12-What should I do-逐字稿

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12-What should I do-逐字稿_第1页
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12-What should I do-逐字稿_第3页
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great to stand here and interpret my lesson. Now I will begin my class.GreetingHello, boysandgirls.Welcome to my class! How are you today? I am fine, too. Are you happy? Yes, I am happy,too.Boysandgirls, what time is it? Yes! It is 9oclock! Its time for English class! Lead-in Now please stand up, clap your hands and sing together! “a is for apple /a/,/a/ apple b is boy /b/,/b/ /b/. c is for cat /k/,/k/ cat. D is dog /d/,/d/ dog”Today,youaredividedintofourgroups,group1,group2,group3andgroup4.Wewillhaveacompetition.Ifyoucandoagoodjob,you will getonestar.Fighting!Fighting!Fighting! PresentationBoys and girls, Look at my hand. So many cards in my hand. When I present the cards one by one, you should read the word in the card loudly. Are you clear? Yeah! Lets begin! The first one, who can? Linda, you please! nose Very good! One star for you. Next one, who can? Who can? Summer, you please! You put your hand really high! / emm. Boys and girls, do you think Summer is right? Coco, you please! Note Wonderful! One star for u. summer, please pay more attention to your pronunciation. The next one. Linda, five! Excellent! The next one. Coco, nine! Good! Boys and girls, the last one. together! Jones! Good!Now boys and girls,look at the blackboard, observe these these words carefully and find something in common. Are u clear? Lets begin. / Boys and girls, can u find anything in common? Coco, you please! Wonderful! All the words have “o and e”. woo! Coco, you are so careful! One star for u. ok! Now, lets underline “o and e”. now boys and girls. Please listen to the tape carefully and answer my questions: Question1:whats the pronunciation of “o”?Question2:whats the pronunciation of “e”? Are u clear? Ok! Ready? Go! Now, who can? Linda, you please!/ You said that “o” pronounces o。 boys and girls, is Linda right? Wonderful! Linda is right “o” pronounces o。Question2: whats the pronunciation of “e”? “e” pronounces 一?no? Summer, you please! Yes! E is quite! So boys and girls, “o” pronounces o and “e” pronounces 一ok, boys and girls. Now please listen to tape careful, while listening, please pay more attention to the pronunciation of “o”. one! Two! Go! / now, I will invite some of u to read these words. Any volunteers? Dont be shy. Just try! Tom, you please! Boys and girls, please be quiet and Listen to Tom carefully. Are u clear? Ok! Tom, you please!/ ok! Now, is Tom right? Who can tell us? Sarah, you please. I saw you put your hand really high! / oh, you think it should be nose nose/nose(升降调). wonderful! And your voice is so beautiful.Two stars for u! Boys and girls, please pay more attention to the pronunciation of o. any other volunteers? Lucy, you please! Boys and girls, is Lucy right? Lily, you please. You are shaking you head! Great! Jones,two stars for you! Boys and girl, you know practice makes perfect! So now lets do some exercise! Now, listen to the tape carefully and write the number of the word which contain “o” and end with “e”。 I will give u an example: number1. not. Number2. note . you should write down 2. are u clear? Ok. Ready? Go! / now times up. Who wants to share with us? Mike, you please! Emm. boys and girls, do you think Mike is right? Tom, you please! No, you think Mike is not right! very good!Any other volunteers? Tina, you please! Boys and girls, is Tina right? Tina is right! Very good! Two stars for your group!4.Oh! Boys and girls, Class is almost over. Who can tell us what we have learned today? Mike, you please! Yes! We have learned the pronunciation rules. You are so clever. Now lets see who is the winner? Group 2 have 10stars. So congratulations. (鼓掌).for todays homework you have two tasks after class: 1. Finish the exercise on your textbook2. Collect some words including “i” and end with “e”! Oh! Time flies. Class is over! Bey bey! Thats all. Thanks for your listening!

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