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2022年考博英语-华东交通大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题As a member or the society, a person should be responsible for and dedicate to the society.问题1选项A.answer forB.account forC.charge forD.compensate for【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项answer for“对负责”;B选项account for“对做出解释”;C选项charge for“要价”;D选项compensate for“赔偿”。句意:作为社会的一员,一个人应该对社会负责,为社会奉献。划线部分be responsible for是对负责的意思。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题The pursuit of leisure on the part of the employees will certainly not( )their prospect of promotion.问题1选项A.spurB.furtherC.induceD.reinforce【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项spur“鞭策,刺激”;B选项further“促进,助长”;C选项induce“诱导”;D选项reinforce“加强,巩固”。根据句意:追求享乐对于雇员而言肯定不能促进他们晋升。选项B更符合语境。3. 单选题All the off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read( )letters from their families.问题1选项A.sentimentalB.affectionateC.intimateD.sensitive【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sentimental“多愁善感的”;B选项affectionate“深情的,充满爱的”;C选项intimate“亲密的”;D选项sensitive“敏感的”。根据句意可知,来自亲人的应该是深情的,充满爱的信件,所以选项B符合语境。4. 单选题If we find the genes that control the human body clock,we can perhaps slow them down and extend human life( )a little.问题1选项A.expectationB.terminalC.expectancyD.range【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项expectation“希望,期望”,B选项terminal“航空站,终点站”,C选项expectancy“期待,期望”,D选项range“范围,变化”,句意:如果我们能找到控制人体生物钟的基因,我们或许就能放慢它们的速度,并稍微延长人类的寿命。因此,D选项符合句意。5. 单选题The athlete has been accused of( )his performance with illegal drugs, but he firmly denies the charges.问题1选项A.enhancingB.tenderingC.dilutingD.dispensing【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项enhancing“提高”;B选项tendering“提议”;C选项diluting“稀释”;D选项dispensing“配发”。句意:这位运动员被指控使用违禁药物提高成绩,但他坚决否认这些指控。本句表示提高成绩。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题The planet Venus, like Earth, spins on its own( )as it orbits the Sun.问题1选项A.splinterB.indexC.axisD.trace【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项splinter“碎片”;B选项index“指数”;C选项axis “轴线”;D选项trace“痕迹”。句意:金星和地球一样,绕着太阳公转,也绕着自己的轴心自转。本句表示自转轴。因此C选项正确。7. 单选题When I( )my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.问题1选项A.woke upB.took toC.picked upD.came to【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。come to ones sense 意为“清醒过来;恢复理性”。句意:当我回过神来,发现自己正裹在小房间的床上,奶奶正俯身看着我。选项D符合语境。8. 单选题These goods are( )for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.问题1选项A.essentiallyB.completelyC.necessarilyD.remarkably【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项essentially“基本地”;B选项completely“完全地”;C选项necessarily“必要地”;D选项remarkably“显著地”。句意:这些货物主要用于出口,但也有一些可能在国内市场销售。本句表示货物基本上用于出口,部分在国内销售。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题Immigration officials have to be very careful in deciding whether to( )all or only some of those illegal immigrants.问题1选项A.dissolveB.deportC.distractD.detect【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项dissolve“解散,使溶解”,B选项deport,“驱逐出境,放逐”,C选项“转移,分散”,D选项detect“察觉,发现”。句意:移民官员在决定是将全部非法移民驱逐出境还是仅将部分非法移民驱逐出境时必须非常谨慎。因此, B选项符合句意。10. 单选题The Benefits of New Urbanism(1) New urbanism is the most important planning movement in this century, and is about creating a better future for us all. It is an international movement to reform the design of the built environment, and is about raising our quality of life and standard of living by creating better places to live in. New urbanism is the revival of our lost art of place-making, and is essentially a re-ordering of the built environment into the form of complete cities, towns, villages, and neighborhoodsthe way communities have been built for centuries around the world. New urbanism involves fixing and infilling cities, as well as the creation of compact new towns and villages. The benefits of new urbanism are as follows:Benefits to Residents(2) Higher quality of life; better places in which to live, work, and play; more stable property values; less traffic congestion and less driving; healthier lifestyle with more walking and less stress; close proximity to main street retail and services; close proximity to bike trail, parks, and nature; pedestrian friendly communities offer more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood and town, resulting in meaningful relationships with more people, and friendlier town; more freedom and independence to children, the elderly, and the poor in being able to get to jobs recreation, and services without the need for a car or someone to drive them; great savings to residents and school boards in reduced busing costs from children being able to walk or bicycle to neighborhood schools; more diversity and smaller, unique shops and services with local owners who are involved in community; big savings by driving less, and owning less cars; less ugly, congested sprawl to deal with daily; better sense of place and community identity with more unique architecture; more open space to enjoy that will remain open space; more efficient use of tax money with less spent on utilities and roads used for the sprawl.Benefits to Businesses(3) Increased sales due to more foot traffic and people spending less on cars and gas; more profits due to spending less on advertising and large signs; better lifestyle by living near work units saves the stressful and costly commute; economies of scale in marketing due to close proximity and cooperation with other local business incubation; lower rents due to smaller spaces and smaller parking lots; healthier lifestyle due to more walking and being near healthier restaurants; more community involvement from being part of community and knowing residents.(4) Benefits to Developers. More income potential from higher density mixed-use projects due to more leasable square footage, more sales per square foot, and higher property values and selling prices; faster approvals in communities that have adopted smart growth principles resulting in cost/time sayings: cost savings in parking facilities in mixed-use properties due to sharing of spaces throughout the day and night, resulting in less duplication in providing parking; less need for parking facilities due to mix of residences and commercial uses within walking distance of each other; less impact on roads/traffic, which can result in lower impact fees; lower cost of utilities due to compact nature of new urbanist design; faster sellout due to greater acceptance by consumers from a wider product range resulting in wider market share.Benefits to Municipalities(5) Stable, appreciating tax base; less spent per capita on infrastructure and utilities than typical suburban development due to compact high-density nature of projects; increased tax base due to more buildings packed into a tighter area; less traffic congestion due to walkability of design; less crime and less money spent on police due to the presence of more people day and night; better overall community image and sense of place; less incentive to sprawl when urban core area is desirable; easy to install transit where its not, and improve it where it is; greater civic involvement of population leading to better governance.(6) The most effective way to implement new urbanism it to plan for it, and write it into zoning and development codes. This directs all future development into this form.(7) Increasingly, regional planning techniques are being used to control and shape growth into compact, high-density, mixed-use neighborhoods, villages, towns, and cities. Planning new train systems (instead of more roads) delivers the best results when designed in harmony with regional land planning known as Transit Oriented Development (TOD). At the same time, the revitalization of urban areas directs and encourages infill development back into city centers.(8) Planning for compact growth, rather than letting it sprawl out, has the potential to greatly increase the quality of the environment. It also prevents congestion problems and the environmental degradation normally associated with growth.(9) There are some obstacles in implementation of new urbanism. The most important obstacle to overcome is the restrictive and incorrect zoning codes currently in force in most municipalities. Current codes do not allow new urbanism to be built, but do allow sprawl.(10) An equally important obstacle is the continuous road building and expansion taking place in every community across America. This encourages more driving and more sprawl which has a domino effect on increasing traffic congestion across the region. Halting road projects and building new train system can help reverse this problematic trend.1. A pedestrian street is a street( ).2. According to the passage new urbanism emphasizes( ).3.Which of the following can BEST summarize the benefits of new urbanism to residents?4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?5.To preserve the environment, new urbanism lays stress on( ).问题1选项A.suitable for bicyclingB.suitable for walkingC.designed for pedalsD.designed for scooters问题2选项A.the expansion of urban areasB.the artistic decoration of newly-built buildingsC.the improvement of the built environmentD.the environmental preservation问题3选项A.Compactness in civic structure, conveniences and economies in life.B.Better relationships with more people and a friendlier town.C.Easy shopping and more services that reduce busing costs.D.Walkability, healthier lifestyle and more freedom.问题4选项A.New urbanism likes to design more roads in order to facilitate the traffic.B.New urbanism favors the transportation with new railway systems.C.New urbanist planners oppose to pedestrian friendly design.D.New urbanist planners do not support the infill development.问题5选项A.the reduction of factoriesB.the sprawl of the cityC.the lessening of traffic jamsD.the compact growth of the urban area【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.客观细节题。由题干关键词“pedestrian”可以定位到文章第二段pedestrian friendly communities offer more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood and town(行人友好型社区提供了更多的机会去认识邻里和城镇中的其他人),说明pedestrian street是对行人友好的社区。因此B选项“适合行走”正确。A选项“适合骑自行车”,C选项“为脚踏车设计”和D选项“为小型摩托车设计”都不是指步行,所以A,C,D错误。2.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段第二句It is an international movement to reform the design of the built environment, and is about raising our quality of life and standard of living by creating better places to live in.(它是一场改革建筑环境设计的国际运动,是通过创造更好的居住场所来提高我们的生活质量和生活水平。),说明新城市主义强调对居住环境的改善。因此C选项“改善建筑环境”正确。A选项“城市地区的扩张”,B选项“新建筑的艺术装饰”和D选项“环境保护”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,D错误。3.主旨大意题。根据题干关键词“residents”可以定位到文章第二段,healthier lifestyle with more walking and less stress(更健康的生活方式,更多的步行和更少的压力)说明新城市主义对居民健康生活方式的好处;pedestrian friendly communities offer more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood and town(行人友好型社区提供了更多的机会去认识邻里和城镇中的其他人)说明了新城市主义注重人的步行友好性;more freedom and independence to children, the elderly, and the poor in being able to get to jobs recreation, and services without the need for a car or someone to drive them(让孩子、老人和穷人有更多的自由和独立,他们有能力去工作、娱乐和服务,而不需要搭乘汽车或别人给他们开车)说明了新城市主义为居民带来了更多的自由。因此D选项“适合步行,更健康的生活方式和更多的自由。”最能概括新城市主义为居民带来的好处。A选项“城市结构的紧凑,生活的便利和经济”中城市结构的紧凑是对城市的好处,所以A错误。B选项“更好的人际关系和更友好的城市”,C选项“方便的购物和更多的服务,减少巴士费用”都只是对居民带来好处的一部分,不能完整概括新城市主义为居民带来的好处,所以B,C错误。4.客观细节题。由B选项关键词“railway systems”可以定位到文章第七段第二句Planning new train systems (instead of more roads) delivers the best results when designed in harmony with regional land planning known as Transit Oriented Development.(规划新的铁路系统而不是更多的道路如果设计与区域土地规划相协调,就会产生最好的效果。),说明新城市主义注重于新的铁路系统规划。因此B选项“新城市主义用新的铁路系统促进交通。”正确。由A选项关键词“more roads” 可以定位到文章第七段第二句Planning new train systems (instead of more roads) delivers the best results(规划新的铁路系统而不是修建更多的公路能带来最好的结果),说明新城市主义不主张修建更多的公路。因此A选项“新城市主义喜欢设计更多的道路,以方便交通。”不符合原文。由C选项关键词“pedestrian”可以定位到文章第二段pedestrian friendly communities offer more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood and town(行人友好型社区提供了更多的机会去认识邻里和城镇中的其他人),说明新城市主义者注重行人友好性。因此C选项“新城市主义规划师反对行人友好的设计。”不符合原文。由D选项关键词“infill development”可以定位到第七段最后一句At the same time, the revitalization of urban areas directs and encourages infill development back into city centers.(与此同时,城市地区的振兴引导和鼓励对城市中心的填充式开发。),说明新城市主义者是支持“infill development”的。因此D选项“新城市主义规划师不支持填充开发。”不符合原文。5.客观细节题。由题干关键词“environment”可以定位到第八段第一句Planning for compact growth, rather than letting it sprawl out, has the potential to greatly increase the quality of the environment.(紧凑发展的规划,而不是让它向外扩张,有可能极大地提高环境质量。),说明为了保护环境,新城市主义强调的是紧凑发展的规划。因此D选项“城市区域的紧凑发展”正确。A选项“工厂的减少”,B选项“城市的扩张”和C选项“交通堵塞的减轻”都和保护环境无关,所以A,B,C错误。11. 单选题In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. If half the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and ghettos, at improving living standards and providing education and employment for all, we would have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake. In a well-directed effort, it would not be impossible to fulfill the ideals of a stable social programme. The benefits that can be derived from constructive solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each others problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. “Talk, talk, talk,” the advocates of violence say, “all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser.” Its rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. “Possible, my lord,” the barrister replied, “none the wiser, but surely far better informed.” Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.1. What is the best title for this passage?2.Recorded history has taught us( )3.It can be inferred that truly reasonable men( )4.“He was none the wiser” means( )5.According the author the best way to solve race prejudice is( )问题1选项A.Advocating Violence.B.Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice.C.Important People on Both Sides See Violence As a Legitimate Solution.D.The Instincts of Human Race Are Thirsty for Violence.问题2选项A.violence never solves anything.B.nothing.C.the bloodshed means nothing.D.everything.问题3选项A.cant get a hearing.B.are looked down upon.C.are persecuted.D.have difficulty in advocating law enforcement.问题4选项A.He was not at all wise in listening.B.He was not at all wiser than nothing before.C.He gains nothing after listening.D.He makes no sense of the argument.问题5选项A.law enforcement.B.knowledge.C.nonviolence.D.mopping up the violent mess.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章第一段提出有些国家种族偏见严重,而暴力却是公认的一种解决方法,我们仍然没有认识到,暴力永远不能解决问题,而是使问题更加尖锐。第二段阐述了真正有理智的人在宣扬法制,却遭到轻视和迫害,作者认为真正的解决方案不是暴力,而是法制。第三段进一步说明“交流、对话”是了解双方问题的前提,而暴力制造了它假装要解决的罪恶。整篇文章都在阐述不能依靠暴力手段解决歧视问题。因此B选项“暴力无助于消除种族偏见”最适合作为文章标题。A选项“提倡暴力”,C选项“双方的重要人物都认为暴力是合法的解决方案”,D选项“人类的本能渴望暴力”,因为文章是不宣扬暴力的,所以A,C,D都不适合作为标题。2.客观细节题。由题干关键词“Recorded history”可以定位到文章第一段倒数第四句“The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing.”(整个有记录的人类历史,那冗长乏味的暴力记录,没有教会我们任何东西。),说明人类历史上的暴力记录没有教会我们任何东西。因此B选项“什么也没有”正确。A选项“暴力永远解决不了任何问题”和C选项“流血事件毫无意义”,文中说我们还没有认识到暴力不能解决问题、流血和痛苦毫无意义,所以历史上的暴力记录并没有教会我们这两点,A,C错误。D选项“一切”和nothing是相反的,所以D错误。3.推理判断题。由题干关键词“reasonable men”可以定位到文章第二段第一、二句The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement.(真正理智的人知道解决办法在哪里,却发现越来越难得到倾听。他们被鄙视,不信任,甚至被他们的同类迫害,因为他们提倡诸如执法这样明显无法容忍的事情。),说明理智的人倡导法制,却遭到了许多困难。因此D选项“在提倡执法方面遭到困难。”正确。A选项“不被听见”,B选项“被轻视”,C选项“受到迫害”都只是遇到困难的某一个方面,本质上是因为他们提倡执法,所以A,B,C错误。4.语义推测题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段中Its rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser.(这很像一个著名律师的故事,他煞费苦心地向法官解释他的案子。听了他的长篇辩论,法官抱怨说他并没有因此而变得聪明些。),说明“He was none the wiser”在这里的意思是他听了之后什么也没有得到。因此C选项“听后无所得。”符合题意。A选项“他根本不明智,听不进去”,B选项“他以前一点也不明智”,D选项“他对这场争论毫无意义”都不能表示他听后什么也没有得到的意思,所以A,B,D错误。5.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段最后一句Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.(只要我们在法律框架内工作,真正和持久的解决办法总是可能的。),说明作者认为解决种族歧视的最好方法是法制。因此A选项“法制”正确。B选项“知识”,C选项“非暴力”,D选项“清理暴力的混乱”并不是作者认为解决问题的最好方法,所以B,C,D错误。12. 单选题Thursday marked the 42nd( )of mans first step on the moon.问题1选项A.ceremonyB.decadeC.occasionD.anniversary【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项ceremony“典礼,仪式,礼节”,B选项decade“十年,年代”,C选项occasion“时机,场合”,D选项anniversary“周年纪念日”。句意:星期四是人类踏上月球第42周年纪念日。因此,D选项符合句意。13. 单选题Recently, Congressional Democrats introduced legislation to make it easier for older workers to win age discrimination lawsuits. Age discrimination remains a significant workplace issue.In recent ten years, 15.79 percent of cases brought to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, were described as successful claims. While this number is small given the number of workers covered by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, many, if not most, instances of age discrimination are never sued, and cases hiring discrimination often go undetected.Most of those who do sue are white, male middle-managers who are likely to have lost a sizeable salary and pension. For the most part, other groups do not sue because the costs of a lawsuit outweigh the potential benefits. Age discrimination remains a significant workplace issue.There is strong experimental evidence for age discrimination in hiring, at least for entry-level jobs. Recently, I performed a labor market experiment in Boston in which I sent out thousands of resumes for fictitious (虚构的) entry-level female candidates and measured response rate based on date of high school graduation. Among this group, younger applicants, whose date of high school graduation indicated that they were less than 50 years old, were 40 percent more likely to be called back for an interview than were older applicants.It is difficult to tell whether employment proble


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