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译林牛津版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(不含听力材料)B卷一、 听小对话,选择正确的选项。 (共5题;共16分)1. (4分)请听一段长对话,根据对话内容回答下面2小题。(1)Which country did Kate visit last month?A . America.B . Australia.C . Canada.(2)How was her trip?A . Very nice.B . Not good.C . Just so-so.2. (2分)Where did the woman study English?A . In LondonB . In BeijingC . In New York3. (2分)选择正确的答案( )A . The tiger.B . The lion.C . The monkey.4. (2分)选出最佳选项( )A . By plane.B . Its tiring.C . In the USA5. (6分)听第二段对话,回答下面3小题。(1)What was Mike doing when Judy called him?A . Talking with his friend.B . Reading in the library.C . Staying in the bookstore.(2)Whats Judys phone number?A . 3764529.B . 3864529.C . 3764528.(3)What will Judy do later?A . Call again.B . Go to the bookstore.C . Visit Mike.二、 听较长对话,选择正确答案。 (共2题;共4分)6. (2分)How much should the woman pay for the tickets?A . 64 yuan.B . 72 yuan.C . 96 yuan.7. (2分)Where may the dialogue happen?A . In a hospital.B . In a restaurant.C . In a shop.三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)8. (8分)阅读理解 As an English child, I started school when I was five. I studied at this school when I was eleven and I will leave next year when I am 16. So I will spend 5 years at this school.The school year starts in September and ends in July. I have two weeks holiday in December, two weeks in April and six weeks in July and August. I also have one weeks holiday in February, June and October.In June next year, before I leave this school, I will take exams in 10 subjects. The exams are called GCSE. All children in England have to study English, mathematics, science and a foreign language. They can also choose some other subjects.Here is my timetable for this year. School ends at 3:15.TIMETABLEPupils name: Mike King8:459:2010:3511:5012:4012:502:00Mon.TUTOREnglishMathsLUNCHTUTORScienceITTues.GeographyEnglishScienceFrenchWed.FrenchCookingGeographyHistoryThur.GamesMathsFrenchEnglishFri.MathsEnglishHistoryClassicsHere is my diary for last week.Monday In English, we started reading the play called Macbeth by William Shakespeare - it is about a king in Scotland.Tuesday In geography, we are still learning about pollution. It is important but I am bored with it! Wednesday In history, my favorite subject, we are learning about medicine in the past. Next week we are going to a museum in London to see some old medical things. Thursday I went to the cinema with Tom after school.Friday I walked to school with Matthew and I gave him a football for his birthday. (1)In a school year, there are _ weeks holiday in all. A . 10B . 11C . 12D . 13(2)What foreign language does Mike choose this year? A . EnglishB . ItalianC . GermanD . French(3)Which of the following sentences is Not true? A . Mike usually has history twice a week.B . Macbeth is a play about a king in Scotland.C . Each student in England will have to learn science.D . Next week Mike is going to the museum to see some old pictures.(4)According to the passage, the writer thinks that_. A . Matthew will like the basketball as a birthday presentB . the geography lesson about pollution was important, but boringC . the students in England will leave the school without taking the examsD . he will spend 10 years at school before he goes to colleges or universities9. (10分) You cant see any object unless light from that object gets into your eyes. Some of the things you see give off light of their own. The sun, the stars, a lighted lamp are the examples that can be seen by their own light. But most of the things you see are not giving off light of their own. They are just reflecting(反射) light that falls on them from the sun or some other luminous bodies. The moon, for example, doesnt give off any light of its own. It is not luminous. You see it because sunlight falls on it and some of the sunlight reflects on the earth. So moonlight is only secondhand sunlight. When you look at a book, it sends some of the light which fails on it to your eyes, and you see the book. If light could be kept out from where youre so that there would be no light from the book to reflect. Then you couldnt see the book even with your eyes wide open. Light travels so fast that the time in which it travels from the book youre reading to your eyes is as short as if there were no time at time. Light reaches us from the moon, which is about 380, 000 kilometres away, in only a little more than a second.(1)You can see the book because_.A . your eyes are close to itB . it reflects some of the lightC . it has light of its ownD . it is big enough to be seen(2)The Chinese meaning of the word“luminous”is close to_.A . 闪光的B . 看不见的C . 发光的D . 明亮的(3)_has light of its own.A . The moonB . The earthC . The sunD . The satellite of Dong Fong Hong(4)Light travels about_kilometers per second.A . 300,000B . 100,000C . 400,000D . 190,000(5)Which of the following is TRUE?A . All the things you can see give off light.B . Light from the book is much faster than that from the moon.C . The moment you open your eyes,the light from the book travels to your eyes.D . Light travels so fast that there is no time for you to read.10. (10分)阅读理解 The Internet has become part of teenagers(十几岁的) life. A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38 percent of them believe they use the Internet often.While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit websites(网址) they should not look at. Hong Ying, a teacher from Beijing Yinghua Middle School warns(警告) that bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who used to be good at school. But then he started visiting unhealthy websites. He went mad, cheated(欺骗) a girl and was taken away by the police.In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior(行为) has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students about good ways of using the Internet. The book gives useful advice such as to read news or to find helpful information to study. Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea.Hong said the book will be a guide for teens to use the Internet. She believes it will keep students away from bad sites.Many students are using the Internet without guidance(指导) from their parents, she said, The book will teach students how to be a good person in the online world.(1)How many among the 3,375 students believe they use the Internet very often? A . 10B . 18C . 38D . About 1282(2) children are using the computer in a good way. A . AllB . Not allC . Each of theD . Every(3)A textbook on good Internet behavior has begun to be used in . A . BeijingB . WuhanC . ShenyangD . Shanghai(4)The aim of the book is to . A . teach students how to go online in a good wayB . tell children how to make online friendsC . tell a lot of stories about the harm of the InternetD . teach students how to play computer games(5)The student who was caught by the police was . A . crazyB . too interested in the bad thingsC . lateD . too excited四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题。 Ben was hoping for a video game for his birthday. There was also a board game he wanted. Finally, he wanted some comics.He got the board game and some comics, but what was in the last package? It was from his sister, Karen. He slowly unwrapped the package. It didnt feel like a video game.It was a purple sweater. Purple was his least favourite colour. He smiled and thanked Karen nicely, but he didnt want to wear that sweater. He couldnt wear purple!He quickly put the sweater away in his room. Then he ran off to play his new board game with his family.One day a few weeks later, Bens mother asked him about the sweater. Why dont you wear your purple sweater today? she asked him. Your sister made it just for you!Im not cold, Ben said without thinking. That day he was cold all day.Then one day they were going out to dinner as a family. His mother asked him to wear the sweater again. I dont want to wear it because I hate it, he quickly replied.Ben, said his mother, I know its not the nicest sweater in the world, but think about how important Karen is to you. You know she will be proud if you wear it just this once.Ben walked slowly to his room. He knew she was right. He wore the sweater to dinner.His sister smiled all night.(1)Who gave Ben the purple sweater as a birthday present? (2)Why did Ben finally wear his purple sweater? (3)Will you use the present you dont like? Why or why not? 五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)通读全文, 根据短文内容理解, 选择最佳答案填空。 After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work. He was weak. He always put a glass of 1on the kitchen table for me, with a note reading, Drink your juice.As a kid, I once 2Mom, Why doesnt Dad love me? Mom asked me, 3? Why do you think so? Well, he never tells me, I said. But 4, how hard he works to take care of us. Thats how he 5his love.Many years later, after drinking the juice, I hugged(拥抱) my father and said, I love you, Dad. From then on, I did that every 6. My father never told me how he felt about my hugs.Then one day, I didnt hug him and just 7towards the door. Dad said, Well?Well, what? I asked. Well he said again, holding out his 8. Then I hugged him, and told him, Im fifty years old, Dad. Youve 9told me you love me. A minute later, Dad said, All right! I 10you. Although he spoke in a very low voice, I heard it clearly. (1)A . water B . juice C . wine (2)A . asked B . surprised C . told (3)A . When B . What C . How (4)A . watch B . look C . see (5)A . kisses B . does C . shows (6)A . morning B . afternoon C . evening (7)A . arrived B . came C . moved (8)A . arms B . head C . neck (9)A . always B . never C . usually (10)A . hate B . miss C . love 六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)13. (1分)Who is that?This is Jenny_(speak)七、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共11分)14. (1分)We have two English classes on _(星期三). 15. (10分)根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 Most of the traditional arts in China are _(影响) by history and peoples _(每天的) life. Cloth tiger is one of them. The cloth tiger has been popular since the ancient times of China. And people still _(传播) it to each different part of China today. It is a cloth-made toy with strong _(本地的) color. During the Dragon Boat Festival, it is popular to make the cloth tiger for children to bring them health and keep them strong. Most of them are _(制作) by the clever country women. They have created different-shaped cloth tigers with different _(材料). These cloth tigers usually wear yellow or red cloth. They have large bodies and small lambs, and look very _(生气勃勃的).People believe that a cloth tiger in the house can keep the _(整个的) family safe, so it is also _(广泛地) called Tiger for Protecting House. And it is a good present to _(亲戚) and friends.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)书面表达。安全对每个人都很重要。为了进一步增强中学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力,你校开展了以“安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请根据以下提示,以“Safety rules at school”为题写一篇90词左右的演讲稿,介绍你们在学校应该注意的安全准则。提示:1)上、下楼梯(go upstairs or downstairs)不要拥挤;2)不要从楼上往下扔(throw)杂物;3)玩耍时不能使用刀等尖锐的(sharp)器械;4)在学校不抽烟、不喝酒。Safety rules at schoolHello, everyone! Its important for us to keep safe at schoolRemember these rules, and well be safe at school.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 听小对话,选择正确的选项。 (共5题;共16分)1-1、1-2、2-1、3-1、4-1、4-2、5-1、5-2、5-3、二、 听较长对话,选择正确答案。 (共2题;共4分)6-1、7-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)8-1、答案:略8-2、答案:略8-3、答案:略8-4、答案:略9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、答案:略10-2、答案:略10-3、答案:略10-4、答案:略10-5、答案:略四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、答案:略11-2、答案:略11-3、答案:略五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12-1、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)13-1、七、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共11分)14-1、15-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)16-1、

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