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2022年考博英语-东北大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题His newly published book advanced the( )that whales are as intelligent as humans.问题1选项A.rulingB.proposalC.hypothesisD.protocol【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项ruling“统治,支配;裁定”;B选项proposal“提议,建议;求婚”;C选项hypothesis“假设”;D选项protocol“协议;草案;礼仪”。句意:他最新出版的书提出鲸鱼如同人类一样聪明的假设。结合句意,C选项正确。2. 单选题When bread prices rose, Vladkhleb, a bakery, asked the krai and city for help in holding down prices. Here is a letter it wrote, published in the Vladivostok Times Sept. 9, 2007Dear Residents of Vladivostok:The staff and Board of Directors of Vladkhleb cant keep silent in the current wild situation when prices for all existing products are skyrocketing unbelievably. And while we somewhat indifferently watch enormous figures on price tags for delicacy products, every kopeck of extra charge for the staples causes a real panic. We perfectly realize that, and thats why we have kept bread prices affordable for all this time. Even after the rise of prices we have tried to keep the past prices for as long as possible.At the moment all our reserves are exhausted. Stocks of bread-baking ingredients such as flour, sugar, butter and the like are running out. To buy what we need at reasonable prices is virtually impossible today.However, we cannot temporize. We all need bread every day, which means we will be forced to buy everything we need at much higher prices. What this means perhaps doesnt need to be explained.The cost of bread closely depends on ingredients. Another financial crisis has led to a 50%300% increase of prices for butler, vegetable oil, all types of margarine, yeast and other as of September 1. All these prices continue to grow every hour.Because of this, Vladkhleb came to the critical point where it is necessary to raise prices of its products. Otherwise, we will just destroy a most powerful bread enterprise. Should Vladkhleb shut down, the bread price will get out of hand.Our economists projected the situation for the near future considering the growing flour cost. With the cost of flour at 2.18 rubles per kilogram at the start of September, the retail bread price was to be 4.36 rubles. With an increase of flour cost to 4 rubles per kilogram, bread price will grow to 6.17 rubles. Further growth will be possible.So it turns out that bread may rank with delicacy products. Is there another way out? Yes. It is already put into practice by leaders of other cities and regions. For example, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov used the press in the very first days of the crisis to tell the residents that he had decided to subsidize the bread industry so that not to allow prices for this type of food to rise. There were no objections. So did Khabarovsk there they pay subsidies for bread baking ingredients.Incidentally, the city and krai administrations already have the experience of supporting our plants. Rather than artificially holding back prices, they employed loans and waivers and the like. At this point all the city and krai offices of authority as well as deputies at all levels could consider our propositions such as:Granting waivers on taxes to krai and city budgets;Establishing lower prices for electric and thermal energy for a program of bread production;Facilitating in reception of customs duty and tax waivers from the federal government for imported grain;Recovery of Pacific Fleets debts in the amount of 6 million rubles (calculated as of August 2007) for supplied products;Lowering rent for premises and plots.Any of these possible measures will help Vladkhleb contain the growth of prices for its products. Despite of our SOS signal, no measures have been taken as yet. We have found ourselves in the same situation as any of you. We see the situation changing steadily for the worse. We will not cope with that alone.We see one recourse: Raise the bread price minimally and cancel our free plastic bag service. But what is next? This is the concern of all the 700 employees and the board of Vladkhleb.Every extra kopeck in the cost of bread upsets you and us very much. Making our sincere apologies for a forced increase of the bread price, we hope for your understanding and support. Today and tomorrow we are with you, as usual.The Staff and Board of Vladkhleb1.In this open letter Vladkhleb explains to the people of Vladivostok that ( ).2.A possible solution to the crisis, Vladkhleb suggests is ( ).3.“So it turns out that bread may rank with delicacy products,” means ( ).4.Vladkhleb has decided not to shut down because, they say, ( ).5.One of Vladkhleb propositions to the local authorities “Recovery of Pacific Fleets debts in the amount of 6 million rubles (calculated as of August 2007) for supplied products.” Means ( ).问题1选项A.they can no longer supply breadB.the price of bread will trebleC.all reserves of bread-making ingredients have been depletedD.it will have to close down问题2选项A.to use ingredients of a lower qualityB.to cut the workers wagesC.to urge people to eat less breadD.to have the bread price subsidized by the authorities问题3选项A.that bread has become much tastier in recent monthsB.that bread has become as expensive as caviarC.that bread has become an article many people can no longer affordD.that bread has become more crispy in recent months问题4选项A.the organization still has a lot of outstanding debtsB.otherwise the price of bread may get out of handC.otherwise the distribution of bread may end up in the hands of the mafiaD.their employees are loyal and hard-working问题5选项A.that the army still owes the bakery a lot of money for bread delivered in the pastB.that Vladkhleb still owes a lot of money to the army for ingredients that it supplied in the pastC.that the local authorities should ask for more funds from Moscow which would otherwise end up with the Pacific FleetD.that the local authorities should pay back the debt immediately【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文第四段“At the moment all our reserves are exhausted. Stocks of bread-baking ingredients such as flour, sugar, butter and the like are running out.”中文翻译为:此刻,我们所有的储备已用完。诸如面粉、糖、黄油和类似的面包烘焙原料正在耗尽。因此C选项“所有面包制作的原料已经被耗尽”符合题意。2.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第九段“For example, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov used the press in the very first days of the crisis to tell the residents that he had decided to subsidize the bread industry so that not to allow prices for this type of food to rise.”中文翻译为:例如,莫斯科市长Yury Luzhkov在危机出现的头几天里通过新闻界告诉居民,他已决定补助面包行业,以便不让这类食品的价格上涨。对应D选项“让面包价格受到政府补助”。因此D项符合题意。3.【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干可以定位到文章第八段“With an increase of flour cost to 4 rubles per kilogram, bread price will grow to 6.17 rubles. Further growth will be possible.”中文翻译为:随着面粉价格上涨至每公斤4卢布,面包的价格将上涨至6.17卢布。进一步的价格上涨将是可能的。可知答案为C项“面包已变成一种很多人不再能负担得起的商品”。4.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到原文第七段“Should Vladkhleb shut down, the bread price will get out of hand.”中文翻译为:如果Vladkhleb面包店停业,那么面包价格将失去控制。因此B项“否则,面包价格可能失去控制”正确。5.【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干可以定位到原文倒数第五段“Recovery of Pacific Fleet s debts in the amount of 6 million rubles (calculated as of August 2007) for supplied products.”中文翻译为:收回太平洋舰队因产品供应欠的六百万卢布债务(计算截止时间为2007年8月)。因此可知答案为C“当地政府应该向莫斯科要求更多资金,否则,最终要求莫斯科支付太平洋舰队所欠当地政府的债务”。3. 单选题In order to( )the agreement between the employee and the employer, both sides must sign it.问题1选项A.extractB.endorseC.notifyD.validate【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项extract“提取;取出;摘录;榨取”;B选项 endorse“背书;认可;签署;赞同”;C选项notify“通告,通知;公布”;D选项validate“证实,验证;确认;使生效”。句意:为了使雇员和雇主之间的协议生效,双方必须在该协议上签字。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题The scientists became very excited as they felt they were on the( )of a discovery.问题1选项A.crestB.borderlineC.brinkD.bluff【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。on the brink of“在的边缘”,句意:当感觉自己处于一个发现的边缘时,科学家们变得非常兴奋。故C选项正确。5. 单选题After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly( )the little rain that fell yesterday.问题1选项A.absorbedB.drainedC.digestedD.soaked【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项absorb“吸收;使全神贯注”;B选项drain“耗尽;使流出”;C选项digest“消化;融会贯通”;D选项soak“使浸泡,使浸渍”。句意:在许多个星期无雨后,地面很快地吸收了昨天下的小雨。结合句意,A选项正确。6. 单选题In the college-admissions wars, we parents are the true fighters. Were pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT preparatory courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first choice. Ive twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening. We see our kids college background as a prize demonstrating how well weve raised them. But we cant acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them. So weve contrived various justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. It actually doesnt matter much whether Aaron and Nicole go to Stanford.We have a full-blown prestige panic; we worry that there wont be enough prizes to go around. Fearful parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever. Underlying the hysteria is the belief that scarce elite degrees must be highly valuable. Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better educating and develop better contacts. All that is plausible and mostly wrong. We havent found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters. Selective schools dont systematically employ better instructional approaches than less-selective schools. On two measures professors feedback and the number of essay exams selective schools do slightly worse.By some studies, selective schools do enhance their graduates lifetime earnings. The gain is reckoned at 2-4% for every 100-point increase in a schools average SAT scores. But even this advantage is probably a statistical fluke. A well-known study examined students who got into highly selective schools and then went elsewhere. They earned just as much as graduates from higher-status schools. Kids count more than their colleges. Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition. But its not the only indicator and, paradoxically, its significance is declining. The reason: so many similar people go elsewhere. Getting into college isnt lifes only competition. In the next competition the job market and graduate school the results may change. Old-boy networks are breaking down. Princeton economist Alan Krueger studied admissions to one top Ph. D. program. High scores on the GRE helped explain who got in; degrees of prestigious universities didnt.So, parents, lighten up. The stakes have been vastly exaggerated. Up to a point, we can rationalize our pushiness. America is a competitive society; our kids need to adjust to that. But too much pushiness can be destructive. The very ambition we impose on our children may get some into Harvard but may also set them up for disappointment. One study found that, other things being equal, graduates of highly selective schools experienced more job dissatisfaction. They may have been so conditioned to being on top that anything less disappoints.1.Why does the author say that parents are the true fighters in the college-admissions wars?2.Why do parents urge their children to apply to more school than ever?3.What does the author mean by “Kids count more than their colleges” (Line 5,Para. 3)?4.What can you infer from the passage?5.One possible result of pushing children into elite universities is that ( ).问题1选项A.They have the final say in which university their children are to attendB.They know best which universities are most suitable for their childrenC.They have to carry out intensive surveys of colleges before children make an applicationD.They care more about which college their children go to than the children themselves问题2选项A.They want to increase their childrens chances of entering a prestigious collegeB.They hope their children can enter a university that offers attractive scholarshipsC.Their children will have a wider choice of which college to go toD.Elite universities now enroll fewer students than they used to问题3选项A.Continuing education is more important to a persons successB.A persons happiness should be valued more than his educationC.Kids actual abilities are more important than their college backgroundD.What kids learn at college cannot keep up with job market requirements问题4选项A.Getting into Ph.D . programs may be less competitive than getting into collegeB.Degrees of prestigious universities do not guarantee entry to graduate programsC.Graduates from prestigious universities do not care much about their GRED.Connections built in prestigious universities may be sustained long after graduation问题5选项A.they earn less than their peers from other institutionsB.they turn out to be less competitive in the job marketC.they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduationD.they overemphasize their qualifications in job application【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段中“But we cant acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them.”,中文翻译为:但我们却不承认我们的痴迷(对上首选大学)更多是关于我们自己而非他们(指自己的小孩)。可以得知D选项“相比小孩自己,他们更关心自己的小孩去哪所大学上学”符合题意。2.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文第一段“We see our kids college background as a prize demonstrating how well weve raised them.”,中文翻译为:我们将自己小孩的大学背景当成展示我们怎样很好地养育他们的一种奖赏。以及原文第二段“We have a full-blown prestige panic; we worry that there wont be enough prize to go around.”,中文翻译为:我们有完全成熟的名誉恐慌,我们担心没有充足的奖赏。可知A选项“他们想增加自己小孩进入著名大学的机会”为正确答案。3.【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段“Princeton economist Alan Krueger studied admissions to one top Ph. D. program. High scores on the GRE helped explain who got in; degrees of prestigious universities didnt.”,中文翻译为:普林斯顿大学的经济学家Alan Krueger对入学一个顶级博士项目的学生的研究发现,美国研究生入学考试的高分数有助于解释谁考上了大学,而名牌大学的学位却没有。可以得知C选项“小孩的实际能力比他们的大学背景更重要”符合题意。4.【试题解析】推理判断题。由B项“著名大学的学位不保证学生进入研究生项目”可以定位到文章第三段中“Princeton economist Alan Krueger studied admissions to one top Ph. D. program. High scores on the GRE helped explain who got in; degrees of prestigious universities didnt.”,中文翻译为:普林斯顿大学的经济学家Alan Krueger对入学一个顶级博士项目的学生的研究发现,美国研究生入学考试的高分数有助于解释谁考上了大学,而名牌大学的学位却没有。故选B。5.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到文章第四段“One study found that, other things being equal, graduates of highly selective schools experienced more job dissatisfaction.”,中文翻译为:一个研究发现,在其他事情一样的情况下,精英学校的毕业生经历更多的工作不如意。判断出答案为C项“他们在毕业后经历更多的工作不如意”。7. 单选题The woman tripped over the uneven pavement and( )her elbow.问题1选项A.distortedB.dislodgedC.disabledD.dislocated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项distort“扭曲;使失真;曲解”;B选项dislodge“逐出,驱逐;用力移动”;C选项disable“使失去能力;使残废;使无资格”;D选项dislocate“使脱臼;使混乱”。句意:这位妇女绊倒在这个不平坦的人行道上,结果使自己的肘部脱臼。结合此处句意,判断出D选项正确。8. 单选题At the close of the Kyoto Global-Warming Treaty discussions held in Bonn last week, exhausted negotiators from nearly every country on earth had reason to be proud. They had done what no one expected they reached a breakthrough agreement to limit greenhouse gases. During the concluding remarks, as each speaker praised the next, only the chief US official on the scene drew an undiplomatic response. When Paula Dobriansky told the gathering that the Bush Administration “will not abdicate our responsibility” to address global warming, the hall filled with boos. Thats because the US, the worlds largest produce of greenhouse gases, sat on the sidelines in Bonn.George W. Bush has yet to decide what, if anything, he will do to combat global warming. But he believes the Kyoto treaty is fatally flawed because it doesnt require developing countries to limit their fossil-fuel use immediately, as it does industrialized countries. So he kept the U.S. out of the discussions. In doing so, the Administration may have lost its last opportunity to help shape the international response to the problem. And Bush may be in danger of losing control over climate action domestically. After months of internal debate, the Administration is still “consulting” on the issue.That noise you hear is Congress rushing to fill the leadership vacuum. At least six climate plans have been proposed so far. The first is sponsored by former Republican, now Independent Stator Jim Jeffords, chairman of the Senate Environment Committee, who proposes to cut greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants. Congressional action this week will center on reducing emissions by raising vehicle fuel-efficiency standards, including those for SUVs. If SUVs had to meet the same standards as cars something Massachusetts Representative Ed Markey will propose this week they could save consumers an estimated $7 billion at the pump this year and cut gasoline demand by tens of billions of gallons over 10 years.The “drill Detroit, not the Arctic” campaign will find some support this week when the National Academy of Sciences releases a long-awaited study. The report, toned down after the auto industry protested that raising fuel-efficiency standards, by making cars lighter, makes vehicles less safe, is still likely to conclude that fuel efficiency can be increased at least 25 percent with existing technology.If a fuel-efficiency bill reaches his desk, Bush could be in a bind caught between auto lobbyists (his chief of staff used to be one) and his concern for energy security. With new technology putting impressive fuel efficiency within reach, it will be hard for him to oppose measures that could reduce the national appetite for foreign oil by millions of barrels a year.1.In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ( ).2.The phrase “sat on the sidelines” in the last sentence of paragraph one probably means ( ).3.The reason that Bush kept US out of the discussions is that he believes ( ).4.The National Academy of Sciences found in the study that ( ).5.We can learn from the last paragraph that ( ).问题1选项A.explaining a phenomenonB.making a comparisonC.justifying as an assumptionD.posing a contrast问题2选项A.not to get involved in the discussionB.not to take part in the activity even though they should doC.not to sit together with the representatives from other countriesD.not to pay attention to the international affair问题3选项A.the industrialized countries should not shoulder the responsibility aloneB.the industrialized countries seem to share more in tackling this issueC.developing countries fail to meet the same requirementD.the developing countries should not be included问题4选项A.the auto industry should not raise the fuel efficiency standardsB.the lighter the car is, the less safe it will beC.the existing technology can increase the fuel efficiencyD.the lighter car is not safe enough问题5选项A.new technology can help Bush out of troubleB.Bush intends to stir the national appetite for foreign oilC.Bush fails to deal with the subtle situationD.auto lobbyists have different ideas from Bush【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段中“During the concluding remarks, as each speaker praised the next, only the chief US official on the scene drew an undiplomatic response.”中文翻译为:在致闭幕词的时候,当与会的每一位发言人都对此表示称赞时,唯独美国官方代表做出了毫无外交策略的回应。可以得知D选项“提出对比”符合题意。2.【试题解析】词汇题。由题干可以定位到原文第一段“When Paula Dobriansky told the gathering that the Bush Administration will not abdicate our responsibility to address global warming, the hall filled with boos.”中文翻译为:当葆拉多布林斯基向大会宣布布什政府不会放弃自己的责任去处理全球变暖这一问题时,全场报以唏嘘声,可以推测出词组“sit on the sidelines”可译为“冷眼旁观”。因此可知B选项“尽管应该参加,但是他们却没有参加这个活动”为正确答案。3.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段“But he believes the Kyoto treaty is fatally flawed because it doesnt require developing countries to limit their fossil-fuel use immediately, as it does industrialized countries. So he kept the U.S. out of the discussions.”中文翻译为:但是,他认为京都协定有致命的缺陷,因为它没有要求发展中国家如同发达国家那样,去立刻限制矿物燃料


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