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人教版九年级下学期英语5月中考模拟(I)卷一、 单项选择 (共14题;共28分)1. (2分)Nanjing, the ancient capital of the six dynasties, is becoming _ international city and attracts more and more foreign tourists every year.A . aB . anC . theD . 不填2. (2分)Does the koala sleep night or the day? A . at; inB . in; atC . in; inD . at; at3. (2分)My _ brother is three years _ than I. A . elder; elderB . older; olderC . elder; olderD . older; elder4. (2分)Listen! Peter is singing in the classroom! It _ be him. He has gone back to his hometown.A . mustB . mustntC . may notD . cant5. (2分)Mark, dont play computer games. Lets do A . useful anythingB . anything usefulC . useful somethingD . something useful6. (2分)Ann doesnt take piano lessons any more. Why did she give up playing the piano?A . beginB . stopC . enjoy7. (2分)My aunt had a pig of a day yesterday. She lost her purse and mobile phone in the street. A . a lucky dayB . a busy dayC . an unhappy dayD . a wonderful day8. (2分)how busy he is, he is always ready to help others.A . Pay attention toB . No matterC . According toD . Thanks to9. (2分)He showed us the city. Thats very exciting.A . aboutB . inC . aroundD . outside10. (2分)_ you spell the word “pen”?PEN.A . How areB . How doC . What doD . Whatre11. (2分)Is Jim visiting his friend?_.A . Yes, he isB . No, he isC . Yes, he isntD . No, he doesnt12. (2分)I have _ work to do that I cant go out with you .A . much tooB . too muchC . so manyD . so much13. (2分)No one knows _ the task will last. What a pity!A . how longB . how oftenC . how farD . how much14. (2分)Dont eat in class, Hu Lei!_, Miss Zhang.A . Excuse meB . SorryC . No problem二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)15. (15分)完形填空Students in high schools can be cruel and we certainly refer to a young man named Matt who was in my class. We laughed at him about his1. He was at least fifty pounds overweight.One day he sat near me in a2. Someone pushed him and he3on me and hurt my foot quite badly. With the whole class 4, I had to choose either5 it off or have a fight with him. I chose to fight in order to keep my 6.I shouted, “ Come on, Matt, lets fight.” He said he didnt want to. But peer pressure(同伴的压力)7 him into the fight whether he liked it or not. He came toward me with his fists(拳头) in the air. With one8I bloodied(弄出血) his nose and the classroom became9. No one dared to say a word. Just then the teacher walked into the classroom, He saw that we were 10 and sent us out to the playground.He followed us with a11on his face and said, “I want you two boys to go out there and run that mile holding each others hands.” The room broke into laughter. The two of us were12, but Matt and I went out to the track and ran our mile 13.During the course of our run, I looked at him, with blood still flowing from his nose and his14slowing him down. It hurt me that here was a person, not all that different from myself. I no longer saw Matt as fat. It was amazing what I learned I was forced to go hand-in-hand with someone for only one mile.For the rest of my life I have never15 a hand against another person. I know it is wrong to do so.(1)A . size B . hairstyle C . voice D . clothes (2)A . town B . class C . park D . hospital (3)A . called B . rode C . fell D . went (4)A . waiting B . singing C . listening D . watching (5)A . laugh B . pay C . put D . take (6)A . promise B . face C . balance D . courage (7)A . brought B . turned C . changed D . forced (8)A . thought B . hit C . suggestion D . dream (9)A . angry B . anxious C . excited D . quiet (10)A . crying B . arguing C . talking D . fighting (11)A . smile B . sadness C . puzzle D . surprise (12)A . brave B . happy C . shy D . satisfied (13)A . shoulder to shoulder B . face to face C . arm in arm D . hand in hand (14)A . success B . weight C . failure D . feet (15)A . held B . gave C . lent D . raised 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)16. (10分) From age eight to eleven, I studied at a small school in Bath, England. It was a small school of four classes, with about twenty-five children in each class according to age. For the most part, one teacher had to teach all subjects. However, sometimes the headteacher , Mr. Ronald Broaches would come in and spend an hour or so.He was a large man with a very happy nature. He had a sense of humor and would be glad in telling the children small stories which make us laugh.I found that he took great interest in me and he quickly found that I enjoyed puzzles. He would stop me as I was going to class and take a piece of paper out of his pocket, often with a puzzle on it. As time went on, they slowly gave me an interest in math and problem solving that stays with me to this day.To this day, I can remember Mr. Broaches cheerful cry of “Well done!” whenever I got a problem right. I shall always be thankful that our paths crossed.Mr. Bruoaches died just two weeks after I won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Unfortunately, I had no chance to speak to him before he died. I learnt late that he had heard of my success and I will always hope that he knew the deep influence he had made on my life.(1)The writer spent _study at the school in Bath, England.A . three yearsB . six yearsC . one yearD . two years(2)The writers success shows us _.A . Mr. Broaches often gave him some puzzles only for fun .B . they had the same interestC . Mr. Broaches found and developed his interestD . Mr. Broaches was his fathers friend.(3)From the story, we can guess the writer_.A . liked language lessons very well.B . was a good football playerC . was good at mathD . had a great dream(4)The writer felt sorry because_.A . Mr. Broaches passed away before he won the Nobel PrizeB . he didnt express his thanks before Mr. Broaches died.C . he couldnt find Mr. Broaches after he grew upD . Mr. Broaches didnt know about his success.(5)The best title for the passage is _.A . The Story of Mr. BroachesB . The History of Nobel PrizeC . My Early School LifeD . An Important Teacher in My Life17. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Tea to the Chinese is like coffee to the Americans. Its something that they cant live without.Chinese tea has a history of more than 5,000 years. It was most popular during the Tang Dynasty. China has many kinds of tea. White, yellow, green, oolong (乌龙茶), black and dark tea are the six main kinds.People in different places drink tea in their own way. People in Guangdong and Fujian love to drink “Kung Fu Tea” in small tea cups. They clean the teapot (茶壶) first with boiling water to warm it up. Then they fill the teapot with tea leaves before putting in the boiling water.In Beijing, people love jasmine flower(茉莉花)green tea. In Tibet, butter tea (酥油茶) is a popular drink to build up energy.There are rules to follow when we serve tea to others. Most importantly, remember to make the cup only seven-tenths full. If the cup is too full, it makes the cup too hot for them to hold.(1)Which of the following is NOT one of the six main kinds of tea?A . Green tea.B . Black tea.C . Butter tea.D . Dark tea.(2)Why do people clean the teapot with boiling water first when having Kung Fu Tea?A . To warm the teapot.B . To boil the tea.C . To wash the tea leaves.D . To build up energy.(3)What is the most important rule when serving tea to others?A . Clean the teapot with boiling water.B . Make the cup hot enough.C . Remember to hold the cup for a while.D . Not to make the cup too full.18. (8分)阅读理解 Drinking water is good for your health. There are some scientific ways of drinking water.It is the best medicine to drink two glasses of water in the morning.Drink clean water.Drink the water that has not been boiled.Many people think boiled water is safe and good for peoples health. In fact, it is not true. The boiling point of water is 100 C. By boiling it, most bacteria(细菌) in water can be killed. In the past, the water was less polluted, so boiling was a good way to make clean water. But heavy metals and other dangerous things in todays water are much more terrible than bacteria. Boiling doesnt solve that problem. And boiling water may give us more dangerous things in our glass.Never use soft drinks to take the place of water.Water is also needed in winter.Drink water at the right time.1) After getting up in the morning, you have less water in your body, because you werent drinking for the whole night .So you should drink some water to keep your health after getting up in the morning. That can prevent high blood pressure(血压), cerebral hemorrhage(脑溢血) and so on.2) Drinking water at about 10 a. m. helps your body keep enough water.3) Drinking water at about 3 p. m. can clean the wastes out in your body.4) About eight oclock in the evening is the best time to drink water. Your blood gets thicker when you sleep. Water will make your blood less thick.Besides, we should drink 2L of water every day. Water is so important in our life. We should drink water often.(1)According to the passage, in the morning is the best. A . drinking some hot soup; medicineB . having some porridge; breakfastC . drinking some water; medicineD . drinking some coffee; breakfast(2) can prevent high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage and so on. A . Drinking some water after getting up in the morningB . Drinking some water before going to bedC . Drinking some milk before going to bedD . Drinking some beer after getting up in the morning(3)At about 3 p. m. , drinking water can clean the out in your body. A . oilB . foodC . wastesD . blood(4)From the passage, we can learn that the best time to drink water is .A . about eight oclock in the morningB . about eight oclock in the eveningC . before supperD . after breakfast四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)任务型阅读Computers are good tools. The Internet is also good._They cant stop. Doctors say this is a new sickness. They call this sickness Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD)._They spend hours chatting to their friends or playing online games. Many people with IAD spend more time on the Internet than with family or friends._Do you have IAD? Think about these questions: How many hours a day are you online? Is it a lot or a little? When you are not online, are you thinking about playing a computer game or checking your messages?_Do you get angry when you cant play a game?_Dr. Ivan Goldberg and Dr. Kimberly S.Young have some ideas. First, ask yourself “Why am I online a lot?” Then try to take a break. For example, use the computer or play games twice a week, not every day. In this way, you can have a good social life with other friends.A. When you are online, do you forget the time?B. If you have IAD, what can you do?C. But some people spend too much time online.D. We can learn much from the internet.E. Some people with IADeven give up their jobs!F. Spending too much time online is bad for our health.G. People with IAD are online a lot.五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)Her wallet was s_(偷) by a thief yesterday. 六、 语法填空 (共2题;共10分)21. (1分)When will they arrive in_(French)?22. (9分)B)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 (1)There are three_(hall)in our school (2)Jeff never_(fight)with his classmates (3)Tom_(feel)unhappy because he cant find his cat (4)Are Toms and Lauras_(kitchen) big? (5)My sister always (practice)singing at 8:00 pm 七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词,每个空格只填一个单词 The digital(数字的)age has come into our life. In the USA, some teachers think digital search tools(工具)have had a good influence on the American teenagers, but others dont think so. More than 2,000 high school teachers took s survey on the Internet.75 percent of the teachers agreed the Internet and digital search tools have had a mostly good use for their students research habits and skills. But 87 percent thought that these technologies make the students not have enough attention. And 64 percent said the technologies do little to help them in courses.Judy Buchanan is a director of the National Writing Project. Ms. Buchanan says digital search tools are helping students learn more, and lean faster. Teachers really like these tools because they are ways to make some of learning very exciting. Young people enjoy using these tools. And the goal is to help them do creative work, and not just that kind of copyist(模仿者,抄写员).But one problem is that many students dont have a good understanding of how to use the digital knowledge well. In other words, they trust too much of the information. Judy Buchanan says these students have not developed the skills they need to tell whether the information on the Internet is good or bad. Another problem is something that might not seem like a problem at all, being able to quickly find information from the Internet. Teachers say the ability of their students to work hard to find out answers is becoming weaker. They say students depend too much on search tools and do not make enough use of printed books.Besides, many teachers are also worried about the problem that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others, instead of using their own abilities.The survey on whether digital tools _ American teenagersPurposeStudents should learn how to use the digital tools in a right way.Different opinionsThree quarters of the teachers were in _ that the Internet had a mostly good use for students research habits and skills.87% of the teachers thought technologies may _ students from having enough attention.64% said that the technologies are almost _to them in courses._ of digital toolsDigital tools help students learn more and learn faster.Teachers think some learning by using digital tools is very _Young people also think they help them do _ work.Disadvantages of digital toolsMany students have not developed the skills they need to tell whether the _ information is good or bad. Many students _ too much on search tools and do not make enough use of printed books.Internet makes it easy for students to copy _ work, instead of using their own abilities.八、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)24. (2分)今天下午我要去萨莉家帮助她学英语。Ill go to Sallys home this afternoon _ _ her with her English.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如李明是你的好朋友, 根据提示写一篇80词左右的短文介绍李明的业余爱好。(短文开头已经给出)提示:1. 李明从前是一个电影迷, 一周至少看两次电影, 有时租VCD在家里看, 最喜欢的影星是刘德华。2. 李明现在的兴趣是集邮。3. 上周五是李明的生日, 他从朋友哪里得到了许多邮票, 非常高兴。Li Ming is my good friend. He has many hobbies. He used to第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共14题;共28分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)15-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20-1、六、 语法填空 (共2题;共10分)21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)23-1、八、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)24-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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