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2022年考博英语-首都经济贸易大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题We booked rooms at the hotel ( )we should find no vacancies on our arrival.问题1选项A.wheneverB.ifC.sinceD.lest【答案】D【解析】考查语法中连词的用法。A项whenever 表示“无论何时”;B项if表示“如果;是否”;C项since表示“自从;既然”;D项lest表示“以免,唯恐”,根据句意以及逻辑关系可知,本题正确答案为D项。2. 单选题Professor Johnson is said( )some significant advance in his research in the past years.问题1选项A.makingB.having madeC.to makeD.to have made【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。Sb is said 后接动词不定式,表示“据说某人.”。用不定式的完成式表示已经发生的动作。此句相当于It is said that Professor Johnson has made some significant advance in his research in the past year句意:据说约翰逊教授去年在他的研究中取得了重大进展。故本题正确答案为D项。3. 单选题People buy insurance in order to( )a small, certain, tolerable loss for a large, uncertain,catastrophic one.问题1选项A.returnB.substituteC.instituteD.predict【答案】B【解析】考查固定词组搭配。固定搭配substitute .for.表示“用代替”。A选项return表示“返回,报答,回击”;C选项institute表示“实行,授予(学位),提起(诉讼)”;D选项predict表示“预言,预测”。【句意】人们买保险是为了用一个可以确定和容忍的小损失来替代大的、不确定的、灾难性的损失。4. 单选题The policeman declared that the blow on the victims head ( )from behind.问题1选项A.should have been madeB.must have been madeC.would have been madeD.ought to have been made【答案】B【解析】考查语法中情态动词表推测的用法。A项should have done表示“本该做某事(其实没做)”;B项must have done表示“定做了某事”;C项would have done表示“将会做某事”,常用于表达虚拟语气;D项ought to have done表示“本该做某事”,比should have done语气强,意思为根据责任或者义务应该做。句意:警察宣称受害者头上的伤一定是从后面猛击造成的。故本题正确答案为B项。5. 翻译题ATranslate the following paragraphs into Chinese.(15 points)It is simple enough to say that since books have classesfiction, biography, poetrywe should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning.Do not dictate to your author; Try to become him.Be his fellow-worker and accomplice.If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.But if you open your mind as widely as possible, the signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other.B.Translate the following paragraphs into English.(15 points)中国是有着悠久文明的国家。在世界几大古代文明中,中华文明是没有中断、延续发 展于今的文明,已经有5000多年历史了。我们的祖先在几千年前创造的文字至今仍在使用。2000多年前,中国就出现了诸子百家的盛况。他们提出的很多理念,至今仍然深深影响着中国人的生活。中国人看待世界、看待社会、看待人生,有自己独特的价值体系。中国人独特而悠久的精神世界,让中国人具有强大的民族自信心,也培育了以爱国主义为核心的民族精祌。【答案】Section A书既然有类别小说、传记、诗歌我们就应该把它们分开,从它们各自给予我们的正确的东西中汲取。然而,很少有人问书能给我们什么。最常见的情况是,我们带着模糊而分裂的思想来读书,要求小说是真实的,要求诗歌是虚假的,要求传记是奉承的,要求历史加强我们的偏见。如果我们读书时能摒弃所有这些先入之见,那将是一个极好的开始。不要对作者指手画脚,而要尽力与作者融为一体,共同创作,共同策划。你若敞开心扉,虚怀若谷,那么,书中精细入微的离意和暗示便会把你从一开头就碰上的那些像是山回水转般的句子中带出来,走到一个独特的人物面前。Section BChina has a time honored civilization. Of the worlds ancient civilizations, the Chinese civilization has spanned over 5,000 years and continued uninterrupted to this day. The Chinese characters, invented by our ancestors several millennia ago, are still being used today. Over 2,000 year ago, there was an era of great intellectual accomplishment in China. Many important ideas proposed by them still carry a profound impact on Chinese peoples way of life today, underpinning the unique value systems in the Chinese outlook of the world, of society, and of life itself. And this unique and time honored intellectual legacy, has instilled a strong sense of national confidence in the Chinese people, and nurtured a national spirit with patriotism at a very core.6. 单选题A healthy trading system requires that countries be both eager exporters and importers. If nations dont spend what they earn abroador if weak economies make them weak importers-then the trading system will collapse. That is todays problem.Where will future trade expansion come from? Europe seems a doubtful candidate. With feeble economic growth, it won t buy a lot more exports. Latin America is in a similar position. Many big countries (Argentina, Brazil) are so burdened by debt that their growth is hobbled and they strive for export surpluses-earning precious dollars-to repay their international loans. As for Africa, its so poor that it hardly matters in global trade.Well, what about Asia? It ought to save the global trading system, but it may do just the opposite. These countries are ferocious exporters; they seem to strive for permanent trade surpluses and hoard their excess export earnings. Consider whats happened to their foreign exchange reserves. Since 1996, the foreign exchange reserves of some major Asian countries have jumped from about $500 billion to more than $1.3 trillion. These funds are typically left in safe investments, such as U.S. Treasury securities. A lot of attention has focused on China, but the problem is larger than China alone.As a result, the trading system lacks circularity. The justification for free trade is that everyone ultimately benefits. Countries do what they do best. Poor countries sell inexpensive labor-intensive goods to wealthy countries and buy sophisticated knowledge-intensive goods. Living standards in all countries rise. Some workers and industries may temporarily lose, but most consumers benefit and most workers are ultimately re-employed in trade-competitive industries. Trade doesnt permanently destroy jobs; spending is circular.If too many countries hoard, the logic of free trade collapses. Trade can become an economic depressant and job destroyer. Too many sellers chase too few buyers. Countries compete for bigger shares of stagnant markets and try to shift unemployment abroad. A great, if silent, struggle has begun. For decades, expanding trade promoted global progress. It reduced poverty and spread prosperity. But if the trading system cant solve its basic problem-over-reliance on the US market-it could foster political division and economic vulnerability for all. Trading patterns must become more balanced and sustainable. 1.Some big Latin America countries are( ).2.Which of the following statements about certain regional economy is TRUE?3.According to the author, the free trade system will collapse when( ).4.The author strongly advocates that a sustainable free trade system( ).5.The last paragraph mainly deals with( ).问题1选项A.exporting more for enough foreign currency to pay their debtB.exporting surpluses as to reserve enough precious US dollarsC.using US dollars to pay all their international and domestic debtsD.using exporting as an effective way for their economic prosperity问题2选项A.Europe may help the future world trade expansion.B.Latin Americas debt would hinder its export capacityC.Asia may enhance trade expansion but not spending muchD.Africa finds it hard to emerge in world-trade expansion问题3选项A.trade became economic depressant and job destroyerB.countries tried to shift their unemployment to other nationsC.world trade over relied on the vulnerable U.S. marketD.too many countries are not importing much from other countries问题4选项A.should be changed through international collaborationsB.will definitely become an economic depressant worldwideC.requires a circularity of both importing and exportingD.should encourage buying more from trade-competitive industries问题5选项A.economic balance and sustainabilityB.economic collapse and potential crisisC.trade competition against U.S. marketD.worldwide economic achievement today【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据原文第二段Latin America is in a similar position. Many big countries (Argentina, Brazil) are so burdened by debt that their growth is hobbled, and they strive for export surpluses-earning precious dollarsto repay their international loans.可知,拉丁美洲也处于类似的境地。许多大国(比如阿根廷,巴西)都背负着沉重的债务,经济增长举步维艰,他们努力争取出口盈余赚取宝贵的美元以偿还国际贷款。因此,选项A “出口更多赚外币来偿还债务”符合原文,故本题正确答案为A项。2.推理判断题。根据原文第三段These countries are ferocious exporters; they seem to strive for permanent trade surpluses and hoard their excess export earnings可知,这些国家都是出口大国;他们似乎在争取永久的贸易顺差,并囤积过剩的出口收入。因此,可推测选项C “亚洲可能加强贸易扩张,但不会花太多”正确。3.推理判断题。题干询问:根据作者观点,当时,自由贸易系统会崩溃。根据原文最后一段If too many countries hoard, the logic of free trade collapses可知,如果太多国家囤积,自由贸易的逻辑就会崩溃。因此,结合上下文可推测D选项“太多国家从没有从其他国家大量进口”正确。4.推理判断题。由原文第四段As a result, the trading system lacks circularity. The justification for free trade is that everyone ultimately benefits可知,以往的交易系统缺乏循环性。自由贸易存在的正当之处就是大家最终都能受益。这说明作者认为可持续发展的自由贸易具有循环性。因此,可推测C选项 “要求进口和出口的循环”正确。故本题正确答案为C项。5.推理判断题。题干询问,最后一段主要讲的内容是什么?综合分析可知,文章最后一段主要讨论了贸易在何时会崩溃以及目前国际贸易太依赖美国市场所导致的隐含危机。因此,B选项 “经济崩溃和潜在危机”最符合题意,故本题正确答案为B选项。7. 单选题If a man( )himself and his family of food in order to buy a cat, we could consider him mad.问题1选项A.deprivedB.robbedC.rejectedD.denied【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项deprive表示“使丧失,剥夺”,deprive sb. of sth表示“从某人处剥夺某物”;B选项rob表示“抢劫,掠夺;非法剥夺”,rob sb of sth表示“抢劫某人的某物;C选项reject表示“拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃”;D选项deny表示“否定,否认;拒绝给予”,deny sb. sth表示“拒绝给予某人某物”。根据句意可知,如果一位男士为了买一只猫使得自己和家人没有食物可吃,那么我们会认为他发疯了。故A项deprive(使丧失,剥夺)最符合句意。因此,本题正确答案为A项。8. 单选题The manager promised to keep me( )of how our business was going on.问题1选项A.to be informedB.on informingC.informedD.informing【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。keep sb.informed of sth.意为“让某人了解某事”。句意:经理答应会让我知道我们的生意进展如何。选项C正确。9. 翻译题Translate the following into English.人们都有追求幸福的权利,但对幸福的理解却因人而异。绝大多数人认为幸福来自于健康的身体、愿望的实现和事业有成。正如经常发生的那样,许多人在遇到痛苦时才意识到幸福的真正含义。【答案】People have the right to pursue happiness, but different people have different understanding of happiness. Most people believe that happiness comes from good health, wish fulfilment and successful career. As it often happens, it is not until they suffer that many people realize the true meaning of happiness.10. 单选题In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth the total ( )for living expenses.问题1选项A.acceptableB.availableC.advisableD.applicable【答案】B【解析】句意:通常,一个学生花在住房上的费用应控制在可支配生活费总额的五分之一以内。考查形容词辨析。acceptable 可接受的,令人满意的;available 可获得的,可购得的,有空的;advisable 明智的,可取的;applicable 适用的,可实施的。故B符合句意。11. 单选题The president made a( )speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.问题1选项A.vigorousB.tediousC.flatD.harsh【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。vigorous “充满活力的,精力充沛的”; tedious “冗长的,单调乏味的”;flat “平淡的,平坦的”;harsh “严酷的,恶劣的”。句意:校长在运动会的开幕式上做了慷慨激昂的演讲,这极大地鼓舞了运动员们。根据下文which从句的内容可知这个演讲是慷慨激昂的,故A项符合题意,答案选A。12. 单选题Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major( )in every familys budget.问题1选项A.nutritionB.expenditureC.routineD.provision【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项nutrition表示“营养;营养学;营养品”;B选项expenditure表示“支出,花费;经费,消费额”;C选项routine表示“程序;日常工作;例行公事”;D选项provision表示“规定;条款;准备;供应品”。根据句意可知,食物在每个家庭的预算中都是主要的支出,因此B选项最符合句意。故本题正确答案为B。13. 单选题Nowadays, a cellphone service is available to everyone, everywhere. Probably thousands of people have already been using it, but I just discovered it, so Im going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning.The technology has been working well for me at the office, but there are infinite applications. Virtually in any public space.Say you work at a big university with lots of talky faculty members buzzing about. Now, say you need to use the restroom. The trip down the hall will take approximately one hour, because a person cant walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question, a bit of gossip, a new read on a certain line of Paradise Lost.So, a cellphone. Any cellphone. Just pick it up. Dont dial. Just hold that phone to your face and start talking. Walk confidently down the hall engaged in fake conversation, making sure to tailor both the topic and content to the person standing before you whom you are trying to evade.For standard colleague avoidance, I suggest fake chatting about fake business:“Yes, Im glad you called, because we really need to hammer out the details. Whats that? Yes, I read Page 12, but if you look at the bottom of 4, I think you can see the problem begins right there.”Be engaged in your fake fone conversation. Make eye contact with the people passing, nod to them, gesture keen interest in talking to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug and move on.Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching (用手捏) unripe peaches. Without your phone at your face, youd be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is.One important caution about fake foning. The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and he was actually following me to get my attention. I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. I was trying to buy myself some time, so I continued fake foning with my doctor. “So I dont need the operation? Oh, doctor, that is the best news.”And then: Brrrrrrng! Brrrrrmg! Brrrrrmg! My phone started ringing, right there while it was planted on my face. My colleague looked at me, and I at him, and naturally I gasped. “What is the matter with this thing?” I said, pulling the phone away to look at it, and then putting it back to my ear.“Hello? Are you still there?”Oops.1.Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?2. What is faking foning?3. In the authors opinion, in order to make foning look real one has to4. What does the last example show?5. After his phone suddenly began ringing, the author问题1选项A.Cellphone service is popular among people.B.Fake foning is a new cellphone service.C.Cellphone has much use in office.D.Fake foning is a new discovery.问题2选项A.A device newly produced.B.A strategy to avoid people.C.A service provided everywhere.D.A skill of communication.问题3选项A.talk about interesting matters.B.hold the phone while walking.C.appear absorbed in conversation.D.behave politely to people passing by.问题4选项A.One has to be careful while fake foning.B.One effective way is to fake fone ones doctor.C.Fake foning may not deceive people.D.Fake foing is always quite successful.问题5选项A.immediately started talking to the caller.B.immediately started talking to his colleague.C.put the phone away and stopped talking.D.continued with his faking conversation.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。本题要找出说法错误的选项,可采用排除法。文章第一句提到任何人在任何地方都可以使用手机服务,因此选项A“手机服务对人们来说很普遍”正确。B选项说fake foning是一项新的手机服务,明显错误。而由文章第二段可知,这种方法在办公室非常有用,故C项正确。文章第一段第二句指出可能已经有相当多的人在用这种方法了,但作者才刚刚发现,故D项正确。因此本题正确答案应为B项。2.推理判断。本题询问fake foning的含义,这正是文章的主题。虽然原文没有给出fake foning的确切定义,但通过原文内容推理可知,fake foning就是假装接听手机的意思。而foning也假借了ph的发音,其含义其实就是phoning。由原文第四段和第五段可以看出,这种假装接电话的目的是colleague avoidance,故B选项正确。其余选项均为对文中语句的混淆解释。3.推理判断题。题干询问“为了让假接手机看起来更真实,作者认为应该怎么做”。由原文第四段最后一句可知,要根据你想要避开的人而改变谈论的主题和内容,因此不能只谈论有趣的话题,故A项错误。而“走路的时候拿着手机”显然也不能单纯地提高真实性,故B项错误。根据原文第七段可知,要专注接听电话,对路过的人只需用眼神交流一下,点点头,同时还要指指电话,表示在讲电话,只能以后再聊,但并不能推断出这种礼貌地回应能让假接手机看起来更真实,故D项错误。只有C项“装成投入到交谈中的样子(没有注意到旁人)”最真实,最符合题意。因此,本题正确答案为C选项。4.推理判断题。题干询问文中最后一个例子的含义,其实也就是询问最后四段的主旨。这个例子是讲作者有一次在假装接电话时,正好有一个电话打进来,作者只好急中生智,装成手机出问题断线了,而自己还不知道后面又继续通话,可见假接电话也要多加小心,故A选项正确。在这个例子中,作者只是刚好假装在和医生通话,故B选项错误。C选项认为fake foning可能欺骗不了别人,是片面的,作者就很巧妙地化解了尴尬局面,成功骗了同事。选项D说假装接电话总是成功的,根据最后这个例子来看这也未必,还是需要小心的。因此本题正确答案为A选项。5.细节事实题。根据倒数第三段可知,当电活铃突然响起时,作者正好与同事四目相对,但是作者并未惊慌,只是很自然地说道:“这东西出什么毛病了?”同时拿开手机看了一下,然后重新放回耳边说到:“喂喂喂,还在吗?”由此可以看出,作者是对同事说了一句话,因此本题正确答案为B选项。14. 单选题For some crimes, and under certain conditions, a police officer must obtain a court order called( )before making an arrest.问题1选项A.warrantB.registryC.legislationD.battery【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项warrant表示“根据,证明,正当理由”;B选项registry表示“注册,登记”;C选项legislation表示“立法”;D选项battery表示“电池;(法)殴打;炮台”。由句中a court order “一种法院命令”以及关键信息before making an arrest “在实施逮捕之前”可知,这是空缺处应该是指逮捕罪犯的证明或者逮捕令。因此,本题正确答案为A项。【句意】对于某些犯罪,在一定条件下,警察在实施逮捕之前必须获得法院的命令,也就是逮捕令。15. 单选题The individual mobility, convenience, and status given by the private passenger car offer a seemingly unbeatable attraction.In 1987, a record 126,000 cars rolled off assembly lines each working day, and close to 400 million vehicles choke up the worlds streets today.But the cars usefulness to the individual stands in sharp contrast to the costs and burdens that society must shoulder to provide an automobile-centered transportation system.Since the days of Henry Ford, societies have made a steady stream of laws to protect drivers from each other and themselves, as well as to protect the general public from the unintended effects of massive automobile use.Law makers have struggled over the competing goals of unlimited mobility and the individuals fight to be free of the noise, pollution, and physical dangers that the automobile often brings.Prior to the seventies, the autos usefulness and assured role in society were hardly questioned.Even worries about uprising gas prices and fiiture fuel availability subsided (减退)in the eighties almost as quickly as they had emerged.Car sales recovered, driving is up, and wealthy customers are once more shopping for high performance cars.The motor vehicle industrys apparent success in dealing with the challenges of the seventies has obscured the harmful long-term trends of automobile centered transportation.Rising gasoline consumption will before long put increased pressure on oil production capacities.In addition, as more and more people can afford their own cars and as mass motorization takes hold, traffic jam becomes a tough problem.And motor vehicles are important contributors to urban air pollution, acid rain, and global warming.Societys interest in fuel supply security, the integrity of its cities, and protection of the environment calls for a fundamental rethinking of the automobiles role.Stricter fuel economy and pollution standards are the most obvious and immediate measures that can be adopted.But they can only be part of the answer.In the years ahead, the challenge will be to develop innovative(革新的)transportation policies.1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?2.The phrase rolled off assembly lines (Para.I, Lines 2) means( ).3.The passage states that there is( ).4.It is implied that the autos assured role in society is( ).5.Stricter fuel economy and pollution standards are( ).问题1选项A.A car provides its owner with a sense of safety.B.A good car allows its owner to travel free.C.A good car indicates its owners high social position.D.A car adds to its owners attractiveness.问题2选项A.were turned out from factoriesB.moved along production linesC.moved along the streetsD.were lined up in the streets问题3选项A.a sharp contrast between the cost and usefulness of the carsB.a sharp contrast between the cost and performance of the carsC.a sharp conflict between car drivers and traffic rulesD.a sharp contradiction between the convenience of car owners and the burdens of society问题4选项A.threatened by the rising gas pricesB.challenged by a series of fundamental problemsC.protected by lawD.firmly established问题5选项A.only part of the solution to massive automobile useB.the best way to cope with the massive use of carsC.innovative transportation policiesD.future policies of the automobile industry【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段


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