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江南实验一模四、单项填空16. The phonetic transcription for the word “tribe” is _.A. / e / B. / / C. / ei / D. / ai / 17.-Excuse me,in which class is boy in blue? -I m not sure, he may be in Class SixA. a,a B. the,a C. a, the D. the , /18. why dont you buy this car? It looks so nice -Yeah, but there isnt enough _. You know I have three kids A. seat B. room C. place D. money19. I was very surprised to find out a friend of is also a friend of my fathersA. mine B. my C. me D. I 20. The books written by MoYan are very popular lately. They quickly A. sell B. buy C. lend D. borrow21. -Do you know ? -Gate9A. when we have to go through B. where do we have to go through C. what gate will we have to go through D. which gate we have to go through22. -Have you ever played computer games? -No, A. once B. sometimes C. never D. always23. This book isnt so as that one. Its hard to readA. difficult B. more difficult C. easy D. easier24. The sign “THIS SIDE UP” is often seen A. on a box B. in a street C. at a station D. behind a hotel25. Did you watch the Football World Cup yesterday evening? -Sure!_exciting the match was!A. what B. how C. how a D. what a26. It is very important to your dreams if you want to be successfulA. hold on to B. take pride in C. come up with D. be interested27. I have not seen Jack for three days,is he ill? - . His mother told me that he was in hospitalA. I am afraid so B. I hope so C. I dont expect D. I am afraid not 28. whose notebook is this -It _Rites. It has her name on it.A. cant be B. should be C. need be D. must be29. I like movies are funny, such as “Mr. Bean”. How about you? -oh, no, I dont. I really like documentariesA. what B. that C. who D. where30. kilometers is it from Beijing to Hangzhou? Do you know?A. How far B. How long C. How many D. How much五、完型填空THERE was once a bottle of fresh, clean water. Every 31 of water in the bottle felt happy about 32 so clear and pure (纯净的). Day after day they would ucongratulate each other 33 how clean and beautiful they were.One day, one of the drops got bored. He wanted to know 34 it felt to be dirty. The other drops tried to talk him out of 35, but he wouldnt listen.36 became very bad when the drop came back all dirty. He made all the other drops in the bottle 37 tooThey tried to get clean again, but 38 . They tried everything to 39 the dirt. Finally, someone put the bottle in a fountain. When a lot of clean water 40 the bottle, they all became clean again.Now they all know that 41 they want to be nice, clean drop of water, every one of them has to stay clean, 42 they find it difficult. Putting right the 43 of one single drop of water brings about a lot of work for everyone elseThe 44 thing happens with our friends and us. If we want to live in a bottle of clean water, 45 one of us will have to be a clean drop. We should all avoid being the dirty drop of water who spoils everything31. A. cup B. glass C. drop D. pot32. A. being B. having C. living D. coming33. A. in B. with C. for D. on34. A. when B. how C. why D. what35. A. it B. them C. him D. us36. A. bottles B. things C. works D. days37. A. clean B. dark C. bored D. dirty38. A. couldnt B. wouldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt39. A. hand out B. deal with C. shake off D. give up40. A. entered B. liked C. wanted D .needed41. A.only B. if C. unless D. until42. A. no longer B. since then C. by now D. even if43. A. activity B. danger C. fact D. mistake44. A. impossible B. interesting C. same D. nervous45. A. each B. another C. none D. either六、阅读理解AThis is the price of Hangzhou World Trade Hotel(国贸宾馆) Room Type Price (RMB) Standard Room 520.00Single Room 520.00Deluxe (豪华)Room 520.00Non- Smoking Room 520.00Extra Bed 520.00Notes: check-out (退房)time is 12:00 at noon,you will have to pay a full day after 6:00PM Free for children under 12 sharing the room with parents free breakfast Add:369 Shuang Xi Road(W) Hangzhou Zhejiang China Tel:86-571-2056688 Fax:86-571-2370265 Booking Tel:86-571-2056020 PC:321017 E-mail:www. gmhotelljh. com. cn46. If someone has only 2000yuan,how many nights can he stay in World Trade Hotel ? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 47.Mr. Black came to Hangzhou on business at 20:00 on July 1st. He lived in a single room in World Trade Hotel. He checked out at 19:00 on July 2nd. He should pay A. 520 dollars B. 520 yuanC. 1040 dollars D. 1040 yuan 48. If you want to book a room,you can call _.A. 86-571-2056688B. 86-571-2056020C. 86-571-2370265D. 86-571-32101749. Three people live in this hotel for three days,they for breakfastA. have to pay a lot of money B. have to pay a little money C. need not pay any money D. have to pay 100yuan 50. Li Wei is the manager of World Trade Hotel,his friend Jim from Harvard University writes a letter to him. The envelope should be written like this A. Jim Harvard UniversityLi Wei Manager369 SHUANG Xi ROAd(W)JINHUA ZHEANGJINAG CHINAB. Jim Harvard UniversityJINHUA ZHEANGJINAG CHINA369 SHUANG Xi ROAd(W)Li Wei ManagerC. Li Wei Manager369 SHUANG Xi ROAd(W)JINHUA ZHEANGJINAG CHINA Harvard UniversityJim D. ZHEANGJINAG CHINA JINHUASHUANG Xi ROAd(W) 369Li Wei ManagerHarvard UniversityJimBFrench doctors and American scientists have reported doing an operation in which the doctor was outside the operating room. This kind of operation is known as robotic operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a 68-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France. A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach area. Doctor Marescaux in New York watched the patient on a video screen. Then he used the computer to send messages to the robot machine. The robot moved the tools that cut the womans gallbladder (胆囊) away. The woman got well soon after the operation and left the hospital two days later.Experts(专家) say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecommunications(无线电通讯) between the doctor and the robot. Technology(技术) must be able to send a doctors order to a robot to move the tools quickly.Experts also say a successful robotic operation will improve an operation. For example, the robot can make much smaller movements than a person can. A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctors hand cannot.Doctors say such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations possible in the future. They say it will improve doctor training. It will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous places far away. And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having to travel to the city where the doctors work.51. Robotic operation means .A. a special kind of robot invented by doctorsB. an operation done far awayC. an operation done with the help of a robotD. something done to mend a robot52. We use the robot in the operation because _.A. it can send messages at a high speedB. even a top doctor cant do the operation himselfC. it can make the operation safer and betterD. operations can be done without any doctors53. If we want to use the robot in the operation, we must solve the problem of _.A. top doctors B. smaller movementsC. doctor training D. high-speed telecommunications54. If the smaller movement cant be done by doctors in the operation, we may use _ to solve it.A.a robot machine B. more toolsC. a video camera D. telecommunications55. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Robotic operation is good for doctor training.B. Robotic operation has been used in the USA.C. Experts speak highly of robotic operation.D. The robot is used to watch operations clearly.任务型阅读:如果你是杂志社编辑,请把A B C D E 和F这些标题于方框中5660提供的栏目对应起来,选项中有一项为多余A. Red Cross calls on Chinese to give blood for free B. Canada,China sign free trade agreement C. Special places to visitD. 7 killed,thousands homeless in earthquakeE. Weather forecasts(8 a.m. March 27 -8 a.m. March 28) F. World Football Cup Finals open in France56. _Home News57. _Sports58. _Weather report59. _International News60. _ Business News 七、词语填空Where change it from problem wash in short affordWaste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for _ food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can _ these things. But I dont agree with them.Waste can bring a lot of _. Although China is rich in some resources, we are _ of others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use _ 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and _ can we move? Think about _. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent waste _ happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish _, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be _. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.八、单词拼写71. Australian is famous for its millions of s _72. Jim kept working hard all the time and at last he s _73. Try on the dress,and you will know w _ it is too large or not.74. When is Tree Planting Day?Its on the t _ of March75. When I got to the top of the high mountain,I was so tired that I could h _ walk any more76. Tom,with his classmates,m _ progress in English this term already77. How to keep safe should be t _ to students at school78. My parents are s _ with me,and there are so many rules in my family.79. Mark Twain is one of the best loved w _ in the USA80. D _ sports every day is good for our health九、书面表达中考临近,Tom经常很烦闷,晚上睡不着,上课注意力不集中,经常想着万一考不上怎么办?于是他给某报社的心理医生Mr. Green写了一份e-mail进行咨询,希望他能给自己一些建议,以便在冲刺阶段能全力以赴。请你以心理医生Mr. Green的名义给Tom一些晚上更好休息以及如何放宽心态,积极备战的建议。要求通顺达意。字数在80词左右。Dear Mr. Green,Im sorry to trouble you. You know there will be an exam this term. But it seems that everything goes wrong with me. I cant sleep at night and I cant listen to the teachers carefully. I am always worried about my grades. I know it is not good to do so, but I cant control myself. What can I do ? Write to me soon. Best wishes to you ! Yours, TomDear Tom,Im glad to hear from you. In my opinion, though the exam is very important, _ Yours TrulyMr. Green

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