
上传人:gbs****77 文档编号:9843017 上传时间:2020-04-08 格式:DOC 页数:5 大小:159KB
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小学英语四年级上学期期中测试卷 测试时间 60 分钟 满分 100 分 班级 姓名 总分 认真做好每一道题 再仔细检查 你可以得到更高的分数 加油 祝你取得好成绩 注意书写 卷面 2 分 听力部分 28 分 一 仔细听 把你听到得内容代号填入题前的括号内 16 分 1 A Hh B Pp C Qq 2 A Rr B Ww C Vv 3 A chinesebook B crayon C notebook 4 A fan B picture C board 5 A quite B strong C big 6 A me B see C we 7 A new B near C name 8 A floor B light C wall 二 听音并选择你听到的图片序号 12 1 Let s clean the A B 2 I d like some A B 3 I can clean the A B 4 My sister has A B 笔试部分 70 分 三 连线 20 分 1 window 教室 6 H k 2 classroom 窗户 7 N n 3 story book 地板 8 K h 4 hair 头发 9 U z 5 floor 故事书 10 Z u 四 选择正确的答案序号填入题前的括号里 10 分 1 We a new classroom A am B have C are 2 She long black hair A is B have C has 3 How many do you have A notebook B notebooks C note books 4 Let s clean the classroom A Good idea B All right C Thank you 5 What s his name A My name is Jhon B Her name is Amy C His name is John 五 读一读 选一选 10 分 John Hello Mike Mike Really John Sure Here you are Mike Wow It is a squirrel I like it John Thank you My bag is orange Mike It s pink My schoolbag is heavy John Mike Look I have many books John Mike One two three sorry too many 六 选一选 根据提供的情景选择合适的句子 10 分 1 想让别人看看你的新书包 你应该说 A I have a new bag you see B This is my schoolbag C Look I have a new schoolbag 2 当你看到了一个女孩的照片 想知道她是谁 你可以怎么问 A What s your name B What s her name C What s his name 3 你的一个朋友长得又高又壮 你可以怎么说 A He is tall and strong B He is short and thin C She is tall and quite 4 老师夸奖你们把教室打扫的很干净 会怎么说 A Good job B you re welcome C Thank you 5 你想知道别人书包里装了些什么东西 你该怎么问 A What s in your pencil case B What s in your schoolbag A What s in it B What colour is your schoolbag C May I have a look D How many story books do you have E I have a new schoolbag C My schoolbag is heavy 6 你向别人介绍你的新教室 应该这样说 A This is my new classroom B Our classroom is beautiful 7 当你把某物给的别人时 你应该说 A How nice B Sure Here you are 8 建议大家一起来打扫教室清洁 应该这样说 A Sweep the floor B Let s clean the classroom 9 晚上见到别人该怎么问好 A Good evening B Good afternoon 10 如果你不认识某人时 你该怎么说 A Who is he B What s in it 七 根据问题选择合适的答语填在题前的括号里 10 分 1 Where is my book A I can see 10 2 How many birds can you see B It s red and blue 3 What colour is your schoolbag C She s my sister 4 May I have a look D It s near the door 5 Who is she E Sure Here you are 八 仔细阅读短文 并判断下列句子正 T 误 F 10 分 I have a friend She is a Chinese girl She has long black hair She has big eyes and a small mouth She is pretty She is thin She is quite She likes music and painting Who is she Guess Her name is Chen Jie Everyday we go to school together After school we play games together 1 Chen Jie is a pretty Chinese girl 2 Chen Jie has big eyes and big mouth 3 Chen Jie likes music and painting 4 My friend from Cananda 5 Everyday I go to school with Chen Jie 听力材料 一 仔细听 把你听到得内容代号填入提前的括号内 听两遍 1 Hh 2 Vv 3 sharpener 4 picture 5 strong 6 see 7 new 8 floor 二 听音并选择你听到的图片序号 听两遍 1 Let s clean the classroom 2 I d like some fish 3 I can clean the door 4 My sister has long hair


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