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人教版2019-2020届七年级英语上学期期末测试题D卷一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)1. (10分) (2016七下淮安期中) 阅读下文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。BLovely dog aged 5Im moving and cant take him with me. Very friendly with children.Id like to give it away (赠送) t o a good home.Tel: 863196Nice dresses on sale150 dollars (美元) for adults (成人), 70 dollars for children, and you will pay 20 dollars less if you buy two dresses.Address: Second StreetTel: 569832Welcome to HILOs StoreTake an old pair of shoes to us before September 30 and you will pay ten dollars less for any new pair of HILO shoes. Your old shoes will be sent to people in need.Address: Stone streetTel: 245591 245683(1) You neednt pay if you want to get _. A . a pair of shoesB . a womens dressC . a girls dressD . a lovely dog(2) Mrs. Evans is interested in the dresses, so she may call _. A . 863196B . 569832C . 245591D . 245683(3) Mrs. Evens has to pay _ if she wants to buy two dresses, one for herself and the other for her 7-year-old daughter. A . $150B . $190C . $200D . $220(4) You can _ with your old shoes if you buy a new pair in HILOs Store. A . pay $10 lessB . pay less than $10C . pay only $10D . pay nothing at all(5) You can probably see the three ads above in _ . A . lettersB . newspapersC . dictionaries (字典)D . students books2. (10分) A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman carrying a large box. It was half in and half out of her car. So the man went up and said, “The box looks very heavy. Let me give you a hand.”“Thats very kind of you,” the woman said, “Im having a lot of trouble with it. Maybe it sticks (卡住) in the car door.”“Together well soon move it,” the man said. “Ill get in and take the other end.” And he got in the car.“Right,” the man said. “Im ready,” and he began to push the box hard.For several minutes, the man and the woman tried to move the box. Soon they felt very tired.They rested for a moment. Then the woman said, “Lets try again. One, two, three!” They went on moving the box.At last, when they were exhausted, the man said, “Im sorry, but I dont think theres any way to get it out of your car.”“Get it out?” the woman cried. “Im trying to get it in! You know?”(1) Where did this story happen?A . At a bank.B . In a shop.C . In the street.D . In the womans car.(2) Who got in the car to move the box?A . The woman.B . The man.C . Both of them.D . Neither of them.(3) The underlined word “exhausted” means “_” in Chinese.A . 精疲力竭的B . 激动的C . 充满希望的D . 沮丧的(4) Which of the following is TRUE about the story?A . The man stuck in the car door.B . The woman asked the man for help.C . The man refused to help the woman.D . The woman tried to get the box into the car.(5) What do you think of the man?A . He is a helpful man.B . He looks very strong.C . He is funny and stupidD . He likes to play jokes3. (8分) (2017九上吴江期末) 阅读理解If you want to become a better reader, what should you know about speed of reading?Some people read very rapidly(快速地),while others read very slowly. But which one is better?The rapid reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down enough to read directions carefully. He may read so rapidly that he does not take time to understand fully the ideas and information which are important to remember.The slow reader may be a good reader when he reads directions for making something. But he may spend too much time in reading a simple story which is meant to be enjoyed but is not important enough to be remembered.So, you see, either a rapid reader or a slow reader is not really a good one. If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about speed of reading.1 Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.2 Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing something, science and history books, and Maths problems. You must read such things slowly or remember each important step and understand each important idea.3 Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, letters from friends and bits of news from hometown papers.4 In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.(1) Instruction books should be read .A . slowlyB . rapidlyC . either rapidly or slowlyD . neither rapidly nor slowly(2) What should be read rapidly?A . Directions for making something.B . Maths problems.C . Science and history books.D . Storybooks, newspapers, personal letters, etc.(3) What is the important thing you should keep in mind about speed of reading?A . To read as fast as you can.B . To fit your reading speed to your needs.C . To read as slowly as possible.D . To keep your reading at a certain speed.(4) Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?A . Something about Careful ReadingB . Be a Rapid ReaderC . How to ReadD . How to Be a Slow Reader二、 情景对话 (共2题;共20分)4. (10分) It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul. Beautiful and bright eyes not only show a good health but also make you look very attractive. However, to have healthy eyes you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need everyday attention.Pay more attention to your diet. First, eat food that is good for your eyes. They are fresh fruits and vegetables as fish, eggs, and milk. Besides, a regular amount of vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.A regular and sound sleep is a must. It relaxes the eye muscles(肌肉)and gives them the rest required. Sleep not only helps the body to repair its tired tissues (组织). Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eye.You must exercise your eyes every day. Blink (眨眼) yours eyes at regular periods, which makes the eyeballs watery, and gives them a good wash.We use our eyes in many unnoticeable and wrong ways. Fox example, if a small thing goes into our eye we start rubbing it, which is wrong. Rubbing can cause damage(伤害) to your eyes. Dont read or write in poor or bright sunlight. Always use sunglasses as sunlight can cause eye tiredness. Light should not shine directly in your eyes. Too much reading, writing, watching television or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness.Remember to always take care of Gods most beautiful gift to you. Your life will be very colorless without your eyes._to keep your eyes healthyEating food that is good for your eyes,_as fresh fruits, vegetables and food high in protein(蛋白质).Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly.SleepHaving a regular and sound sleep is_Reducing loss of_Eye _Having your eyes exercised every day.Blinking your eyes at regular periods.Eye usingIts _to rub your eye when something goes in.Read or write in soft sunlight.Light should never shine in your eyes in a _way.Take a _after reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer.Eye_matters(影响) a lot5. (10分) 请阅读下面各小题,从方框中选择适当的短语填空,并将其序号填写到答题卷的相应位置。每个词语限用一次。A. With the help ofB. complain aboutC. a good experienceD. providedwithE. pickupF. later onG. anybody elseH. all the timeI. in whiteJ. woke up_Lucy volunteers at a school. Its _for her because she wants to be a teacher._Lets keep the secret between us .I wont tell it to _ ._ the policeman, the Blacks finally found their lost cat on the street ._Who is that man _ ?He is the world champion we talked about just now ._Some old people have nothing better to do than to _their unhappiness ._I _several times during the night .Whats wrong with you ?_My company _me _a car .Oh , youre a lucky dog ._I dropped my book on the floor . Could you please help me _ it _?Wait a minute ._How cold the weather is today !Yes , and itll be even colder _ ._Children cant depend on their parents _ .三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分) Linda is a 15-year old American girl. She is outgoing and likes making friends. Her parents are very 1 .They have no tome to stay with Linda, 2she spends a lot of time on the Internet(网络) every day. She likes3 with other people on QQ and her QQ name is Lily.Last year, Linda got to know a young man on the Internet. 4 name is Mike. Mike is 18 years old. He lives 5 Toronto, Canada. He is very friendly and6He likes to tell jokes and makes Linda happy. Linda talked with him on QQ for long hours every night. A few days later, Mike posted a7 of himself(他自己) to Linda. He is 8 and good-looking in the photo. Linda likes him very much and they become good friends.Last month, Lindas parents went to Toronto for a meeting (会议). Linda wanted to visit his friend Mike. She asked her parents to 9her there. When Linda arrived at Mikes house, she found her 10was only a nine-year-old boy .He wasnt that tall man in the photo. How surprised Linda was! (1)A . friendly B . young C . busy D . shy (2)A . so B . because C . but D . And (3)A . running B . singing C . cooking D . talking (4)A . My B . His C . Your D . Her (5)A . on B . in C . with D . at (6)A . successful( 成功的) B . boring C . with D . funny (7)A . cimera B . photo C . book D . movie (8)A . ugly B . heavy C . tall D . short (9)A . take B . stop C . wait D . study (10)A . teacher B . cousin C . friend D . student 四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分) (1) The baby has only two _ , so he can not eat meat.(2) - Are your students _ in geography?- Yes. Because its very useful.(3) -How often do you go to visit your grandparents?- _ a month.(4) Norman Bethune gave his life to _ the Chinese people.(5) It rained _, so he didnt go to work yesterday.(6) He has _ English in this school since he came to Hainan.(7) Help _ to some cakes and bread, Tom.(8) -Who is the winner of the long jump?- Peter is. He jumps _ of all the students.(9) Nothing in the world is _ if you decide to do it.(10) Think over before you make a _.五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)8. (5分) 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _9. (1分) In s_, nature wakes up from her long winter sleep. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共3分)10. (3分) 根据图片及提示语, 仿照所给例子, 编写对话。例: their pencils;schoolbagWhere are their pencils?They are in the schoolbag.(1) your dog; table_(2) two girl; bed_(3) Helens books;bookcase_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略二、 情景对话 (共2题;共20分)4、答案:略5、答案:略三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)6、答案:略四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)7、答案:略五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)8、答案:略9、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共3分)10、答案:略

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