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全国成人高考(高起专)英语词汇表(2014年全英英解释版)一:作者对于本英英词汇表的说明:A、百度文库和网络上有非常多的高中英语及高考词汇资源,但都是以中文解释的。本词汇表全部引用Longman英英词典对单词的解释,非常有助于学生、家长或者教师查询(可以不用查询英英词典,一本朗文英英词典真重!);B、采用英英对单词的解释的意义或者作用这里就不用多说,只讲一点:如果将高中生送到英美留学,他接触不到中英词典,只会找到英英词典,也只会找到英英解释;C、可能最开始时,还不能用英英解释的方式去理解,但这的确是方向;D、希望本文作者原创的这份资源对高中生能够学会英语思维、在英语学习之路的过程中有一定的帮助!E、本词汇表采用alphabet的排序方式 (从A-Z)。F、由于文档的篇幅所限(太长不好上传),本词汇表仅有A部分,其余的部分是分开的。G、以上单词均有美式和英式原版发音。若需要,请联系2487452826qq.com。二:作者对于高中英语及高考学习的建议:经过小学初中六年以上的时间学习英语,广大高中生一定有很多心得,但可能在口语有听力方面还需要有比较大的提高。还有,自己在学英文时,自己的母语-中文始终扮演着中介和桥梁的作用,也就是借助中文去理解英文 。但在学习一门外语时,自己的母语对外语学习的最大障碍,在中国尤其严重,因为东方文化和东西文化基本是冲突的。但英语,我们却一定要学,而且要花的时间少,效率高,学的好。为了这个简单的目标,以下是在高中生学习英语的基本建议(仅仅是作者给出的建议,如认可,可以参考):A、学到一个单词,想到一张图片或场景,也就是将单词放“翻译”图片,直接将单词和图片关联,减少母语的影响,对快速形成英语思维,提高兴趣有非常大的帮助;这个一个典型的 例子:B、关于单词的发音。即使学会了英文音标,也可能不能够正确的读出某个单词的发音,更有可能连英文教师的读音也不一定准确。所以在开始时,尽可以听原版的英文单词发音。C、我们已经学会了大概1000-2000个左右的基础词汇(也可以称为定义词汇),我们已经比较熟悉。如果再学新的词汇,努力用这些词汇去解释新的单词,也就是用常用的英语去理解新的词汇,这样做有非常多的好处。D、到这个阶段,你学英语的方式应该是享受英语给你不来的乐趣,而不是还是花费大量时间去当做任务来做。E、如任何有关英英思维的问题,请发信至2487452826qq.com进行交流。希望本文作者分享对你在高中英语及高考的学习过程中有一定的帮助!Wordpronunciationpropertyexplanationa/ strong e/indefinite articleused to show that you are talking about someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know aboutabandon/bndn/verbto go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation makes it impossible for you to stayabandon/bndn/verbto leave someone, especially someone you are responsible forabandon/bndn/verbto stop doing an activity before you have finished itability/blti/nounthe state of being able to do somethingability/blti/nounsomeones level of skill at doing somethingable/ebl/adjhave the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill to do somethingable/ebl/adjclever or good at what you doabout/baut/adva little more or less than the stated number or amount; approximatelyabout/baut/adv,prepin many different directions within a particular place,aroundabout/baut/adverb, preposition, adjectivepositioned or moving in or near a place, often without a clear direction, purpose or orderabout/baut/prepon the subject of; connected withabove/bv/adj refer to something mentioned in an earlier part of the same piece of writingabove/bv/adv, prepin a higher position than something elseabsolute/bslut/adjcomplete or totalabsolute/bslut/adjnot restricted or limitedaccept/ksept/verbagree to take somethingaccording to0prepas shown by something or stated by someoneaccording to0prepin a way that depends on differences in situations or amountsacross/krs US krs/adverb, prepositionfrom one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as a road or riveractivity/ktvti/nounsomething that is done for enjoyment, especially an organized eventactivity/ktvti/nounwhen a lot of things are happening or people are moving aroundactivity/ktvti/nounthe work of a group or organization to achieve an aimaddress/dres US dres, dres/noun,verbthe details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etcaddress/dres US dres, dres/nouna formal speech that someone makes to a group of peopleadmission/dmn/nounwhen you agree that something is true, especially unwillinglyadmission/dmn/nounpermission given to someone to enter a building or place, or to become a member of a school, club etcadult/dlt, dlt/noun,adja person or animal that has grown to full size and strengthaffect/fekt/verbmake someone feel strong emotions, especially sadness or pityaffect/fekt/verbhave an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to changeafraid/fred/adjfeeling fear, or feeling anxiety about the possible results of a particular situationafraid/fred/adjworried about what might happen, or that something bad will happenAfrica/afrik/nounthe second largest continent; located south of Europe and bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east by the Indian OceanAfrican/frkn/adj,nounrelating to Africa or its people&someone from Africaafter/ft US ftr/prep, conj, advfollowing in time, place or orderafter/ft US ftr/advlater than someone or something elseafter/ft US ftr/conjat a time which is later than another eventafter alladvused to add information that shows that what you have just said is trueafter alladvdespite earlier problems or doubtsafternoon/,ftnun US ,ftr-/nounthe part of the day after the morning and before the eveningagain/gen, gen US gen/advback to the same state or situation that you were in beforeagain/gen, gen US gen/advone more time - used when something has happened or been done beforeagainst/genst, genst US genst/prepin opposition or opposition direction toagainst/genst, genst US genst/prepas a protection or defence from the bad effects ofage/ed/nounthe number of years someone has lived or something has existedage/ed/nounone of the particular periods of someones life or historyago/gu US gou/advused to show how far back in the past something happenedagree/gri/verbhave the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea or somethingagree/gri/verbtwo or more statements, ideas, they are the same or very similaragree withverbif two pieces of information agree with each other, they match or are the sameair/e/ US /er/nounthe mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breatheairport/ept US erprt/nouna place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait inalive/lav/adjliving; having life; not dead or continues to existall/l US l/advcompletelyall/l US l/determiner, predeterminer, pronthe whole of an amount, thing or every one of a numberall overadv phrase in every part of the world, used especially to say how much a particular idea, organization etc has spread all right0exclamationnot ill, hurt, or upset or not having any problemsall right0exclamationsafe, well or not harmedall right0exclamationsatisfactory, but not excellentalmost/lmust US lmoust, lmoust/advnearly, but not completely or not quitealone/lun US loun/adj, adv without any friends or people or onlyalong/l US l/advgoing forwardalong/l US l/prep from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end of italready/lredi US l-/advbefore the present time or earlier than the time expectedalready/lredi US l-/advused to say something has been done before and not need doing againalso/lsu US lsou/advin addition to something else that you have mentionedalthough/lu US lou/conjbut & despite the fact thatalthough/lu US lou/conjdespite the fact that, in spite of the fact thatalways/lwz, -wez US l-/advfor everalways/lwz, -wez US l-/advall the time, at all times, or every time,for everalways/lwz, -wez US l-/advfor a very long timeAmerica/merk/nounThe United StatesAmerican/merkn/adj,nounrelating to the US or its people or someone from the USamong/m/prep in or through the middle of a group of people or thingsand/nd, n strong nd/conjused to join two words, phrases etc referring to things that are related in some wayangry/gri/adjfeeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at or hurt someone animal/nml/ nnoun,adja living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insectanother/n US -r/determiner, pronone more person or thing of the same type or a different oneanswer/ns US nsr/verbwrite a letter to the person who has written itanswer/ns US nsr/noun,verbsomething you say when you reply to a question that someone has asked youanswer/ns US nsr/nouna way of dealing with a problemany/eni/determiner, pronsome, or even the smallest amount or number of or one of or each anybody/eni,bdi, enibdi US -,bdi/pronrefer to any person, when it is not important to say exactly whoanyone/eniwn/pronused in questions and negatives to mean a person or peopleanything/eni/pronany event, act or object whatever, or (especially in questions or negatives) somethinganywhere/eniwe US -wer/advin, to or at any place or (especially in questions or negatives) some placeappear/p US pr/verbstart to be seen, to arrive, or to exist in a place, especially suddenlyapple/pl/nouna hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white insideApril/eprl/ nounthe fourth month of the year, between March and Mayarmy/mi US r-/nouna countrys military force that is trained to fight on land in a wararrive/rav/verbif something arrives, it is brought or delivered to youarrive/rav/verbif an event or particular period of time arrives, it happensarrive/rav/verbreach a place, especially at the end of a journeyas/z strong z/conjbecauseas/z strong z/advused in comparisons to refer to the degree of somethingas/z strong z/conjlike,in the same wayas/z strong z/prepdescribe the purpose or quality of someone or somethingAsia/e e/nounthe largest continent with 60% of the earths populationAsian/en, en US en, en/adj,nounsomeone from Asia or from or relating to Asiaask/sk US sk/verbexpect or demand somethingask/sk US sk/verbrequest or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to come to your homeask/sk US sk/verbput a question to someone, or to request an answer from someoneasleep/slip/adjsleeping or not awakeas soon asconjimmediately at or shortly after the time thatas welladvin addition to something or someone else,alsoas well asconjin addition to, and also, and likewiseat/at strong t/perpshow place or time or feeling or condition or price attention/tenn/nouninterest in someone or something or listen/look/think carefullyattention/tenn/nounwhen you carefully listen to, look at, or think about someone or something August/gst US -/nounthe eighth month of the year, between July and Septemberaunt/nt US nt/noune sister of someones father or mother, or the wife of someones uncleAustralia/streli US -, -/nounthe sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your fathers or mothers brotherAustralian/strelin US -, -/ adjnoun,adjrelating to Australia or someone from Australiaautumn/tm US -/nounthe season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooleraway/we/advused to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays some distance from a place or personaway/we/advat a distance (of or from here)baby/bebi/noun,verbvery young child or animal or treat babyback/bk/nounthe part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottomback/bk/nounthe inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. that is furthest from the frontback/bk/advin, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier timebag/bg/noun,verba container made of paper, cloth,which usually opens at the topbanana/bnn US -n-/ nouna long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skinbasket/bskt US b-/nouna container made of thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood woven together, used to carry things or put things inbasketball/bsktbl US bsktbl/nouna game played indoors ,each team tries to win points by throwing a ball through a net or ball in this gamebath/b US b/nouna bathroom, used especially in advertisingbath/b US b/noun,verba large long container that you fill with water and sit or lie in to wash yourself or wash someone in a bathbath/b US b/nounif you take a bath, you wash your body in a bathbathe/be/verbBrE old-fashioned to swim in the sea, a river, or a lakebathe/be/verbwash yourself or someone else in a bathbathroom/brum, -rum US b-/nouna room where there is a bath or shower, a basin, and sometimes a toiletbeautiful/bjutfl/adjextremely attractive to look at or very good or giving you great pleasurebecause/bkz, bkz US bkz, bkz/conjused when you are giving the reason for somethingbed/bed/noun,verba large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, which is used for sleeping onbedroom/bedrum, -rum/nouna room for sleeping inbefore/bf US -fr/perp,adv,conjat or during a time earlier than (the thing mentioned)before/bf US -fr/prepin front ofbeg/beg/verbask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very muchbeg/beg/verbask people to give you food, money etc, usually because you are very poorbeginning/bgn/nounthe start or first part of an event, story, period of time etcbehind/bhand/adv,prepat the back of or responsible for or the cause ofbelieve/bliv/verbthink that something is true, correct or realbell/bel/nouna hollow metal object shaped like a cup which makes a ringing sound when hitbelong/bl US bl/verbsomething belongs somewhere, that is the right place or situation for itbelong toverbto be a member of a group or organizationbelong toverbif something belongs to someone, they own itbelow/blu US -lou/adv,prepin a lower position (than), underbeside/bsad/perpat the side of, next to or compared to another person or thingbest/best/nounthe most excellent in a group of things or peoplebest/best/adjof the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing or effective type of thing or personbest/best/advin the most suitable, pleasing or satisfactory way, or to the greatest degreebetter/bet US -r/verb,nounimprove a situation,to a higher standard or qualitybetter/bet US -r/adj,advof a higher standard, or more suitable or more suitablebetween/btwin/perpamong two or more people or thingsbetween/btwin/perp,advin or into the space which separates two places, people or objectsbeyond/bjnd US -jnd/prep, advfurther away in the distance (than something)beyond/bjnd US -jnd/prep, advoutside or after (a stated limit)big/bg/adjlarge in size or amount,older or more like an adultbiology/baldi US -l-/nounthe scientific study of the natural processes of living thingsbird/bd US brd/nouna creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. birthday/bde US br-/ nounthe day that is exactly a year or number of years after a person was bornbit/bt/noun,adva small piece or amount of something bit/bt/nounthe sharp part of a tool for cutting or making holesblack/blk/adj,noun,verbthe darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black substance on something blackboard/blkbd US -brd/nouna board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalkblood/bld/nounthe red liquid that is sent around the body by the heartblouse/blauz US blaus/nouna shirt for a woman or girlblue/blu/adj,nounhaving the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine dayblue/blu/adjfeeling or showing sadnessboard/bd US brd/verbget onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train or aircraftboard/bd US brd/nounthe group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organizationboard/bd US brd/nouna flat wide piece of wood, plastic etc that you can use to show informationboard/bd US brd/nouna thin flat piece of cut wood or other hard material used for a particular purposeboat/but US bout/ nouna small vehicle for travelling on water,a shipbody/bdi US bdi/nounthe dead body of a personbody/bdi US bdi/nouna group of people who have joined together or a large amount of somethingbody/bdi US bdi/nounthe main, central, or most important part of somethingbody/bdi US bdi/nounthe whole physical structure that forms a person or anima,the main part ,a dead personboil/bl/verbto cook something in boiling waterboil/bl/verbwhen a liquid boils, or when you boil it, it becomes hot enough to turn into gasbook/buk/nounset of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that you can read thembook/buk/verbarrange to have a seat, room, entertainer, etc. at a particular time in the futureborn/bn US brn/adjWhen a person or animal is born, they come out of their mothers body and start to existborrow/bru US brou, b-/verbtake or copy someones ideas, words etc and use them in your own work,ectborrow/bru US brou, b-/verbtake that belongs to someone else and that you must give back to laterboth/bu US bou/pron,determiner(referring to) two people or things togetherbottle/btl US btl/noun,verba container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a narrow neckbowl/bul US boul/nouna wide round container that is open at the top, used to hold liquids, food, flowers etcbowl/bul US boul/nouna wide round container that is open at the topbox/bks US bks/nouna small building or structure used for a particular purpose,=boothbox/bks US bks/nouna square or rectangular container with stiff sides and sometimes a lidbox/bks US bks/verbto fight someone as a sport by hitting them with your closed hands inside big leather glovesboy/b/nouna male child or, more generally, a male of any agebranch/brnt US brnt/noun,verba part of something,such as a tree,larger,organization,a river or roadbrave/brev/adjdealing with danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidencebread/brit/nounfood made from flour, water and usually yeast, mixed together and bakedbreak downverbif you break down a door, you hit it so hard that it breaks and falls to the groundbreak downverbif a car or machine breaks down, it stops workingbreak downverbif a substance breaks down, it changes as a result of a chemical processbreakfast/brekfst/nounthe meal you have in the morningbreak outverbif something unpleasant such as a fire, fight, or war breaks out, it starts to happenbreath/bre/nounthe air that goes into and out of your lungsbridge/brd/nouna structure built over a river, road etc that allows people or vehicles or connect somethingbright/brat/adj(of a person) clever and quick to learnbright/brat/adjstrong in colourbright/brat/adjfull of light, shiningBritain/ brtn / nounGreat Britain or the UKBritish/brt/adj,nounrelating to Britain or its people or people from Britainbroad/brd US brd/adja road, river, or part of someones body etc that is broad is very widebrother/br US -r/nouna male who has


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