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2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Koizumis annual visits to the notorious shrine have sparked a_of condemnation and protests from China and the ROK because the shrine honours 14 Class-A war criminals.问题1选项A.splashB.flurryC.particleD.stain【答案】B【解析】splash污点; flurry骚动, 慌张, a flurry of阵;particle颗粒; stain污点, 瑕疵。句意:小泉每年都要参拜臭名昭著的神社,引发了中韩人民的谴责和抗议,因为神社供奉着14名甲级战犯。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题The patients_symptoms to get appointments quicker and ask doctors to hide the truth from insurance companies.问题1选项A.feignB.obstructC.coinageD.conjure【答案】A【解析】feign假装, 捏造; obstruct阻隔, 妨碍;coinage造币; conjure祈求。句意:患者假装生病以便更快地得到预约, 并要求医生向保险公司隐瞒事实。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题.Any Democratic president will try to_the United States from the mess in Iraq,yet all would face rigid constraints.问题1选项A.knockoutB.distinguishC.overtureD.extricate【答案】D【解析】knockout击倒; distinguish区别,辨别; overture作动词意为建议; extricate使摆脱,解救。句意:任何一位民主党总统都将试图把美国从伊拉克的混乱中解救出来, 但所有人都将面临严格的约束。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th_the birth of Jesus Christ.问题1选项A.in accordance withB.in terms ofC.in favor ofD.in honor of【答案】D【解析】in accordance with根据; in terms of就.而言, 关于; in favor of支持, 赞同; in honor of为庆祝, 向.致敬。句意:圣诞节是基督教的一个神圣的日子, 通常在12月25日庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题There seems to be no alternative but_the offer.问题1选项A.acceptB.to acceptC.acceptingD.haying accepted【答案】B【解析】考查固定结构。no.but或者nothing but.后面接不定式to加动词原形, 为固定句型。选项B正确。6. 单选题Any nation that interferes in the internal affairs of another nation should be_condemned.问题1选项A.verballyB.universallyC.wickedlyD.visually【答案】B【解析】verbally口头地;universally普遍地;wickedly恶劣地,居心叵测地;visually视觉地。句意:任何干涉他国内政的国家都应受到普遍谴责。选项B符合句意。7. 单选题Scientific evidence from different_demonstrates that in most humans the left hemisphere of the brain controls language.问题1选项A.scopesB.rangesC.disciplinesD.arrays【答案】C【解析】scopes范围, 领域; ranges范围, 区间; disciplines学科; arrays阵列, 数组。句意:来自不同学科的科学证据表明, 大多数人的大脑左半球控制着语言功能。选项C符合句意。8. 单选题The Tacomas executive director and three port commissioners will be in China next week to_advice from world port experts on improving inland transportation systems.问题1选项A.discriminateB.disperseC.differentiateD.glean【答案】D【解析】discriminate歧视, 区别;disperse(使)分散, 疏散;differentiate区别, 区分; glean 收集。句意:塔科马港执行董事和三名港务专员将于下周访问中国,听取世界港口专家关于改善内陆运输系统的建议。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题Scientists are searching for the oldest tree_because it can leach them a great deal about many issues related with climate change.问题1选项A.livelyB.aliveC.livingD.live【答案】B【解析】lively活泼的, 生动的; alive活着的, 现存的, 可作后置定语; living活的, 活跃的, 只作前置定语; live活的, 生动的; 实况转播的。句意:科学家们正在寻找现存的最古老的树, 因为它可以让他们了解许多与气候变化有关的问题。选项B符合句意。10. 单选题Rental housing,which is an important component of price indices,looks likely to moderate in the next year,in part because of an_of new homes.问题1选项A.overrideB.oversupplyC.oversightD.overture【答案】B【解析】override推翻, 践踏; oversupply过度供给; oversight监管, 疏忽; overture建议。句意:作为价格指数的一个重要组成部分, 租赁住房的价格明年可能会回落, 部分原因是新房供应过剩。选项B符合句意。11. 翻译题I was deeply shocked by a recent survey that suggested 30 per cent of job applicants embellished the truth or lied on a curriculum vitae. Can the figure really be that low? (1)I had always assumed CVs were filled with evasions, half-truths and downright untruths. But, the news that merely 70 per cent of workers are honest has shaken my lack of faith in my fellow humans. The only consolation is that people often fib in anonymous surveys, just as they do on resumes, which means the real proportion may be higher.One prediction rang true from the research by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. (2).It was that the incentive for falsehood is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises. In coming months recruiters will therefore be bombarded with CVs making extremely misleading claims.It was the same during the downturn of the early 1990s. Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1. A journalist colleague meanwhile admitted to me that his degree from a top university was entirely fictional. (3). Another contemporary explained away a year lost to bone idleness by telling prospective employers that he had been writing a field guide to the wild flowers of the Pyrenees (比利牛斯山脉). I night have lied on my own CV, if an east coast Scottish upbringing bad not lumbered me with the subliminal conviction that I would burn for eternity in hell if I did.(4). A company whose services include background checks on job applicants, says that inaccuracies on CVs divide into three main groups. First, there are honest mistakes, typically made when candidates muddle dates. Second, there is deliberate fibbing about qualifications. Mr Thomas says: A lie told 20 years ago to get a job can become part of the liars reality. So he tells it again when he switches jobs, even though he has become a successful finance director. Third, applicants close up suspicious gaps in their employment history. In one case investigated by Kroll, a candidate turned out to have spent a three-month gap in prison for fraud.About 65 per cent of businesses take up references for shortlisted job applicants, according to research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Fewer than half said they found out anything useful. (5). This is hardly surprising now that the fear of litigation prevents past employers from saying anything more revealing than: Yes, Derek worked for us. He has a beard and knows a bit about databases. Less than 40 per cent of businesses bother to check academic and professional qualifications.Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese【答案】1.我一直认为简历中充斥着借口,半真半假和彻头彻尾的谎言。但那则只有70%的工人是诚实的新闻让我对我自己的想法感到疑惑。2.虚假动机正在逐渐增加。因此,在未来几个月中,招聘人员会见到更多的足以误导其决策的简历。3.同时期的另外一个人也曾向雇主谎称自己曾花一年的时间编纂过有关比利牛斯山野花的一本野外工作指南,而其实那东西是临时抱佛脚的产物。4. 一个对求职者做背景调查的服务公司说,简历的不准确分为三组。第一,诚实的错误,确实是候选人搞错了日期。5.对诉讼案的恐惧导致以往的雇主不敢说除了“是的,迪瑞克曾为我们工作。他留着胡子, 对我们的数据有所了解”以外的话, 这些在当今都不足为奇。12. 单选题The African elephantmythic symbol of a continent, keystone of its ecology and the largest land animal remaining on earthhas become the object of one of the biggest, broadest international efforts yet mounted to turn a threatened species off the road to extinction. But it is not only the elephants survival that is at stake, conservationists say. Unlike the endangered tiger, unlike even the great whales, the African elephant is in great measure the architect of its environment. As a voracious eater of vegetation, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it lives, thereby setting the terms of existence for millions of other storied animals-from zebras to gazelles to giraffes and wildebeeststhat share its habitat And as the elephant disappears, scientists and conservationists say, many other species will also disappear from vast stretches of forest and savanna, drastically altering and impoverishing whole ecosystems.It is the elephants metabolism and appetite that make it a disturber of the environment and therefore an important creator of habitat. In a constant search for the 300 pounds of vegetation it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbrush and pulls branches off big trees as high as its trunk will reach. This creates innumerable open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. The resulting patchwork, a mosaic of vegetation in various stages of regeneration, in turn creates a greater variety of forage that attracts a greater variety of other vegetation-eaters than would otherwise be the case.In studies over the last 20 years in southern Kenya near Mount Kilimanjaro, Dr.Western has found that when elephants are allowed to roam die savannas naturally and normally, they spread out at intermediate densities. Their foraging creates a mixture of savanna woodlands (what the Africans call bush) and grassland. The result is a highly diverse array of other plant-eating species: those like the zebra, wildebeest and gazelle, that graze: those like the giraffe, bushbuck and lesser kudu, that browse on tender shoots, buds, twigs and leaves; and plant-eating primates like the baboon and vervet monkey. These herbivores attract carnivores like the lion and cheetah.When the elephant population thins out. Dr. Western said, the woodlands become denser and the grazers are squeezed out. When pressure from poachers forces elephants to crowd more densely onto reservations, the woodlands there are knocked out and the browsers and primates disappear.Something similar appears to happen in dense tropical rain forests. In their natural state, because the overhead forest canopy shuts out sunlight and prevents growth on the forest floor, rain forests provide slim pickings for large, hoofed plant-eaters. By pulling down trees and eating new growth, elephants enlarge natural openings in the canopy, allowing plants to regenerate on the forest floor and bringing down vegetation from the canopy so that smaller species can get at it.In such situations, the rain forest becomes hospitable to large plant-eating mammals such as bongos, bush pigs, duikers, forest hogs, swamp antelopes, forest buffaloes, okapis, sometimes gorillas and always a host of smaller animals that thrive on secondary growth. When elephants disappear and the forest reverts, the larger mammals give way to smaller, nimbler animals like monkeys, squirrels and rodents. 1.The passage is primarily concerned with( ).2.In the opening paragraph, the author mentions tigers and whales in order to emphasize which point about the elephant?3.A necessary component of the elephants ability to transform the landscape is its ( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage that( ).5.Which of the following statements best expresses the authors attitude toward the damage to vegetation caused by foraging elephants?问题1选项A.explaining why elephants are facing the threat of extinctionB.explaining difficulties in providing sufficient forage for plant-eatersC.explaining how the elephants impact on its surroundings affects other speciesD.distinguishing between savannas and rain forests as habitats for elephants问题2选项A.Like them, U faces the threat of extinction.B.It is herbivorous rather than carnivorous.C.It is the largest extant land mammal.D.Unlike them, it physically alters its environment.问题3选项A.massive intelligenceB.threatened extinctionC.ravenous hungerD.lack of grace问题4选项A.the natural tendency of elephants is to crowd together in packsB.the elephant is dependent upon the existence of smaller plant-eating mammals for its survivalC.elephants have an indirect effect on the hunting patterns of certain carnivoresD.the floor of the tropical rain forest is too overgrown to accommodate larger plant-eating species问题5选项A.It is an unfortunate by-product of the feeding process.B.It is a necessary but undesirable aspect of elephant population growth.C.It fortuitously results in creating environments suited to diverse species.D.It has the unexpected advantage that it allows scientists access to the rain forest【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.本文主要是讲述大象能够改变居住环境, 从而影响其他物种的生存, 选项C正确。2.根据关键词tigerswhales定位到第一段第三句Unlike the endangered tiger, unlike even the great whales, the African elephant is in great measure the architect of its environment.不像濒临灭绝的老虎, 甚至不像大型鲸鱼, 非洲象在很大程度上是环境的建筑师。也就是说大象能够改变环境, 选项D符合原文。3.根据第二段的第一句It is the elephants metabolism and appetite that make it a disturber of the environment.大象能够改变环境是因为它们的新陈代谢和食欲。选项C正确。4.根据第三段第一句when elephants are allowed to roam die savannas naturally and normally, they spread out at intermediate densities.可知, 大象不是群居动物, 所以选项A错误; 根据倒数第二段的内容可知, 选项B表达的刚好是相反的情况, 所以错误; 根据最后一段的第一句.the rain forest becomes hospitable to large plant-eating mammals.可知选项D错误。根据第三段的内容可知, 大象改变环境会产生种类繁多的食草动物, 食草动物又吸引了食肉动物。也就是说大象对某些食肉动物的捕猎方式有间接影响。选项C符合原文内容。5.结合全文内容可知, 大象改变环境给其他物种创造了适宜其生存的环境, 这是偶然性的而不是大象刻意为之的, 所以选项C正确。13. 单选题Salas is one of 13,000 King County employees who will be asked to confidentially_whether theyre overweight,smoke or engage in other health-related vices.问题1选项A.dementB.divulgeC.retaliateD.disservice【答案】B【解析】dement使发狂; divulge泄露, 暴露; retaliate报复; disservice伤害, 虐待。句意:萨拉斯是国王郡1.3万名雇员之一, 他们将被要求私下透露自己是否超重、是否吸烟或是否有其他与健康有关的恶习。选项B符合句意。14. 单选题Entering the furniture store,Mr. Thompson took a few minutes to_through the catalog and got a sense of what kinds of sofa were in popular demand.问题1选项A.gazeB.stareC.shuffleD.riffle【答案】D【解析】gaze注视, 凝视; stare凝视, 盯着看; shuffle搅乱, 推诿; riffle迅速翻阅,riffle through很快地(漫不经心地)翻阅。句意:走进家具店之后, Thompson先生用了几分钟时间快速浏览了一下目录,了解了一下什么样的沙发最受欢迎。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题The captain performs his duties with great_and all the crew believed that they can get over the storm.问题1选项A.affectionB.suspicionC.assuranceD.definition【答案】C【解析】affection喜爱, 影响; suspicion怀疑; assurance确信, 断言, with assurance指有把握地, 自信地; definition定义。句意:船长信心十足地履行着他的职责,所有的船员都相信他们能够战胜暴风雨。选项C符合句意。16. 单选题When light illuminates an object, part of it is absorbed and part reflected; the_lightness of an object depends on the proportion of light that is reflected.问题1选项A.denotedB.embodiedC.insulatedD.perceived【答案】D【解析】denoted指示,表示; embodied所包含的; insulated被隔离的; perceived所察觉到的。句意:当光照射一个物体时, 它的一部分被吸收, 一部分被反射; 被感知的物体的亮度取决于被反射的光的比例。选项D符合句意。17. 写作题Some people think that a sense of competition inchildren should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught toco-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.You should write at least 250 words. Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE You should use your own ideas, knowledge andexperience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.【答案】On competition and cooperationSome people hold the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other. But some have different opinions that competition and cooperation are the two indispensable parts of the winners.Competition and cooperation are very common in every field of our life. The Olympic games is the most famous competition all over the world. And employees compete for jobs, for promotion, for customers and for sales, etc. To some extent, competition stimulates peoples interest in work and push the society forward. In our life, we often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. In the sports contest, the victory of the team requires good teamwork, that is, cooperation. No doubt, we often find there is an inseparable relationship between competition and cooperation. In a football match, either team is competing with other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates.As far as I am concerned, cooperation and competition are both important. They are attributes which are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life. While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.18. 单选题In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote pan of Eastern Europe_Europe into a great war.问题1选项A.pitchedB.imposedC.insertedD.plunged【答案】D【解析】pitched倾斜; 投掷; imposed强加的; inserted插入; plunged投入, 陷入。句意:1914年, 东欧一个偏远地区发生的一件显然无关紧要的事件使欧洲陷入了一场大战。选项D符合句意。19. 翻译题Despite the web,we watch more television than ever.In the chaos of todays media and technology brawliPod vs. Zune, Google vs. Yahoo, windows vs. Linux, Intel vs. AMDwe can declare one unlikely winner. Standing tall in a field of new tech wonders, its a geezer technology that are invented in the 1920s and commercialized in the 1940s, and its still more powerful than any thing created since.(1) As you try to figure out where consumer infotech is going, and what it means for society, remember this big, central reality: People just want more television.If you doubt it, look at todays biggest news in tech. It continually centers on new ways to bring consumers the thing they crave above all else. (2) Sony flooded the recent Consumer Electronics Show with products that put internet video on your TV set, as did almost every other consumer electronics company. At the simultaneous Macworld Expo, Apple chief Steve Jobs introduced Apple TV, which does the same thing. Verizon said it will soon offer live TV on cellphone screens. It will also sell full -length programs for viewing whenever you want. Put it all together,and we have achieved a nirvana that didnt exist even a year ago:unlimited television available 24/7 on every screen you own.Its no surprise,of course. (3) Ever since the basic facts of steadily multiplying processor power and bandwidth became apparent, seers have confidently predicted this day. They just as confidently predicted what it would mean: traditional televisions demise. Once the World Wide Web appeared in the mid- 1990s, the future looked very clear. Boring old TV, the scheduled programs that come to you through a coaxial cable or satellite dish or antenna,would fade away.(4)Which is exactly the opposite of what has happened. Despite many Net Age alternatives,we Americans today watch more boring old TV than ever, which is saying something. How can that be? My theory is the Two-Liter Coke Principle. The Coca-Cola company discovered long ago that if it could get people to bring home bigger bottles of Coke,those people would drink more than they used to. Just getting more Coke in front of them increased their consumption. It seems to be the same with TV. Put more of it in front of peopleover 100 channels in many homesand people will watch more.Seen from this perspective, the latest announcements of new TV-related technology look simply like additional ways to put more TV in front of American consumers. The supposed threat from the Internet was that wed cut back on TV as we spent more time on MySpace or in Second Life. We may well spend more time on such new Net attractions,but were unlikely to take that time away from video viewing. Were more likely to cut back on things we consider less important, like sleep.(5)No one has evaluated TV better than the great New Yorker essayist E. B. White, who in 1938 wrote, We shall stand or fall by television, of that I am sure. We still dont know which it will be, but his assessment looks truer than ever. Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese【答案】(1)当你设法弄清消费信息技术将向何处发展以及这对社会意味着什么时,要记住这个重要的核心事实:人们


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