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校名:界河中学年级:九年级 2012年10月26日第八周星期一 第一节课主讲人:赵紫梅 手机:13563241217 邮箱:tzjhzzm163.comUnit 6 Section A 1a-2c一、Teaching Goals : In this class ,we need to master these words “prefer、lyric、 gentle”. We learn to talk about “our likes” by using The Attributive Claus. We can get the general idea and the specific idea by listening. We can also cultivate our aesthetic.二、Teaching steps 1. Warming up(Show some pictures about different kinds of weather: sunny 、rain、 warm、cool )T: What kind of weather do you like?S1: I like sunny days.T: Oh, you like weather that is sunny. S2: I like warm days.T: Oh, you like weather that is warm.S3: (Try to say) I like weather that is cool. (展示)S4: (Can easily say) I like weather that is rainy (展示).(设计意图:通过实际生活和学生问答,在放松的交流中初步感知定语从句。)2. Lead in(1)Play different kinds of music (平安的我爱你中国,李代沫的我的歌声里,还有掀起模仿高潮的江南Style)and lead in the words and phrases: lyric(s)、gentle、 loud、sing along with、dance to.(设计意图:创设特定的语境,会产生特殊的学习效果,极大地调动学生的积极性,从而有效地激发学生学习英语的兴趣。)(2)Try to make sentences like talking about the weather just now.Eg: I like music that is loud. I like music that I can dance to.(3) Pair-work: Task: Talk about music that you like.A: What kinds of music do you likeprefer?B: I likeprefer music that has great lyrics. (设计意图:从学生的生活体验及爱好入手,遵循学生学习的规律,由词组句,由句编成对话,层层递进,并将语法教学巧妙地结合在任务型教学中,同时又培养了学生的审美情趣。)(4) Group-work: Four in groups, do a survey about music that different students like. Then several students report their results. Such as: In our group, A likes music that B likes CAnd I like(设计意图:转换人称,进一步熟练语言知识,学会表达个人的爱好,有效语言实践,培养语言运用能力。).Listening practice (一) 1b(1) Listen for the general idea. Tony and Betty are mainly talking about_.(2) Listening for the specific idea.Listen and check the kind of music that Toney and Betty like.Music that I can dance to.Music that It has great lyrics.Music that I can sing along with.TonyBettyListen again and fill in the blanks. (助学P82) Betty: Oh, look! Theres the new Cool Kids CD.Tony: The Kids CD? Do you like them?.Betty: Oh yeah. Theyre my favorite band. I like music that I can dance to. Tony: Youre kidding. I think theyre awful. I prefer music that has great lyricsmusic that I can sing along with andBetty: I like songs that I can sing along with, too. So whats your favorite band?Tony: The Lions. Their words are interesting (3) Post-listening activities. Task: Make conversations about Toney and Betty according to 1b.(设计意图:培养学生良好地听力习惯,发展其听力技能。提供对话交流的机会,提升说的技能。4. Listening practice (二) 2a-2bBefore listening :(1) 播放歌曲最炫民族风。Ask: Who sang the song? (Help the students to understand the meanings of “group(s)” and “musician(s)”)(2) Ask the students to look at the picture of 2a and say,“Lets know a group called The Modern”and a musician named Dan Dervish.(设计意图:通过创设情景,帮助学生在轻松的氛围中做好听力准备,以便收到最佳的听力效果。)While listening:Task1. Listen and circle “T” “F”. 2aTask2. Listen again and complete the sentences. 2bAbout The ModernAbout Dan DervishXu Fei says1. I prefer group that play quiet and gentle songs. 3. I like musicians Carmen says2. 4 I like musicians. After listening:a. Listen and repeat.b. Read and complete the conversations. 助学P84Xu Fei: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.Xu Fei: Hmmmhes okayCarmen: Hes only okay? You must be joking. Xu Fei: WellI like musicians who write their own songs. Dan Dervish doesnt write his own music.Carmen: Hmm. Well, I think hes great. Xu Fei: The Moderns T-shirt is interesting.Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love music thats really loud and energetic. Xu Fei: I know you dobut I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. (设计意图:进一步培养学生良好的听力习惯。良好的听力习惯对于提高学生的听力技能是至关重要的,而且对于缺乏英语环境的学生来说,在课堂上应该最大限度地为学生创造听说英语的机会,争取在有限的时间里获取最高的学习效率。)5. Pair- work: 2c Task1. Make a conversation using the information from 2a and 2b just like this:A: Does Xu Fei like The Modern?B: No, he doesnt. He prefers Task2: Challenge. (Ask students to act out their conversations.)(设计意图:运用挑战机制,给学生提供挑战自己,挑战他人的机会和展示自我的空间,培养学生的自信心,发展学生的口语表达能力,合作能力及自主学习的能力,最终提高学生的综合语言的能力。). Grammar: Inquiry into knowledge by translation.Task1: Translate these sentences into Chinese.(1) I like music that I can dance to.(2) I like music that I can sing along with.(3) Carmen likes music that is loud.(4) I prefer music that has great lyrics.(5) Xu Fei likes groups that play quiet and gentle songs.(6) Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music.Task2: Try to sum up and fill in the blanks.(1) 从以上句子可以看出由“ that、 who”引导的从句叫_从句,被修饰的名词或代词成为词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之,常由关系词(关系代词和关系副词)引导。常见的关系代词有,和which等,常见的关系副词有when 、where、why。(2) 由(1)(2)句可以看出关系代词that在定语从句中做语指代先行词。(3) 由(3)(4)(5)句看出关系代词that在定于从中做语。(3)(4)句中that均指代先行词。(5)句中that指代先行词 。由(6)句看出关系代词who指代先行词 即指代人,在定语从句中也做语。(4) 同时从(3)(4)(5) (6)句看出关系代词that、who在定于从中做主语时,其谓语动词的数应与保持一致。Task3: Translate these sentences into English.(1) 我喜欢不太想亮点音乐。(2) 我喜欢写自己歌曲的音乐家。(设计意图:通过对本课句子的翻译、观察、探究、归纳,比较that、who引导定语从句,在自主学习中体会语法、归纳语法规则,培养学生的观察能力及探究式学习能力。) 7. The end-of class test.A. 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(1) I p tea to coffee. I hardly ever drink coffee.(2) Rose likes quiet and g songs. She doesnt like loud music(3)Its a kind of music that you can sing a with.(4) Beethoven was one of the most famous ( 音乐家)。(5) The (歌词)are very beautiful and sound like poems.B. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(1) Do you like the girl who (have) long hair.(2) Xu Fei said he (prefer) groups that play quiet and gentle songs.(3) Betty loves music very much, she wants to be a (music) when she grows up.(4) Zhou Jielun and Han Geng are famous (sing).(5) I love friends who (be) friendly to others.C.请翻译下列句子。(1) A:你喜欢什么种类的音乐? B:我喜欢能随着一起唱的音乐。(2)他们是我最喜欢的乐队。我喜欢能随之而舞的音乐。(3) 现代组合真的很伟大.我喜欢声音响亮而且有活力的音乐。(4) 但我更喜欢演奏轻松幽雅歌曲的组合。 (5) 你一定在开玩笑吧。(6) 我们更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 (设计意图:学生是学习的主体,也是评价的主体。学生在自主评价的过程中进一步落实本节课的语言知识、提升语言技能,有利于学生不断体验英语学习过程中的进步和成功,有利于学生认识自我,建立和保持英语学习的兴趣和信心。同时,评价也起到监控教学过程、反馈教学信息、促进教师改进教学的重要作用,即以学评教。)8. Homework: A. Recite the new words and useful expressions. (必做) B. Do a survey about musicgroupssingers or musicians that your family members like and write them down. You can begin with: Different people like different kinds of music. In my family, My father likes(优秀的学生两题必做)(设计意图:通过背诵积累基础知识与技能。通过写作,检查学生对本课重点词语及定语从句的掌握情况,突出重点,突破难点,培养学生的写作能力,书面表达能力和用英语做事情的能力。分层次作业使所有学生都“吃”得好。)答案:1. Grammar: Inquiry into knowledge by translation.Task1: (1)我喜欢能随之而舞的音乐 (2)我喜欢能随着一起唱的音乐。 (3)卡门喜欢声音响亮的音乐。 (4)我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 (5)徐飞喜欢演奏幽雅柔和歌曲的组合。(6)卡门喜欢演奏不同种类曲子的音乐家。Task2: (1)定语,先行,后,that,who (2)宾语,music (3)主,music,groups,musicians,主 (4)单、复,先行词Task3: (1) I like music that isnt loud.(2) I like musicians who write their own songs. 2. The end-of class test. A. (1) prefer (2) gentle (3) along (4) musicians (5) lyricsB. (1) has (2) preferred (3) musician (4) singers (5) areC. (1) A: What kinds of music do you like? B: I like music that I can sing along with. (2) Theyre my favorite band. I like music that I can dance to. (3) The Modern are really great. I love music thats really loud and energetic. (4) But I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. (5) You must be joking. (6) We prefer music that has great lyrics.教学反思:1.在本课的教学中,教师将新知识的呈现建立在学生已知的基础上,通过感知不同种类的音乐创设轻松的氛围自然的引入本课话题。我惊喜的发现把握青少年的爱好,走进学生的心中,触动时代流行的脉搏更使英语生活化,这极大地激发了学生的兴趣,调动了学生的积极性。这应是本课设计中的一个亮点。2.运用多种互动形式为学生体验、参与、实践、合作学习、自主探究等提供了充分的机会。活动的设计从学生的生活体验出发,使英语交流源于生活而又走进生活。其中学习活动中采用小组调查、两人合作挑战之策略 ,给学生一次挑战自己、挑战他人的机会,学生这种不服输的你争我抢的挑战把课堂学习推向了高潮,激发了他们的兴趣,大大增加了参与度,有效地提高了学生获取信息和处理信息的能力,实现了语言学习和语言运用的有机结合。我认为这也是本课的一个亮点。3.本课侧重对听说技能的训练,但也关注到读与写技能的结合,同时,感受了音乐的魅力,培养了审美情趣,而且还渗透品德教育,鼓励学生建立自信心,体会学习英语的成功和乐趣。

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