his analysis to the year between 1977 and 1992, when violent crime rates had peaked and varied little from year to year. He reports only regression models that support his thesis and neglects to mention that each of those models find a positive relationship between violent crime and real income, and an inverse relationship between violent crime and unemployment.Contrary to Kleck and Lott, Bellesiles insists that guns and Americas “gun culture” are responsible for Americas high rate of murder. In Bellevilles opinion, relatively few Americans owned guns before the 1850s or know how to use, maintain, or repair them. As a result, he says, guns contributed little to the homicide rate, especially among whites, which was low everywhere, even in the South and on the frontier, where historians once assumed gun and murder went hand in hand. According to Bellesiles, these patterns changed dramatically after the Mexican War and especially after the Civil War, when gun ownership became widespread and cultural changes encouraged the use of handguns to command respect and resolve personal and political disputes. The result was an unprecedented wave of gun-related homicides that never truly abated. To this day, the United States has the highest homicide rate of any industrial democracy. Bellesiless low estimates of gun ownership in early America conflict, however, with those of every historian who has previously studied the subject and has thus far proven irreproducible. Every homicide statistic he presents is either misleading or wrong.Given the influence of Kleck, Lott, Bellesiles and other partisan scholars on the debate over gun control and gun rights, we felt a need to pull together what social science historians have learned to date about the history of gun ownership and gun violence in America, and to consider what research methods and projects might increase our knowledge in the near future.1. Which of the following statement is true about the public debate over gun control?2. The author mentions Kleck, Lott, and Bellesiles mainly to( ).3. The authors main criticism of John Lott is that he( ).4. With which of the following will Bellesiles most probably agree?5. The passage is primarily concerned with( ).问题1选项A.It has little influence on the forum sponsored by the Crime and Justice Network.B.Neither supporters nor opponents of gun control cite the works of scholars.C.The works of mainstream social scientists have great impact on it.D.Many social science historians have so far failed to take part in it.问题2选项A.illustrate the influence they have on the issue of gun controlB.refute the claim that private ownership of firearms will deter violent crimesC.support the thesis that gun ownership leads to more violenceD.demonstrate why research methods should be improved in the study of the gun ownership history问题3选项A.advocates private ownership of firearmsB.is not objective in his analysisC.has analy


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