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2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The problem with employing( )people is that they often dont stay in the job for long.问题1选项A.overpricedB.overqualifiedC.overratedD.overwhelmed【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。overpriced “定价过高的”;overqualified “资历过高的,条件太好的”;overrated “评价过高的,高估的”;overwhelmed “不堪重负的,受宠若惊的”。句意:招聘那些不堪重负的人的问题就是这些人不会在工作岗位上待太久。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题Science suggests that the greater part of an optimistic outlook can be ( )with the right instruction.问题1选项A.acquiredB.imposedC.tracedD.fabricated【答案】A【解析】考察动词辨析。acquired获得; imposed强加;traced追踪;fabricated伪造。句意:科学表明乐观的前景大都可以通过正确的教导获得。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题More than 100( )cats that used to roam the streets in a Chinese province have now been collected and organized into a tram to fight rodents that are destroying crops.问题1选项A.looseB.tamedC.wildD.stray【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。loose “宽松的”;tamed “驯服的,平淡的”;wild “野生的”;stray “迷路的,流浪的”。句意:100多只曾经在中国某个省份街上流浪的猫被收留并被组织去对付破坏庄稼的啮齿动物。4. 单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.She is a great athlete.B.She is a famed speaker.C.She is a famous scientist.D.She is a noted inventor.问题2选项A.How knowledge of human biochemistry has been evolving.B.How nutrition helps athletes performance in competitions.C.How scientific training enables athletes to set new records.D.How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights.问题3选项A.Our physical structures.B.Our scientific knowledge.C.Our biochemical process.D.Our concept of nutrition.问题4选项A.It may increase the expenses of sports competitions.B.It may lead to athletes over reliance on equipment.C.It may give an unfair advantage to some athletes.D.It may change the nature of sports competitions.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C【解析】Conversation OneM: Tonight, we have a very special guest. 1 Mrs. Anna Sanchez is a three-time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge. Mrs. Sanchez, thank you for joining us.W: Thank you for having me.M: Lets start with your book. What does the title “To the Edge” mean? Whatre you referring to?W: 2 The book is about how science and technology has helped push humans to the edge of their physical abilities. I argue that in the past 20 years, weve had the best athletes the world has ever seen.M: But is this a fair comparison? How do you know how, say, a football player from 50 years ago would compare to one today?W: Well, you are right. That comparison would be perhaps impossible to make. But the point is more about our knowledge today of human biochemistry, nutrition, and mechanics. 3 I believe that while our bodies have not changed in thousands of years, what has changed is the scientific knowledge. This has allowed athletes to push the limits of what was previously thought possible.M: Thats interesting. Please tell us more about these perceived limits.W: The world is seeing sports records being broken that could only be broken with the aid of technology. Whether this be the speed of a tennis serve or the fastest time in a hundred-meter dash or two-hundred-meter swimming race.M: 4 Is there any concern that technology is giving some athletes an unfair advantage over others?W: That is an interesting question and one that has to be considered very carefully. Skis, for example, went from being made of wood to a metal alloy, which allows for better control and faster speed. Theres no stopping technological progress. But, as I said, each situation should be considered carefully on a case-by-case basis.1. What do we learn about Anna Sanchez?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于女士,我们可以了解到什么?对话开头男士提到今天的嘉宾Anna Sanchez是三届奥运会冠军(a three-time Olympic champion),因此A选项“她是名出色的运动员”正确。B选项“她是一位著名的演说家”和D选项“她是一位著名的发明家”在录音中没有信息提及;C选项“她是一位著名的科学家”,主要是利用录音中提到的science和scientific设干扰,录音中女士虽然提及科学,但这是为了说明科技对体育的影响,并不是说明女士的身份,因此不正确。2. What is the womans book mainly about?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问女士的书主要讲什么?女士说这本书是关于科学和技术如何促使人类达到身体能力的极限。D选项“技术如何帮助运动员达到新的高度”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“人类生物化学知识是如何进化的”和B选项“营养如何帮助运动员在比赛中的表现”虽然在录音中有所提及,但不是这本书的主要内容,因此均可排除; C选项“科学的训练如何使运动员创造新的纪录”,录音中并没有提到training(训练),因此C选项也可排除。3. What has changed in the past thousands of years?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问在过去的几千年里发生了什么变化。女士提到,虽然人类的身体几千年来都没有改变,但改变的是科学知识(scientific knowledge),因此B选项“我们的科学知识”正确。A选项“我们的身体结构”,录音中明确提及人类身体是没有发生改变的,因此排除A选项;C选项“我们的生化过程”和D选项“我们的营养观念”,录音中提及的是:如今关于人类生化学、营养学和力学的知识已发生变化。变化的是知识,并不是过程和观念,因此均不正确。4. What is the mans concern about the use of technology in sports competitions?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问的是关于在体育比赛中科技的运用,男士担心什么?录音最后,男士问是否有人担心科技会给一些运动员带来对其他运动员来说不公平的优势(an unfair advantage over others),C选项“它可能给一些运动员不公平的优势”与原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“可能增加体育比赛的费用”;B选项“可能导致运动员对设备的过度依赖”和D选项“可能会改变体育比赛的性质”在录音中均未提及,因此排除。5. 单选题( )the bribery allegations, Switzerlands sports minister has announced his own inquiry into how these associations are run.问题1选项A.In the hope ofB.In the wake ofC.In the light ofD.In the sight of【答案】C【解析】考查介词短语辨析。in the hope of “怀着的希望”;in the wake of “随着而来,作为的结果”;in the light of “鉴于,依据,按照”;in the sight of “在看来,从的观点看”。句意:根据受贿指控,瑞士体育部长宣布亲自调查这些协会的运行状况。选项C符合题意。6. 单选题The poor old man was( )with diabetes and without proper treatment he would lose his eyesight and become crippled very soon.问题1选项A.sufferedB.afflictedC.inducedD.infected【答案】B【解析】考查动词词组固定搭配。be afflicted with “受折磨”。句意:这位贫穷的老人受着糖尿病的折磨,如果没有合理的治疗,他很快会失去视力并且残疾。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Job candidates can respond freely due to its open-ended nature.B.Job candidates rarely take it seriously.C.Job seekers often feel at a loss where to start in answering it.D.Job seekers tend to have a ready answer.问题2选项A.Do their best to impress the interviewer.B.Follow their career coaches guidelines.C.Strive to take control of their narrative.D.Repeat the information on their resume.问题3选项A.To produce examples for different interview questions.B.To identify a broad general strength to elaborate on.C.To reflect on their past achievements as well as failures.D.To discuss important details they are going to present.问题4选项A.Getting acquainted with the human resources personnel.B.Tailoring their expectations to the companys long-term goal.C.Finding out why the company provides the job opening.D.Figuring out what benefits the company is able to offer them.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C【解析】Recording Three“Tell me about yourself” may seem like an easy job interview question. 22 But the open-ended nature of this question often leaves job seekers at a loss where to start.This common question is actually a critical test of a job candidates communication skills. So its important not to give an unprepared response or mess it up. “Tell me about yourself” is often the first question professional career coaches prepare people for when they give interview guidance. Its the opportunity for the candidate to take control of the narrative and tell their story in a way that really matters to their audience. It takes hard work and extensive preparation to answer this question well.When a person goes to a job interview, their interviewer has presumably read their resume, so they dont need to repeat the information. 23 But thats what most people will do as its their instinct to recite things that are already on their resume. Its important for job seekers to do their homework on two crucial aspects.First, they are not just telling someone the fact about themselves; they are telling a story and stories take work to create. Coming up with a good story means getting reflective about what made their career accomplishments, something theyre proud of, and what strengths those accomplishments highlight. Candidates shouldnt pick a broad general strength to elaborate on such as “Im smart”, “I work hard” and “I get things done”. 24 To come up with multiple career accomplishments or examples for different interview questions, job seekers should talk with others, especially people who know thempartners, friends or co-workerswho will bring up different stories than the ones they remember.Secondly, 25 candidates should know whats at stake for the company with this job opening. What they really are asking you is “Tell me why you are going to help me”. If the person is a prepared candidate, they should have already figured out those thingsthey read the job description and researched the company on the Internet. What job applicants ought to be looking for is what the company is up to you, what theyre trying to accomplish and what is preventing them from accomplishing those things.How long should it take to answer? Around a minute. Thats about right for most peoples attention spans. Under a minute could seem rushed, while over two minutes will start to feel more like a speech. But the length of the answer is not an exact science, and candidates need to keep their career story focused and tailored to their audience.22. What does the speaker say about the job interview question “Tell me about yourself”?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问对于求职面试问题“请介绍一下你自己”,说话者是怎么说的?录音开头提到,“请介绍一下你自己”这个问题是开放性的,经常导致求职者不知从何说起,C选项“求职者经常不知道从哪里开始回答这个问题”与原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“因为该问题是开放性的,所以求职者可以自由回答”,录音中提及千万不要在没有准备的情况下给出回答,因此A选项不正确;B选项“求职者很少认真对待”在录音中没有信息提及;D选项“求职者通常有一个准备好的回答”与录音表述恰好相反,因此排除。23. What will most people do when they come to a job interview?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问当参加工作面试时,大多数人会怎么做?录音说,大多数人出于本能地背诵简历上的内容。D选项中的Repeat是对录音原文中recite的同义替换,因此正确。A选项“尽力给面试官留下好印象”是面试需要做的事情,但不是大多数人会做的事情,与题干不符,因此不正确;B选项“遵循职业教师的指导”利用career coaches设置干扰,录音中并没有提及大多数人会听从职业教师的意见,因此不正确;C选项“努力控制他们的叙述”,录音说到“介绍一下自己”这个问题是个掌控谈话场面的机会,但不是大多数人能做到的事情,因此也可排除。24. Why should job seekers talk with partners, friends and co-workers?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问求职者为什么要与合作伙伴、朋友和同事交谈?录音提到,要为不同的面试题目提供自己在工作上的若干个成就或例子,求职者应与他人交流,特别是熟悉他们的人,如工作伙伴、朋友或同事,他们能提供与求职者记忆中不同的故事。A选项“为不同的面试问题提供例子”是对此信息的概括,因此正确。B选项“确定一个笼统的优点来阐述”是说话者否定的做法,因此不正确;C选项“对过去的成就及失败进行反思”和D选项“讨论他们要介绍的重要细节”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。25. What other important preparations should job seekers make before an interview?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问求职者在面试前还应做哪些重要准备?在谈及第二个关键方面时,录音说到,求职者应了解这个职位空缺对公司的利害关系是什么,公司其实想问的是,“跟我说说你为什么能帮助我?”C选项“弄清楚公司为何提供这个职位空缺”与原文内容表述相符,因此正确。A选项“熟悉人力资源人员”;B选项“根据公司的长期目标调整自己的期待值”和D选项“弄清楚公司能为他们提供什么福利”在录音中均没有信息提及。8. 单选题While its true that techniques of active listening can ( ) the value of lecture, few students possess such skills at the beginning of their college careers.问题1选项A.enhanceB.enlargeC.accessD.exaggerate【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。enhance “提高,加强,增加”;enlarge “扩大,增大”;access “使用;存取;接近”;exaggerate “夸张”。句意:积极倾听能够提高演讲的价值,但是很少有大学生在入学之初就有这样的技能。选项A符合题意。9. 单选题Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Few of us can ignore changes in our immediate environment.B.It is impossible for us to be immune from outside influence.C.Few of us can remain unaware of what happens around us.D.It is important for us to keep in touch with our own world.问题2选项A.Make up his mind to start all over again.B.Stop making unfair judgements of others.C.Try to find a more exciting job somewhere else.D.Recognise the negative impact of his coworkers.问题3选项A.They are quite susceptible to suicide.B.They improve peoples quality of life.C.They suffer a great deal from ill health.D.They help people solve mental problems.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C【解析】Recording TwoWe are very susceptible to the influence of the people around us. For instance, you may have known somebody who has gone overseas for a year or so and has returned with an accent perhaps. We become part of our immediate environment. 19 None of us are immune to the influences of our own world and let us not kid ourselves that we are untouched by the things and the people in our life. Fred goes off to his new job at a factory. Fred takes his ten-minute coffee break, but the other workers take a half-an-hour. Fred says, “Whats the matter with you guys?” Two weeks later, Fred is taking twenty-minute breaks. A month later, Fred takes his half-hour. Fred is saying, “If you cant beat them, join them. Why should I work any harder than the next guy?”The fascinating thing about being human is that generally we are unaware that there are changes taking place in our mentality. It is like returning to the citys smog after some weeks in the fresh air. Only then do we realize that we have become accustomed to the nasty smells. Mix with critical people, and we learn to criticize. Mix with happy people, and we learn about happiness. What this means is that we need to decide what we want from life and then choose our company, accordingly. You may well say, “That is going to take some effort. It may not be comfortable. I may offend some of my present company.” Right, but it is your life. 20 Fred may say, “Im always broke, frequently depressed. Im going nowhere, and I never do anything exciting.” Then we discover that Freds best friends are always broke, frequently depressed,going nowhere and wishing that life was more exciting. This is not coincidence, nor is it our business to stand in judgment of Fred. However, if Fred ever wants to improve his quality of life, 20 the first thing hell need to do is recognize what has been going on all these years.21 Its no surprise that doctors as a profession suffer a lot of ill health because they spend their lives around sick people. Psychiatrists have a higher incidence of suicide in their profession for related reasons. Traditionally, nine out of ten children whose parents smoke, smoke themselves. Obesity is in part an environmental problem. Successful people have successful friends, and so the story goes on.19. What does the speaker say about us as human beings?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问说话人提出的关于人类的观点是什么?说话人说到,我们谁也不能不受我们所在世界的影响,B选项“人不受外界影响是不可能的”是对录音原文的转述,因此正确。A选项“很少人能忽略我们自身所在环境的变化”和C选项“很少人能忽略我们身边发生的事情”都是强调人们察觉到外界环境的变化,但录音中主要讲的是我们很少会意识到自己心态上的变化,因此A选项和C选项可排除;D选项“保持和世界的联系很重要”不属于说话人的观点,因此也可排除。20. What does the speaker say Fred should do first to improve his quality of life?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问说话人认为Fred先得做什么才能提高生活质量?录音中提及如果Fred想要改善他的生活质量,他首先需要做的是认识到这些年来发生了什么。这篇文章的主题就是人们受到自身所处环境的影响,所以说话人的言下之意是让Fred认识到身边的人带给他的负面影响。因此,D选项“认识到身边的人带来的负面影响”正确。A选项“下定决心一切从头再来”;B选项“停止不公平地评判他人”和C选项“去别的地方找份更令人振奋的工作”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。21. What does the speaker say about psychiatrists?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于精神病医生,说话人说了什么?说话人先说到医生这个职业会遭受很多健康问题(suffer a lot of ill health),接着指出在医生职业中,精神病医生的自杀率更高。由此可见,精神病医生也遭受着很多健康问题。C选项“他们的健康状况不佳”符合录音原文,因此正确。A选项“他们很容易自杀”属于过度推断,录音中只是说自杀率更高,并不是说他们很容易自杀,因此不正确;B选项“他们提高了人们的生活质量”,在录音中没有信息提及;D选项“他们帮助人们解决心理问题”是一般性的常识,不属于说话人的看法,因此排除。10. 单选题In his will, the millionaire( )nearly all his fortunes to the housemaid who took care of him in his last days.问题1选项A.inheritedB.bequeathedC.owedD.remitted【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。inherit “继承(遗产)等”;bequeath “将(财物等)遗赠给”;owe “感恩;亏欠”;remit “宽恕;汇款”。句意:在他的遗嘱中,这个百万富翁将他几乎全部的财产留给了在他最后日子里照顾他的女佣。选项B符合题意。11. 单选题When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his ( ) can be distributed.问题1选项A.paradoxesB.legaciesC.platitudesD.analogies【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。paradoxes矛盾;legacies遗产;platitudes陈词滥调;analogies类比,类似。句意:当一个人死后,他的债务必须在他的遗产被分配之前得到偿还。选项B符合句意。12. 单选题Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another and helps( )rigid departmental boundaries.问题1选项A.pass overB.stand forC.break downD.set off【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。pass over “越过,忽略”;stand for “代表,支持”;break down “分解,失败”;set off “出发,引起”。句意:这种方法迫使经理们相互交流,并且有助于跨越严格的部门界限。选项A符合题意。13. 翻译题世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种 生物的演化历史。第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果,这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己动手去操作,自己细心体察。这样。他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥秘。【答案】The first generation of museums is nature museum in the world, which shows people the evolution of the earth and the living things with fossils and samples specimen. The second generation of museums is museums of industrial technology, which show the stage effects of industrial civilization. These two museums play the role of spreading science and knowledge, but the visitors are treated as passive spectators.The third generation of museums is museums of total new ideas, where the visitors can operate the displayed objects and observe everything carefully. In this way, they are more close to the advanced technology and are able to explore the secrets of science and technology.14. 单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.She can devote all her life to pursuing her passion.B.Her accumulated expertise helps her to achieve her goals.C.She can spread her academic ideas on a weekly TV show.D.Her research findings are widely acclaimed in the world.问题2选项A.Provision of guidance for nuclear labs in Europe.B.Touring the globe to attend science TV shows.C.Overseeing two research groups at Oxford.D.Science education and scientific research.问题3选项A.A better understanding of a subject.B.A stronger will to meet challenges.C.A broader knowledge of related fields.D.A closer relationship with young people.问题4选项A.By applying the latest research methods.B.By making full use of the existing data.C.By building upon previous discoveries.D.By utilizing more powerful computers.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B【解析】Conversation OneM: You are a professor of physics at the University of Oxford, youre a senior adviser at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, you also seem to tour the globe tirelessly giving talks. And, in addition, you have your own weekly TV show on science. Where do you get the energy?W: 1 Oh, well, I just love what I do. Im extremely fortunate to have this life, doing what I love doing.M: Professor, what exactly is your goal? Why do you do all of this?W: Well, as you said, I do have different things going on, but these I think, can be divided into two groups: 2 the education of science and the further understanding of science.M: Dont these two things get in the way of each other? What I mean is, doesnt giving lectures take time away from the lab?W: Not really. No. I love teaching, and I dont mind spending more time doing that, now than in the past. Also, what I will say is that 3 teaching a subject helps me comprehend it better myself. I find that it furthers my own knowledge when I have to explain something clearly, when I have to aid others in understanding it, and when I have to answer questions about it. Teaching at a high level can be very stimulating for anyone, no matter how much expertise they may already have in the field they are instructing.M: Other any scientific breakthroughs that you see on the near horizon? A significant discovery or invention we can expect soon.W: The world is always conducting science and there are constantly new things being discovered. In fact, right now 4 we have too much data sitting in computers. For example, we have thousands of photos of planet Mars taken by telescopes that nobody has ever seen. We have them, yet nobody has had time to look at them with their own eyes, let alone analyze them.1. Why does the woman say she can be so energetic?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问为什么这位女士说她能如此精力充沛?男士问女士那么多的精力从何而来,女士回答说她就是热爱自己所从事的事业,并且感到非常幸运能够拥有这样充实的生活,做自己喜欢的事情,A选项“她可以奉献一生去追求她所热爱的事情”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。B选项“她积累的专业知识帮助她实现了自己的目标”在录音中没有提及;C选项“她可以在每周的电视节目上传播她的学术思想”,利用录音中的weekly TV show设干扰,录音中并没有提及“传播她的学术思想”,因此不正确;D选项“她的研究成果在世界上广受赞誉”属于过度推断,录音内容并未涉及到这一点。2. What has the woman been engaged in?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问的是女士从事的工作。录音中女士明确说到她同时


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