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单元 Unit1 第 1 课时 课题 Unit1My classroomA Let s talk 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to talk about the new classroom using sentences What s in the classroom Let s go and see Where is it It s near the window It s so big Be able to learn new words window near picture 教学 重难 点 Be able to talk about the new classrooms Be able to talk about the classroom in English 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box and some stationaries 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up 1 Let s sing We have a new classroom Let students sing it together 2 Free talk T Hello boys and girls Welcome back to school How are you s1 I m fine Thank you What s this S2 It s a ruler T Look I have a new ruler Do you have a new ruler Write this word on the board new T What do you have Please tell me Ss I have a new Step2 Presentation 1 T And also I have a new pencil box Guess What s in the pencil box Ss It s a an At last t takes out a picture of our classroom and says Look I have a picture in the pencil box Write this word on the board picture T Look at this picture What s in the picture Ss A classroom write this word on the board classroom 2 T Now we are in Grade 4 now And look we have a new classroom T What s in the classroom Let s go and see Use PPT to show a picture of the classroom and let the students say what is in the classroom S1 What s in the classroom S2 It s Write this word on the board window T Look There is a picture It s Sarah s Where is it Ss T It s near the window Ear ear Near near Present some pictures and let students practise in pairs S1 Where is the S2 It s near in on under the 3 Let s talk T Sarah and Zhang Peng have a new classroom too What s in the classroom I want to know Let s go and see OK Ss OK Present a video and let students watch the video Let students follow to read and show Practise in pairs Step3 Practice 1 Let s play Present the picture of Let s play and say T Look at this picture What s in the picture Ss A classroom T What do you see S1 I see a c T Where is it S1 It s in a desk T Oh it s a crayon Let students practise in pairs and show Step4 Consolidation 1 Finish the workbook and check the answer 作 业 设 计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Read and try to recite the dialogue 板 书 设 计 Unit 1 My classroom A Let s talk We have a new classroom What s in the classroom Let s go and see It s Where is it It s near the 教 学 反 思 本课时的重点是故事教学 故事虽具有趣味性 但比较冗长 小学生难以耐住性 子阅读完并理解故事 若按照传统的方式开展阅读 课堂将变得枯燥无味 学习 效果不佳 教师采用分组合作讨论 片段教学的方式 既可以分散难点 又可以 集中学生的精力 吃透片段情节和激发学生的兴趣和创造力 学生跃跃欲试 热 情高涨 积极投入画路线 听音朗读 故事表演中 最后的故事设计环节 在复 习巩固已学知识的基础上 既有利于学生创造力的培养 又让学生站在故事设计 者的角度 既深入了解故事 又提高团队合作能力 单元 Unit1 第 2 课时 课题 Unit1My classroomALet s learn 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to learn new words classroom window blackboard light picture and door Be able to use these words to describe the classroom Be able to do the actions with the music 教学 重难 点 Learn new words and do the actions Use the words to describe the classroom 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box and some stationeries 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step 1 Warm up 1 Let s do Make a new chant Up up up Down down down Left left left Right right right Come on boys come on girls Everybody let s go Let students follow to read and do 2 Free talk What s in the classroom Ss It s Let students talk in groups Step2 Presentation 1 New words 1 T Look This is a classroom It s beautiful What s in the classroom Let s go and see Present a picture of the classroom T Look One TV One fishbowl Many desks and chairs What this Use pictures to teach this word blackboard T oh look This blackboard is so dirty So dirty What can I do Yeah maybe we can clean the blackboard Use pictures and actions to teach Clean the blackboard T makes the blackboard dirty and let students clean the blackboard Let students do this actons in pairs 2 window Present a picture of a woman who is cleaning the window and ask T Look What can she do Yes she can clean the window Let student clean the window and teach to read window Present some words in win windy window let studnets try to read them and make sure they understand te meaning T Oh it s windy It s so clod Let me close the window T does this action and teach to read Let some students do the same actions 3 door T Look I can close the window and also I can close the door Let me close the door Teach to read this word door Let students close the door and open the door Step3 Practice 1 Use some pictures and let students review words classroom window blackboard and door Then present a beautiful picture and teach to read Then let students put it up And then take out a light and let students put it up Then teach to read light 2 Present some words light night fight right Let student try to read them T It s so dark at night What can I do Yes maybe I can turn on the light Teach to read and do this action Let students turn on the light and turn off it 3 Let s play What s missing Let students play together 4 Let s do Listen to the tape and do the actions Let students practise in four Step4 Consolidation 6 Finish the workbook and check the answer Check the answer 作 业 设 计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Learn to copy new words of this text five times each 板 书 设 计 Unit one My classroom A Let s learn We have a new classroom What s in the classroom Let s go and see It s Where is it It s near the 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit1 第 3 课时 课题 Unit1My classroomA Read and write 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to read four words and know the rules Be able to copy four words 教学 重难 点 Be able to read four words and know the rules Be able to copy four words 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box and some stationaries 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up 1 let s sing ABC song Let students sing it in groups 2 Let s play Say the letters one by one Step2 Presentation 1 Letter A 1 Present some words cap hat dad cat map Let students read them together and let them find out the rules 2 Spell the words T says a word and let students spell it out T Cat S1 C A T cat Let students do it in pairs 2 a e T Present a picture of a cake Look What s this Ss It s a cake T Right It s a cake I like cake Do you like cakes Ss Yes I do No I don t T Look This boy s name is Dave His name is Dave Teach to read these two words Dave and name T He has a friend named Jake Teach to read this word Jake T Jake s birthday is coming So Dave wants to make a card for his friend Look He is making a card It s beautiful T Today is Jake s birthday Dave is going with his card Jake is very happy and they are eating a cake now Look at Dave s face It s full of cake So funny After watching this story let students read words on the blackboard Dave Jake cake name face make Let students find out the rules and learn to read them Let students read them one my one Step3 Practice 1 Let s play Use word cards and hide some letters then let students listen to the teacher and find out the missing letters 2 Listen to the tape and read together Listen to the tape and finish the exercises Then copy four words Step4 Consolidation 1 Finish the workbook and check the answer 作业 设计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Try to find the rules of the pronunciation of a and a e write out more words 板 书 设 计 Unit one My classroom A Read and write cat map cap hat dad Dave Jake cake face name make 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit1 第 4 课时 课题 Unit1My schoolbag B Let s talk 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to use sentences to talk and play Be helpful at school or at home 教学 重难 点 Be able to use sentences to talk and play Be helpful at school or at home 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1Warm up 1 Let s do Up up up Let s be up Down down down Let s be down Left left left Let me turn left Right right right Let me turn right Let students do it together 2 Free talk T What s in the classroom Ss It s Step2 Presentation 1 Look and circle p10 T Look at this classroom What s in the classroom Let s go and see T How many desks S1 T How many chairs S2 T How many S3 T So what is in the classroom Choose A or B Let students find out the answer and show 2Let s talk 1 T Oh look Where is my English book Ss It s on the T It s my desk We can call it teacher s desk Teach to read this word teacher s desk T What s on the teacher s desk Ss It s T Look The teacher s desk is so dirty So dirty What can I do Ss Clean the teacher s desk T Good idea Let me clean the teacher s desk Write it on the blackboard A chant Clean clean Let me clean Let me clean the teacher s desk Clean clean Let me clean Let me clean the teacher s desk Let students say the chant and do actions 2 School is over T Ring Oh it s 4 00 School is over Let s clean the classroom OK Ss OK T Let me clean the teacher s desk How about you S1 Let me clean the S2 Let me clean the T I am OK Let me help you S4 Thank you T Wow Our classroom is clean now Thank you Step3 Practice 1 Listen to the tape and repeat T Look Our classroom is clean now But Wu Yifan s classroom is dirty What can they do Let s watch the video and answer the questions Q1 Who is cleaning the teacher s desk Q2 Who is cleaning the windows Q3 Who is carrying water Let students watch it and answer questions 2Read the text and practise in four Show time Step4 Consolidation 1 Let s play Let students use rulers sticks and scissors to make it Then let then play it in fours 2 Finish the workbook and check the answer 作 业 设 计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Practice the dialogue and try to recite 板 书 设 计 Unit one My classroom B Let s talk A Let s clean the classroom B The pronuncation of the word maths 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box and some stationaries 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up 1 Free talk T Look boys and girls I have a new bag It s a schoolbag That is a handbag Teach to read this word schoolbag T What do I have in my schoolbag Let s open it and see eraser pencil pen ruler and T Oh no My bag is heavy Make some actions and teach to read heavy Use some pictures and let students express like this XX is heavy 2 Let s sing My schoolbag T I have a new schoolbag and Zoom has a schoolbag too Let s listen to the music and see Let students sing it together Step2 Presentation 1 New learnings 1 New words T Look This is my schoolbag It s yellow and blue Write it on the board Do you have a schoolbag Ss Yes I do T What colour is it T What do you have in your schoolbag What s in your schoolbag Write it on the board Ss T Present Zoom s schoolbag and ask questons What s in Zoom s schoolbag Let s go and see Listen to the song anain and let students answer the questions T Zoom s schoolbag is so heavy What s in Zoom s schoolbag Then use the picture and the song to teach new words T Wow So many books An English book a Chinese book and a maths book Teach to read these words Present a storybook and ask Is thisa Chinese book Is this an English book Is this a maths book What s this Teach to read this word storybook Present some storybooks and ask Wow So many storybooks How many storybooks do you see Ss I see 3 storybooks 2 Let s talk T Amy has a new schoolbag too What colour is it What s in her schoolbag Let s watch the video and find out the answers Let students listen to the tape and read together Step3Practice Let s play S1 What s in your schoolbag S2 Guess S1 A Chinese book S2 No S1 An English book S2 No It s a storybook Let students play it in pairs Step4 Consolidation Finish the workbook and check the answer 作 业 设 计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Read and try to recite the dialogue 板 书 设 计 Unit 2 My schoolbag A Let s talk A I have a new schoolbag It s black and white B What s in youre schoolbag A An English book a maths book three storybooks and B It s a fat panda 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit2 第 2 课时 课题 Unit 2 My schoolbag A Let s learn 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to learn new words about books schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book and storybook Be able to introduce one s schoolbag using What s in your schoolbag Be abloe to listen to the instructions and do action 教学 重难点 Be able to learn new words about books schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book and storybook Be able to introduce one s schoolbag using What s in your schoolbag 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box and some stationaries 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up 1 Let s sing My schoolbag Let students sing it together 2 Free talk What s this It s a schoolbag What colour is it It s What s in this schoolbag Can you guess Review the words about books we ve learned T Wow Look We have so many books in the scholbag T takes out the English book and put it on the teacher s desk T Now where is the English book Ss It s on the teacher s desk Step2 Presentation 1 Let s learn Listen to the tape and read Then talk about the schoolbag What s in the schoolbag 2 Review T Look carefully What s in the schoolbag What s on the schoolbag What s under the schoolbag What s near the schoolbag Let studengs practise in pairs Step3 Practice 1 Let s do 1 T now please take out your Chinese book English book maths book and storybooks Then please listen to me T Put your in on under near your Let studnets say and do the actions 2 Listen to the tape and follow to read Let students do it together 2 Let s say T presents a schoolbag and says T Look I have a schoolbag What s in my schoolbag Let s open it and see An English book a Chinese book a maths book and four storybooks What s in your schoolbag Ss Step4 Consolidation 1 Listen and circle 2 Homework 1 Listen to the tape of the words and sentences on page 15 2 Talk about your schoolbags 作业 设计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Learn to copy new words of this text five times each 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit2 第 3 课时 课题 Unit2 My schoolbag A Read and write 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to read four words and know the rules Be able to copy four words 教学 重难 点 Be able to read four words and know the rules Be able to copy four words 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box and some stationaries 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up Review 1 Let s play Quick responsive Schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book and storybook In on under near 2 Free talk What s behind me Put your Chinese book on your head Put youe eraser on your nose Put youe English book in your desk Step2 Presentation 1 Let s do Put your Chinese book in your desk Put your pencil box on your English book Put your maths book under your schoolbag Put your eraser near your pencil box Let students do together and act it out 2 Let s spell 1 T Put this picture on the board What s this Ss It s a kite Teach to read i e ai i e ai ai ai kite 2 practice kite like five nine nice bite Mike Let students read these words and let them talk about these words 3 Listen Read listen and chant See the nice new kite With the big number nine Do you like the nice new kite Yes it is very fine Step3 Practice 1 Let students read first then listen to the tape and chant with the music Read listen and number Let students read first then let them listen to the tape and number Listen circle and wirte 2 Copy four words Step4 Consolidation 1 Listen to the tape of words and chant on page 16 2 Recite four words on page 16 作 业 设 计 1 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Try to find the rules of the pronunciation of i and i e write out more words 板 书 设 计 Unit two My schoolbag A Read and write big like six kite pig five lip nine fix rice ice 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit2 第 4 课时 课题 Unit 2 My schoolbag B Let s talk 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to learn sentences What colour is it It s Be able to use sentences to talk and communicate 教学 重难 点 Be able to learn sentences What colour is it It s Be able to use sentences to talk and communicate 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up 1 Let s sing My schoolbag Let students sing it together 2 Free talk What s in your schoolbag Step2 Presentation 1 Main scene T Look Amy and Sarah are talking something What are they talking about Oh I know Sarah lost her notebook Write it on the board and teach to read lost T Is Sarah happy or sad Sarah I like it very much Ss She is sa T What can she do Present a picture of Lost A 2 Look choose and write keys egg pen notebook Step4 Consolidation 1 Finish the workbok and check the answer 2 Check the answers 作 业 设 计 4 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Copy new words five times each 板 书 设 计 Unit 2 My schoolbag B Let s learn What s in my schoolbag Three keys two toys a notebook and some candies 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit2 第 6 课时 课题 Unit2 My schoolbag B Read and write 设计者 Ma Lingqiao 教学 目标 Be able to review all the words and sentences Be able to understand the story time 教学 重难 点 Be able to review all the words and sentences Be able to understand the story time 教学 准备 Pictures PPT CD a box 二次备课记录教 学 Step1 Warm ip 1 Let s sing My schoolbag Let students sing it together and let them understand the meaning of heavy 预 设 Make phrases and sentences 2 Let s play Present all the learned words and let students play guessing game Step2 Presentation 1 Let s check Listen and number 1 G1 I have a new schoolbag G2 Really What colour is it G1 it s green Look 2 B What s in your schoolbag G I have some candies and a storybook in my schoolbag 3 G I have a new red pen B Oh may I see it G Yes here you are 4 B What s in your schoolbag G I have a maths book and a notebook B What colour is the notebook G It s yellow 2 Let s say 1 T What s in the schoolbag Ss 2 Look and circle Step3 Practice 1 Story time 1 Listen and do Show me your Chinese book Show me your English book Put your books in the schoolbag Take out your books Let students take out their books and let them know the meaning of this action 2 Put some books and a schoolbag on the teacher s desk Let students put away the books Then use others to practise Put away the s T Put all your books on your desks Put your books in your schooobag Let students do the action T Is everything in your schoolbag T checks and then points one of the bags and says Oh your scholbag is so heavy Teach to read heavy T Look This is Zoom s schoolbag His schoolbag is heavy too What s in it Let s go and see Watch the video and answer the questions Ss English book Chinese book maths book and a cat 3 Listen to the tape and read after it 4 Act it out Scene 1 9 00 p m In the bedroom Zoom Good night Mum Mum Wait Zoom Put away your books Zoom All right English book Chinese book maths book Mum Zoom is everything in your schoolbag Zoom Yes Mum Mum Good night Sweet dreams Scene 2 7 30 a m In the kitchen Mum Some more Zoom No thanks I m full Oh my schoolbag is so heavy Scene 3 8 00 a m In the classroom Goat Take out your books please Zoom Oh sorry Step4 Consolidation 1 Finish the workbook and check the answer 2 Check the answers 作 业 设 计 5 Listen to the tape of the text twice 2 Read the story fluently and try to act it out 板 书 设 计 Unit 2 My classroom Where is it It is in on under near the 教 学 反 思 单元 Unit 4 My home 第 1 课时 课题 A Let s talk 2 Listen circle and say 3 Listen circle and write 教学 重难点 How to pronounce letter u 教学 准备 VCD 二次备课记录 教 学 预 设 Step1 Warm up Revision 1 Let s do Say and do together Go to the living room Watch TV Go to the study Read a book Go to the kitchen Have a snack Go to the bedroom Have a nap Go to the bathroom Take a shower 2 Ask and answer in pairs Where s Amy Is she in the study Yes it is No it isn t 3 Review the words and sentences of unit4 Step2 Presentation 1 Let s spell a u e use excuse cute Teach the words Let students spell them together b Chant One cute cat uses two two balls Two cute cats use three three balls Three cute cats use four four balls Four cute cats use five five balls Five cute cats use six six balls One two three four five six Five cute cats playing tricks 2 Listen circle and say c u t e c u t u s u s e f u n t u b e u p e x c u s e b u s m u m m u l e 3 Listen circle and write u u e u u e u u e Let students copy the words together duck cute up use Step 3 Consolidation and extension Finish some sentences of the activity book 1 Listen read and circle we wet she he red ride beef be home me hate hen 2 Read and circle the odd ones 1 pen desk she leg 2 bake tube let ride 3 use we late rice 4 me nose cute hate 5 egg he me we 6 nine grape bed phone 3 Read and write hen she cake pen me Coke excuse he we ten red bike e e a i o u e 作 业 设 计 Listen to the spo

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