高一英语课件外研版必修一《Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications》Grammar 1

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外研版 高一年级 (必修1) Module 6,英语课件,Compound words,Compound words,1. 合成词在英语中比较活跃。合成名词的数量很大,可以在句中作主语、宾语等。如:,Sightseeing took up the whole morning.,(作_),主语,(观光),Finally they reached a cross-roads. ( ) ( 作_),十字路口,宾语,Smoking is not allowed during take-off. (_) (作_),飞机的起飞,作介词宾语,合成词常见的构词方法如下:,名词名词:,earthworm( ) earthquake( ),蚯蚓,地震,形容词名词:,shorthand ( ) double-dealer ( ),速记的, 速记,言行不一的人,动名词名词:,sleepingpills ( ) waiting-room ( ),安眠药片,候车室,动词名词:,break-water ( ) pick-pocket ( ),防波堤,扒手,名词动名词:,sun-bathing( ) hand-writing( ),日光浴,手写,动词副词:,get-together( ) break-through ( ),聚会,突破,副词名词:,downfall ( ) outbreak( ),垮台, 堕落,爆发,另外, 还有一些其他方式构成的合成名词:,go-between,媒人, 中间人,good-for-nothing,无益的, 无价值的,by-product,副产品,touch-me-not,含羞草,2. 合成形容词很多, 多数作定语, 有些也可 作表语:,They helped us to map out a long-term ( ) plan. ( ),长期的,作定语,Open-air ( ) exercises will do you good. ( ),户外的,作定语,Are you airsick? ( ) ( ),晕机的,作表语,He is lively and outgoing. ( ) ( ),外向的,作表语,合成形容词常见的构此法如下:,形容词+名词+-ed:,good-tempered( ),好脾气的,noble-minded ( ),高贵的, 高尚的,形容词+现在分词:,good-looking ( ),长得好看的,easy-going ( ),容易相处的,副词+现在分词:,hard-working ( ),努力工作的,far-reaching ( ),深远的, 广泛的,名词+过去分词:,state-owned ( ) heart-felt ( ),国有的,衷心的,名词+现在分词:,peace-loving ( ) epoch-making ( ),爱好和平的,开新纪元的,副词+过去分词,well-known ( ) widespread ( ),著名的,传播广的,形容词+过去分词:,kind-hearted ( ) ready-made ( ),好心肠的,做好的, 现成的,名词+形容词:,duty-free ( ) self-satisfied ( ),免税的,自我满足的, 自负的,1. Look at these compound words from the module. Keyboard Type 1: one word CD-ROM Type 2: two words with“-” mobile phone Type 3: two words Decide what type these words are. hardware high-speed computer system search engine software,Type 1: Type 2: Type 3:,hardware, software,high-speed,computer system, search engine,hard board site key book traffic web browser ware net disk word note pad work soft,2. Make compound nouns, using words from the boxes. Use words in the left hand box more than once, if you can.,Possible answers:,hardware, hardboard, hard disk; keyboard, key board; website; network; notebook, notepad(记事本); software, well-being _ has-been _ data-bank _ credit card _ bystander _,健康;安乐,过时的人或物,数据库,信用卡,旁观者,EXX. Translate the words, chewing gum _ snow-covered _ three-legged _ newly-built _ paper-making _,口香糖,被雪覆盖的,三条腿的,新建的,造纸的,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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