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Unit 1 Useful Phrases & ExpressionsNo.ChineseEnglish1学 习 方 法 I study English by making flashcards./ listening to tapes./ reading aboud./ practicing conversations with my friends./ asking the teacher for help. The best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines. (主语) Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. (主语) Joining the Enlish club at school is the best way to improve Englsih. (主语)2ask 相关知识askfor=ask sb. for helpask sb (not)to do sth.3发音pronunciation n.pronounce v.4口语技能英语口语得到写作/听力锻炼speaking skillsspoken Englishget writing /listening practice5有点帮助/帮助很大help a little / help a lot6感受不同feel differently= feel in a different way7根本不,一点也不notat all= not in the slightist eg. Having conversations with friends is not helpful at all.8结束end up9对感到激动、兴奋get excited about (doing) sth.10记英语笔记keep an English notebook11确实了解;彻底搞清get sth. right eg. I cant get the pronunciation right.12练习英语的伙伴/搭档写的钢笔住的房间a partner to practice English witha pen to write witha room to live in13afraid相关知识 be afraid of sb./sth. be afraid of doing sth.(害怕做某事) = be terrified of be afraid to do sth.(不敢做某事) afraid+ that 从句eg. Im afraid that he cant come here on time. Dont be afraid. Im afraid so.Im afraid not. I hope so. /I hope not. I think so. /I dont think so.14嘲笑laugh at15造完整的句子make complete sentences16记(语法)笔记take (grammar) notes17写原创的(自编的)句子write original sentences18做某事有困难在某方面有困难处于困难/麻烦之中给制造麻烦have trouble doing sth.have trouble with sth.in troubleget into trouble with19查字典lookup in a dictionarylook them up 20手感柔软feel soft21组成,构成make up22处理,应对howdeal withwhat do with23生某人的气be angry with24时光过去,消逝Time goes by25尽力做try/do ones best to do sth.26把视为regardas27把两者作比较compareto/with28做是某人的职责Its ones duty to do sth.29在某人的帮助下with ones help= with the help of help sb. (to) do sth.=help sb. with sth30v.+doing sth.enjoy, finish, mind, practice31one of+ n.复数Doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.32it 做形式主语it 做形式宾语 Its adj.(for sb.) to do sth.find it adj. (for sb.) to do sth .=find sb./sth.+adj.33unless引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义unless=ifnoteg. I wont let you in unless you show me your pass. = I wont let you if you dont show me your pass.Unit 2 Useful Phrases & ExpressionsNo.ChineseEnglish1过去经常;以前常常习惯于做某事used to do sth.be used to doing sth.eg. I used to be afraid of the dark.否定句=I didnt use to be afraid of the dark. 或I used not to be afraid of the dark.一般疑问句= Did you use to be afraid of the dark? 或 Used you to be afraid of the dark?2对感兴趣be interested in (人) interesting (物)3亮着灯with the light on=with+n. +adj.eg. I left the classroom with the windows open.=openclose v. open-closed adj.4在过去几年里(常用于现在完成时)in the last / past few years 5为担心,忧虑worry about sb./sth. (v. )be worried about sb./sth. (adj. )6在某人死后after ones death (n.) die. (v.)= dying dead (adj.) diebe dead7担负得起afford to do sth.eg. I cant afford it.8最后,终于in the end=at last9作决定make a decision to do sth.decide to do sth.10令某人感到惊讶to ones surprise11改变某人的生活/一生change ones life12不再,已不no longer = notany longereg. We no longer live in the country. = We dont live in the country any longer.13即使,纵然,尽管even though14对感到自豪take pride in15对注意,留心pay attention to16放弃,停止做某事give it up.give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. stop doing sth. eg. Stop watching TV. stop to do sth. eg. Stop to watch TV. stopfrom doing sth.= keep from doing sth. cant stop doing sth.17改变主意change ones mind (n. )eg. What his mother said didnt change his mind. (主语) =mind doing sth.eg. Do you mind my closing the window? Sorry, Youd better not. No, not at all./ Of course not./ Certainly not/ No, do it please18seem 似乎,好像seem+ adj./n.seem to do sth. It seems that + 从句eg. He seeems unhappy.= He seems to be unhappy.=It seems that he is unhappy.19Dont you? 难道你不? 为否定疑问句,在回答时根据句意来回答。句意为肯定意思用Yes, 译为“不”;反之则相反。反意疑问句前面否定后面肯定时回答也如此。eg. Aret you good at English? 难道你不擅长英语吗? -Yes. Im from England. (擅长) -He didnt go to school, did he? -No, He was ill. (没去).20四“花” spendon sth spend(in) doing sth.spend-spent-spent (主语是人) payfor sth. pay-paid-paid It taks sb. some time to do sth. take-took-taken cost-cost-cost21省to 不定式 3、2、1、0.522 也是的确如此so+ be/情/助+主语(肯定)neither+ be/情/助+主语(否定)so+主语+be/情/助Unit 3 Useful Phrases & ExpressionsNo.ChineseEnglish1允许某人做某事被允许做某事 allow sb. to do sth.be allowed to do sth.2某人自己的ones own (+n.)316岁的青少年sixteen-year-olds (n. )sixteen-year-old (adj.)4穿耳孔使被做,让别人做某事get ones ears pierced=get/have sth done.5取得驾驶执照get the drivers license6不够镇定(沉着)enough位置not calm enough big enough enough money7need实义动词=情态动词=need time to do sth.(需要时间做某事) dont need need to do sth. (需要做某事) need doing sth. (需要被做某事)eg. We need water the flowers The flowers need watering. neednt + v.原形eg. Must I do the work now? Yes, you must. No ,you neednt8在那个年龄at that age9熬夜到11点stay up until 11:00=stay up doing sth.10上课迟到get to class latebe late for class11参加/完成/通过考试考试不及格take / finish / pass a testfail a test12对某人/某事要求严格be strict with sb. / in sth.13前几天the other day14对集中精力, 全神贯注concentrate on 15使某人开心一直做某事让某人一直做某事keep sb. happy=keepadj. keepfrom doing sth. keep (on )doing sth. keep sb doing sth.16目前at present17一团糟,杂乱,脏乱a real mess18至少,起码at least198小时睡眠eight hours sleep = eight hours of sleep20为某人表演戏剧perform a play for sb.21上了漫长的一周课之后after a long week of classes22休息(时间段)haveoff23同意(某人/想法)同意做某事agree with (sb. / ideas)agree to do sth24回答,答复reply to eg. You must reply to this letter right away.25遵守规定obey the rules26自己做决定make ones own decisionsmake decisions for oneself27妨碍去。的路去。的路上顺便说一下用这种方式用不同的方式get in the way ofeg. Playing computer games can get in the way of our studies.= the way toon the way toby the wayin this wayin different ways28职业运动员a professional athlete29对认真,严肃(指态度)be serious about30实现理想/梦想achieve ones dream31对担心,关心care about 32看起来很漂亮look good oneg. The shirt looks good on me.33成功 I worry about his success. (n.) He has had great success. His new book was a great success. I hope you will succeed in your studies.(v. ) He succeeded by working hard. The policeman has finally succeeded in solving the problem. He wants to be a successful writer. (adj.)34努力工作的重要性 The importance of working hard Unit 4 Useful Phrases & ExpressionsNo.ChineseEnglish1医学研究medical research2如果.将会怎样/该怎么办? What if?3起脓包/丘疹/粉刺get pimples4散步take a walk5考试前一天晚上the night before (taking) a test6当众讲话speak in public7给某人作报告give a speech to sb.8未经允许征求某人允许without permissionask ones permission9(向某人)自我介绍introduce oneself (to sb.)10社交场合social situations11他人的陪伴the company of other people12宁愿而不愿would rather dothan do13一小群朋友(朋友圈子小)a small circle of friends14立刻right away15如果必要的话if necessary16写回信write a reply17英语演讲比赛an English speech contest18在考试中名列前茅come top in exams19使某人失望,辜负某人let sb. down20问题的解决办法solutions to problems21想起,想出come up with / think of22的其余者the rest of (谓语根据of 后的名词来定)eg. The rest of the money was given back. The rest of the girls are playing ping-pong.23出版;出来come out24意外地,偶然地by accident25用覆盖被覆盖coverwith=be covered with26跌到楼下fall downstairs=fall-fell-fallen(落) feel-felt-felt (感觉)27给某人提供某物offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. (双宾语)give sb. sth=give sth to sb.buy sb sth= buy sth for sb.28把某物藏起来不让某人发现hide sth. from sb.29adj.和不定代词的位置something bad30去过某地(已回)去了某地(未回)have/has been tohave/has gone to

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