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初中八年级英语第二单元知识点梳理江苏省英语学科特级教师 杨津秀一、知识网络(一)熟背以下四会单词British, eraser, vacation, movie, mixed, subject, taste, tasty, practice, hero(heroes), article, geography, language, science, unimportant, unpopularBritish English American English:American football-football, football-soccer, autumn-fall, lift-elevator, film-movie, holiday-vocation, maths-math, rubber-eraser, secondary school-high school, post-mail (二)掌握以下重要短语1. a mixed school 2. know how to cook healthy and tasty food3. near the end of each class4. as well / too / also5. drive me to school6. listen to my problems7. have a great time talking to each other8. have more weeks off9. listen to pop music10.a big library with lots of useful books (三)灵活运用以下句型1. Why dont dogs go to school? 狗为什么不用上学呢? 2. Whats school like? 学校是什么样的?3. We can read any book from the library. 我们可以看图书馆借来的任何一本书。4. This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus. 这真是太棒了,因为这比乘汽车少花时间。5. What does the word hero mean? hero这个单词什么意思? Whats the meaning of the word hero? / What do you mean by the word hero? 6. He wont be able to play basketball for three weeks. 他将有3个月不能打篮球二、要点解析(一)语法1. 形容词反义前缀和后缀:un-:unhappy, unimportant, unpopular, unhealthy, uncomfortable, unusual, unpleasant, unlucky, -less: careless, useless, hopeless, helpless *im-: impolite, impossible,2. Comparing amounts of two things & Comparing amounts of more than two things: 可数名词:更多,最多more than, the most更少,最少fewer than, the fewest不可数名词:更多,更少more than, the most更少,最少less than, the leasta. Millie 的花比Lily多。Millie has _ _ _ Lily. / Lily has _ _ _ than Millie.Lucy 的花最多。 Lucy has _ _ flowers.谁的花最少? Who has _ _ flowers?b. 我的橙汁比你多。 I have _ _ _ _ you. / You _ _ _ _I. 他的橙汁最多。 He has _ _ orange juice. 谁的橙汁最少? Who has _ _ orange juice?3. Making comparisons using the same as and different from: 与 相同: be the same as 与 不同: be different from 与 同样的尺寸/颜色/长度: be the same size/colour/length asa. 我的鞋和你的是一样的。My shoes _ _ _ _ yours.b. 他的眼镜和我们的不同。His glasses _ _ _ ours.c. 你的外套和他的是一样的颜色。Your coat _ _ _ _ as his.(二)重点句型分析1it takes less time than taking the bus.它比乘公交快。句中it 指driving me to school, drive 为“驾驶,开车”的意思。注意:本句中的两个比较对象为两个动名词短语,在句中作主语,不能使用动词原形。如:乘火车去那儿比汽车快得多。_the train there is much faster than _a bike.三、单元综合能力检测(一)单项选择(15分)( ) 1. It is getting even _ .You need to wear more clothes. A. cold B. colder C. coldest D. the coldest( )2. -Whats Millies school like?-_ A. Its colorful. B. Its big and beautiful. C. Shes like her mother. D. Shes tall and slim. ( ) 3. Millie, _his mother, _watching TV.A. likes; like B. like; likes C. like; like D. likes; likes( ) 4. Walking to school is slower than _a bus.A. take B. to take C. taking D .taken ( ) 5. Which month is _ in your country , June , July or August ?A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest( ) 6. Mary eats _ food every day in her class , so she is very thin .A. less B. the fewest C. the least D. the most ( ) 7. This book is _ that one , but _ .A.as cheap as ; useful B. more cheap than ; more usefulC. cheaper than ; more useful D. more cheaper than ; more useful ( ) 8.The farmer has _ than that one.A.few sheeps B. few sheep C. fewer sheep D. fewer sheeps( ) 9. The weather in Beijing is different _.A. from Nanjing B. as Nanjing C. from that Nanjing D. from that in Nanjing( )10. Of the six students, Jack scored _ points.A. least B. the least C. fewest D. the fewest( ) 11. The maths problem is very difficult, so _students can work it out. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( ) 12. Mr Wu together with his two sons _ every early morning. A. practice running B. practices running C. practises to run D. practise to run ( ) 13. He wont _ play basketball for three months. A. is able to B. able to C. can D. be able to( ) 14. The cars in Japan are much cheaper than _in China. A. that B. it C. those D. ones( ) 15.Finally he passed the exam .He thought he was _ in the world.A.luck B.luckier C.luckiest D.the luckiest(二)完形填空(10分)It 16 a Sunday afternoon. Jim finished 17 his homework and he wanted 18 a film. He put on his coat and went to the cinema by bike. 19 his way there, he found a child 20 by the roadside. He stopped and 21 why he cried. The child told him that he lost his way and didnt know 22 to get home. What can I do? Jim thought for a minute and found an 23 . He thought that the policeman could help to find his home . Then he 24 the boy to the police station. The childs parents happened to be there. They were very 25 for Jim. Do you think Jim was a helpful boy? ( ) 16. A. is B. will be C.was D. can be ( ) 17. A. did B. doing C. do D. does ( )18. A. to look B. to look at C. to see D. to read ( )19. A. On B. In C. With D. By ( )20. A. crying B. cried C. cries D. to cry ( )21. A. said B. told C. asked D. talked ( )22. A. where B. how C. which D. what ( )23. A. way B. idea C. road D. ideas ( )24. A. takes B. brings C. took D. brought ( )25.A.worried B. excited C. grateful D. sorry(三)阅读理解(30 分)ADinah is a kind girl, but she is very lazy. There is nothing she likes. Her mother wished very much that her child would learn to read, but she soon gave it up. She said, Dinah will not learn. She is too lazy for everyhing.One day, Dinahs cousin came to her house. He brought a pair of roller skates (旱冰鞋). Dinah hadn t ever seen those before. When she saw the young man on his skates, she was so surprised. She ran after him like a cat.Later one day, her cousin asked her to try on the skates. The child was very happy.Dinah, said her cousin, I heard that my aunt has been trying to teach you to read.Dinah answered; Yes. Why didnt you learn? asked her cousin. Now, if, on the first day of January, you can read, I will send you as good a pair of roller skates as I can buy.Dinah said, Ill have those skates, sure. And she did. She studied very hard.On New Years morning her cousin sent her a box. In it,there was a beautiful pair of roller skates. ( ) 26.What kind of girl is Dinah?A. A helpful girl B. A polite girl C. A musical girl . D. A kind but lazy girl.( ) 27. Why isn t Dinah interested in anything? Because_. A. she doesn t have roller skates B. she is too busy C. she thinks life is boring D. she is very lazy( ) 28. What was Dinah s New Years gift?A. A cat B. A book C. A box. D. A pair of roller skates.( ) 29. How did Dinah get the roller skates? A. Her mom bought them for her. B. She borrowed them from others. C. She worked really hard and her cousin sent them to her. D. She stole (偷) them.( ) 30. What do you think of Dinah s cousin? He is a _ person. A. helpful B. boring C. cheerful D. funny BOne day a dentist(牙医) began his morning work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!”. The dentist thought he must be very ill. His assistant(助手) helped to make the poor man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick !Doctor, quick! . ” “Its all right now, ” the dentist told him. “Its over.” “You dont understand, ” said the man. “I came to tell you that your house was on fire. ”( )31. The story happened_.A. in the morning B. in the afternoonC. in the evening D. at night( )32. When the man ran in, the dentist thought he must be_.A. over B. ill C. all right D. rich( )33. The man _after he took some medicine.A. began to work B. began to cry C. went home D. fell asleep( )34. The dentist pulled _out of the mans mouth.A. a tooth B. a bad toothC. all the bad teeth D. all the teeth( )35. The man ran in because_.A. he was illB. he wanted to sleepC. he wanted to tell the dentist that he was all rightD. he wanted to tell the dentist that his house was on fireC What is the sky? Where is it? What is about it? They are hard to answer, arent they? Is the sky blue? The sky has no colour. Is the sky full of air? We know that there is air round the world. When planes fly, they need air to lift their wings. Planes cant fly very high because when they go higher, the air gets thinner. If we go far enough away from the earth, we find there is no air. Maybe we can answer some of our questions now. What is the sky? Nothing. Where is it? Its all around the world. The sky is space(宇宙). In this space there is nothing but the sun, the moon and all the stars.( )36. What is the sky? A. It is the clouds. B. It is the whole world. C. It is air. D. It is space.( )37. The sky _. A. is blue B. has no colour C. is colourful D. has different colours at the different time of the day( )38. Planes cant fly very high because _. A. there will be less and less air to lift their wings B. the flying machine is not good enough C. the pilot(飞行员) will be afraid if he flies too high D. there will be not enough air for the pilot to breathe(呼吸)( )39. In the sky there _. A. is nothing B. is air everywhere C. is the earth D. is the sun, the moon and all the stars( )40. The Chinese meaning for wing is _. A. 机身 B. 机翼 C. 机头 D. 机尾(四)任务型阅读(10分)My name is Jane. My job is to write stories and newsletters for a magazine. I love traveling and hope to visit Great Britain one day. Id like a pen pal from London, who is interested in discussing the differences between Europe and Asia. I love listening to pop music and playing football.I am Manuel. Im a businessman and have a large company with many workers and clerks. I would like to find a pen pal who is also a businessman and lives in North America. I like using the Internet.I am working in a university. I speak English, French and Russian. My family name is Jackson but my students usually call me Sarah. Id like a pen pal who is interested in language learning working in Oxford University. I dont like using computers for learning and I believe that true language learning can only happen in a classroom.I am Peter and interested in the differences between East Europe and North America. I love riding my horse Jackie and listening to jazz. I usually get up at 7 oclock and go to school around 7:30 in the morning. I want to find a pen pal who has the same interest as me living in Sydney.Cindy is my first name. I am working in a travel agency. Sometimes I am called Mr. Guide as I am working. Id like to find a pen pal who comes from Europe. I like playing the piano and listening to jazz. I am interested in history, but I dont like discussing languages. Name Job 41._Pen-pal fromJane42._43._,pop music, and playing footballLondon Manuel44._45._ on the InternetNorth America46._Teacher Teaching Oxford UniversityPeter47._48._ and listening to jazz49._Cindy50._Playing the piano, listening to jazz, historyEurope(五)根据中文,首字母和英文解释填写单词,使句意完整(15 分)(1)词汇练习 根据首字母、中文提示、句意或所给词的适当形式完成句子51. -Do you have any h_? - Yes, of course. Jay Zhou is.52. These things are u_, throw them away.53. The teacher asks us not to talk in class d _ the Reading Week.54. The girl lost her money on her way home yesterday. How c_ she was! 55. I am old enough to look after m_. You neednt worry about me.56. We are not interested in the _ (乏味的) film.57. Which subject is your favorite one? I like _(地理) best.58. -I dont think its important to have an E-dictionary. -Really? You think its _(不重要)?59. English is one of the most useful _(语言) in the world.60. He made a great contribution to development of _(自然科学) 61. We always have a great time _ (chat) with each other.62. Lin Tao goes to the country to see his grandparents _ (two) a month.63. The dishes in the restaurant are very _ (taste). We often go there.64. Wang Hao spends 6 hours _ (practice) _ (play) table tennis every day.65. The singer is not popular now, and his songs are _ (popular).(六)选词填空,从方框中所给的词中选出最恰当的1个,并用其适当形式填空,每个次限用一次。(10分)(how speak Japanese practise little talk Britain language surprise meal ) Here is an interesting story.John is a _ 66_ student . He went to Japan and stayed there for two months last year . I didnt know _67_ he spent such a long time there because he had _68_ money . “How did you solve the problem , John ? ” I asked , “ I thought you would stay here for only two weeks .” “It was not difficult ,” John answered . “ His name is Frank . We are good friends now.” “A job !” I was _69_ .What did you do ?” “But you are not a _70_ teacher, and you cant speak Japanese ,” I said . “I told Frank I couldnt teach ,”John said , “but he wanted to _71_ his English . He had a lot of British shoppers, so it was important for him _72_ English . Then I spent three hours a day _73_ to him, And he gave me a room , three _74_ a day , and some money .” “Did your student learn much English ?” I asked . “I didnt know ,” John said , but “I learned a lot of _75_.(七)写作 用所给提示词将下列各句译成英语。(共5 小题,每小题 2分, 计10分)76.十二年级的学生叫做毕业生。Students in the _grade are _.77我们互相交谈时总是很高兴。We always have _ _ _talking to _ _.78.去年我爸爸每天开车送我去上学。My father _ _ _school last year.79我们的课外活动时间比他们多。We have _ time for _ _ than they do.80.我的包和你的包差不多大。My bag is _ _ _ as yours . 四、参考答案I .1 B2 B3 B4 C5 D6 C7 C8 C9 D10 D11 A12 B13 D14 C15 D16 C17 B18 C19 A20 A21 C22 B23 B24 C25 C26 D27 D28 D29 C30 A31 A32 B33 D34 C 35 D36 D37 B38 A39 D40 B. 41. Hobbies 42. Reporter 43. Travelling 44. Businessman 45. Surf 46. Sarah 47. Student 48. Riding 49. Sydney 50. Guide 51. heroes 52. useless 53. during 54. careless 55. myself 56. boring 57. Geography 58. unimportant 59.languages60. Science 61. chatting 62. twice 63. tasty 64. practicing playing65. unpopular 66. British 67. how 68. little 69. surprised 70.language 71. practise 72. to speak 73. talking 74. meals 75. Japanese76.12th, called seniors 77. a great time, each other78. drove me to 79. more, school activities 80. almost as big


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