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安徽省英语中考试试卷(无听力)A卷 一、 听下面5段对话。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)What do we learn from the conversation? A . Henry doesnt like the color.B . Someone else painted the house.C . Henry painted the house himself.2. (2分)听对话和问题,选出正确答案( ) A . Math.B . Chinese.C . Science.3. (2分)Where does Dick plan to work in the future? A . In Australia.B . In America.C . In China.4. (2分)Where are they going? A . To the teahouse.B . To the cinema.C . To the concert.5. (2分)How long does it take to get to the Summer Palace? A . About 5 minutes.B . About 10 minutes.C . About 15 minutes.二、 听较长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共14分)6. (10分)听对话,选择最佳答案 (1)What day is it today? A . Sunday.B . Saturday.C . Monday.(2)How will they go to Uncle Wangs factory? A . By car.B . By bike.C . On foot.(3)How far is Uncle Wangs factory from here? A . About one kilometer.B . About two kilometers.C . About three kilometers.(4)Whats wrong with Ann? A . She hurt her left leg.B . She hurt her right leg.C . She hurt her left arm.(5)At what time are they going to meet? A . 12:45.B . 12:15.C . 2:15.7. (4分)听一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 (1)How many students are there in Mikes class? A . 30.B . 40.C . 50.(2)What is on the teachers desk? A . A map.B . A book.C . A computer.三、 听独白,回答问题。 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的表格。每空一词。Smart WindowsFunction(功能)They can change from clear to dark and black again when people _them.Some FactsThey can make the world a _and comfortable place.People could _make the windows less bright to stay cool.Most people spend about _percent of their time indoors.They _of smart windows could mean that more energy can be saved.四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共33分)9. (10分) What is a library for? Most libraries have books and other things to read. Many of them have things to listen to. Some libraries even have computers. Very few people would think of a library as a place to live in.One library in New York City turned into(变成)a home for 250 people for a few days. These were all people near the library. They slept on the floor. Why did the people move into the library?The people moved into the library because the city wanted to close it to save money. These 250 New Yorkers loved their library. They didnt want to lose it. So they moved in. They knew that the library couldnt be closed if they were living inside it. At last the city agreed to keep the library open, and the people all went home.(1)Where did the story happen?_.A . In New York City.B . In a school in New York City.C . In the streets in New York City.D . In most libraries in New York City.(2)The library had hundreds of _.A . workers in itB . policemen in itC . people living in itD . computers in it(3)The people in the story _.A . were all the workers in the libraryB . were all people near the libraryC . didnt read any booksD . wanted to buy some computers(4)Why did 250 people move into the library? Because_.A . these people wanted to save moneyB . these people needed places to live inC . the library was very quietD . they loved the library and they didnt want to lose it(5)From the passage we know that _.A . the library was kept open at lastB . the library was closed because no one read in itC . the library became a home of these peopleD . the city saved a lot of money10. (8分)阅读理解BStudents in our school have a colorful school life. We have School Activity Week every year, On the wall of the teaching building are the posters from Grade 7, Grade 8 and Grade 9. Lets go and have a look!Be a Good Reader!Time: 13:30-16:30, Apr. 10thPlace: Reading HallImprove your reading skills and get new ways of reading.Learn more about nature.Increase your knowledge and make new friends.For Free!Grade SevenInvite Your Fatherto Join Us!Time: 09:00-12:00, Apr. 12thPlace: Meeting HallJoin in the one-month “stop smoking” challengeKnow about how to give up smokingAsk your father to join us!For Health!Grade EightRaise Moneyfor Children!Time: 14:00-17:00, Apr. 14thPlace: School PlaygroundSave 30% on everything.Come and buy pens, dictionary and other school things.Look forward to your coming.For Children!Grade Nine(1)We can see the posters on the _. A . deskB . blackboardC . wallD . playground(2)The “stop smoking” challenge lasts _. A . one weekB . one monthC . on termD . one year(3)When we take part in the activity on Apr. 10th, we can do the following activities expect _. A . buying school thingsB . getting new ways of readingC . improving reading skillsD . learning more about nature(4)If a pen in the shop is ten yuan, we can pay only _ yuan for it in our school on Apr. 14th. A . eightB . sevenC . threeD . two11. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。 Many people have dogs at home as pets. If a dog is happy, then he may want to meet you or play with you. If he doesnt feel happy, then he would rather stay alone. But dogs cant talk. How can you tell how your dog is feeling? By his body language.If your dogs head and back are lowered, his ears are down and his eyes are narrowed, and his tail is between his legs, then he is fearful. You may touch him gently to comfort him. If your dogs ears are up, his eyes are bright, and he wags his tail rapidly (快速地), he is very happy. He may also hold his mouth open more or even pant (气喘) mildly. Then you can go and play with him freely. If he closes his mouth and looks serious as you get closer, then he has changed his mind. It is better to leave him alone until he comes to you. Remember, we are talking about dogs that you know. Be sure a parent is around to allow you to get close to the dog. Get away from strange dogs even if they seem friendly.The most important clue (线索) is the mouth. If the dogs mouth is closed, then he is most likely to be not relaxed or happy, and he does not want you to touch or play with him right now.(1)The underlined word fearful in Paragraph 2 means _. A . joyfulB . afraidC . confidentD . angry(2)If a dog is happy and relaxed, _. A . his tail is upB . his ears are downC . his mouth is closedD . his eyes are narrowed(3)If you want to know a dogs feelings, the most important clue is the dogs _. A . noseB . backC . eyesD . mouth(4)What is the best title for this passage? A . Dogs body languageB . Dogs body partsC . Dogs different feelingsD . Keep away from dogs(5)We can probably find this passage in a _. A . storybookB . newspaperC . pet magazineD . travel guide12. (5分)根据短文后所给的任务,完成1-5小题.Moms A little boy invited his mother to the first teacherparent meeting in his elementary school . To his surprise, she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother. she was a beautiful woman , there was a scar(伤疤)that covered nearly the right side of her face .The boy never asked his mom why or how she got the scar.At the meeting, other people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother , but the little boy felt embarrassed(尴尬的) for his moms looks ,and hid himself from everyone. However ,he heard the conversation between his mother and his teacher.“How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.The mother replied, “When my son was a baby ,his room caught fire one day. Everyone was too afraid to get into the room, but I rushed into it. While I was running towards his bed ,a beam(横梁)fell down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked unconscious(失去知觉). 幸运的是,有人救了我们 。” She touched the burned side of her face . “But I have never regretted doing what I did ,”she added.Having heard that, the little boy was so moved(受感动的) that he ran towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged (拥抱)her and held her right hand tightly for the rest of the day.(1)在处填上一个适当的连词使句意完整、上下文通顺:_(2)将部分句画线译成汉语:_(3)将句画线部分译成英语:_(4)从文中找出两个形容词,对小孩情感的前后变化进行描述:_(5)在处填入一个适当的名词补全短文的标题:_五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。It is the first day of the new (新的) school term (学期). Some boys and girls have nice 1. Alan has a new blue T-shirt and a 2 of black shorts. Mike has new brown shoes. 3 is the girl in a red skirt? Oh, she is Cindy. “Hi, Cindy! Your red 4 is nice. How much is it?” Alice 5. “Thanks, Alice. I am sorry I dont 6. My mother buy it for 7,” Cindy answers. “And your new schoolbag is 8 nice.” “Thank you. It is on 9. I buy it 10 only 26 yuan. Look! Mr. Miller comes. Lets say hello to him.”(1)A . books B . desks C . clothes D . chairs (2)A . pair B . set C . box D . bag (3)A . How B . Who C . Where D . What (4)A . jacket B . sweater C . T-shirt D . skirt (5)A . thinks B . needs C . watches D . asks (6)A . know B . help C . find D . buy (7)A . you B . her C . me D . him (8)A . much B . very C . only D . always (9)A . sofa B . TV C . sale D . store (10)A . with B . at C . of D . for 六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)14. (1分)My _ (old) brother is as nice to me as my parents. 七、 根据下列句子及所给首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词 (共10题;共10分)15. (1分)Cant you see the s_on the wall? It says No smoking 16. (1分)Mike v_ at helping old people last summer vacation. 17. (1分)Miss Li found a(n)_(专职的) job after she came to the city. 18. (1分)The_(石头) is so heavy that I can t carry it 19. (1分)After I called him,he_(意识到)he was wrong 20. (1分)March is the _month in a year.21. (1分)All the students are p_ of the winners at the sports meeting. 22. (1分)Lucy bought two_(裙子) for her mother. 23. (1分)The Great Wall is one of the most famous _(奇观)in the world 24. (1分)The man is n_eighty, but he still keeps working on the farm 八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)在你的成长过程中,父亲会给你的一生带来很大的影响,请根据表格中的提示向读者介绍你的父亲,具体要求如下: My Father个人信息1975年9月10日出生;不高不矮;在当地医院做医生 兴趣爱好兴趣广泛, 尤喜阅读, 空闲时间经常和我一起阅读;最爱黄色, 因为希望成功时, 宁愿选择黄色性格特点精力充沛, 富有条理;充满爱心:照顾孤儿乐于助人:给我帮助悉心照料;分担忧愁; 帮我在学业和兴趣间取得平衡我的感受良师益友;注意:要点齐全,而且有适当拓展,但不得逐字翻译;条理清晰,语意连贯,字迹工整;词数100左右;不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。My FatherMy father has been an important person in my life and I can learn a lot from him.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 听下面5段对话。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听较长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共14分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、7-2、三、 听独白,回答问题。 (共1题;共5分)8-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共33分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)13-1、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)14-1、七、 根据下列句子及所给首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词 (共10题;共10分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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