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译林牛津版中考英语真题试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空 Ones education starts from family, especially 1his or her mother. Here is a story that happened in my childhood.One Saturday morning, I was watching TV in the living room with my two brothers. My mum 2several apples of different colors and sizes. She put all the apples on the table, then 3me and my younger brothers, Which do you like? 4my younger brothers and I wanted the biggest one. 5I could say The biggest one, one of my brothers stood up and said what I wanted to say.My mum 6the biggest apple and said to us, It is 7to get the biggest apple. Many people want the best thing, but few really get it. Now lets start a 8. Look at the lawn(草坪) in front of our 9. Ill divide it into three parts. Each of you must finish pruning(修剪) 10own share. The best and quickest one will be 11the biggest apple. I won the apple finally.Since then, I have learned to try my best to succeed whenever I get a chance. I work 12to get what I want. That was what my mother advised me to do. I feel very thankful to my mum because she taught me a very basic but the most 13lesson. It is quite fair that we can get what we want 14competing. My mother kept teaching us in this way and we followed her 15all the time.I do believe that mother is the first teacher of children, who can teach them to be a No.1 pursuing person.(1)A . At B . For C . from D . in (2)A . wanted B . drew C . hid D . brought (3)A . told B . answered C . replied D . asked (4)A . All B . Both C . Neither D . Either (5)A . Before B . When C . Until D . After (6)A . ate up B . looked up C . picked up D . gave up (7)A . good B . strange C . bad D . polite (8)A . lesson B . party C . conversation D . competition (9)A . school B . church C . house D . library (10)A . my B . our C . your D . their (11)A . sent B . given C . shown D . shared (12)A . hard B . carelessly C . easily D . comfortably (13)A . expensive B . important C . difficult D . traditional (14)A . on B . without C . about D . by (15)A . advice B . example C . decision D . plan 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共33分)2. (10分)阅读理解 One of the most famous buildings in the United States is Carnegie Hall, the home of classical and popular music concerts in New York. Carnegie Hall is known not just for its beauty and history, but also for its amazing sound. It has been said that the hall itself is an instrument. It takes the music and makes it larger than life. Carnegie Hall is named after Andrew Carnegie, who paid for its construction. He was a wealthy man who also gave a lot of money to schools and public libraries. Construction on Carnegie Hall began in 1890 and the official opening night was on May 5, 1891.The hall was owned by the Carnegie family until 1924 when it was sold to Robert E. Simon. The building became very old and in 1960, the new owner made plans to destroy it and build an office block. Isaac Stem led a group of people who fought to save Carnegie Hall and finally, the city of New York bought it for $5 million. It was then fixed up between 1983 and 1995.In 1986, people realized that Carnegie Hall had never kept proper records of its history. Advertisements and stories in newspapers about how Carnegie Hall needed help to recover its history led people to send in old concert programmes and information from all over the world. Over 12,000 concert programmes were received and with these it was possible to make a proper record of Carnegie Halls concert history.Because the best and most famous musicians of all time have played at Carnegie Hall, it is the dream of most musicians who want to be great to play there. This has led to a very old joke which is now part of Carnegie Halls history. Question: How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Answer: Practise, practise, practise.(1)What do music lovers expect in Carnegie Hall? A . Musical concerts presented by first class performers.B . Exhibits and photographs of historical events.C . Musicians practicing for opportunities to play.D . People dancing merrily at parties.(2)What is the correct order of the following events? a. Robert E. Simon bought it in 1924. b. Carnegie Hall got its name. c. Carnegie Hall recovered its history.d. New York City paid $5,000,000 for it. e. Construction on Carnegie Hall began in 1890. A . a; c; b; d; e;B . e; d; c; a; bC . e; b; a; d; cD . a; e; c; d; b(3)How long did it take Carnegie Hall to be fixed up? A . 9 years.B . 10 years.C . 11 years.D . 12 years.(4)How did Carnegie Hall recover its concert history? A . Through newspaper reports.B . Through old concert programmes.C . Through old photographs.D . Through old jokes.(5)Why is the Carnegie Hall joke funny? A . Because you expect the answer to be directions and not advice.B . Because Carnegie Hall is a place where performers practice a lot.C . Because it is difficult to find your way to Carnegie Hall.D . Because you dont expect the same word to be repeated three times.3. (10分)阅读理解 There are some school rules in Sunny Middle School. The students have different ideas about them. Lets have a look. Jack: Some of them are too strict. Dont give a call between classes. Dont ride a bike at school.Lucy: I dont think some of them are good. Dont be late. Dont eat food between classes. Girls cant wear miniskirts in summer.Maria: Some of them are good for our study and life. Keep the classroom clean every day.Boys hair must be short. Girls long hair must be tied up. Wear school uniforms on school days.(1)Who is happy about the school rules? A . Jack.B . Lucy.C . Maria.D . Jack and Lucy.(2)Jack thinks the rule of not riding a bike at school is . A . interestingB . easyC . goodD . strict(3)The word miniskirt means in Chinese. A . 长裙B . 超短裙C . 外衣D . 长裤(4)Which of the following is NOT allowed (被允许) in Sunny Middle School? A . Jack has short hair at school.B . Lucy never takes food with her to school.C . Maria wears the school uniform to school.D . Jack calls his friends between classes.(5)What is the main topic (主题) of the passage? A . Family rules.B . School rules.C . Traffic rules.D . School subjects.4. (8分)阅读理解 Writing is a much newer invention than talking. Nobody knows when people first began to talk, but so far as we know, they did not begin to write until seven or eight thousand years ago.In Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China, and later in Palestine and Greece, people began to make marks and pictures with sticks and sharp stones from which others, or they themselves later, could see what they had thought.These early records were the beginning of writing. The first writing was picture writing. Here are some early Chinese picture words. Can you see what they represent (代表)? Later Chinese writing is less like pictures than the earlier writing was, but we can see the pictures in some of its words. For example:In picture writing, each picture represents a word; you need a different picture or mark for each word.In presentday Chinese writing most of the marks are not pictures of anything, and a reader has to learn how the Chinese write about two thousands of these words before being able to read a newspaper.With some of these marks you may be able to see what the idea is, For example:The sun and the moon. Its meanings are: bright and open.A man and two marks. One of the meanings is humanity.(1)When did people begin to write? A . Seven or eight hundred years ago.B . Before people first began to talk.C . Seven or eight thousand years ago.(2)Which of the following is the earliest Chinese picture word? A . B . C . (3)What does the in the passage mean? A . Day and night.B . Bright and open.C . Humanity.(4)Whats the passage mainly about? A . The history of Chinese writing.B . When Chinese people began to write.C . How the Chinese began to talk.5. (5分)Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank. Mr Jones was ninety, so it was difficult for him to remember things. But he still liked travelling very much, so he and his wife went to Spain for a holiday every year. (One summer when they were there, they went to visit some friends. One of them had two daughters. One afternoon Mr Jones was talking with one of the girls in the garden after lunch. You and your sister were badly ill when my wife and I were here last year, werent you? He said to her. Yes, we were, answered the girl. We were badly ill. The old man said nothing for a moment, because he was thinking. Then at last he said, Oh, yes, I remember now! One of you died. Which one of you was it, you or your sister?The girl answered, It was me.Oh, Im sorry to hear that, said the old man. Mr Jones was too _ to remember things. He and his wife went to Spain to _ a holiday. When they were in Spain, they _some of their friends. One afternoon when Mr Jones was _with one of his friends daughters, he remembered that the girl and her sister were badly ill last year. But he couldnt remember who died. The girl played a _on him and told him that she died last year. 三、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)Dont p_children from asking strange questions. This can improve their ability of thinking. 四、 选词填空 (共1题;共7分)7. (7分)从方框中选择恰当的单词补全句子。 ourselves work camera nervous space return weak(1)Many people feel _ public (公共场合). (2)We will _ to the US tomorrow. (3)He wants to take a trip to _. (4)I like taking photos, so I want to buy a _. (5)The little boy is very _. He cannot lift the light box up. (6)My watch doesnt _. The time isnt right. (7)We enjoyed _ at the dancing party last night. 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)8. (25分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Its Monday today. When Alice gets up in the morning, she finds everything is white. Its snowing. It looks very cold. So she puts on a warm sweater. After having some milk and bread for breakfast, she wants to ride her bike to school. But her mom tells her not to do that because theres too much snow on the road. Then she walks to school. Theres a P. E. class on Monday. Alice is very happy because she can play with snow with her friends. (1)What day is it today? (2)Hows the weather? (3)What does Alice have for breakfast? (4)Does Alice ride a bike or walk to school? (5)Why is Alice very happy? 六、 完成句子 (共2题;共12分)9. (2分)他需要一些苹果。 He _apples.10. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 My family makes the best chicken salad. Dad prepares all of the ingredients and Mom makes the relish. There_a few things that make this chicken salad different from other chicken salad. First, we use fruit jam in the relish. You can buy any fruit jam, like banana jam or orange jam. But we have bottles of strawberry jam that my mother made, so we use strawberry jam. _(two), we put some green olives(橄榄). Green olives give the salad_interesting taste and make a big_(different). Now let me tell you how_(make)the salad. First, mix_all of the salad ingredients in a large bowl. The ingredients are_(chicken), tomatoes, green olives, onions and apples. _you like lettuce, you can also put some. Next, make the relish. Please mix the jam, the juice and the salt. Finally, mix the relish with the salad ingredients. Do you have a favorite chicken salad recipe? Please tell_(we)about it. You can write_greensaladyahoo.com.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)随着科技的发展,我们可以预见,在未来生活中机器人也很有可能进入普通人家庭。请根据以下问题的提示,写一篇短文,描述你对家用机器人的想象。 问题提示:1)what will a home robot look like in the future?2)What can a home robot do for your family?3)How will your life change if you have a honte robot?注意:1)所写的短文中,应包含以上三个提问的答案,可适当增加内容;2)词数:80词左右。开头已给出,只需接着写。开头部分不计人总词数。My Home Robot in the FutureWith the development of science, its possible to have a home robot in the future. 第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共33分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、三、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)6-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共7分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、7-6、7-7、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、六、 完成句子 (共2题;共12分)9-1、10-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)11-1、


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