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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期末检测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)“世界贸易组织”的简称是 。A . BBCB . UFOC . NBAD . WTO2. (2分)If you to do something, you say you will do it.A . disagreeB . agreeC . refuse3. (2分)He is a bit _. You should speak up, or he cant hear you. A . blindB . sickC . deafD . busy4. (2分)Is the young man your_?Yes, he is my mothers brother.A . cousinB . uncleC . grandfather5. (2分)Do you think its going to rain this afternoon? _. We are just planning to have a picnic later this afternoon. A . I hope notB . I expect(期待)soC . Yes, it wasD . No, I wont二、 交际配对 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)补全对话(从下面方框中选择适当的句子,将对话补充完整,有两项多余。)A: _B: A photo of my family.A: Can I have a look at it?B: _A: Oh, theres a young woman in the picture. _B: She is my aunt, Mary.A: And whats the boy doing?B: _Hes my cousin.A: Look at the two children. Are they playing cards?B: _Theyre listening to music.A. Who is she?B. No, they arent.C. Sure. Here you are.D. Whats in your hand?E. What is he doing?F. What is she doing?G. He is reading a newspaper.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)7. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 On the day of the interview, I felt a little bit nervous I got to tile interview place without having1. I was the 24th interviewee(应聘者)and the 22nd was all ordinary-looking girl. I greeted her by2. I asked her where she graduated. She told me in a low3. I graduated from a common college, I am the only one who doesnt get a bachelors degree(学士学位)among the 50 interviewees. she said. I didnt4the interview would last so long. As I didnt have anything in the morning, my stomach started to ache, I had to sit by tho table to5. The girl asked me what happened. I ate nothing this morning, I said, so my6comes to me. After a while, the girl came in and7me two pieces of bread. I felt8all over my heart because I hadnt imagined she would help me, who is, one of her rivals(竞争对手). 9, I got the job. I was surprised to see the girl on my first day to work. She10got the job! When I asked her why, with a smile, she said, That day when I bought you the food, I met a man with papers in hands. He asked me11I could help him to copy those papers. I12. When I gave him the paper copies, seeing the food, he asked me why I brought it to the interview place I told him the13. Later I found out the man was right the interviewer! Then I got the job I am so lucky! I felt really happy for the girl. 14I knew the reason why the girl could get the job was not only for the good luck. When she offered to help me and the man, she was also helping15. Helping others means helping yourself. Do you think so?(1)A . breakfast B . lunch C . supper D . dinner (2)A . eating B . smiling C . shouting D . waiting (3)A . point B . noise C . sound D . voice (4)A . want B . understand C . expect D . accept (5)A . have a rest B . go to sleep C . take a test D . do some exercises (6)A . headache B . heartache C . toothache D . stomachache (7)A . handed B . showed C . Posted D . sold (8)A . afraid B . warm C . nervous D . calm (9)A . Surprisingly B . Luckily C . Sadly D . Carefully (10)A . already B . almost C . also D . often (11)A . if B . when C . where D . how (12)A . forget B . returned C . agreed D . regretted (13)A . result B . secret C . method D . truth (14)A . So B . And C . Then D . But (15)A . myself B . himself C . herself D . yourself 四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共43分)8. (10分)SUNNY SCHOOLWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach(教练) and a language teacher.JobAgeLanguageSkill(技能)Other term (其它条件)Cook25-40ChineseCooking both Chinese food and western foodHealthyLibrary assistant20-35ChineseEnglishHaving the knowledge(知识)of different kinds of booksCareful(细心)Sports Coach20-40Chinese EnglishMajoring in (主修)physical educationHealthystrongTeacher-ChineseEnglishMajoring in English-根据招聘启事,选择最佳答案。(1)Which of the following cant go to Sunny School?A . A four-year-old childB . A ten-year-old childC . An eleven-year-old childD . A fifteen-year-old child(2)Who is not wanted by Sunny School?A . A cookB . A headmasterC . A library assistantD . A sports coach(3)Which of the following may not be able to(能) speak English?A . The language teacherB . The library assistantC . The cookD . The sports coach(4)The coach must major in _.A . ChineseB . EnglishC . physical educationD . language(5)Which is right?A . The teacher can only teach Chinese.B . A twenty-five-year old cook cant work in the school.C . The library assistant must be careful.D . A teacher must be strong.9. (8分) Twelve-year-old Leonardo was born in a poor family in Bambamarca in Peru. He knew how to read but he had never seen a book in his life. So he asked the new priest(牧师)in his village to give him one. But there was no electricity. So Leonardo borrowed candles from the church and sat up all night reading it. The next morning, he was at the door of the priest asking for another book to read.John Medcalf, the priest,was moved. He also realized that people would love to read if given a chance. But he knew how difficult it was for Leonardo and those in his village to get books. And yet, no one can be taught to read and write without books. To make people in a poor, faraway area grow to love books,they have to be with them. So he thought the only way was to bring books to people.But how could this be done? Mobile libraries or car libraries would be too expensive and difficult to continue in the rocky, hilly land of Peru. So what other method could be used?Medcalf got a new idea from the barefoot(赤脚)doctors of China. And that was how the barefoot librarians(图书管理员)first appeared in the villages of northern Peru,almost thirty years ago.The librarians began by going from village to village, lending books to villagers. They helped start The Rura1 Library Network of Peru.At first,they were teachers of the village schools which these faraway libraries belonged to. But the teachers were not very interested in the job because it meant a lot of hard work. So, village elders took on the job themselves.Today, there are 600 village libraries across Peru. The barefoot librarians who walk up to 15 hours a day with bags of books are their lifeline.(1)The first paragraph tells us that LeonardoA . had a lot of booksB . bought candles from othersC . enjoyed reading booksD . lived in the church(2)The underlined wordthis in Paragraph 3 probably refers to(指)” ” A . to grow to love booksB . to bring books to peopleC . to read and writeD . to build a new library(3)The passage doesnt mentionA . when the barefoot librarians appearedB . who worked as village librarians at firstC . where Medcalf met Chinese doctorsD . how many village libraries Peru has today(4)It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that A . the first church in Peru was set up by John MedcalfB . car libraries used to be popular in Leonardos villageC . teachers were interested in bringing books to villagersD . the barefoot librarians are important to village libraries10. (25分)根据短文理解,回答下列问题。A mother planted many kinds of vegetables in her garden. One morning she said to her daughter. “Betty, come here. Look at all these little yellow marks on the leaves of the cabbages. They are eggs of a kind of insects. They are very beautiful but very bad for cabbages. This afternoon you must find all the eggs on the leaves and kill them. In this way, you will help us have better greener and bigger cabbages.”Betty didnt think she should do it at once and in the end she forgot all about it. Her mother was ill for a few days and couldnt work in her garden. When she was well, she took Betty to the garden to see the cabbages. To their surprise, the insects had eaten up every leaf. When Betty saw this, she was upset and began to cry. Then her mother said to her, “We should never put off what we have to do today till tomorrow. And you must learn to deal with the things while they are small. or it will turn into a big problem.”(1)Are the yellow marks bad for cabbages?(2)Betty didnt think she should find the eggs at once, did she?(3)What happened to the leaves?(4)How did Betty feel after she saw the cabbages after a few days?(5)What can you learn from the passage?五、 词汇运用 (共2题;共11分)11. (1分)The population continues to i_. So there are more and more people in the world. 12. (10分)用所给词和短语的适当形式填空Tom and Fred are_the year 2015. “What will the world_in the year 2015?” asks Tom. “I dont know.” Says Fred. “What do you think? Well, no one knows, but it is _to guess, In the year 2015_will carry a pocket computer The computer will give people the answers to all the questions. We shall all have telephones in our pocket, too, and well be able to talk to our friends_. Perhaps well be able to see them at the same time.”“A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps therell be big towns, factories, and farms_, too.” “Machines will do most of the_, so people will have more holidays . Perhaps theyll work_two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.I am_the year 2015. I hope to fly to the moon. Says Tom. And I hope Ill be able to live under the sea,says Fred. Wont it be interesting? Just_a fish.”六、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 It was early and there werent many people on the road. A girl on a bike passed me _ (quick). She was riding on ice _ suddenly she fell off her bike a few _ (step) in front of me. She was trying hard to get up but fell again. Without thinking, I went over and helped her stand up. She said Thank you! to me _ a smile and then rode away. The words Thank you warmed me and this made me feel _ (little) nervous about my new school.When I finally got to school, I was led into the classroom and _ (ask) to sit beside a girl. I was so nervous. I knew some of the students were looking at me _ I didnt dare to look at _ (they). Soon the first class started. It was English. They used a different textbook from my old school and I didnt have a copy. As I was wondering what to do, a book appeared in front of me. Lets _ (share), the girl next to me said. I looked up. It was the girl I _ (help) that morning. What a surprise!七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共4分)14. (4分)任务型阅读When something great happens to a friend, a family member or a classmate, congratulations are in order! However, some people dont know how to congratulate others. Here are some ways to show your congratulations.Say “congratulations” with a smile. Remember to express your congratulations with a winning smile. The expression on your face is pretty important. If you say “congratulations” with a serious look on your face, the person will probably think you arent actually all that happy for him or her.Send an en email or a card. Besides saying “congratulations in person, you might want to send a congratulatory note. You can send a simple email or write a message on a card. You can buy some beautiful cards in the store.Send a gift. If the occasion is special enough, you can send a gift. You dont need to buy something expensive. Try to buy a suitable gift. All in all, choose a gift that lets the person know you want to celebrate with him or her.Spread the word. You can help spread the persons joy by telling other people the good news, so they can congratulate the person as well. If the person prefers to keep the good news private, dont spread the word.Title: How to _Say “congratulations” with a smile. Express your congratulations with a winning smile._congratulations with a serous look on your face.Send an en email or a card.You can send a simple email or _on a card.Send a gift.You can buy a suitable gift instead of something expensive.Spread the word.You can tell other people the good news.You can spread the good news around if the person _keep it private.八、 书面表达 (共3题;共15分)15. (5分)将下面的短文抄写在三线格中,注意大小写及标点符号。his name is Tony smith. Hes from cambridge. In his class, Tony and Lingling are thirteen years old and daming is twelve years old. they are good friends.16. (5分)假设你是Jenny,你有一个好朋友Tina.现在请你根据下面的表格信息提示,并进行适当发挥,以My Good Friend写一篇80字左右的短文。Name不同点共同点Tina个子高;安静;待在家里在同一个班;都喜欢打网球,购物;周末看电影;能彼此分享一切Jenny头发长;外向,喜欢交朋友;有创造性;学习努力17. (5分)用正确的大小写,将下面的句子抄写到四线格上,并补全标点符号。Im daming from china.spring festival is very important in our countrydo you usually sing happy birthday at the birthday party第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 交际配对 (共1题;共5分)6-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)7-1、四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共43分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、五、 词汇运用 (共2题;共11分)11-1、12-1、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)13-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共4分)14-1、八、 书面表达 (共3题;共15分)15-1、16-1、17-1、

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