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2022年考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Sometimes _ to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.问题1选项A.that is difficultB.is difficultC.it is difficultD.that is difficult【答案】C【解析】考查固定句型。句意:有时很难把物理和化学分成不同类别。It is difficult to do sth.意为“做某事很困难”,所以C选项it is difficult符合题意。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题If the dispute is not settled in a (n) _ way soon, the two countries will certainly go to war.问题1选项A.amiableB.amicableC.inimicalD.unfriendly【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项amiable“亲切友好的”;B选项amicable“心平气和的”;C选项inimical“对有害的;敌意的”;D选项unfriendly“不友好的”。句意:如果争端不尽快以_的方式解决,这两个国家肯定会开战。根据语境,这里指如果没有妥善解决这个问题,就会引发战争,amicable“心平气和的”方式放在这里比较合适。因此B选项正确。3. 单选题Even the cleverest use of time management techniques is powerless to _ the sum of minutes in a persons life (over 52 million, optimistically assuming a life expectancy of 100 years), so people squeeze as much as they could into each one of them.问题1选项A.augmentB.quantifyC.enrichD.justify【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项augment“增加,增大”;B选项quantify“确定数量”;C选项enrich“使充实;使富足”;D选项justify“证明正确;对作出解释”。句意:即使是最巧妙的时间管理技巧也无法_人的生命中的时间总和(5200万分钟以上,乐观地假设寿命为100岁),所以人们尽可能地抓紧每一分钟。根据语境,这里指的是时间管理技巧不能让人们的时间变多,所以augment“增加”符合题意。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Shamanism is the belief in a spiritual world in which all living things are connected. It is the oldest form of systematic belief in human history as there is evidence of shamanism existing in Neolithic times thousands of years ago. People in most ancient cultures practiced Shamanism in some form during their histories. While some features are common to the practice of shamanism, most cultures added their own unique aspects. Over time, however, organized religions began to spring up in ancient civilizations, so shamanism was either suppressed or disappeared entirely. In modern times, even though some people practice it, mainstream society mostly views it skeptically.The rise of shamanism in ancient times can be attributed to mankinds desire to understand how the world around him worked. Lacking modern scientific methods as well as the knowledge to understand the world, people in ancient times came to believe there was a spiritual connection between man, animals, plants, the moon, the sun and the cosmos in its entirety. Some cultures attributed this spiritual power to a deity or pantheon of deities while others credited it to nature as a whole. Over time, some cultures created elaborate sets of beliefs and ritualsnow called shamanismconcerning this spirit world. Central to these beliefs in most cultures was the notion that an individual with a deep connection to the spirit worlda shamancould act as a guide and advisor to others.In most cultures, shamans were men who held positions of prominence, but women could be shamans in some instances. A shamans role varied from culture to culture, but some aspects of it were nearly universal. Among them were the perceived abilities to communicate with the spiritual world, to travel to that world, to see the future, to heal the sick, and to guide the dead to their final resting place. Shamans were typically called upon to act as advisors for a groups leaders, to use their skills to ask for help during times of need, and to be the keepers of their communities oral history and traditions, which they would pass on to the next generation. Typically, shamans wore elaborate costumes that reflected their role in society. Animal motifs in their outfits were common to shamans in Indian tribes in the Americas, yet their garb differed in other regions.Shamans used a variety of methods to call upon the spiritual world for guidance or assistance with the sick. They employed music, singing, and chanting, and they sometimes took plants that induced psychedelic trances. Most shamans were skilled at recognizing which plants were useful as medicines, so this aided them in their roles as healers. Most shamanistic practices and skills were kept secret from outsiderseven from other tribes in the same cultureand shamans left no written records, so it is difficult for modern anthropologists to understand many aspects of shamanism in ancient cultures. Even in modern times, many primitive tribes that practice shamanism, such as those in the Amazon Rainforest, are reluctant to divulge their secrets to outsiders.While shamanism prevailed during prehistoric times, it went into a long decline that has lasted for thousands of years. The rise of civilization and the establishing of strong central governments in Mesopotamian and Egypt were the first in a series of steps that led to the founding of organized religion and the repressing of shamanism. The development of Christianity and the spread of European beliefs and culture around the world further helped continue the trend of shamanism becoming irrelevant. For instance, the Europeans often forcibly converted natives in North and South American to Christianity and made them abandon their shamanistic practices.Shamanism never died out entirely despite some peoples best efforts to make this happen. In fact, many tribes resisted efforts to stamp it out and continued observing their beliefs in private. Today, shamanism has become more accepted, and it is practiced openly in numerous places around the world, including in modern societies in North America, South America and Asia. For example, the Hmong people of southeast Asia brought shamanism to the United States when they migrated there in large numbers in late 1900s. Still, despite this slight renewal in shamanistic beliefs, many people regard it as superstition from a more primitive age.16. In stating that organized religions began to spring up, the author means that the organized religions _.17. The authors description of shamanism in paragraph 1 mentions all of the following EXCEPT _.18. The word perceived in the passage is closest in meaning to _.19. According to paragraph 4, anthropologists have problems understanding shamanism because _.20. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the final paragraph of the passage?问题1选项A.gained popularityB.were establishedC.inspired peopleD.caused problem问题2选项A.Many cultures around the world once practiced some form of shamanismB.Shamanism has existed as a human belief system for several millenniaC.It was the inspiration for a number of organized religions that were foundedD.Certain aspects of shamanism tend to be different from culture to culture问题3选项A.innateB.supposedC.invaluableD.imaginary问题4选项A.few books that shamans recorded their knowledge in have been foundB.it is difficult to understand the minds of shamans from the pastC.the knowledge that past shamans possessed was never recordedD.most shamans today are unwilling to impart their knowledge to others问题5选项A.The only places on Earth where shamanism continues to survive are the Americas and Asia.B.There are several continents where shamanism is practiced in the open without fear of repression.C.Even in the worlds most modern societies, some people are open-minded enough to accept shamanism.D.Thanks to people on some continents, shamanism has not been forgotten but is still practiced today.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】16.语义推测题。spring up的意思是“出现”,根据第一段第二句It is the oldest form of systematic belief in human history(萨满教是人类历史上最古老的系统信仰形式)和五句Over time, however, organized religions began to spring up in ancient civilizations, so shamanism was either suppressed or disappeared entirely.(然而,随着时间的推移,有组织的宗教开始在古代文明中涌现,所以萨满教要么被压制,要么完全消失。),可知在这之前其他宗教没有出现,推测这里指其他宗教被建立,所以B选项“被建立”符合题意。A选项“得到普及”,C选项“鼓舞人们”和D选项“引起问题”语义不符,故错误。因此B选项正确。17.事实细节题。A选项“世界上许多文化都曾经存在过某种形式的萨满教”:根据第一段第三句People in most ancient cultures practiced Shamanism in some form during their histories.(在大多数古代文化中,人们在他们的历史中都以某种形式信奉萨满教。),可知许多文化都存在过某种形式的萨满教,故错误。B选项“萨满教作为人类的信仰体系已经存在了几千年”:根据第一段第二句there is evidence of shamanism existing in Neolithic times thousands of years ago(有证据表明,萨满教存在于几千年前的新石器时代),可知萨满教已存在几千年,故错误。D选项“各文化萨满教在某些方面的倾向于不同”:根据第一段第四句most cultures added their own unique aspects(大多数文化都添加了自己独特的方面),可知各个文化的萨满教不尽相同,故错误。C选项“这是许多有组织的宗教建立的灵感”:文章没有提到其他宗教的建立和萨满教的关系,因此C选项正确。18.语义推测题。根据第三段第三句Among them were the perceived abilities to communicate with the spiritual world, to travel to that world, to see the future, to heal the sick, and to guide the dead to their final resting place.(其中包括与精神世界沟通的感知能力,去那个世界旅行,看到未来,治愈病人,引导死者到他们最后的安息之地),perceived意思是感知到的,结合句意可知这种感知能力是一种天赋,所以A选项innate“天生的”符合题意,故正确。B选项supposed“假设的;期望的”,C选项invaluable“无价的”和D选项imaginary“想象的”语义不符,故错误。因此A选项正确。19.事实细节题。根据第四段倒数第二句shamans left no written records, so it is difficult for modern anthropologists to understand many aspects of shamanism in ancient cultures(萨满教没有留下任何书面记录,因此现代人类学家很难了解古代文化中萨满教的许多方面),可知现在人们很难了解古萨满是因为没有书面记录,所以C选项“在过去,从来没有记录关于萨满的知识”正确,A选项“很少找到记载关于萨满的知识的书籍”错误。B选项“很难理解久远的萨满教思想”和D选项“如今,大多数萨满不愿意把他们的知识传授给别人”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此C选项正确。20.主旨大意题。根据第六段第三句Today, shamanism has become more accepted, and it is practiced openly in numerous places around the world, including in modern societies in North America, South America and Asia.(如今,萨满教已经被越来越多的人接受,并且在世界各地的许多地方公开运用,包括在北美、南美和亚洲的现代社会。),可知萨满教在现在也有人接受,所以C选项“即使在世界上最现代的社会,一些人也足够开明,接受萨满教”正确。A选项“世界上只有美洲和亚洲的萨满教仍然存在”:这里没有提到萨满教存在的地区,故错误。B选项“有几个大洲的萨满教在思想开放的地区运用,所以不怕被镇压”:文章没有提到萨满教是否怕被镇压,故错误。D选项“因为一些大陆上的人们,萨满教没有被遗忘,仍然存在”:没有强调因为大陆上的人所做的行为让萨满教继续存在,主要是各部落的努力,故错误。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题In China although people in many regions earn much less than those in prosperous regions, they also pay much less for _ commodities, such as housing.问题1选项A.disposableB.redundantC.equivalentD.interchangeable【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。A选项disposable“一次性的;可自由支配的”;B选项redundant“多余的”;C选项equivalent“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”;D选项interchangeable“可交换的,可互换的”。句意:在中国,尽管许多地区的人们比富裕地区的人挣得少得多,但他们在_商品上的花费也少得多,比如住房。根据语境,住房对于钱多和钱少的人重要性相同,C选项equivalent“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”符合题意。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题Before turning to writing, I spent eight years as a lawyer _ about how life would be with a prominent father blazing my trail.问题1选项A.fantasizingB.fascinatingC.facilitatingD.finalizing【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项fantasizing“想象,幻想”;B选项fascinating“使着迷”;C选项facilitating“促进;使便利”;D选项finalizing“最终确定(计划、协议等)”。句意:在开始写作之前,我做了八年的律师,_如果有一位杰出的父亲为我开路,生活会是怎样的。根据how life would be可知这里使用了虚拟语气,所以fantasizing“想象,幻想”符合题意。因此A选项正确。7. 单选题Among the first plans to grow the land regions of Earth _, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size.问题1选项A.segregationB.specificationC.spectrumD.subscription【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:在最初的计划中,地球规模中的陆地区域在史前时期规模增长到巨大。A选项segregation“分离;隔离”;B选项specification“规格;说明书”;C选项spectrum“光谱;频谱;范围”;D选项subscription“捐献;订阅;订金;签署”。根据immense size可知B选项specification“规格”符合题意。因此B选项正确。8. 单选题He came all the way to help her _ that she had drowned herself in a well.问题1选项A.only to findB.to findC.in order to findD.so as to find【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:他一路赶来帮助她,却发现她投井自尽了。A选项only to find“结果却发现”;B选项to find“发现”;C选项in order to find“为了发现”;D选项so as to find“以便发现”。根据语境,A选项only to find“结果却发现”符合题意。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题For a large number of young adults in Britain homeownership has become increasingly difficult to achieve, viewed as a distant goal attainable only later in life, if at all.That is a significant shift in Britain. For years owners occupy a higher percentage of homes in Britain than in the United States, France, or Germany. One reason homeownership is so attractive in Britain is because property values dropped less drastically than in the United States, in part because of a shortage in housing. Prices in some large cities, including London, have even increased recently. People still perceive a home to be a better and safer investment than a pension fund, said Andrew Hull, research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research. “Homeownership is also culturally entrenched,” he said. “Owning a home is the main way of showing you made it.”The big shift toward homeownership came in the 1980s when Mrs. Thatcher issued right-to-buy policy, which allowed many in rented government housing to buy their homes. About two million homes were sold, earning the government tens of billions of pounds. At the same time, the rental market became increasingly unattractive. Unlike Germany and other Continental European countries, Britains private rental market is highly fragmented, with many landlords and laws that generally favor the property owner. Most leases are for six months only, with landlords rarely agreeing to commit to longer terms; this makes renting highly insecure.But as the pain of government-imposed austerity sinks in disposable income has shrunk and loan requirement have toughened, forcing more and more Britons into renting rather than buying. Over the last 10 years the number of people who owned homes here dropped to 67 percent from 70 percent. Meanwhile, the number of people in private rented house rose to 16 percent from 10 percent over the same period, according to the Office for National Statistics. Rising demand has pushed up rents by an average of 4.4 percent over the last year, according to LSL Property Service. In London rents increased 7.8 percent.“A growing number of young wouldbe buyers are preparing for lifelong-rentingby necessity rather than choice,” said Jonathan Moore, director of easy roommate. co. uk, a property Web site. Charlotte Ashton, 30, has lived in rented accommodations ever since she left her parents home to attend university. She said she was saving for a down payment to buy her own home. “I do believe in the fundamentals of owning bricks and mortar as security for the future, more than leaving my money in the banks as a low interest rate”, said Ms. Ashton, who works in public relations. “But now it seems unless you have a very well paid job and are willing to save every penny, its unfeasible to buy without the help of the bank of Mum and Dad.”Some economists are concerned that as more people are forced to wait to buy a home, it could open up a widening of the wealth gap that already exists between homeowners and non homeowners, endangering the retirement prospects for a swelling group of young adults they call “generation rent.” It could also have implications for the cohesion of neighborhoods, Alison Blackwell, a research director at the National Center for Social Research and author of the Halifax report said. Renters tend to be less involved in local communities because they are forced to move more often. And the economy as a whole may suffer because renters tend to curb spending to save fora deposit.36. For British people, buying house is _.37. Mrs. Thatchers right-to-buy policy has led to _.38. Which of the following statements about Generation Rent is true?39. It can be inferred from the passage that _.40. More peoples inclination to rent rather than buy a house will not _.问题1选项A.a distant goalB.a symbol of successC.a compulsory choiceD.nothing but an investment问题2选项A.the homeownership bustB.the economic recoveryC.the homeownership boomD.the economic recession问题3选项A.They consider renting as a lifelong plan rather than a temporary choice.B.They are in face of economic downturn and a risk of early retirement.C.They despise the idea of asking parents for money to buy house.D.They still believe in the blessing of house just like their previous generation.问题4选项A.the rental market and the buying market always develop in reverse directionB.it is impossible for the first-time buyers to get a mortgage under current economic situationC.buying house is a more profitable investment than buying fund under current economic situationD.Britains real estate market is less volatile than that of other European countries问题5选项A.enlarge the wealth disparity between the haves and have notsB.reduce the renters commitment to the communityC.slow the recovery of economyD.curb social mobility【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】36.事实细节题。根据第二段最后一句Owning a home is the main way of showing you made it.(拥有房子是证明成功的主要方式。),可知B选项“成功的象征”正确。A选项“遥远的目标”:根据第一段第一句For a large number of young adults in Britain homeownership has become increasingly difficult to achieve, viewed as a distant goal attainable only later in life, if at all.(对于英国的很多年轻人来说,拥有住房变得越来越难,这被视为一个遥远的目标,如果能实现,也是在晚年。),可知这是对于英国年轻人来说而不是普遍的英国人,故错误。C选项“必须的选择”:文章没有提到,故错误。D选项“除了投资,什么用处都没有”:People still perceive a home to be a better and safer investment than a pension fund(人们仍认为住房是比养老基金更好、更安全的投资选择),这里没有说买房只有投资这一个用处,故错误。因此B选项正确。37.事实细节题。根据第三段第一、二句Mrs. Thatcher issued right-to-buy policyAbout two million homes were sold, earning the government tens of billions of pounds.(撒切尔夫人颁布了购房权政策大约售出了200万套房子,收入达数百亿英镑。),可知撒切尔夫人的政策促进许多人买房,所以C选项“很多人买房”正确,A选项“不能买房”错误。B选项“经济复苏”和D选项“经济衰退”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此C选项正确。38.事实细节题。根据第六段第一句Some economists are concerned that as more people are forced to wait to buy a home, it could open up a widening of the wealth gap that already exists between homeowners and non homeowners, endangering the retirement prospects for a swelling group of young adults they call “generation rent.”(一些经济学家担心,随着越来越多的人被迫等待买房,可能会扩大房主和非房主之间已经存在的贫富差距,危及日益壮大的被他们称为“租房一代”的年轻人的退休前景),可知租房一代手里可能会更没有钱,退休也会受到影响,所以B选项“他们面临着经济水平下降和提前退休的风险”正确;他们被迫等待着买房,说明还是想要快一点买到房,故A选项“他们认为租房是一生的计划,而不是暂时的选择”错误。C选项“他们鄙视向父母借钱买房的想法”和D选项“他们像上一辈一样仍然相信房子带来的荣誉”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此B选项正确。39.推理判断题。根据第三段第二、三句About two million homes were sold, earning the government tens of billions of pounds. At the same time, the rental market became increasingly unattractive.(大约200万套房子被售出,收入达数百亿英镑。与此同时,租赁市场变得越来越缺乏吸引力。)和第四段第二、三句the number of people who owned homes here dropped to 67 percent from 70 percent. Meanwhile, the number of people in private rented house rose to 16 percent from 10 percent over the same period(拥有住房的人数从70%下降到了67%。同时,私人租房的人数从10%上升到了16%。),可知买房和租房的此消彼长,所以A选项“租赁市场和购买市场总是朝着相反的方向发展”正确。B选项“在目前的经济形势下,首次购房者不可能获得抵押贷款”,C选项“在目前的经济形势下,买房是比买基金更有利可图的投资”和D选项“英国的房地产市场比其他欧洲国家的不稳定”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此A选项正确。40.推理判断题。根据第六段倒数第二句Renters tend to be less involved in local communities because they are forced to move more often.(租房者往往较少参与当地社区,因为他们被迫搬家更频繁。),频繁搬家不会抑制社会流动性,所以D选项“抑制社会流动性”正确。A选项“扩大富人和穷人之间的财富差距”:根据第六段第一句as more people are forced to wait to buy a home, it could open up a widening of the wealth gap that already exists between homeowners and non homeowners(随着越来越多的人被迫等待买房,可能会扩大房主和非房主之间已经存在的贫富差距)可知更多人租房会这会拉大贫富差距,符合文章内容,故错误。B选项“削弱租赁者对社区的承诺”:根据第六段第二句It could also have implications for the cohesion of neighborhoods(这还可能对社区的凝聚力产生影响),可知更多人租房会降低社区凝聚力,符合文章内容,故错误。C选项“减缓经济复苏”:根据第六段最后一句And the economy as a whole may suffer because renters tend to curb spending to save fora deposit.(而且,由于租房者倾向于节省开支以支付押金,所以整体经济可能会受到影响。),可知更多人租房会减缓经济发展,符合文章内容,故错误。因此D选项正确。10. 单选题To be sure, that is not what many see. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke and others have blamed the financial crisis of 2008 on a global savings glut, which fueled flows of money from high-savings emerging-market economiesespecially in Asiathat run chronic balance-of-payments surpluses. According to this school of thought, excessive savings pushed long-term interest rates down to rock-bottom levels, leading to asset bubbles in the United States and elsewhere.The alternative theoryof a global credit glutgained more ground with the release last week of the Financial Stability Boards report on shadow banking. The FSB report contains startling revelations about the scale of global shadow banking, which it defines as “credit intermediation involving entities and activities outside the regular banking system”


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