七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module1 Lostandfound Unit2Aretheyyours GROUPWORK A Excuseme Isthis thatyour B No itisn t It shis her A Excuseme Isthis thatyour C Yes itis It smy A Hereyouare C Thankyou A Excuseme Arethese thoseyour B No theyaren t They rehis her A Excuseme Arethese thoseyour C Yes theyare They remy A Hereyouare C Thankyou Unit2 Aretheyyours Words hospital hotel policeman school theatre doctor manager actor Phrases busdriver busstation policestation hotelmanager Patterns Myname s I mChinese She Heisadoctor She satahospital Review Wordsandexpressions cameraphonemobilephonelostandfoundofficeinahurryleaveplanetaxiwhyairport n 照相机n 电话 电话机移动电话 手机失物招领处匆匆忙忙v 丢下 遗忘n 飞机n 出租车adv 为什么n 机场 航空港 Wordsandexpressions hundredhundredsoflookforthousandstrangeboatduckpigsausage num 百几百 成百上千寻找num 千adj 奇怪的n 船n 鸭n 猪n 香肠 腊肠 Wordsandexpressions Completethesentenceswiththecorrectwordsandexpressionfromthebox 1 cameracomputermobilephone Amanistalkingtoawomanatthelostandfoundoffice He slookingforhis camera talkto 意为 和 交谈 talk作不及物动词 意为 讨论 交谈 talkaboutsth 讨论某事talkwithsb 和某人交谈 Amanisgettingonthebus His islost mobilephone geton上车getoff下车getonwellwithsb 与某人相处融洽getonwellwithsth 某事进展顺利I mgettingonwellwithmyclassmates 我和我的同学相处的很融洽 Howareyougettingonwellwithyourwork 你的工作进展如何 Listentothepassage Readthepassageandanswerthequestions 2 1Whendopeopleoftenlosethings 2Whyaretherelostandfoundofficeatairportsandstations Whenthey retravellingorwhenthey reinahurry Becausewhenpeoplearetravellingorwhenthey reinahurry theyoftenlosethingsonplanes onbusesandintaxis 3Whatdopeopledoatthelostandfoundoffice 4WhatstrangethingsarethereattheNewYorkCityLostandFoundOffice Theyarelookingfortheirphones cameras watches computersandmanyotherthings Thereareaboutahundredbikes alargeboatandalotofanimals inahurry意思是 匆匆忙忙 be innohurry意思是 不急于 不忙于 1 Peopleoftenlosethingswhenthey retravellingorwhenthey reinahurry 人们在旅行中或是匆忙中经常丢东西 Shewritealetterinahurry Languagepoints She sinnohurrytoleavehere inahurry意为 匆匆忙忙地 hurrytodosth 匆忙做某事 leavesth 地点 表示把某物落在某地Ioftenleavemyhomeworkathome 我经常把作业忘在家里 that swhy表示 是 的原因 常用于句首 后面跟的是结果 如 2 That swhytherearelostandfoundofficesatairportsandstations 这就是在机场和火车站有失物招领办公室的原因 Wemakeaplanforthisyear That swhyweworkhardeveryday That swhy 意为 是 的原因 That swhytheyareonthenews 那就是新闻报道他们的原因 3 Hundredsofpeoplecomehereeveryday 每天都有成百上千人到这里来 hundred是一个确数 表示 一百 当hundred前面有具体数字时 要用单数形式 但它后面跟of时 要用复数形式hundredsof 同时其前面不能再加具体数字 thousand million也有此类似的用法 Therearehundredsofmobilephonesinthestore Thousandsofpeopleworkinthefactory hundredsof意为 数百 类似的短语还有thousandsof 数以千计的 millionsof 数百万的 注意 hundredsof表示的是一个概数 前面不能再加基数词修饰 当hundred表示确切数目时 其前有一个具体的基数词修饰 此时hundred既不变为复数 也不与of连用 Somescientiststhinkthatitwilltakeofyearstomakerobotsdomostworkforhumans A hundredsB hundredC thousand 辨析 lookfor与find 1 lookfor意为 寻找 指有目的的找 强调 寻找 这一动作 Whatareyoulookingfor 你在找什么 I mlookingformybike 我在找我的自行车 2 find意为 找到 发现 强调 找 的结果 其宾语往往是某个丢失的东西或人 I mlookingformybag butIcan tfindit 我找我的书包 但我没找到 Completethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewordsandexpressionfromthebox Peopleinahurryoften 1 things andthereare 2 thingsatlostandfoundofficesat 3 and 4 AttheNewYorkCityLostandFoundOffice therearealsosomevery 5 things Therearefifteenkilosof 6 aretheyyours Andhowdoyoulosea 7 boatonatrain lose 3 hundredsof airports stations strange sausage large Whenwelostsomething orpickupsomething whatshouldwedo 当我们丢了东西时或者捡到东西时 我们应该怎么做 Discuss Writealostnotice 寻物启事 orafoundnotice 招领启事 LostAwatchIt swhite PleasecallMary Telephonenumberis654 321 寻物启事 需写明物品 物品特征 失物人 还有联系方式 用英语写寻物启事 Writing 用英语写失物招领 FoundAredpenIfounditinclassroom PleasecallMaryat654 321 失物招领 要写明拾到的物品及物品特征 还可以具体写一下在哪拾到的 什么时间捡到的 别忘了写清楚联系人及联系方式 Writing 4 Readthelostandfoundnotes Writenotesfortwomorethings Mygloves They reblueandwhite CallTonyat85749326 Isthisyourbag CallBettyat23690390 Lost Found 请根据信息写一份寻物启事 Name HelenLost anotebookPhone 646 6412 Lost AnotebookMynameisHelen Ilostmynotebook Canyouhelpmefindit Pleasecallmeat646 6412 Thankyou Lost 寻物启事 MyschoolIDcard MynameisTonyBrown Pleasecall685 6034 Isthisyourpen It sblack PleasecallMissMa Phone 3144829 Isthisyourpen CallMissMaat3144829 Found Pen 请根据信息写一份招领启事 Found CrayonsAretheseyourcrayons PleasecallMary Phone 235 0285 Alan Isthatyoursilkscarfinthelostandfoundcase Nick 用英语写失物招领和寻物启事 招领启示 一个紫色钱包 找John电话号码 3539495寻物 一个照相机失主是Steve电话 6034685 FoundIfoundawallet It spurple Isityourwallet Ifitisyourring pleasecallJohnat3539495 LostIlostacamera Ifyoufindmycamera pleasecallSteveat6034685 Thankyouverymuch 5 Putthesepiecesinordertomakeamessage Writenumbersintheboxes at529 6403 4 callDavid 3 Asetofkeys please 2 Found Found 1 Putinordertomakeamessage MynameisJack Abackpack Found Phonenumber63017047 at63752148 PleasecallCindyMynotebook Lost 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 归纳 寻物启事和失物招领的格式 Lost 寻物启事Found 招领启示My islost Isthisyour Mynameis Mynameis Pleasecallat 数字 Pleasecallat 今丢失钱包一个 有拾到者可打电话695 3059与David联系 Lost MyMyPlease isDavid 695 3059 根据所给提示 完成下面的寻物启事 根据所给提示 完成下面的招领启事 捡到一部手机 失者可打电话425 6801找Bob Found Isthis Please Bob Phone Writing 4Readthelostandfoundnotes Writenotesfortwomorethings LostMygloves They reblue CallTonyat85749326 FoundIsthisyourbag CallBettyat23690390 情景剧编演 短剧包括丢物 捡物 交物 领物或还物 Lostandfound What sthis Who 谁 lostit Ifounda an Ilostmy Where 哪里 isit Isthisyour Hereyouare Found Lost 2 写一段自己的公告信息 Homework 1 完成作业本 1 Unit2 3 预习Unit3 Goodbye 1 H ofpeoplevisitedtheGreatPyramidlastyear 2 Severalb arebytheriver 3 I mgotoworkinah 4 Hewaswaitingforhisgrandpaatthes 5 CanIl amessageplease 6 Hewarnedmethepersonlookeds undreds oats 一 根据句意完成单词 eave Quiz urry tation trange 二 根据汉语意思 完成句子 1 我正在找我的橡皮 I m myeraser 2 她此刻非常不高兴 不想说话 She sveryunhappyanddon twanttotalk 3 许多著名的电影明星住在比弗利山庄 famousmoviestarsliveinBeverlyHills 4 车站里人很多 请保管好各自的东西 Therearealotofpeopleatthestop pleasebe yourthings 5 他在镜头之外说了几句话 Hemadeafewwordsremarksoff lookingfor atthemoment Alotof carefulwith camera 三 句型转换 1 Thereareahundredpeopleinthehall 就划线部分提问 peoplearethereinthehall 2 Thisbagismine 就划线部分提问 bagisthis Howmany Whose 3 Theserulersareours 变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 theserulers Yes 4 I mafraidhe snotherenow 改为同义句 I mafraidhe snothere 5 ArethesecrayonsLily s 作否定回答 No they re Areyours theyare atthemoment nothers Preview Tolearntousethepossessivepronouns mine his yours his hers ours 1 Reviewthenewwordsandexpressionsinthepassage 2 Writealostandfoundnote Homework Thankyou

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