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高考英语语法之词法各类误用解说一、冠词误用辨析1.中文:她在弹钢琴。 (误)She was playing piano. (正)She was playing the piano.(演奏乐器,如piano,violin,乐器前面要加定冠词the。)2.中文:孩子们每天早上去上学。 (误)The children go to the school every morning. (正)The children go to school every morning.(go to school是习惯用语,不加the。)3.中文:她有一头秀发。 (误)She has a beautiful hair. (正)She has beautiful hair.(hair指头发的整体,是不可数名词,前面不加a。)4.中文:她喜欢看电视。 (误)She likes to watch the TV. (正)She likes to watch TV.(看电视,习惯上TV前不加the。)5.中文:她在房间里听广播。 (误)She was listening to radio in the room. (正)She was listening to the radio in the room.(听广播,习惯上radio前面加the。)6.中文:尼罗河是埃及最长的河。 (误)Nile River is the longest river in Egypt. (正)The Nile River is the longest river in Egypt.(在河流,山脉等名称前要用定冠词。)7.中文:天气不错。 (误)Its a nice weather. (正)It is nice weather.(weather是不可数名词,前面不加a。)8.中文:下星期再见。 (误)See you again the next week. (正)See you again next week.(next week表示将来;the next week表示过去。)9.中文:历史是很有趣的学科。 (误)The history is a very interesting subject. (正)History is a very interesting subject.(学科前一般不加冠词。)10.中文:他乘火车来这里。 (误)He came here by a train. (正)He came here by train.(by后接交通工具,中间不加冠词。)11.中文:今晚你可以看到满月。 (误)You may see the full moon tonight. (正)You may see a full moon tonight.(月亮,太阳等独一无二的物体,当有形容词修饰时可加a。)12.中文:她刚才去了保罗街。 (误)She went to the Paul Street just now. (正)She went to Paul Street just now.(街道名称前一般不加the。)13.中文:连孩子都会做它。 (误)Even child can do it. (正)Even a child can do it.(不定冠词单数名词表示某类人或物。)二、名词误用辨析1.中文:我买了两条裤子。 (误)I bought two trousers. (正)I bought two pairs of trousers.(glasses,shoes,trousers,spectacles,scissors,stockings等表示由两个部分合成的字习惯用复数,在表示一(两)条,把,双时,用a pair of,two pairs of等修饰。)2.中文:他是我最好的朋友之一。 (误)He is one of my best friend. (正)He is one of my best friends.(one of后要接可数名词的复数形式。)3.中文:动物是人类的朋友。 (误)Animals are mens friends. (正)Animals are mans friends.(用单数的man表示人类。)4.中文:这是一则好消息。 (误)This is a good news. (正)This is a piece of good news.(表示chalk,music,advice,cloth,meat,news等不可数名词的单一数量用a piece of修饰。)5.中文:你愿意跟我交朋友吗? (误)Will you make a friend with me? (正)Will you make friends with me?(和某人交朋友用friend的复数形式。)6.中文:我有太多功课要做。 (误)I have too many homework to do. (正)I have too much homework to do.(homework,work,housework等不可数名词用much修饰。)7.中文:英语电视怎么说? (误)Whats English for 电视? (正)Whats the English for 电视?(英语作为学科或语言时不加the;用作特指时加the。)8.中文:班一家人要搬往伦敦。 (误)The Bens are going to move to London. (正)The Bens are going to move to London.(the Bens表示the Bens house;the Bens表示Ben一家人。)三、代词误用辨析1.中文:伦敦的夏天比我家乡的夏天更热。 (误)London is much hotter in summer than my hometown. (正)It is much hotter in London in summer than in my hometown.(用it代表气候,天气等。)2.中文:他的书跟我的很不一样。 (误)His book is quite different from me. (正)His book is quite different from mine.(mine = my book,应保持比较的双方性质的一致。)3.中文:我有件重要的事告诉你。 (误)I have important something to tell you. (正)I have something important to tell you.(修饰something,nothing,anything等不定代词时,形容词应放在其后。)4.中文:每个学生都应该做他自己的功课。 (误)Every student should do their own homework. (正)Every student should do his own homework.(every student是单数,其后的代词也用单数。)5.中文:我喜欢收到别人的来信,但不愿意写信。 (误)I like to receive letters but do not like to write it. (正)I like to receive letters but do not like to write them.(代词的人称与数应与它代替的名词相同。)6.中文:孩子们和他都还没有吃晚餐。 (误)Neither the children nor he has ever eaten their supper. (正)Neither the children nor he has ever eaten his supper.(neither.nor是对等相关连词,nor后面的主语决定后面的谓语动词及代词的形式。)7.中文:布朗太太向她的朋友玛丽和我打招呼。 (误)Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and I. (正)Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and me.(Mary and me是宾语friends的同位语,因此用宾格形式。)8.中文:我的两个姊姊都不在这。 (误)None of my two sisters is here. (正)Neither of my two sisters is here.(neither用于两者的否定;none用于三者以上的否定。)9.中文:他认识我的两个姊姊。 (误)He knows my both sisters. (正)He knows both my sisters.(both用在the,his,my等修饰语之前。)10.中文:这本书的价格是多少? (误)How much is the price of the book? (正)What is the price of the book?(对价格提问用what,没有price一词时用how much。)11.中文:我有一本新字典还有几本旧的。 (误)I have a new dictionary and several old one. (正)I have a new dictionary and several old ones.(代替前面提到过的可数名词,复数要用ones。)12.中文:安迪,保罗和我共唱一首歌。 (误)I, Andy and Paul sang a song together. (正)Andy, Paul and I sang a song together.(有多个主语或宾语时,I或me在最后。)13.中文:他们很了解我们中国人。 (误)They know our Chinese well. (正)They know us Chinese well.(Chinese为宾语us的同位语。)14.中文:说好英语不容易。 (误)That is not easy to speak good English. (正)It is not easy to speak good English.(it当形式主语,代替不定式。)四、形容词级的误用辨析1.中文:他是两者中较高的。 (误)He is taller of the two. (正)He is the taller of the two.(比较级of the two,前面要加the。)2.中文:汤姆是我们学校里最年轻的。 (误)Tom is youngest in our school. (正)Tom is the youngest in our school.(形容词的最高级前面要加the。)3.中文:他是所有人中最强壮的。 (误)He is the strongest in all. (正)He is the strongest of all.(在同类中最的,用介词of。)4.中文:我的房子跟约翰的一样大。 (误)My house is so large as Johns. (正)My house is as large as Johns.(肯定形式用as原级形容词as主格。)5.中文:汤姆比我年轻。 (误)Tom is less older than I am. (正)Tom is less old than I am.(less原级形容词than。)6.中文:他是班上个子最高的。 (误)He is taller than any boy in his class. (正)He is taller than any other boy in his class.(使用比较级时,应避免与自己比,any boy包括他自己。)7.中文:事态每况愈下。 (误)Things go from worse to worse. (正)Things go from bad to worse.(from bad to worse = 每况愈下,越来越糟。)8.中文:多数人喜爱音乐。 (误)The most people are fond of music. (正)Most people are fond of music.(Most泛指大多数,前面不加the。)9.中文:他至少遗失了一万元。 (误)He has lost not fewer than ten thousand dollars. (正)He has lost not less than ten thousand dollars.(not less than=more than,at least,表示至少。)10.中文:他们听得越久,就越不喜欢他。 (误)The longer they listen to him, the little they like him. (正)The longer they listen to him, the less they like him.(the比较级,the比较级表示两者的同步增长。)五、副词误用辨析1.中文:这块石头太大了没人能举起它。 (误)Here is a so big stone that no one can lift it. (正)Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.(so是副词,修饰形容词,形式是so形容词a单数可数名词。)2.中文:这花多美啊! (误)What beautiful the flower is! (正)How beautiful the flower is!(how用来修饰副词或形容词,而what用来修饰名词。)3.中文:这工作永远不会被完成。 (误)This job will be never finished. (正)This job will never be finished.(频率副词在第一个助动词后。)4.中文:我的弟弟比我高多了。 (误)My brother is very taller than I. (正)My brother is much taller than I.(very不能修饰比较级;much可以修饰比较级。)5.中文:我想我七点会在餐厅里见到她。 (误)I think Ill meet her at 7:00 at the restaurant. (正)I think Ill meet her at the restaurant at 7:00.(地方副词在时间副词前。)6.中文:这房间对你够大的。 (误)This room is enough large for you. (正)This room is large enough for you.(enough作副词,在被修饰的形容词后。)7.中文:我也不能做它。 (误)I cannot do it too. (正)I cannot do it either.(either用于否定句;too用于肯定句。)8.中文:他每天早起。 (误)He gets up early everyday. (正)He gets up early every day.(every day是时间副词;everyday是形容词。)9.中文:我要下楼去。 (误)Im going to downstairs. (正)Im going downstairs.(downstairs是副词,前面不加介词。)10.中文:你的故事很有趣。 (误)Your story is the most interesting. (正)Your story is most interesting.(most不用于比较,而用作加强语气,不加the。)11.中文:我两年前见过他。 (误)I met him two years before. (正)I met him two years ago.(表示一段时间以前,ago用于一般过去时;before用于过去完成时。)12.中文:他们昨天晚上回来得晚。 (误)They came back lately last night. (正)They came back late last night.(lately(最近),late(晚,迟),都是副词。)六、所有格误用辨析1.中文:你做完功课了吗? (误)Have you done homework? (正)Have you done your homework?(表示做功课用do ones homework。)2.中文:那些是我们老师的一些书。 (误)Those are some books of our teacher. (正)Those are some books of our teachers.(应用双重所有格形式。)3.中文:这是我弟弟约翰的书。 (误)This is my brother John book. (正)This is my brother Johns book.(John是brother的同位语,John的书用Johns book。)4.中文:警察抓住了他的胳膊。 (误)The policemen caught him by his arm. (正)The policemen caught him by the arm.(抓住身上某个部位用the,不用代词的所有格。)5.中文:一个十岁的孩子 (误)a ten years old child (误)a child of ten year old (误)a ten year old child (误)a ten-years-old child (正)a ten-year-old child七、助动词误用辨析1.中文:我习惯于早起。 (误)I am used to get up early. (正)I am used to getting up early.(get,become或be used to中的to是介词,后接动名词。)2.中文:他过去常常在星期天来约我。 (误)He used to calling on me on Sundays. (正)He used to call on me on Sundays.(used to原形动词,表示过去常常。)3.中文:A:我必须去吗?B:不,你不必了。 (误)A: Must I go? B: No, you mustnt. (正)A: Must I go? B: No, you neednt.(mustnt表示不许,neednt表示不必,以MUST开始的一般疑问句,否定回答用neednt。)4.中文:我今天下午想和你一起去游泳。 (误)I will like to go swimming with you this afternoon. (正)I would like to go swimming with you this afternoon.(would like是习惯搭配,后接不定式,表示愿意做某事。)5.中文:他前天可能说这些吗? (误)Must he have said so the day before yesterday?(MUST用于推测时表示一定,准是,只用于肯定句。) (正)Can he have said so the day before yesterday?(CAN用于怀疑,推测时表示可能,用于疑问句和否定句。)八、时态误用辨析1.中文:他在许多年前去过欧洲。 (误)He had been to Europe many years ago. (正)He went to Europe many years ago.(在上下文没有同过去某时或某个动作相比较而表示过去的意思,不可用过去完成时,而要用一般过去时。)2.中文:她穿着蓝色上衣,看上去很可爱。 (误)She was wearing a blue dress and was looking very pretty. (正)She was wearing a blue dress and looked very pretty.(表示看上去的look是系动词,不用进行时。)3.中文:我去看他们的时候他们在吃晚餐。 (误)They had supper when I went to see them. (正)They were having supper when I went to see them.(他们在吃晚餐是在过去我去看他们的时间某一点上正进行的动作,应用过去进行时。)4.中文:她两个月前去澳洲了,她许多年前到过那里。 (误)She went to Australia two months ago. She has been there many years before. (正)She went to Australia two months ago. She had been there many years before.(many years before是从过去的某时之前算起的,表示过去的过去,要和过去完成时连用。)5.中文:他们问发生什么事了。 (误)They asked what happened. (正)They asked what had happened.(主句是一般过去时,从句的动作发生在它之前,用过去完成时。)6.中文:从战争开始时他就一直在那里工作。 (误)He has worked there since the war has begun. (正)He has worked there since the war began.(since引导的从句表示过去的某时间点,应用一般过去时。)7.中文:昨晚我写了一封信,今晨寄出了。 (误)I was writing a letter yesterday evening and posted it this morning. (正)I wrote a letter yesterday evening and posted it this morning.(进行时表示进行,一般过去时表示完成,所以应用 wrote。)8.中文:他去年离开家我就一直没有见过他。 (误)He left home last year and I did not see him since. (正)He left home last year and I havent seen him since.(since后面省去的是he left home last year,前面的句子要用完成时。)九、被动语态误用辨析1.中文:他们结婚两年了。 (误)They have married for two years. (正)They have been married for two years.(表示已婚状态的持续,要用完成时的被动式。)2.中文:他被所有学生嘲笑。 (误)He was laughed by all the pupils. (正)He was laughed at by all the pupils.(不及物动词介词=及物动词,变被动语态时介词不能省略。)3.中文:英语难学。 (误)English is difficult to be learned. (正)English is difficult to learn.(英语难学=学英语难,也可说Its difficult to learn English。原句的主语实际上是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式要用主动形式。)4.中文:汤姆问我这些岛屿是否属于美国。 (误)Tom asked me if these islands are belonged to America. (正)Tom asked me if these islands belonged to America.5.中文:中国发生了很大变化。 (误)Great changes have been taken place in China. (正)Great changes have taken place in China.6.中文:战争于一九三七年爆发。 (误)The war was broken out in 1937. (正)The war broke out in 1937.(take place,break out,happen,belong to等不及物动词或短语动词没有被动语态形式。)7.中文:我看不清黑板。也许你需要检查你的眼睛。 (误)I cant see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to examine your eyes. (正)I cant see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to have your eyes examined.(表示使某物被别人,通常使用have或get物过去分词表示。)8.中文:他命令马上开始工作。 (误)He ordered the work to start at once. (正)He ordered the work to be started at once.(不定式作宾语补语时,若与宾语是被动关系,要用不定式的被动形式。)9.中文:他试图不介入政治。 (误)He tried not to have mixed up in politics. (正)He tried not to get mixed up in politics.(get作系动词,可代替be,后接过去分词表示被动,have无此功能。)10.中文:据说他很富有。 (误)They say him to have been rich. (正)He is said to have been rich.(say后不可接不定式,但它的被动语态后可接不定式。)11.中文:那人被认为是个傻子。 (误)The man thought to be a fool. (正)The man was thought to be a fool.(主语是动作的承受者而不是发出者,用被动语态。)十、介词误用辨析1.中文:琼斯先生住在皇后街十号。 (误)Mr. Jones lives on 10 Queen Street. (正)Mr. Jones lives at 10 Queen Street.(at门牌号,on街道名称;两者同时出现以门牌号码为准。)2.中文:他喜欢在太阳下坐着。 (误)He likes to sit under the sun. (正)He likes to sit in the sun.(在太阳下用介词in。)3.中文:面包是由麦子制成的。 (误)Bread is made of wheat. (正)Bread is made from wheat.(由制成,of用于成品保持原有性质;from用于成品不再保持原有性质。)4.中文:每个人都知道他。 (误)He is known by everyone. (正)He is known to everyone.(be known to是习惯用法,表示为所熟知。)5.中文:我们有麻烦。 (误)We are with trouble. (正)We are in trouble.(有麻烦用in trouble。)6.中文:他将于七月五日去美国。 (误)He will go to America in July 5. (正)He will go to America on July 5.(on与某一天连用。)7.中文:他将于七月五日去美国。 (误)He left home in the morning of 11th. (正)He left home on the morning of 11th.(morning和某日连用时用on。)8.中文:他将于七月五日去美国。 (误)He was angry with what I said. (正)He was angry at what I said.(表示因某事生气介词用at或about,对某人生气用with。)9.中文:他藏在一棵树后。 (误)He hid himself after a tree. (正)He hid himself behind a tree.(after表顺序,behind表位置。)10.中文:在老师的帮助下你会通过考试。 (误)You may pass the exam under the help of the teacher. (正)You may pass the exam with the help of the teacher.(在某人的帮助下用with。)11.中文:我父亲对我说玩火危险。 (误)My father said to me that it was dangerous to play fire. (正)My father said to me that it was dangerous to play with fire.(play后接运动,球类比赛时是及物动词;后接玩的东西时是不及物动词,与with连用。)12.中文:你真的看见那个年轻人打我弟弟的脸了吗? (误)Did you really see the young man hit my brother on the face? (正)Did you really see the young man hit my brother in the face?(打在脸上用in the face;打在鼻子上用on the nose。)13.中文:就她的年龄而言,她看上去很年轻。 (误)She looks quite young in her age. (正)She looks quite young for her age.(for表示就而论,相当于considering。)14.中文:在夜晚很安静。 (误)It is quiet at the night. (正)It is quiet at night.(表示在夜晚用at night或in the night。)十一、连词误用辨析1.中文:他既不说英语也不说法语。 (误)He neither speaks English nor French. (正)He speaks neither English nor French.(eitheror,not onlybut also等对等相关连词所连接的部份应是相同词性或起相同作用。)2.中文:由于今天感觉不适,我决定待在家里。 (误)For I did not feel well today, decided to stay at home. (正)I decided to stay at home for I did not feel well today.(对等连词for连接两个对等的句子时不可放在句首。)3.中文:不是你错了就是我错了。 (误)Either you or I are wrong. (正)Either you or I am wrong.(在含有eitheror的句子中,谓语动词的数由较近的主语决定。)4.中文:虽然他很富有,但他并不快乐。 (误)Although he is very rich, but he is not happy. (正)Although he is very rich, he is not happy.(though或although放在字句首时,本身就具有虽然但是的意思,不可和but连用。)5.中文:我从来没有去过伦敦和巴黎。 (误)I have never been to London and Paris. (正)I have never been to London or Paris.(在否定句中,对等连词一般不用and,而用or。)6.中文:他向我道歉我才跟他说话。 (误)I shall speak to him until he apologizes. (正)I shant speak to him until he apologizes.(notuntil表示到时候才,在此句中speak的动作要等到他道歉时才发生。)7.中文:因为我想学英语,所以我买了一本字典。 (误)Because I wanted to learn English, so I bought a dictionary. (正)Because I wanted to learn English, I bought a dictionary.(because本身就具有因为所以的意思,不可再和so连用。)十二、不定式误用辨析1.中文:为了准时,我们加快了步伐。 (误)So as to be in time we hurried. (正)In order to be in time we hurried.(so as to只可放在句中,in order to可放在句首或句中。)2.中文:你说这些话真傻。 (误)Its very foolish for you to say so. (正)Its very foolish of you to say so.(表示评价的形容词被带逻辑主语的不定式修饰时,介词要用of。)3.中文:你没有告诉他们永远不要做那件事吗? (误)Didnt you ask them to never do that? (正)Didnt you ask them never to do that?(never要放在to之前。)4.中文:你没有告诉他们永远不要做那件事吗? (误)Here is a new book for you to read it. (正)Here is a new book for you to read.(作形容词用法的带逻辑主语的不定式for you to read的宾语,实际上就是它所修饰的new book,其后不可再加宾语。)5.中文:他够年龄,可以上学了。 (误)He is old enough so that he can go to school. (正)He is old enough to go to school.(形容词enough不定式表示足够而可。)6.中文:他太好了,寄给我许多书。 (误)He was so good to send me a lot of books. (正)He was so good as to send me a lot of books.(so.as to表示如此以致。)7.中文:你最好不要在下雨天出去。 (误)You had better not to go out in the rain. (正)You had better not go out in the rain.(had better(not)后接原形不定式。)8.中文:你喜欢听别人谈话吗? (误)Do you like listening to others to talk? (正)Do you like listening to others talk?(感官动词或使役动词的宾语补语用原形不定式。)十三、分词误用辨析1.中文:他理发了。 (误)He had his hair to be cut. (正)He had his hair cut.(have,get宾语过去分词表示使被。)2.中文:他喜欢喝凉开水。 (误)He likes to drink boiling water. (正)He likes to drink boiled water.(现在分词表示主动,boiling water指正在沸腾的水;过去分词表示完成,boiled water指沸腾过的水。)3.中文:由于做饭,他看上去累了。 (误)He looked tiring with cooking. (正)He looked tired with cooking.(tiring表示令人疲倦的,tired表示人被弄疲倦了。)4.中文:我不能让别人明白我的意思。 (误)I couldnt make myself understand. (正)I couldnt make myself understood.(过去分词表示被动,make myself understood表示使我被别人明白。)5.中文:昨天早上我上学时见到了我的一个朋友。 (误)I was walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend of mine. (正)Walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend of mine.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句分词构句表时间。)6.中文:假期结束了,约翰返回了学校。 (误)The vacation was over, John returned to school. (正)The vacation being over, John returned to school.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句独立分词构句表时间。)7.中文:戴帽子的工人躺在地上。 (误)The workman worn a hat is lying on the ground. (正)The workman wearing a hat is lying on the ground.(带帽子是主动行动,要用现在分词wearing a hat表示。)8.中文:小女孩站在那里哭了。 (误)The little girl stood there cried. (正)The little girl stood there crying.(哭是主语the little girl发出的行动,要用现在分词crying表示。)9.中文:天气好,我们今天要去郊游。 (误)Being fine, well go outing today. (正)It being fine, well go outing today.(前一句错在分词构句所表示的动作不是主句的主语发出的;后一句加上表示气候的It作逻辑主语,构成独立分词构句表原因。)十四、动名词误用辨析1.中文:我把给她打过电话的事全忘了。 (误)I forgot all about to telephone her. (正)I forgot all about telephoning her.(介词后不能接不定式,只能接动名词。)2.中文:你介意我在这里吸烟吗? (误)Would you mind for my smoking here? (正)Would you mind my smoking here?(在前一句中mind后可接me for smoking here,表示相同的意思。)3.中文:史密斯一家在考虑搬往芝加哥。 (误)The Smiths are considering to move to Chicago. (正)The Smiths are considering moving to Chicago.(consider后不能接不定式,要接动名词。)4.中文:我习惯于去海滩。 (误)I am used to go to the beach. (正)I am used to going to the beach.(be used to中的to是介词,后接动名词;used to后接原形动词。)十五、虚拟语气误用辨析1.中文:我要是你,我不会那么做。 (误)I shouldnt do that if I was you. (正)I shouldnt do that if I were you.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用were。)2.中文:要是我父亲现在在这里,他会告诉我该做什么。 (误)If my father were here now, he will tell me what to do. (正)If my father were here now, he would tell me what to do.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的助动词只能用would,might等过去时。)3.中文:要是我知道她的电话号码,我就会给她打电话了。 (误)If I knew her telephone number, I would have called her. (正)If I had known her telephone number, I would have called her.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时。)4.中文:要是昨天没下雨她也许会来。 (误)If it had not rained yesterday, he might come. (正)If it had not rained yesterday, he might have come.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的动词要用助动词的过去时might,could等HAVE过去分词。)5.中文:我不认为我会失败,但要是我失败了,我会再努力。 (误)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I failed, I would try again. (正)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I should fail, I would try again.(表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词用should加原形动词。)6.中文:他要是带了钱就会买它。 (误)Did he bring some money with him, he would have bought it. (正)Had he brought some money with him, he would have bought it.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时,若省略if,则用倒装形式。)7.中文:她要是个男人可能会当选总统。 (误)Be she a man, she might be elected president. (正)Were she a man, she might be elected president.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,不能用was,只能用were;若省略if,则将were放在句首。)8.中文:我提议提高教师的薪资。 (误)I suggested that the teachers wages could be increased. (正)I suggested that the teachers wages should be increased.(suggest当建议讲时,后面的名词从句的主要动词要用should加原形动词,should可以省略。)9.中文:他这么做是重要的。 (误)It is important that he will do it. (正)It is important that he do it.(It is importantthat引导的名词从句的动词要用should加原形动词,should可以省略。)十六、主谓一致误用辨析1.中文:桌上有几本小说。 (误)There is some novels on the table. (正)There are some novels on the table.(主语some novels是复数,谓语动词要用复数。)2.中文:他的裤子是新的。 (误)His trousers is new. (正)His trousers are new.(主语trousers是复数,谓语动词用复数。)3.中文:学外语花去我们很多时间。 (误)Learning foreign languages take us a lot of time. (正)Learning foreign languages takes us lots of time.(动名词当主语时,谓语动词用单数。)4.中文:在两座建筑物之间有一面墙。 (误)Between the two buildings stand a wall. (正)Between the two buildings stands a wall.(主语是

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