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八年级冀教英语(上)水平测试Unit 4 My Neighborhood 姓名 总分: 120 得分 排名 一、单词辨音:(5分)选出划线部分字母读音与其它三个不同的一项。( )1. A. place B. pass C. later D. cake ( )2. A. theatre B. another C. thirsty D. third ( )3. A. late B. baby C. take D. along ( )4. A. going B. noise C. toilet D. voice ( )5. A. nice B. sidewalk C. tiger D. movie ( )6. A. do B. across C. from D. on ( )7. A. drive B. find C. kind D. wind ( )8. A. page B. place C. past D. straight ( )9. A. large B. park C. arm D. sugar ( )10. A. delicious B. maps C. kitchens D. banks 二、单项选择:(30分)( )1. _takes me some time to finish the work.A. It B. You C. He D. Its ( )2. _can mend the bike, please give it to_.A. You; me B. His; him C. She; her D. I; you ( )3. I dont like this one, please show me _ .A. another B. other C. the other D. the other ( )4. He is pointing _the right side. A. at B. for C. by D. in ( )5. There are _ people in the park. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( )6. -Does Bill like American food? -Ive _.A. no ideas B. no idea C. not idea D. not know ( )7. What would you like _this evening? A. do B. doing C. to do D. did ( )8. Thank you for _me _ my Chinese. A. help; to B. helps; with C. helped; in D. helping; with ( )9. The teacher made us _our homework on time. A. finishing B. finish C. finished D. finishes ( )10. Summer is coming, its getting _A. hot and hot B. hotter and hotterC. hotter but hotter D. hoter and hoter( )11. Tell him _play in class.A. isnt B. dont C. not to D. to not ( )12. I _ him the postcard already, I _ it yesterday.A. am sending; will send B. sent; sent C. have sent; sent D. send; send( )13. I hope youll come to see me _next week.A. sometime B. sometimes C. some times D. some time ( )14. -Im too tired to walk, lets stop _rest. - Ok, lets stop _.A. have; walk B. to have; walking C. having; walk D. to had; walking( )15. -Where is Ann? -She _ visit her grandmother. A. has been to B. has gone to C. will go to D. went to ( )16. My mother will go to Shanghai by _ next month. A. air B. a plane C. foot D. the train ( )17. Boys and girls, look left first before you _the street. A. crossing B. cross C. across D. crosses ( )18. Its my turn _ the blackboard today. A. cleaning B. cleaned C. cleans D. to clean ( )19. The young man, with his two friends, _have a trip tomorrow.A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. shall ( )20. They are _their lost dog. A. look for B. finding C. looking for D. looking after ( )21. These books are _._are at school. A. your; Our B. yours; Ours C. yours; My D. your; Mine ( )22. I dont like fat meat, _A. too B. either C. also D. neither ( )23. _is important to be nice to our parents. A. This B. It C. That D. She ( )24. Danny and Kate are _ _way to meet Tom. A. in; their B. on; their C. in; them D. on; they ( )25. Jim bought his mother a gift, it _him 45 yuan. A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid ( )26. I want to show _ _new timetable. A. you; me B. your; my C. you; my D. yours; mine ( )27. It usually _me half an hour to finish my homework every day. A. takes B. cost C. spent D. took ( )28. All the students finished their homework _me, because I was ill yesterday. A. besides B. beside C. except D. excepts ( )29. Class meeting _in half an hour.A. will start B. started C. has startedD. is starting( )30. There is _hot water in the cup. The water is _ hot to drink.A. many too; man too B. too many; too many C. too much; much too D. much too; much too三、完型填空:(10分)阅读下列短文,选出一个最佳答案。 Hill was the doorman(门卫)of a factory(工厂) in a city. Every day hundreds of 1_passed this door and a lot of them 2_and asked him, “Whats the 3_,please?” After a few weeks, Hill said to himself, “Im not going to 4_all those silly people 5_ more .Im going to a shop and 6_a big clock. Then Im going to put it up on the 7_here.”And he did so. “Now people wont stop and ask me the time,”Hill said 8_. But after that 9_people stopped every day, looked at the 10_and asked Hill, “Is that clock right(准确)?”( )1. A. workers B. worker C. works D. workings ( )2. A. stops B. stoped C. stopped D. stopping ( )3. A. date B. time C. clock D. matter( )4. A. answers B. answered C. answer D. answering( )5. A. any B. some C. much D. many ( )6. A. borrow B. lend C. sell D. buy ( )7. A. factory B. wall C. floor D. tree( )8. A. sadly B. happy C. quickly D. happily ( )9. A. many B. much C. few D. little( )10. A. doorman B. doorC. clockD. factory五、阅读理解(20分)阅读下列短文,选择最佳答案。 A Mr. Evans works in Sydney. Last week he had a two-week holiday, but he didnt know where to go. He said to his friend Robert,“I hate the hot weather here, but I cant find a cool place in Australia. Where shall I take my holiday?” “Thats easy,”said Robert.“You can go to Moscow(莫斯科). Snow and ice are covering the ground there now.” Mr. Evans agreed(同意) with his friend. He went there by plane. He had a happy time there. But one day he got into trouble(麻烦). After lunch he went to a park outside the city. It was very cold. He saw a dog following(跟随)him while he was walking past a house. It was hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat. But he had no piece of bread or cake in his pockets(口袋). He tried to send it away, but it began to bark(叫) at him. Just at that moment, he saw a stone on the ground. He tried to pick it up but he couldnt. “How strange these Russians(俄罗斯人) are!”Mr. Evans said to himself. “They dont tie(拴住) their dogs, but firmly(牢牢地) tie the stones.”( )1. Mr. Evans is _.A. American B. Russian C. Australian D. Chinese ( )2. Mr. Evans didnt like _ in Australia.A. hot weather B. cool weather C. rainy weather D. cold weather( )3. Mr. Evans went to Moscow _.A. by train B. by bus C. by air D. on foot( )4. The word“strange”means _.A. 奇怪的B. 强壮的C. 直的D. 傻的( )5. Mr. Evans couldnt pick up the stone because _.A. the weather too cold, the stone couldnt be moved B. the stone was too heavy C. Russians tied the stone to the ground D. there was no stone at all B Yang Jun is a student in Melbourne(墨尔本). He studies computer science in a college(大学). He is new there, so he finds it hard to travel in the city. He often travels with his friends to some big places like the Opera House(歌剧院) and the Blue Mountains(山). Now he is not feeling well, he needs to find a hospital. He doesnt know the way. Look! He is asking a woman for help. Mr. Yang: Excuse me. Woman: Yes? Mr. Yang: Is there a hospital near here? Woman: Its near Louis Supermarket. Mr. Yang: But wheres Louis Supermarket?Woman: Go down this street, and take the first turning on he right, then the second turning on the left, and then the third turning on the left again, then Mr. Yang: Im sorry I cant follow you, Madam(夫人). Woman: Well, follow(跟随)me, please! Ill take you there. Mr. Yang: Thats very kind of you, Madam. ( )6. In which city is Mr. Yang staying now? A. Russia B. Australia C. Melbourne D. Sydney ( )7. What places does he often go with his friends? A. Opera House B. Blue MountainsC. A and B D. Sydney ( )8. What places does Mr. Yang looking for? A. hospital B. post office C. Louis Supermarket D. Melbourne( )9.The woman _ the way to the hospital A. tells Mr. YangB. doesnt tell Mr. YangC. doesnt knowD. isnt sure about( )10. Mr. Yang follows the woman to the hospital, right or wrong? A. The passage doesnt tell us B. WrongC. We dont know D. Right六、词汇知识(35分)(1)按要求写出词的正确形式(10分)1. cross(名词)_2. past (同音词)_3. play (名词) _4. good(比较级)_5. funny (名词)_6. video (复数)_7. visit(名词)_8. celebrate(名词) _9. cost (过去式)_10. new(同音词)_(2)根据语境和单词的首字母填空(5分)11. Take the second t _on the right. 12. Go s_ down the road and youll find the bookshop. 13. Thank you for h _me with my homework. 14. Everyone in my class h _ a computer. 15. Im s_ I have kept you waiting for me for so long. (3)用所给词的正确形式填空(5分)16. That backpack is not _(我的),its _.(他的)17. _(谁的)shoes are these? They are _.(她的)18. My father works in a _, he is a _(bake).19. You should keep your eyes _(close)when you are doing eye exercise.20. Drive slowly and _(careful)!(4)用所给动词的正确形式填空(5分)21. He _(be)a teacher for 30 years.22. My job is _(teach)you English.23. I would like a place _(play)football.24. Whats he going to do when he _(grow)up?25. Go _(cross)the road, its on your left side.(5)英汉词组互译(10分)26. 努力工作_27. on the way to the park_28. 逐渐认识_29. walk along the sidewalk_30. 5分钟后_31. across from the street_32. 迷路_33. in the top right corner_34. 看电影_35. shopping centre _七、句型转换:(10分)1. He bought the car ten years ago. (用for ten years代替划线部分)He _ _ the car for ten years. 2. Do you wan to live in a new place? (同义句)_ you _ to live in a new place?3. My brother dislikes wearing school clothes. (反意疑问句)My brother dislikes wearing school clothes, _ _?4. Would you please help me learn math? (同义句)Would you please _ me _ my math?5. To learn English well is difficult. (同义句)_ is _to learn English well.6. Danny is drawing some pictures on the blackboard.(划线部分提问)_ is Danny_?7. Lets buy him a red jacket. (反意疑问句)Lets buy him a red jacket, _ _?8. Remember to bring your homework. (同义句)_ _ to bring your homework.9. Turn right at the first turning. (同义句)_ the first turning _ the right.10. The red pencil is mine. (同义句) _ pencil _ red.八、补全对话(5分) (M: Mike W: Wang Fang) M: Lets learn to 1_ basketball, Wang Fang. W: Play basketball? Its too 2_for 3_. I dont 4_ playing basketball. I like music. M: Me too. I love to 5_the violin. Do you like 6_?W: Its good exercise. Dancing can help you keep healthy. 7_I dont like it. M: I dont like it, 8_. I think swimming is fun. W: But its dangerous(危险的). I 9_ it. M: Dangerous? No, its exciting. I love it. W: I love to paint. Everything can become colorful(多彩的)with painting. M: Yes, I think 10_.九、根据汉语提示完成句子(5分)1. If you follow me, you cant_ _(迷路).2. Jenny and Danny are _ _way to meet Tom.(在的路上)3. Its about _ _ walk. (15分钟的)4. The man doesnt live here _ _.(不再)5. Please _ _, father is working.(保持安静)

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