五年级英语上册 Unit 9 Around the city课件 牛津上海版.ppt

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Aroundthecity OxfordEnglish Module3Outandabout 新牛津5A left right Lookandlearn Who ssittingonyourleft Who ssittingonyourright Askandanswer What sonyourleft What sonyourright Askandanswer There salibrary There sahospital hotel Whatcanyoudoinahotel Haveabigdinner Haveaparty Haveameeting Haveawedding Makeaguess hospital hotel museum bank bakery cinema It sa It s and Thereis are work People Isometimes Lookandlearn hospital Whatcanyoudoinahospital Icanseeadoctor hospital hotel dentist s Jillhasatoothache Shecangotothe Jill sfatherhasaheadachetoday Hecangotothe Jill smotherishavingaholidayinAustralia Shecanstayina Readandmatch What saroundJill shome Askandanswer What syourfavouriteplacearoundyourhome Askandanswer Aroundourschool TurnrightatParkRoad Youcanseea TurnleftrightatParkRoad Youcanseea postoffice hospital Lookandsay Youarehere HowdoIgettothepostoffice straight Youarehere GoalongParkRoad Walkstraight Thepostofficeisonyourleft left right turnleft turnright walkstraight Simonsays Simonssaysturnright Turnleft Simonsaystouchyourrightear Turnright Playagame turnleft turnright Walkstraight Walkstraight Turnleft walkstraight turnright HowdoIgettothetoyshop FlowerRoad Thetoyshopisonyour Agroupmatch Lookandcomplete HowdoIgettoCityCinema Agroupmatch Lookandsay HowdoIgettothebookshop WalkalongBrownStreet Turnright CrossTreeRoad ParkRoad TreeRoad FlowerRoad WalkalongWaterStreet Turnright Thebookshopisonyourright Agroupmatch Lookandsay What syourfavouriteplacearoundourschool Doasurvey Report Ourfavouriteplacesaroundourschool Doasurvey Ourfavouriteplacesaroundourschool Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 What stheplace Whereisit Whydoyouliketheplace Howdoyougetthere Makeareport Homework 1 Readthedialogueonpage58 2 Talkaboutyourfavouriteplacearoundtheschool 3 FinishWorkbookpages50and52

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