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Unit 13 Rainy day make me sad. 学习目标 聪明的你今天学会了什么?Section A( 1a-2c) 第一课时(一)知识目标:能初步理解动词make的用法,并能在实际情境中简单地运用。(二)能力目标:正确运用”make sb. do”和 “make sth.sb. +adj”句式,学会比较分析不同事物的优缺点,用所学的目标语言简单谈论或询问事物对人的影响,或人对某一件事或物的看法。 预习检查 复习检查 feeling words高兴的_ 兴奋的_ 难过的_ 紧张的_舒适的_ 放松的_ scared_ angry_annoyed_ sleepy_ energetic_ tired_无聊的_ 惊讶的_担心的_interested_疯狂的_1. awful pictures_ 2. loud music_3. soft music_4. quiet music_5. 宁可做某事_6. 我也是_7. 我同意_8. 等待某人_9. make sb tense_10. make sb sleepy_11. 如此以致_12. 使某人不舒服_13. 使某人想要离开_14. 和某人玩得开心_ 合作探究一 make 的用法 使他忧伤 使她紧张 使他们放松 使我们困倦使我不舒服_小结:1)make sb +_(宾语补足语) 意思是 ( )形容词做宾语补足语,表示宾语的特点,性质,状态等。高亢的音乐使我想跳舞忧伤的歌使我们想哭她使婴儿停止哭叫小结:2) make sb _ sth 意思是 ( )动词不定式做宾语补足语,表示宾语发出的动作,注意to 要省略。3)变成被动语态,to要还原,把上面三句变成被动语态1)2)3)4)make sb sth ,意思是 ( ) 我们选他当小组长5) make sb +过去分词,意思是( )I made mtself understood by all the students.You must make yourself respected._他无法使别人听到他说话 _6)make 的其他搭配: 二 Would rather 的用法 1. would rather 表主观上的选择:宁愿,更喜欢。后面跟不带to的不定式(动词原形)他宁愿在家看电视。 He _ _ watch TV at home.2. would rather than 意思是_我宁愿爬山而不愿去游泳。I would rather go hiking than_.3.prefer to rather than 宁愿而不愿 后面跟动词原形e.g这位老人宁愿独自居住也不愿和他们一起住_我宁愿在呆在家里也不愿逛商场_他不愿听摇滚乐_三讲解 so/such.that .的用法 such.that.和so.that.都引导结果状语从句。,意为“如此.以至于.”(1) such 是形容词,修饰名词;而so 是副词,修饰形容词和副词。The exam was so difficult that many students failed to pass it.(2)such +a/an +形容词+单数名词=so+形容词+a/an+单数名词。Eg:It was such a hot day that we all had to stay at home.= It was so hot a day that we all had to stay at home.天气那么热,我们不得不呆在家里(3).such+形容词+不可数名词或复数名词Eg:They are such kind-hearted teachers that people in the village all respect them. 1) 他个子这么高,能够着树上的苹果。 2) 他有那么多朋友,他每天都很高兴。3) 他有如此少的钱,买不起小车。三.诊断评价一.完成句子1.Rainy days makes me_ (难受)2. Music makes people_ (放松)3. The film made us _(有趣)4. Her mothers death made us _(很吃惊)5. She often makes her class _(生动有趣)6. My friendscoming make us _(又惊讶又兴奋)7. 我宁愿听音乐也不去看书。I _ _ listen to the music _ _ read a book.二单项选择( )1.What Tom did made his mother _. A. be angry B. to be angry C. angry D. angrily( )2. Johns dog died . That made him very _ . A. sad B. pleased C. easy D. interesting( )3. The teacher tried to make the exam _ for us . A. easily B. easy C. difficulty D. hardly( )4. Jack was made _ the classroom again. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned( ) 5. The FIFA world Cup is _ fantastic _ a lot of people in the world are crazy about it.A. too;that B. so;that C. very;that D. too; to( )6.I prefer to spend the weekend at home shopping .A. to go B. to goC. not to goD. rather than go( )7. I would rather at home than .A. stay ; go outB. to stay ; to go outC. to stay ; go outD. stay ; to go out ( )8. He was tired he could go to working .A. too ; to B. such ; thatC. so ; thatD. too ; thatWriting:Write a short passage about how the different kinds of weather make you feel.Weatherrainysunnyhotcoldcloudywindyfoggyfeelingsadhappy_ Unit 13 Section A( 3a-4) 第二课时Step 1 检查单词预习 1. science (形容词) 2.so (同义词) 3.hard (副词) 4.serve(现在分词) 5.fair(反义词) 6.endanger(形容词) 7.own(名词) 8.pollute (名词) Step 2 画出所有含有make 结钩的句子 make(s) me do sth , make(s )me adj. Step3 完成表格Some thingsRedSoft colorsMusic(loud )Seats (hard)Make peopleMake food-Step4 fill in the blanks:Restaurant owners have to know _ _ _ _. They also have to know _ _ _ _. Here are some things theyve learned from _ _. The color red _ people _. Red also _ customers _ _. Many fast food restaurant, _, have red furniture or walls. Soft colors _ pink and light blue _ people _, so they spend more time _ their meals. _ lighting _ people _ good, but it makes food _ _. Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people _ to _. Hard seats also _ customers _ _ eat quickly and leave. Many restaurants, _ fast food restaurants, use this _ to _ customers _ faster. Customers only sit for 20 minutes before they leave. Because customers dont _ very _, small restaurants can _ many people every day.Step 5 Explain:1). Restaurant owners have to know how to make food .owner 的意思是“物主,所有人”,是名词。该词往往和定冠词the连用。谁是这个花园的主人? 联想 动词own表示“拥有”。谁拥有这座花园?他过去曾经拥有一座大房子。 2)Many fast food restaurants , therefore , have red furniture or walls . therefore 是副词,意为“因此,所以,结果”在句中做插入语,同义词为so, then .其中therefore 最正式,常用于精密的逻辑思维,而so , then 用于口语。Therefore 用于句中时,表示语气上的停顿,前后用逗号隔开,和and 连用时,不用逗号。我对日本不熟悉,所以我不能告诉你太多。Step 6 巩固练习 译出并背会1.如何做某事 2.科学研究 3.花费做某事 4.柔和的灯光 5.招待如此多的顾客 6.濒危动物 7.让某人一直做某事 8.你如何看待污染问题 Step 7重点词句检测:1. The restaurant (服务;招待) many people every day.2. Its uncomfortable to sit on the (坚硬的)seats.3.Animals are still needed in (科学的)experiments.4.A judge must be (公平的).5.She is wearing a (粉红色的)dress.6.柔和的色彩,像粉红色和淡蓝色使人放松。因此,人们用更多的时间吃饭。 7.这是他们从科学研究中了解到的事情。 Step8 补全对话H:Welcome to our program,Mr Smith?E: thank you.H:Today we want to know more about restaurant ,espscially about fast food restaurant.1._?E:sure.H:As restautant pwners, what should they know?E:Firstly, they have to know2._.Secondly, _.H:How to make money?Can you give me some examples?E:Yes, for example,the color red 4_.And 5_.H:Therefore,many fsat food restautants 6._.E:Right. And soft lighting makes people look good, but 7._.H:I think loud music may 8._E:Yes,at first it is nice, but it soon 9._.H:So do the hard seats,right?E: Thats it. Fast food restaurant oweners use this knowledge to 10._.Unit 13 Section B( 1a-2c) 第三课时【教学过程】Step 1 检查单词预习 听写 背会1)标语,口号 2) 神秘的,不可思议的 3) 有光泽的,发亮多的 4) 皮,皮肤 5) 产品 6)前景,远景 7)美,美貌 8)牙膏 Step 2 Explain:1. It tastes terrible . 它尝起来很糟。taste+形容词,尝起来有的味道这蛋糕尝起来很甜。 taste n. have a taste 尝一尝你想尝一尝吗? 拓展taste作动词用时,属于系动词,后跟形容词作表语。类似的系动词用look(看起来),sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),get , turn , become(变得)等如:他妈妈看起来很年轻。 春天树木变绿。 It didnt work 它不起作用.Work v.工作,用功 他们从早工作到晚。 v.(机器等)运作 The brake didnt work . 刹车失灵。v.(药物)失效 The medicine worked like magic .那药有奇效。v. 运用 Do you know how to work this machine ?你知道如何使用这台机器吗?v.工作,劳动,用功,是不可数名词,n.作品,著作I read your latest work .我读了你最近的著作。当堂检测题( )1. I love loud music , it makes me . A. tenseB. sadC. happyD. tiring( )2. The movie made my daughter last night . A. to cryB. cryC. cryingD. cried ( )3. All the students join the clean-up campaign . A. madeB. are made toC. were madeD. made( )4. Steves mother is a good cook and she knows to make food . A. whatB. howC. whyD. when( )5.Have you had a Twisty Treat ? Yeah , And it made me sick . A. neverB. alreadyC. usuallyD. ever 6. His father died of a disease .(mystery)7. She has hair . (shine)8. Usually a child has skin . (silk)3b Complete this article using the information about two or more products in activity 2a and 2b.Some advertisements tell the truth and some dont . For example, the Easy Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever. But my friend tried it and_Unit13 (第四课时) SectionB 3a4【学习目标】: 掌握该部分的词汇能运用恰当的形容词谈论广告以及某事对某人的影响【学习过程】一.汉译英(1)例如;比如 (2)广告;广告活动 (3)瞄准;对准 (4)特定地;特殊地 (5)例子;实例 (6)列举,列表 (7)令人困惑的;含糊不清的 _ (8)令人误解的;骗人的 (9)事实;真相 _(10)赞成与反对 (11)有时,偶尔 (12)首先 (13)例如;比如 二、Read the passage in 3a carefully and fill in the chartA Advertising: pros and cons A advantages of adsA ads can help you_ .A ads can help you_.Ddisadvantages of adsA ads make our cities and countries _.A ads can be _and_.A ads can lead you to _.三考考你的记忆力:读课文,然后补全文章。Advertising: pros and consIn the world, advertising is everywhere! Some people think that ads are great. Others hate ads,saying that they make our cities and countryside look . Many ads_ _ specifically teenagers, and some young people see (超过)100 advertisements a day. Its ture that some ads can be very . ,(例如) they can help you to two different products (以便)you can buy the one you really need. They can also help you money. When prices _ _, you can go to the store with the _ _.Ads also tell you when stores are having sales.However some advertising can be or .Sometimes the words sound good but dont really tell you anything about the of the . At other times, the picture in an ad looks a lot than the thing. So you have to be careful .At times an ad can you to buy something you dont need at all. 四词汇学习1. aim 是动词。意为“瞄准,对准”,常与介词at连用,意为“针对,瞄准”。(1)他用枪瞄准了一只兔子。_aim 还可做名词,意为“目标,目的”。(2)你学习的目标是什么?_2.some others 意为“一些另一些”。(1)他们放学后是自由的,一些正在踢足球,另一些正在做游戏。_somethe others 是指圈定了范围当中的一些和另一些。(1)他们正在种树,一些在挖坑,另一些在浇水。_3. compare 是动词,意为“比较,对照”。他比较了这两件外套,最后决定买便宜的那一个。拓展:comparewith . 意为“把与相比较,指同类事物相比”。(1)请把这本词典与那本词典作比较。 Compareto 意为“把比作”,不同事物相比较。(1)知识常被比喻成海洋。 _ 4. have sales意为“甩卖,特价销售”Ads also tell you when stores have sales .你也可以从广告上获得商品降价的信息。On sale意为“出售,上市”。这种新电脑可能明年上市。 5. confuse是动词,意为“混淆,辩不清”,常与with 连用,意为“把混同”。(1)你把these 和those 混同了。 五课堂巩固与检测:学习3a后,翻译下列句子。1、许多广告特以青少年为目标人群。 2、例如: 这些广告可以帮助你比对不同的产品以便你可以买到你真正需要的东西。 3、当价格上市,你可以以低廉的价格到商店购买商品 六用词的适当形式1. Ads (be) great , but you must be careful with them .2. Why dont you tell him the (true) ?3. What can lead you (make) such a decision ?4. The (quality )of the products are most important .5. Some stores have (sale)very often , and most customers get used to that .6. This kind of bike is aimed (specific)at children .7. Others hate ads , (say)that they make them uncomfable .8. You can use Easy Care Shompoo . It works (real)well . 学习目标 聪明的你今天学会了什么?Unit13 Rainy days make me sad?(Reading) 通过对阅读课的学习,了解并能表达接受不同礼物时的不同感受;能从文章中尝到新的、有用的表达方式,并能创新使用,提升自己的表达能力。【教学过程】:(一)阅读前(Before-reading)1、新课导入BrainstormThe feeling of receiving gifts (二)阅读中(While-reading)1、Listening(听录音,简单回答所给问题)1)How many persons are mentioned in the passage?Who are they?2) What did Guo Xiaojing receive? How did she feel?3) What did Han Ling receive? How did he feel?People would rather give money to make things easier. ( )Receiving money always make people comfortable.( )The person who only gives money is being lazy.( )2、Skimming and Fill in the chart.(略读课文,完成下列表格) ParagraphsMain ideasParagraph1Receiving a gift can be _.Paragraph2Receiving a _ makes Xiaojing _.Paragraph3Receiving a _ makes Hanling _. Paragraph4Receiving money can _.Paragraph5_ people have _ thoughts on receiving gifts.3、Intensive reading(分段精读课文,完成3a,3b)【课堂检测】:(一)Read again and fill in the blanks:“I remember when I was about _years old,my parents _ me a purplepurse.” Laughts Guo Xiaojing.“ It really made me feel _, because to be _ , I thought the purse was really _! Still, I_that I liked it because I knew it would make my parents _!” Han Ling agrees, “That _ like my grandparents! A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange _for my birthday. I _to wear it every time I visited them, but when I left their house,I _ it _! Of course, this made me feel _.It was very nice thought, but my grandparents and I have _tastes! I think its _to buy clothesor other _ things for people.” (二)将下列句子补充完整1、说实话,收礼物也很难。 To_ _, _is also difficult.2、有时假装喜欢礼物可以让人们高兴。Sometimes _ _like gifts can make people happy.3、我宁愿跟你有不同的品位! I _ _ _different _ from you.4、考虑送礼物挺重要。 Its important _ _ _ giving gifts.5、我们相信“有思想的才有价值”。 We believe “_ _ _ _ _”.词汇积累 (一)词汇训练营(文章中的重点短语或语法结构)请在书本中找出下列词组的正确翻译,并在书中划出。1.写关于_ 2.为某人买某物_3.给予的艺术_ 4.接受的艺术_5.假装做某事_ 6. 脱掉_7.穿上_ 8. 宁愿做某事_9.一个紫色的钱包_ 10.使某人有犯罪感_11.更喜欢做某事_ 12.收到钱让我觉的有犯罪感_(二)知识大挑战:翻译下列句子1. 收到钱财使人感到不适。_2. 我假装很喜欢它。_3. 我不介意是否是我需要的东西。_4. 所以,也许收礼的艺术要比送礼的艺术更难!_5. 我们有一句格言:心意才是重要的。_6. 在这个问题上,不同的人有不同的想法。_(三)文化漫谈园(与文化背景有关的自主学习)1. Gift is trifling but the feeling is profound.你知道这句谚语的中文意思吗?试着将它翻译成中文

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