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上海新世纪版九年级上学期英语期中质量检测试卷D卷一、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共33分)1. (6分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。Mary is a girl. She is a middle school student. She is thirteen. She is in Class Three, Grade Two.There is a big picture in Marys bedroom. Its the picture of the family. Marys mother is a teacher of Chinese. She is a very good teacher. Marys father is a worker. There is a big red flower on his black coat. He is at work from Tuesday to Sunday. Marys brother is near her mother. He is a middle school student, too. He is fourteen. He is in Grade Three.Mary and her brother like books. They like school. They study hard. They are good students.(1)This is a picture of _. A . MaryB . Marys familyC . Marys fatherD . a middle school(2)There is a red flower on _ coat. A . MarysB . Marys mothersC . Marys brothersD . Marys fathers(3)_on Monday. A . They four are all at homeB . Mary and her brother are at homeC . Only Marys father is at homeD . Marys mother and father are not at work2. (10分)根据短文理解选择正确答案。CSheep always follow each other and never really think about where they are going. Perhaps fashion makes us into “sheep”. Maybe we should find our own way and not follow the crowd. Everyone wants to wear top brand clothing. However, we should remember that clothes designers(设计师) study what ordinary people wear on the street. Then they make clothes like ordinary peoples for everyone. Therefore, fashion really starts with individual(个人的) finding a new look. Then a company uses that look and then it becomes fashionable! That doesnt mean you will. That is to say, a model might look very nice in a shirt but that doesnt mean you will.The same goes for mobile phones. Young people are always asking me when to change my mobile phones. Mobile phone companies are always putting new functions(功能) on their phones but do we really need all these extra functions? I use my phone to call people and to send messages to my friends. I dont need a camera, Internet surfing or a calendar(日历) on my phone. Again, if you buy the latest phone, it will only be the latest phone for a month or so. Then something new will come out and youll be unfashionable again. You cant keep up with fashion all the time, so you dont need to follow the fashion.(1)The underlined word “sheep” means“_.”A . people who always follow the fashionB . a kind of animal which is whiteC . honest people who want to be fashionableD . black sheep which break laws(2)Clothes designers study what you wear on the street because_.A . they want to buy the clothes you wearB . they like your clothesC . they want to design fashion clothesD . your clothes are ugly(3)If you have a models clothes on, you_A . are sure to be beautifulB . may not look beautifulC . will be smarterD . will become a model(4)The passage is written mainly to _.A . explain what sheep areB . tell us to buy new mobile phonesC . tell students not to care about the clothesD . tell us not to be “sheep”(5)What can we infer(推断) from the article?A . Sheep which are out of date have been killed.B . The writer is a person who always follows the fashion.C . Fashion changes so quickly that we can hardly keep up with it.D . Fashion only exists among those fashion models.3. (10分)Plant scientists consider them as fruit. Most other people think of them as vegetables. Whatever you call tomatoes, there are many different kinds of this popular and healthy food.There are two groups of the plants. Small tomato plants grow to about one meter. They can be planted rather close together. Some short kinds do not require special care and are often gotten crop by machines. Large tomato plants can grow over two meters tall. They also produce larger fruits.People who grow only a few plants can place wire cages around each one. The cage can be made of wire fence material. The cage helps the plant grow taller and produce a better crop.Tomatoes often need extra calcium (Ca), or the fruits may be ruined. Add lime to the soil can solve this problem. Dry lands may also ruin the fruits. Tomatoes need water regularly. The soil should never dry out completely. Dried grass or leaves placed around the plant can help hold water in the soil and stop the growth of unwanted plants.Tomatoes are native to South America. The tomato is a member of the potato family. The leaves of the plant are poisonous, like the leaves of its relatives. Before the 18th century, people grew tomatoes only as pretty plants. They called the bright red fruit a “love apple”, but would not eat it.(1)Which of the following is right about the small tomato plants?A . They can grow to about 2 meters.B . They cant be planted close together.C . Some of them dont require special care.(2)People place wire cages around the plant in order to _.A . protect the plant from being taken by others.B . help the plant grow taller and produce a better cropC . keep the plant from being eaten by animals(3)The underlined word “ruin” probably means “_”.A . growB . destroyC . stop (4)People often give tomatoes extra calcium by _.A . adding lime to the soilB . watering the plant regularlyC . putting dried grass around the plant(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . omatoes are native to North America.B . The leaves of the plant can also be eaten.C . Americans began to eat tomatoes from the 18th century.4. (7分)任务型阅读Last Friday, Linda and her husband heard loud noises at their windows. Although the fear of gunshots appeared her thoughts, Linda tried to look into. When I managed to sneak in a look, I saw a mixture of eggs, oranges, and such coming at our windows.”Bravely, Linda decided to face her “enemies”. She always believed that “all strangers are my relatives”, she went outside to see “three cute kids”. Rather than shout at them, Linda tried to connect, “Hey guys, thank you for the oranges. Can I have them so they dont go to waste?” But the kids started to run. Linda walked after them and said, “Wait! Wait! Dont be afraid! I am not going to do anything. I just want to talk. And I can use your oranges.” The kids ran off without looking back.Linda felt a “sense of motherly connection” after thinking for a while, and she explained “More than forgiveness, it was more like a simple care.”When Linda ran outside to meet the “dangerous enemy”, it turned out to be a group of 10 and 11 year old children. It helps to see all our enemies as children because they once were children (which is why they often act childishly).It is much easier to see children as basically good or acting out in ways that they “know not what they are doing”.People dont willingly choose to be cruel, mean, or hateful. They experience things in their lives-often when they are very young-which make them take on the defenses of anger, and scorn Seeing my enemies as child makes me think of the saying, “all attacks are a cry for help”.Forgiveness can lead to understanding. Understanding plants the seeds for love. We can raise a whole generation of children who have the ability to stand for what all the great wise men have taught us: Love the enemy.(1)What happened to Linda last Friday? A . Someone shot at their windows with a gun.B . Three kids broke into their house to steal egg.C . Their enemies did something harmful at their house.D . Some kids threw eggs and oranges at their windows.(2)How did Linda want to deal with kids? A . To invite them to eat oranges.B . To make friends with them.C . To treat them with cooked eggs.D . To teach them not to waste food(3)Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A . Seeing all our enemies as children.B . Keeping your children away from enemies.C . Turning your childrens enemies into friends.D . Helping children learn to fight with enemies.(4)What will you do when you face your enemies in your life?_二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)5. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I think the life in the future will be very1from now. The technology(技术) will change2the life in space, the life on the earth and the life of the common people.The new technology will 3more ways for the people to move from place to place. There 4faster trains, for example, the bullet trains(高速列车). The airports will use different kinds of planes. They will be able to 5all over the world just for a few hours.6subway stations will be built. My opinion is that the subway stations dont take up any 7. So they will be the first 8for people.The medicine will be improved too.9will study about the human body more.10, the human being will be able to live11than usual. I think the most terrible illnesses of our time will12.In the future, the robots will take the mens work. People may be out of work. The robots will do the 13things that people couldnt do. As a result, men will not 14their jobs. Men and robots can 15well with each other.(1)A . popular B . different C . same D . welcome (2)A . anything B . something C . everything D . nothing (3)A . open up B . open C . give D . have (4)A . is B . are C . will have D . will be (5)A . cross B . across C . through D . go (6)A . Many B . Much C . Many and more D . More and more (7)A . space B . rooms C . spaces D . place (8)A . need B . choice C . choose D . pick (9)A . People B . Police C . Scientists D . Teachers (10)A . But B . As a result C . However D . If (11)A . long B . short C . longer D . shorter (12)A . cure B . be cured C . treat D . be treated (13)A . easy B . easiest C . hard D . hardest (14)A . lose B . find C . get D . have (15)A . get up B . give up C . get on D . put on 三、 语法填空。 (共1题;共6分)6. (6分)用所给动词的正确形式填空。Be sure _(go) to this exhibition at the Sunshine Gallery. Ms. Wang _(consider) to be one of the best known Chinese photographers in the world today, and some of her most famous photos are in this exhibition. Ms. Wang _(get) to Sunshine Town yesterday afternoon. She really_(have) something for everyone. There are many great photos of the countryside. Maybe you _(see) some of them on TV before. Its quite different when you see the real photos. Whatever you do, _(not miss) this exhibition! 四、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共2分)7. (1分)David has some Chinese _(功课) every week. 8. (1分)Jim is from France. He speaks _. 五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)假如你叫Daniel,你的网友Amy想知道你的日常生活,现在请你根据以下提示,给你的网友发个邮件,告诉她你的情况。在第一中学上学。家离学校3千米路程。到学校花15分钟时间。 6:30起床,早饭后坐公交车上学。中午在学校吃午饭。下午4:30后与同学打篮球。然后回家。晚饭后先做作业。每晚花一个小时做作业。再看半个小时电视。 9:30左右睡觉。注意:信的开头和结尾已经帮你写好,你只需要接着写。字数60左右。Dear Amy,Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about my life.YoursDaniel 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共33分)1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)5-1、三、 语法填空。 (共1题;共6分)6-1、四、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共2分)7-1、8-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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