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人教版八年级上学期英语期中卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)_ is it? Its yellow. A . How longB . How muchC . What timeD . What color2. (2分)Bob is much than his sister. A . tallB . tallerC . tallestD . the tallest3. (2分)We should learn _the most knowledgeable teacher. A . toB . forC . byD . from4. (2分)Time is money.But I think time is _money.A . as important asB . more important thanC . so important thanD . the same as5. (2分)I dont know this word. I want _ in my dictionary. A . to look it upB . to look up itC . looking up itD . looking it up6. (2分)All kinds of flowers _ in spring.A . come inB . come onC . come outD . come out of7. (2分)What do you think of a monkey?_A . Its has long tail.B . I dont like it.C . I want to feed it.D . Its very cute.8. (2分)The worlds population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice.A . more; lessB . larger, fewerC . larger, lessD . more, fewer9. (2分)Her son coke, but now he milk.A . used to drink; is used to drinkingB . used to drinking; drinksC . is used to drinking; used to drinkD . is used to drink; is drinking10. (2分)Ill buy a dress for my daughter unless I can think of a better idea for a present.A . dressB . partyC . gift11. (2分)We were very happy in those days _ we studied in school. A . whenB . whyC . howD . where12. (2分)This text is on a dog saving its master. It is very moving. A . inB . aboutC . to13. (2分)Ill do my best to pass the exams. I dont want to _ my parents.I bet you can make it.A . giveupB . letdownC . leavebehind14. (2分)Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but _ two are far. A . otherB . the othersC . the other15. (2分)In fact, listening is just as as speaking in language learning. A . importantB . more importantC . more difficultD . more interesting16. (2分)We will _ pass the exam if we study hard.A . canB . is able toC . be able toD . be17. (2分)The relation between the two countries gets _. A war seems to break out soon .I hope they will make peace with each other .A . worse and worseB . better and betterC . more and more peaceful18. (2分)Tony was asked _ a speech at the party. A . giveB . to giveC . givingD . to giving19. (2分)Mum, must I finish my homework today? _. You may do it tomorrow morning. A . No, you mustntB . No, you needntC . Yes, you must20. (2分)His school is different _ my school. A . aboutB . forC . ofD . from二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Bill and Fred were students at a university and they were friends. They didnt have 1money, so when it was time2their summer vacation, Bill said, “Lets3our vacation in trailer(活动房车), Fred. It is4than a hotel. I can borrow my fathers trailer.” Fred was very happy, so they got into the trailer and began their vacation.They wanted5early the next day to go fishing,6they didnt have an alarm clock.“ Thats7, Bill,” Fred said, “ I have a good way. Ill put8bread on the roof of the trailer tonight and they will wake us up in the morning.” Bill was very9 but he didnt say anything. Fred was right. When it was at the first light, some 10came down to eat the bread, and their noise on the roof (屋顶) of the trailer woke them up quickly.(1)A . many B . much C . a lot D . some (2)A . in B . to C . for D . on (3)A . take B . taking C . takes D . to take (4)A . cheap B . cheaper C . expensive D . more expensive (5)A . to get up B . getting up C . gets up D . get up (6)A . and B . but C . so D . or (7)A . right B . true C . all right D . wrong (8)A . a B . some pieces C . many D . some pieces of (9)A . happy B . surprised C . excited D . sad (10)A . birds B . dogs C . elephants D . Ants 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共48分)22. (10分) Nick is a knight(骑士). But he doesnt like to ride and he doesnt like to fight. Nick likes to read and write, and he likes to knit(编织).One night, there was a knock at the door. “I need you to fight a dragon(龙)!” cried King Kareen.“But Im the wrong kind of knight!” said Nick. “I dont like to fight.”“Never mind! Hurry up!” cried the King.“The dragon is in my bed!” said the King. Nicks knees were knocking. He lifted the blanket(毯子) and saw a little dragon. “Im freezing.” The dragon said.Nick quickly started knitting. He knitted a coat, some long socks and some pants for the dragon. The dragon was glad. “Thank you!” he said and off he went.“I think youre the right kind of knight!” said the king.(1)What does Nick do?A . A kingB . A knightC . A knitterD . A writer(2)Nick likes to read ,write and _ .A . rideB . fightC . singD . knit(3)Why were Nicks knees knocking ? Because Nick was _ .A . so gladB . too frightenedC . a wrong kind of knightD . a right kind of knight(4)The dragon was in the Kings bed because _.A . he liked the kingB . he was hungryC . he was freezingD . he liked Nick(5)The dragon was very glad and went off after_.A . Nick knitted some clothes for himB . Nick had a big fight with himC . the King gave him much foodD . the King gave him much money23. (8分)阅读理解James William comes from America. People call him “Big Cat” because hes two meters tall. He is famous because he plays for the Chicago Bears, an American football team . American football is different from European football . American football players need to be big and strong , so James needs to eat a lot .Every day James has three big meals . For breakfast ,he has orange juice , fruit , bread , milk , eggs and cakes. For lunch , he has fish , meat ,vegetables and ice cream. He loves ice cream best.In the evening he has his big meal, tomato soup, pork and beef, potatoes, chicken, rice and his favorite chocolate cakes.But that isnt everything , James also eats between meals, bread, hamburgers, sweets and two or three bars of chocolates.(1)James come from _. A . USAB . UKC . FranceD . Canada(2)He eats_ between meals. A . Bread, eggs, milk, fruits and orange juiceB . Rice , potatoes, chicken and tomato soupC . Bread, milk, eggs, cakes and vegetablesD . Bread , sweets, hamburgers and chocolates(3)According to the passage, which of the following is true ? A . He only eats three meals.B . He is good at playing basketball.C . He eats different kinds of food.D . He likes bread and chocolate cakes best.(4)James eats a lot because _. A . hes two meters tall and he is very strongB . he likes eating and playing football every dayC . he wants to be a famous player two years laterD . American football players should be big and strong.24. (30分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题The baby is taking photos with his parents, the Duke and Duchess (公爵和公爵夫人) of Cambridge. The pictures were taken by the duchess father, Michael Middleton, in the garden of their family home in Bucklebury, Berkshire. Taken earlier this month, they show the royal ,couple, Prince George and their black cocker spaniel (西班牙猎犬), Lupo. Tilly, a golden dog, belonging to the Middleton family, can be seen lying down behind them. The photographs of Prince George, who was born on 22 July, were published by Kensington Palace.On Monday Prince William, giving his first interview since becoming a father, told CNN:“He either reminds me of my brother or me when I was younger, Im not sure, but he*s doing very well at the moment.”BBC reporter Nicholas Witchell said the new family looks “unselfconscious (自然的), relaxed and happy - much like most couples might look with their first-born baby”. He added: “Of course theyre aware of whats expected of them. There will be staff - a nanny (保姆) to help indue course (适时地), but for the moment its all rather informal and many might think, refreshing.”Famous photographer Terry ONeill said he thought the pictures were “absolutely charming”.“It reminded me when I first started photography for myself - I just went for the light, and it was really interesting lighting (打灯光). As a matter of fact when I heard about these pictures, I thought Who have they got to do these pictures - and the thought crossed my mind they might have asked the Queen because shes quite a good photographer.”The cultural and education manager of Magnum Photos, Fiona Rogers, told Radio 4s Today program the photograph of the couple and Prince George with the familys dogs was “technically not the most accomplished (技艺高超的) photograph”.“Its a photograph that any one of us could have in our family albums,” she said.(1)Who is Tilly?(2)Where were the pictures taken?(3)When was Prince George born?(4)What did Terry ONeill think of the pictures?(5)What did Fiona Rogers think of the picture?(6)What is this report mainly about?四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)单词拼写Fears are something we all have. You need to face your fears and to get over them. However, its easier said than d_. Running away from your fears doesnt make them leave. It just makes them b_ than ever. Were never going to be completely fearless of everything we do, but we can at l_ be more fearless and confident.What are the fears that scare(吓唬) you much? Check w_ they are and get them out in the open. Are they things like height or snakes? Are you a_ to talk to girls or boys? Are you so shy that you are fearing to say the wrong things? These are common fears that i_ your daily lives.Before you can f_ them, you need to learn more about what makes you fearful of these situations. Communicating your fear is one way. Other people may be able to realize your anxiety(焦虑) b_ they know something you dont.It could be from past experience, something that you could never forget and has made you fearful since then.To face fears, you have to believe in something. Its a very healthy way of letting you feel as if nothing can go w_. When you feel that way, you may be able to think differently about your f_. You will be able to believe that everything will be okay. Everything does end up being okay.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)假如你叫刘星。你择友的观点是:性格外向;擅长打乒乓球,并可以教你打乒乓球。最近你就结交了这样一位新朋友赵鹏。请根据表格提示,介绍一下你自己、你的新朋友及你的择友观。NameLiu XingZhao PengAge1514Personal traitsquiet,good at Englishoutgoing,play table tennis well第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共48分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、24-6、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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